The Assassination of Andrew Oinkeny

The Planet Venom 7:43 pm. This cold and dark planet was once the home of a mighty warlord named Andross. This is where he launched his operation from, sending his fleets too far off planets in the hopes of finding the Lylat system. But then a team of mercenaries rose to the fight and challenged Andross, the Star Fox team.

The leader of the team Fox McCloud was able to defeat Andross and put an end to his evil forever. But the memory of Andross still lived on, for he had one successor his nephew Andrew.

At that moment on Planet Venom, what was left of Andross forces now gathered at their base for Andrew was about to give a speech.

However several miles away hidden in the rocks were two men. One Falco Lombardi and the other Fox McCloud.

Fox sat himself down and pulled out a pair of binoculars. Then he poked his eyes threw and gazed out into the distance.

He saw the soldiers there on the move, gathering for something.

"What do you see?" asked Falco as he leaned down next to Fox, breathing down his neck.

"Take a look for yourself." Said Fox as he handed him the binoculars. Falco moved forward as Fox stepped back.

"Yep." Said Falco as he looked out into the distance." The little fruits are defiantly gathering for something." He set the binoculars down." You think its Taco night at the mess deck?"

"I wouldn't count on it." Said Fox as he reached back at a suitcase they'd brought with them.

"I'll tell ya." Said Falco as he turned back and looked threw the binoculars." I could go for some tacos right now." His stomach began to rumble agreeing with him. Fox opened the suitcase and revealed and sniper rifle inside. Then he lifted it out, turned around and lay down next to Falco.

"When this is over we'll go and get some then." Said Fox." How's that sound?"

"Sounds good to me." Said Falco." Your buying." Fox chuckled and then put his eye to the scope. He had a clear view of the podium where their target would stand.

"How am I looking?" he asked.

"Clear on all points." Told Falco. Then he stuck his finger in his mouth then put it to the air." No wind." He replied.

"That's good." Said Fox." It appears lucks on our side."

"Let's wait until the job is over to see that." Said Falco.

"Whatever you say." Said Fox as he rested on the sniper rifle.

In the base the soldiers were gathering in their place, standing before a large stage with a podium on it.

At that moment one soldier went backstage and there stood Andrew Oinkeny.

"Sir." He said addressing his new leader." They are ready for you." Andrew turned around and faced him.

"And I am ready to address them." He said. Then Andrew walked past the soldier and out onto the stage. Once he did the crowd began to cheer in excitement. Andrew waved his hands to them as he walked to his podium.

"Target locked." Said Falco to Fox.

"I see him." Said Fox as he followed Andrew in his scope. Andrew walked across the stage and stood behind the podium. Then he raised his arms silencing the roaring crowd.

"A Great tragedy has fallen on us." Began Andrew." Not too long ago my dear uncle your leader was taken from us."

"Can you hear what he's saying?" asked Fox.

"No." replied Falco.

"He was a great man with a great vision." Continued Andrew." I know I have some big shoes to fill."

"Get ready to take the shot." Said Falco. Fox slid a single bullet into the carriage.

"But I promise you I will continue my Uncle's Dream." Said Andrew." And soon I will bring all the Lylat system under my control." Andrew stopped and stood back as the crowd of soldiers began to clap and roared in cheers.

"Take the shot." Said Falco. Then with that Fox squeezed down on the trigger and sent the bullet flying through the air.

Looking threw his scope. One moment he saw Andrew standing there waving to the crowd, the next he saw a cloud of blood cover the air and Andrew fell to the ground.

"That's that." Said Fox as he lifted his eye away from the scope." Let's get out of here. Before they come looking." He turned and tossed the Sniper rifle to Falco who caught it and then put it in the suitcase. Fox then began to bound down the side of the mountains, Falco closed the case and then followed after Fox.

The two made their escape and had gotten out undetected. They made their way across Venom and eventually found Great Fox.

As they approached the gangway began to open and there stood Slippy with a rifle.

"Where you followed?" he asked as he stood there.

"No Slippy we weren't followed." Replied Falco as he walked up the gangway first.

"A-Are you sure?" asked Slippy lowering his weapon.

"Yes." Replied Fox as he walked by. Falco stood next to Slippy and shoved his sniper rifle case into the frog's hands.

"Take this for me will ya?" he asked as he did so. Fox walked up and into Great Fox and shortly after his two teammates followed.

The three walked up and made their way to the bridge. There they found Peppy and Krystal.

"Your back." Said Krystal as she jumped up to greet them.

"Of course." Said Fox as he walked in and hugged Krystal.

"I thought I told you boys to keep radio contact." Said Peppy as he turned to them arms folded." What happened?"

"Chill old man." Said Falco." We decided to turn our radio's off to have some peace and quiet to complete this mission."

"Well why didn't you tell us?" asked Peppy. Falco sat back in a chair and kicked his legs up.

"Just to see that look on your face." Falco replied. Peppy was about to replying with a lecturing to the young falcon until Fox spoke up.

"Your right Peppy." He said." We should have told you we were turning our radio's off, but then when didn't want them to piggyback off our signal." Peppy looked from Fox then over to Falco.

"Very well." He said as he turned away from them.

"Now." Said Fox as he looked down to Krystal and then up to the rest of his team." What do you say we get out of here?"

"I'm up for it." Said Falco." I'm starving."

"Yea." Said Slippy." Let's get some food on the way back."

"You heard 'em Peppy." Chuckled Fox.

"Damn kids." Muttered Peppy under his breath as he prepared to launch Great Fox.

Meanwhile all was in confusion at Andrew's base.

After he'd been shot everyone ran around frantically as they tried to find the source of the gunfire, however they were most unsuccessful and only succeeded in looking like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off. But a few soldiers had taken the time to tend to Andrew. He was unconscious and lay in a pool of his own blood.

Fearing the worst his followers quickly picked him up and moved him to the hospital, hoping it wouldn't be too late.

But as for the Star Fox team they returned to Corneria and appeared before General Pepper.

"Well done Star Fox team." He said to them." Because of your efforts you have put an end to the last reminisce of Andross' evil."

"And thus the world is a better place." Said Fox." Because there is less evil in it."

"Quite right." Replied General Pepper." You shall receive you pay in the mail over the next few days."

"Good good." Replied Fox." Then we are free to go?"

"Yes yes." Replied General Pepper. Then with a wholesome goodbye the StarFox team turned and left.

"Well glad that's out of the way." Said Falco as he walked out stretching his arms." What'll we do now?" he asked turning back to Fox.

"Well you said you were hungry." Said Fox." What are you in the mood for."

"Just give me some hot food and a cold beer." Said Falco rubbing his stomach. At that moment Fox was attracted to Peppy who were walking away.

"Where are you going?" asked Fox to them.

"I am too old to go out and party." Replied Peppy." I'll leave that to you youngsters, I'm going back to sleep." Fox turned over to Krystal.

"You willing to come along?" he asked. Krystal reached over and wrapped her arm around Fox's.

"I'll go anywhere with you." She replied. Fox then looked over at Falco and Slippy who stood next to him.

"Alright." Said Fox let's get going. Then the four set off. However unaware to them evil was lurking, an evil they thought they'd destroyed.