Greetings all! A couple of the people in my group wanted me to make a profile for the Pre-internment Emperor of Mankind so, after much labor, I constructed this huge profile that you now see. Hopefully it makes up the lateness in my almost done story (the midterms and homework have delayed it). For those interested the facebook group is called DW: Fictional Warfare .

Name: God Emperor of Mankind, original name unknown
Age: 38,000 years old (in current form)- merged shaman predecessors number several million years countless times over
Height: 11-12 ft
Weight: 800 lbs
Class: Imperator
Grade: 9.5- Demigod

Although his true name and origins are shrouded in mystery, the being known as the Immortal God Emperor of Mankind is generally agreed to have been born in the 8th millennium BCE in Turkey. Although his birth was natural, he is generally described as having parents and siblings, his powers were a result of a collective of human shaman pyskers committing mass suicide to reincarnate into a single human being. At this time the Warp, an immaterial otherworld that reflected the emotions of the inhabitants of the material world, was becoming increasingly destabilized by humanity's growth. As the shamans began to lose their ability to reincarnate into new bodies as a result, they came up with the idea to incarnate into a single individual to protect humanity from the increasingly chaotic Warp. This individual was born a year after the suicides, his psychic power great enough to alter his genetics and render him immortal to death by old age. As he aged, his powers manifested and he spent his life travelling among humanity and guiding them. He was aware of the growth of Chaos in the warp, and promoted peace and harmony to curb their strength.
At the end of the Age of Strife he finally revealed himself to mankind, conquering the warring factions of Earth to unite humanity and protect them from the growing strength of the Warp. In the 30th millennium he formally founded the Imperium of Man, and launched a Great Crusade across the stars to unite the human worlds outside of Earth. It is this age that we use
* Some of the feats shown below are from the Primarchs and not the emperor- this is still valid, as the Emperor's own DNA was used to create them and he gave them all of their powers, each an aspect of was still able to surpass them in their most powerful areas. This is supported in lore when Magnus concedes that his father was a better sorcerer then he was, when he knocked out Leman Russ almost with a single blow, and some flashbacks with Horus. Note I will only include non-corrupted to Early Chaos feats, as after the degree of corruption worsened they gained many new and horrible powers that the Emperor would not have used.
Long Range: Mental Attacks:
As the Universe's premier psyker, there are few feats he could not do with his mental abilities.
-Illusions: has created false illusions before to confuse enemies.
-Empathy Manipulation: Through auras and his very presence, the Emperor is able to invoke feelings of calm and extreme bravery among his followers, or extreme fear among his enemies. He can also directly attack willpower, breaking the urge to continue fighting.
- Mind Control/Mind Manipation) : Once The Emperor forced an entire legion of 100,000 space marines (beings with a natural degree of resistance to psykers) to kneel with minimal effort. in Lore a lesser Psyker mind controlled a completely insane amount of star systems, over 1300! The Primarchs have also mind controlled others on occasion, including other Primarchs! Other instances include making people forget their memories of him and even making them forget why they were fighting. Other psykers are capable of causing seizures and anyerisms.
-Animal Control: Easily able to mind control animals.
-Telepathy: Not only is he able to able to read minds very efficiently but able to sift through them to learn almost everything that is contained in the brain! Only very powerful minds or very powerful psychic devices could stop him from doing so (Magneto's helmet would only provide a momentary distraction). Even then he could probably overcome those minds with effort and his telepathy had a galactic range. He actually overwhelmed universal, cross-dimensional beings in a contest of psionic might (for in the novels the Chaos Gods are confirmed to span the universe in influence).

Mid-Range: Psiychic Blasts/Bolter Gun:
The Emperor can fire devastating psionic blasts at people, ranging in power from personal all the way up to supernova and above. His most powerful move, the one he forced himself to use against Horus, is described as a "mighty bolt of pure force, more coherent than a laser, more destructive than an exploding sun". This mighty bolt of pure destruction utterly vanquished Horus who was the host of all four Chaos Gods at once (overpowering all of them), had a few psychic resistant devices on him, wore terminator armor, and was the second most powerful human at that point- it completely destroyed all those defenses, and then proceeded to incinerate Horus mind and soul, removing all traces of those from both the material and the immaterial realms, effectively destroying it forever. His body was just a shriveled husk.

