Hi :) this is my first story like ever! I have never written anything that was not assigned in school. I hope you like it :) sorry if the characters are ooc please review and tell me what you think. Should I continue or not?

Disclaimer: I do not own young justice, any of its characters or any characters in the D.C Universe

Artemis was pushing her mom down a busy street in Gotham, It was hot and Artemis really felt like she had better places to be like training at the cave with the rest of the team. Don't get her wrong she loved being with her mom, but shopping uhg… plus the rest of the team were perfecting the new moves Black Canary taught them. The last time she missed a training session Wally wiped the floor with her and she will NEVER let that happen again.

Across the street a reporter and camera man were interviewing people "Look over there, it looks like channel 5 is doing a live report about that new restaurant" said Paula

Artemis just nodded and kept walking. "So mom what store do you want to look at next" trying to sound enthusiastic but failing. Paula sighed "I know you don't want to hang out with me, but please let me just buy you some new cloths so I won't feel like a failure of a mother"

"You're not a failure, your….." just as Artemis was speaking a car sped around the corner. It all happened so fast, Paula jumped out of her wheel chair tackling Artemis to the floor rite when the car started shooting up their side of the street.

"Well Chris I think this place is….. ow my god" the news caster yelled as she hit the floor out of fear. The camera man caught the whole thing. A woman in a wheel chair nocked a girl out of the way and took three bullets to the back.

It was pure mayhem there were people everywhere on the floor screaming some not moving and others clutching injured body parts. The camera man was not interested in all that though, he focused his camera on a blonde girl screaming to her dying mother "did you see that Bob?" said the reporter "yeah"

"Mom! Mom! Please stay with me! Mom!" Artemis was cradling her mother's head in her lap trying to get her to open her eyes. Paula looked up and smiled slightly, she reached her hand to Artemis' face

"I am so proud of you, of what you do and who've you become"

"mom don't talk like that your going to be ok the paramedics are coming"

"Tell Jade that I always loved her and wish she will find herself a better life" Artemis tried to hold back the tears, her mom had lost a lot of blood and deep down she knew she was not going to make it. "bạn là ánh sáng của tôi tỏa sáng trong bóng tối" Paula said in Vietnamese as her eyes closed gently and her hand fell limp. Artemis did not even bother trying to hold back her tears, she stayed holding her mother's limp form until the paramedics pulled her away

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Dick stepped out of the shower drying his hair and then wrapping the towel around his waist. He and Batman just came back from a tiring mission involving Poison Ivy, which explains him not being at the cave with the rest of his team. It did not matter if he was there or not he already mastered the moves and can easily wipe the floor with Wally's butt.

Dick continued his usual after mission routine by getting dressed while watching the news, he loved to hear what they say about Batman and Robin when they put another criminal in Gotham Asylum. This time however the news was not about them but a drive-by that happened only a few minutes ago. Dick clenched his fist angry how thugs always drag innocent civilians into their petty fights. He froze the remote dropping to the floor with a loud thump, everything in the room faded away except for the plasma screen and the images on it.

"Bruce!" Dick yelled running through the mansion and nearly taking out Alfred when he burst into the living room "What in heaven's name is the matter" said their trust worthy butler and friend, "where's Bruce!"

"I am right here. What is it that's so important" Bruce said walking in the room with an annoyed look on his face.

"quick turn on the news" Dick yelled heart still racing. Alfred turned on channel 5 "oh dear god" he immediately realized why the young master was so upset.

"we are live at what started as a peaceful day turned into a mascara" the news woman reported "at this moment there are 4 confirmed dead, 11 in critical condition and 28 wounded"

Behind her to the right they saw Commissioner Gordon holding back there archer as two paramedics try to save her mother. It was painstakingly obvious even though the tv that the woman would not live. Their fear was confirmed when the paramedics shook their heads and placed a tarp over her body.

"Alfred ready the car" the butler silently left to bring the car to the front.

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Commissioner Gordon had finally convinced Artemis to let the paramedics look at her. She had so much adrenaline pumping though her she did not even notice that a bullet had hit her. It just grazed her right arm but left I nasty looking wound.

"I am fine really! Just leave me alone" Artemis said after having her arm wrapped up. She was in shock she understands what's happening around her but she feels numb. This all felt like a really bad dream, like her alarm will wake her up any second and her mom will be alive again.

Gordon feels at a lost, here in front of him is one of his daughter's friends, he has met her a few times before and in his opinion was a great kid. Every time he saw her she was proud strong and sarcastic much like his own daughter, but now all he saw was a scared child trying to look strong but was utterly broken.

"Artemis you have to go to the hospital"

"I don't have to do anything. I am not leaving my mom" she said looking towards the area she knows her mom still lays.

"Artemis she's gone" Gordon whispered holding her tight in his arms "but I promise your not alone". After a few more minutes he finally got her to agree to go to the hospital on the condition that he came with her. He felt that it was his duty as a father to be there for her so he left leaving Harvey Bullock in charge.