Green Eyes- One-Shot-Drabble

Quinn-centric, with underlines of RashelxQuinn.

Summary: The first he noticed about her? Her eyes. He could never decide if he loved her eyes, or hated them.

WARNING: Excesive use of the word 'damn'.

Green eyes. Damn them, damn them all. Damn the color, damn their sharpness, damn the determination and fierceness in them. Or maybe just damn hers.

Her eyes, oh, so green, that shone in the dim light. Full of fire and stubbornness. If her posture hadn't told him that she wasn't going to go down without a fight, her eyes did a pretty fair job of conveying the message.

Perhaps that was the first thing John Quinn had noticed about this girl. The first dirty trick the Soulmate Principle used to get this girl under his skin. Her eyes. How horribly cliché, even for the Soulmate Principle. But they were so fucking green. It should've been impossible for a human to have such green eyes. (Later he's not at all surprised to find out she's not entirely human but that's another story.)

He found himself obsessing over those green eyes and who they belonged to. It had to be the famed Cat, that'd be just his luck. He didn't exactly have time to pursue it, though. Not with Lily (damn her too) constantly yelling at him to get his ass down to the club.

As his never ending stream of good fortune would have it, on the final night of their little scheme a girl with green eyes joined the party.

He knew them immediately. They were her green eyes. There was no way to hide the look a hunter, the sharp, calculating look that saw and assessed everything. You could stifle it, but obviously she hadn't had much practice.

It was either a really stupid or a very smart move to take her and her bubble-headed blonde friend as their final two victims.

Either they were going to eliminate an extremely successful vampire hunter or she'd end up screwing them over.

In the end, it was fate that screwed them over. Yet as the salty spray of the ocean cleared his head, and he reflected upon the night, John Quinn didn't regret a thing. He had a Soulmate, and never had his beliefs been proved false so quickly. He had someone who accepted him and- dare he say it- loved him. She had spent her entire life hunting down parasites like him and yet she accepted him when his own father hadn't even been able to.

Even if she was the most wanted vampire hunter in the Night World, and if those green eyes barely ever wavered in their seriousness, John Quinn was in love. And he vowed on that ship to protect her with everything he had.

Though the fierce, ruthless John Quinn would never admit it, he needed love too. And who better to love him than the fierce, ruthless vampire hunter placed conveniently at his side? Even if he never stopped damning the greenness of her eyes and how they go to him every time.