Range: 100m | Type: Solid Slug 0.75 calibre assault rifle| Effect: Explosive (Variable)
ROF: Automatic or Semi-Automatic (Bursts of 4) | Magazine: 30 rounds
The Emperor was known to have carried this seemingly mundane weapon a few times in his career, and customized bolter (though the exact specifications are unknown). A .75 caliber weapon, the Boltgun fires a self-propelled explosive 'bolt' which explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target, effectively blowing it apart from the inside. There is a huge variation in ammo types including:
-Bloodshard shells: Its payload of razor-filament is very effective against most armours.
- Breaching Rounds: breaching rounds are packed with tiny explosive pellets, used to breach doors and hatches for hasty entry. They also make good (if short-ranged) anti-personnel rounds when fired into massed enemies
-DragonFire Bolts: release a gout of superheated gas that makes a mockery of cover; the gas discharge ensuring that struck targets receive full damage, even if partially protected.
-Hellfire Rounds: Replaces the core and tip of the standard bolt round with a vial of mutagenic acid, and thousands of needles that fire into the target's flesh on impact, pumping the acid into the target.
-Ignis Rounds: Filled with a sticky, viscous chemical that bursts into flame upon contact with a target, these rounds turn a bolt weapon into an ersatz flamer.
-Inferno Bolts: Designed to immolate their targets and destroy them with superheated chemical fire.
-Kraken Penetrator Rounds: Powerful armour-piercing rounds. The deuterium core is replaced by a solid adamantine core and uses a heavier main charge. Upon impact, the outer casing peels away and the high velocity adamantium needle accelerates into the victim, where the larger detonator propels shards of super hardened metal further into the wound. These are effective against heavily-armoured infantry
-Metal Storm Frag Shells: Best against multiple lightly-armoured targets. They detonate before impact and spray shrapnel, shredding their victims. A proximity detonator replaces the mass-reactive cap, and the diamantine tip and deuterium core are replaced with an increased charge and fragmentation casing. They are similar to flak rounds and are used against clusters of enemies.
-Razor Web: Little Razor-filments dig into an opponent and threaten to tear its nerves apart if it moves.
-Seeker Rounds: Follows a Target's heat Signature
-Tempest Round: Incorporate tiny plasma shock generators that emit electromagnetic and thermal radiation when the shell detonates.
Close Range: Flaming Power Sword and Lightning Claw (Power Weapons)
Power weapons are a type of advanced hand-to-hand combat weapon taking several forms but utilizing the same basic technological principles -When activated the blade of the weapon becomes sheathed in a field of energy which disrupts solid matter, ignoring armor of all forms. The Emperor has two such power weapons.
A Power Sword is a Power Weapon that has been shaped into a sword of varying lengths and designs crafted from one of any number of different materials, though usually Adamantium. When its power cell is activated, often by touching a control located on the hilt, the blade is sheathed in a lethal corona of disruptive energy that carves through most materials. This is just a normal sword mind you- the Emperor's was far stronger, as it hosted the Emperor's powerful energies which, according to the fight, could shatter planets. He could also endow this sword with supernatural fire.
Lightning Claw: It consists of a power gauntlet and four blades that crackle with matter-disruptive energy. These blades are the equivalent of small power weapons which carve through armor and flesh with ease. To give you an idea just how powerful it is, a version of this once tore through the same armor that Eldrad wears in mere moments, the powerful shielding just briefly delaying its ascent.
His strength is currently indeterminable, for in his battle with Horus they were striking each other with enough force to destroy planets, and Vulkan once hit the planet he was fighting on hard enough to create a mini Earthquake that literally shattered bones. In a lesser battle between primarchs Magnus the Red and Leman Russ were actually destroying the planet around them as they fought through the pure force of their blows. There are a couple references to both the Emperor and several of his primarchs destroying entire mountain ranges in their fights. One possible hyperbole describes primarchs with the power to cleave mountains in two(given the exponential power increases the Primarchs are getting in novels, I am tempted to believe that they could really do this). Battles between primarchs and the Emperor in this manner were not just carried out on the physical level, but the mental , psychic and spiritual ones too.

Special 1: Miscellaneous Psionic Powers:
-Teleportation: In initiating the Battle Aboard Horus's Barge the Emperor teleported both himself and a miniature army onboard the decks of the ship. His son Magnus(who inherited the God Emperor's sorcery powers) once teleported entire sections of a planet to a warp or, depending on your interpretation, an entire planet.
- Telekinesis: Magnus could rip a massive war machine in half (when it had shields too), impale people with massive shards of glass falling off a pyramid, cause three land riders in a row to explode , crush bones, and create a giant invisible wall that Space Marines couldn't break out of. Another powerful psyker destroyed an entire hive (think: 100 times bigger than New York City) with his mind. Lesser marines could flick other marines around like ragdolls, crush weapons and armor outright and use their own weapons against them. The Emperor threw a massive pillar at his son Horus in their battle.
- Pyromancy: Though rarely used, the Emperor and his sons seem to be masters in fire manipulation.
-Divination/Precognition: Though just below Eldrad's level, he is nevertheless a genius when it comes to manipulating events, the environment, circumstances and people in order to best bring about the goals that he desires to fulfill. He is also naturally Clairvoyant, and uses his mastery of divination in combat.
-Psychometry: Psychometry is a power where a psychic is able to gather information from its surrounding environment. Used in conjunction with his excellent Precognition.
-Bio-manipulation (and near- immunity to it for himself): Based on Magnus the emperor is capable of using his powers to block neurotransmitters, superheat molecules within a body, redirect electrical impulses, agitate the water molecules inside someone, boil the blood in their veins and deoxygenate the blood that flowed inside lungs.
-Shapeshifting: The Emperor has turned himself into many different forms in his various lives, including a unremarkable soldier known as Revelations and many historical figures such as Alexander, Jesus, Buddha ect.
-Astral Projection: Was able to talk to his son Vulkan many light years away by manifesting a body. Could use powers in this body.
-Technopathy: Can interact and command machines to a superhuman degree, and machines bow to his immense willpower on touch! Whats more he can use his immense powers to disable advanced devices in a wide area, even narrowing it down to specific devices (he once destroyed all recording devices on Mars). He can even automatically seize control and create large amounts of robots nearby.
-Power of Creation (?): In the novel Sanctus a prophet was given a fraction of the Emperor's power and used it to pull Kilometer long buildings from the ground, ultimately creating a city which he then cloaks. Said prophet was also able to use weather and earth control.
-Resurrection: Through his power Saints have been resurrected and sent back into battle.

Special 2: Warp Sorcery:
There is a huge list of potential attacks the Emperor or his sons (particularly Magnus, who the Emperor gave his psionic ability) have used:
- An attempt to disable the nervous system of Horus (Horus blocked it with his own Chaos backed powers).
- Soul Strip people
- Warp Spawned lightning that instantly disintegrated many Space Marines.
-Transmutation: In one instance Magnus turned Water into Acid and caused hands to emerge from the ground to drag people into them. Mud was also turned alive to consume unwary soldiers..
-Warp Spawned Fire to melt and explode Eldar Titans. Can even set fire to the soul and pull air from lungs.
-Psychic freezing which rips off flesh.
-Create invisible blades to split people in two.
- The summoning of ancient and powerful entities (not Daemons)
-Elemental Control (weather control): Magnus was able to create hurricanes, cause it to rain a black substance, boil the water and be "alight in flame", create giant tidal waves, create large Earthquakes and actually destroy parts of the planet during his battle. In another instant he summoned a hurricane of immaterial fire that shook the world itself and actually bended reality a little bit.
-Blinding beam of light that is used to save those under attack by Warp Storms and the unholy things of the warp. This holy light can utterly vaporize demons.
-Warp Storms: These terrifyingly destructive storms are capable of destroying planets or vast vary in size. In the Emperor's case the storm he summoned (though after interment) destroyed several dozen solar systems
-Beams of pure Kinetic energy.
-utterly disintegrate someone.
-Giant Tidal waves of Psionic Energy to destroy all demons around him, but contained not harm any of his space marines. He can also do larger versions of this that aren't contained.
-Banish Demons
-Create a warp Vortex which sucks people nearby in.
-Psionic Shout that causes shockwaves
-The Emperor is described as being able to warp reality to an unknown degree and created a miniature Dyson sphere around the Void Dragon to imprison it (with his mind!), in which Space appeared to be dimensionless and had no sense of time .

- Terminator Armor: Like power armor, Terminator suits have an outer shell of ceramite-bonded plates powered by electrically-motivated fibre bundles. Plates of heavy plasteel further armour the ceramite sections, especially on the front of the suit. This extra armouring provides a level of protection that is far superior to normal Marine armor; not even a Krak missile will penetrate the suit's breastplate. It also contributes to the immense weight of the suit, making the wearer less maneuverable and slower. External adamantium ribs help support this weight, while the inclusion of suspensors help the suit carry heavier support weapons. Like normal power armor, Terminator armour is fully enclosed with life-support functions, and includes an array of sensors including radiation monitors, biological detectors and self-diagnostic scanners. Terminator Armour also incorporates many more auxiliary systems than normal Marine power armour, including motion sensors and threat also contains a teleportation device. The Emperor's terminator armor was described as stronger than most, and golden.
-Time Manipulation: It is mentioned in False Gods that the God Emperor can stop time for an indetermable amount of time with just a gesture, and this is something Magnus the Red has also done. He can choose who to stop time for, meaning he and his allies can walk around while the rest are frozen in time. Judging by Magnus he can also create fields which slow time around him, making it vastly harder to get "speedblitzed". A prophet who called on his power was said to be capable of creating a repeating time loop, and some suspect that the Emperor is capable of manipulating events in the PAST as well as the future via his mastery of the warp.
-Dominating Presence: Many of the humans that see his true form, even powerful ones like Space Marines , are either blinded (sometimes permanently) , deafened, defecate themselves, reduced to tears for no apparent reason, or even driven outright insane. Primarchs such as Lorgar have been known to induce heart attacks and strokes in some of those that perceive them- and this was before any were corrupted and weren't doing it deliberately. One Space Marine has to force himself to stand when in the Emperor's nearby vicinity, for it threatens to overpower him in a move that is a bit like Aizen's Spirit Pressure. The presence makes it so most humans that look upon him, even primarchs (who all easily reach 80s in the Strength of Mind) want to obey him unquestionably. Another Space marine was unable to move, talk, or even really think. It's unknown how much this applies to aliens, however for demons just invoking his name provokes fear and unease.
- GOLDEN HALO (Energy/Psychic ForceField): Personal Energy shields surround the most important of the Imperium's warriors and though some things can get through it (like a literal giant spaceship crashing into Horus's) it is nevertheless extremely powerful, utterly negating most weapons (and the Emperor had a more powerful version). His psychic shield also makes using psychic/magic powers (for in 40k they come from the same source) on him far more difficult than before, if not impossible in many cases, and that is without him just trying to overpower the psyker in question through pure psychic might! From what I can find regarding the legend of Cognoscynth, Chaos enhanced Horus may have been the first to do him any hurt using psychic powers. In another instance he shut down Magnus's world covering warp-thunderstorms with a glance, showing a degree of nullification power. Furthermore in addition to these shields (which are technology based) and latent durability he can create warp forcefields known as "kine shields" , which are both powerful and encompassing, with one being able to cover a city. When Magnus put this up the powerful weapons of the 30th millennium (which may actually be stronger than those of the 40th millennium, due to technological regression) exploded or bounced off harmlessly against it. He also can physically deflect projectiles with his power sword (which is on par if not above a lightsaber) .
-Durability/Regeneration: Primarchs are said to have borderline insane durability with one of them, Konrad Cruze, crashed through layers of Admantium and survived the fall to the molten core of a planet as a baby. Angron had a mountain dropped on him while Horus was impaled literally on a spaceship. Though they cannot regenerate limbs (or at least, not without some time or utilizing their healing powers) they can regenerate almost instantly on most other wounds . The God Emperor has extremely potent healing powers, to the point where he can actually heal machines and organics equally, even when both have suffered injuries beyond their capacity to repair. He completely healed Corax after he was nearly torn apart, however what is even more impressive is that Corax managed to suppress those wounds for 300 days beforehand. It is said that the Primarchs have no vital organs(other than the brain probably), though it is undetermined whether the rule applies to the Emperor.
- Of course he could use some of his powers like teleportation and Telekinesis to evade damage.

Max Range: 98/100:
The Emperor can cover a huge portion of the galaxy with the range of his psychic Astronomican. In one instance he punished a rebellious fraction that threatened to destroy the Imperium with a several solar system wide warp storm. Magnus the Red once mentioned that he (the God Emperor) could kill from the other side of the galaxy.
Accuracy: 87/100:
The Emperor is able to use his psychic powers to enhance his shooting, rarely missing a shot. In fact Psychic powers are precise enough to heal someone who had worms digging through their brain by focusing on the nearly microscopic things and burning them out.
Combat: 86/100:
Over 38,000 years of combat experience and both leading and participating in battles. By his own admission he has cropped up many times in human history as a conqueror or general. By far his most known combat feat prior to the Horus Heresy is beating the Void Dragon (ancient C'tan god that existed since the beginning of the universe) in single combat. In Lore the Void Dragon was capable of eating entire solar systems. He also beat Horus in a supped up Horus (who was being fed power by all the chaos gods at once) in single combat, as well as many Primarchs before that.
Physicality: 79/100:
This is rather difficult to judge as unlike in other fantasies in Warhammer strong men do not possess tactile telekinesis, which is what allows people like Superman and Thor to pick up buses without going through them. Nevertheless Argon was able to push a mountain worth of debris off him(1000s of tons), and this strength can further be enhanced with psychic powers. Lesser known Psykers could enhance their strength to tear apart Admantium.
Damage Intake: 69/100: See that huge note on durability and near instant regeneration. It is unknown if he can reincarnate, though given his healing powers its very likely, and in fact almost certain considering that he is this universe's Jesus.
Damage Resistance: 89/100:
The Terminator armor, golden Halo, and almost that entire defensive category, including pre-cog to match Eldrad boost this score up immeasurably. He is immune to all toxins, poisons, diseases and can use a small fraction of his power to stop someone from aging(he cannot age himself). He can make himself heavily resistant to heat, cold and various other elements. He can regulate what goes on in his body, including body temperature. Anything designed to invoke fear also fails outright, as do all attempts to affect his mind. Illusions do not work. It is likely that he is resistant or immune to far more than what I list.
Raw Speed: 90/100: From a quote I have found it seems that Sanguinus could go the speed of light and react at the same speed, to the point where lasers and other such projectiles practically froze in the air above him. And he wasn't stated to be the fastest Primarch Konrad Cruze was… given that the Emperor was the one who gave them these powers, that would also give the Emperor the same raw and reaction speed.
Reflexes: 90/100:See above
Mass Potential : 12/100:
Taller and bigger than the average man.
Stealth: 89/100: From what I can find one of the unknown primarchs (one of the two that were erased) seemed to have invisibility, and the Emperor possessed the ability to enter a crowd of people, even when powerful psychics and people who have known him for much of his life are among them, and do so undetected. Another primarch named Corax was able to march past guards in plain sight without them noticing, and fool some of the most advanced scanners of the Imperium when he slaughtered a squad of space marines. To outside observers he was completely invisible, though this was merely an illusion.
Sensory: 93/100:
Superhuman to an insane degree, with some even space marines being able to hear heartbeats subtle movements of all but the most skilled assassins as well as possessing full night vision and smell sweat across a room. Primarchs could see stuff on the genetic level, hear things hundreds of miles away, focus their psionic energy to locate one man, or even detect their own assassin (very skilled assassin at that) the moment she entered his sector. His senses are so good that he can even perceive time travel in his immediate vicinity, whether they come forward or backward in time to that point, and instantly perceive their intentions and everything about them (so if Who tried to travel backward in time to kill him at a weaker point, it would not work).
Stamina: 100/100:
Regular Astartes can fight for weeks on end(one insane quote had a Space Marine fighting for 15-200 years nonstop)….Primarchs and God Emperor will surely be beyond them.
Finesse: 66/100:
He doesn't seem too terribly flexible and is weighted down by the Terminator armor however he is capable of superthuman feats like leaping 20 meters.
Energy Potential: 97/100: This guy's energy literally runs an galactic empire, though it does get 99 for having to be renewed. Even before the internment he was able to shoot that Supernova beam after being literally torn apart.

Initiative: 64/100:
The Emperor does not often get in the first strike, though he is perfectly capable of doing so, because of his own personal beliefs. He would rather have you surrender then decapitate you immediately.
Intuition: 93/100:
It is said the God Emperor has guided humanity from the earliest days, tactically appearing only when necessary and then in whichever form suited him. He can indeed see hundreds if not thousands of years into the future, and while Chaos can mess this up (like it could with Eldrad's) it's implied in some texts that he knew the Horus Heresy beforehand (the Great Chaos conspiracy). He is capable of weighing in the consequences of 100s of years of events in a blink of an eye.
Intelligence: 95/100: His plans are near unfathomable to humans and once when he let a human be privy to some of them she was unable to comprehend all but a fraction of what he was thinking. In his long life he has taken on and perfected many different lives in which he pursued one path or another- whether it be generalship, the arts, philosophy, psychology , mechanical medical, messiah ( it is all but confirmed by Games Workshop that in a past life he was both Jesus and Buddha), basically every occupation that you could think of- and several that you can't. What he is extremely good at is the sciences –being far beyond genius in genetics and bio-manipulation. He is a master of multitasking, being able to do it with thousands of things at once. Another indication of his intelligence is how Primarchs tend to overwhelm the minds of Space Marines who they share their knowledge with, who are far more intelligent than most mortals. The Emperor overwhelms Primarchs when he shares only a small fraction of his knowledge. *
*According to the Emperor he can be either All-knowing or All-Powerful, but not fully both at the same time.
Adaptive Creativity: 82/100:
His plans, his science, and his thought process are above human comprehension, however they are often long term plans and backup plans rather than spur of the moment randomness. He is naturally creative but not the most in fiction.
Leadership: 91/100:
The Forces he leads will fight to the death for him with full willingness and he is a naturally charismatic leader of men to an absurd degree (most mortals that he meet automatically consider him a god, for to them he is perfect in all things).
Tactics: 90/100:
The Emperor is a master tactician, heavily hinted to have taken the guise of many generals or world conquerors in the past such as Alexander the Great and Julius Caeser . What's more he can merely look at someone and discern weaknesses from them in a matter of moments.

Training: 87/100:
Though he has had no known long term teacher, for few could match him, he himself has stated that he has mastered countless human occupations such as scientist , conqueror, warrior, general, artist, advisor, religious leader, crusader, philosopher, architect, messiah (multiple hints indicate throughout the novels that he was Jesus), and practically any occupation that would have long term benefit to mankind or that would allow him to further his goals.
Experience: 97/100
Not only does he have 38,000 years of experience( at this point) but he can call upon the experience of the shamans who he was reincarnated from, boosting this score immensely. The shamans were the premier magic users of prehistoric times, all of them powerful psykers, and had (before the Emperor mind you) walked the Earth since humanities earliest days, with many of them remembering the dawn of their race.
Discipline: 96/100:
The Emperor is the very Lord of Order, and though I have known him to give into disbelief when his favorite son Horus rebelled, hesitating multiple times, he has never given into outright despair.
Willpower: 100/100:
For over 10,000 years the Emperor has stood in a state of undending torture, misery and horror at what his Imperium has become, enduring it all because he knows without his guidance humanity will die. The Emperor has fought chaos and went forward with one goal in mind since the beginning of existence, and not even an army of Doctor Who's (the most persuasive of the TOM members) would be able to talk him down.
Restraint: 66/100:
This is variable . Amongst the enemies of man and his Imperium he rarely hesistates, however when facing his sons, other humans, or his friends he gives them every chance to redeem themselves and turn away from their path. This ended up a weakness when he held back in the Horus fight, allowing his corrupted son to nearly kill him (even Chaos themed books concede that had the Emperor gone all out things would have been different). However that said, he did directly kill Horus in the end, and was probably responsible for two more of his son's deaths.
Psychological Warfare: 80/100: The Emperor's mere presence is often enough to make people surrender, and though he is above such things as insults he constantly tries to talk people down, either through eloquent language or potent psyker powers. He is naturally charismatic to the point where people WANT to listen to him .
Intimidation: 89/100: It may seem odd that a seemingly benevolent entity gets so high in intimidation but this is supported by low. People have been known to collapse and sob uncontrollably, start prostrating themselves before him fanatically, or even go outright insane just by looking at him. In fact he has said once that he is reluctant to use his own natural form in public, for it is inevitably worshipped as a god. Even those that can resist this to a degree find themselves unnerved , unable to speak, or visibly shaking in his presence. To the best of my knowledge only the Primarchs have had no adverse effects upon seeing him, and this was hardly a constant (Horus himself in an earlier meeting was thinking only of how he was a perfect being and how he wanted to worship him).
Audacity: 90/100: Though the Emperor fears what will happen to humanity if he dies, this "fear" born of other's suffering only inspires him to fight on with more vigor! I cannot name a single instance where the Emperor felt genuine personal fear. That said he isn't stupid, nor reckless, and will assess the situation before charging in.

Killer Instinct: 65/100:
Against many foes, such as demons, he does not hesitate. Against Aliens he may work with them in a limited capacity but when it comes down to it he will not kill. Though he does not WANT to kill in any of these circumstances in order to defend humanity's survival he will, and will even kill his own favored and irrevocably corrupted son Horus to do so, though he hesitated for a while. However even before that it is heavily implied that he killed or at least ordered the Primarch Leman Russ to kill two more of his sons, the 2nd and 11th primarchs. Both Lorgar and Sanguinus genuinely feared that their father would kill them if they continued what they were then doing ("I fear the Emperor will break the Word Bearers - and break me. We would be cast alongside the brothers we no longer speak of").
Strength of Mind: 100/100: Whether the Emperor is one consciousness that got divided into several thousand (perhaps millions) of minor consciousness or is all of those minor consciousness merged into a gestalt being is currently unknown. In the era used (Great Crusade-Horus Heresay) these consciousness are unified into one being though in the Age of the Imperium (after his internment on the Golden Throne) they are divided to allow the powerful being to constantly fight off galactic threats from the four Chaos Gods, power up the Astronomicon (which allows Imperial fleets to travel) and influence his followers in a limited way*. What is known that he would be nearly impossible to read by any being that exists on the TOM scale, and indeed can overpower even very powerful anti-psychic devices (Magneto's helmet would mean nothing to him!) .

* Interesting Lore Note: In a very rare post internment talk with a tiny fraction of the Emperor's vast consciousness one of the them mentioned that the Emperor's compassion, joy and love were cast off when he killed Horus right before his internment. The interpretation is literal as The Emperor's compassion has since formed its own "spirit" that exists independently from the rest. The Good news? The Emperor may yet live if the Emperor's body and the cold attached consciousness dies.
Psychology: 80/100:
Though superior to a normal man the Emperor suffers from being an immortal, where all of his partners, family and friends that were mortal constantly die on him. This often makes it so he has problems fully relating to mortals or their emotional needs (he did not understand why people wanted to have faith in anything, being a Super Atheist, and was, in the words of one of his most loyal sons, "a terrible father").
Inner Torment: 63/100:
Though the Emperor continues on he actually seems to have a lot of regrets in his long life, even before the Heresy (after he deeply regretted the Brutal Fascist Theocracy-Dictatorship his Imperium had become) . He was deeply saddened about what happened to the two Unknown Primarchs (those purged BEFORE the Heresy and were purged so effectively that no history book records their plight and the Primachs are scared to even hint at them) and the corruption that overcame his sons, as well as Humanity's previous fall in the Dark Age of Technology .

Corruption: 49/100:
Technically this man is incorruptible in that he will never fall to chaos. However in terms of good and evil he can be both compassionate and brutal beyond measure, understanding and callous at the same time. He really does not care what his methods are, as his every waking moment is spent ensuring humanities survival by whatever means necessary. To do so he will even bargain with (temporarily) aliens and the Chaos Gods themselves, as well as kill his favored and corrupted son Horus to prevent the extinction of Humanity.

Strengths and Weaknesses:
Pre-battle: This guy is such a brilliant planner, with powerful pre-cog and being a brilliant scientist, that adding pre-battle help would just be like spitting in a hurricane. If he must have them though they would be Malacador The Stalactite: A mysterious being clearly immortal like the Emperor, who is brilliant at subtlety, government, and planning, Rogal Dorn; a Patrician and master of defensive tactics & Robute Guilliman: arguably the greatest strategist of any of the Emperor's sons.

The Emperor is the most powerful psyker to ever live, having more experience than almost every other person here and powers nearly beyond human comprehension (There is much more to the God Emperor then what is in this profile). Yet even with that he is (at this point) able to be killed in combat, though it would be extremely difficult to do.
Though almost inarguably the greatest Psyker to ever live, the Emperor is rather disciplined in the use of his powers, and does not spam the use of many of them in combat. Some people like to bring up the fact that he was nearly choked to death by a Ork Warboss and had to be saved by Horus however I don't feel that is a weakness for two reasons . 1. The Text heavily implies that it was set up to be a test for Horus, meaning the Emperor knew about it beforehand. 2. The Ork Warboss in question was more than 40 stories tall…..

However his biggest, undeniable problem is his over-sentimental nature when it comes to his close friends and sons . He gave armies to his sons out of joy when he found them, believing they would use them well, when perhaps he should have done background checks. He was outright shocked when they betrayed him. Most of all he hesitated again and again when fighting Horus, nearly causing him to lose the battle before Horus incinerated a _ (Space Marine Terminator, Adeptus Custodes, Random Imperial Guardsmen – depending on the version of the story) who was trying to rescue his Emperor. This finally caused him to go all out, and he then almost instantly beat Horus. It should be noted that this Sentimental nature would only apply to a lesser degree against most other of his foes, as he will give them chances to surrender.

Some suspect that the Emperor suffers from "Shadowpoint" – an Eldar term Seer's fate being too entangled in the future events and obscuring them from the view, thus preventing them from viewing it with 100 percent accuracy. Again this isn't certain it's just an explanation for someone whose farsight may be greater than Eldrad's failing to recognize his own son's betrayal (then again its possible this gets thrown into the sentimentality thing, where he saw their betrayal as a possibility but did not believe it – this also has lore evidence).

He also has problems understanding people at times, particularly his sons, and has done things that while they are justifiable in some way could have been handled WAY better by someone with better personal skills. For example there was Primarch named Lorgar who was as religiously fanatical as they come, who tried to institute a period of Emperor Worship that HE did not want and slaughtered those who did not want to turn themselves into a religious state. The God Emperor "rebuked" him by having the Primarch-brother Lorgar most hated, Robute Guilliman, destroy the city that Lorgar had spent years lovingly crafting. Then he made Lorgar and his entire legion kneel in its ruins before explaining to them why they were failures to humanity and demanding they stop what they were doing, even as Lorgar was terrified that he would join the ranks of the "Forgotten and the Purged." Needless to say, Lorgar was the first Primarch to be corrupted.

A few of the quotes that I used:
. ?f=17&t=4200&p=64328#p64328

1. How do you think the TOM fighters would fair in a battle between them and the Immortal Emperor of Mankind? Could any hope to beat him?
2. Which battle would you like after I finally go through Jackie vs. Arthas?
3. Delays, you guys hate them don't ya?