Konichiwa minna! Welcome to the finally chapter of Festival Loves XD! *cheers in the background with little poppers in hands*

I finally finish this series. 8D

Hope you all enjoyed this series as I enjoyed typing it. XP

-about the last chapter… I'm going to edit that one so it's cleaner with its storyline. I'll post an author note about that later. So except a better chapter for that one! (Basically a cleaner version of when Hiroto was stolen for a little bit ^-^'')

Plus I apologize for the wait. I am going to have testing and I have less time to work on these projects. And I have been working on some other works. X3

Poll… not much response but it's getting there. X3 mk enough of me talking. Let's get on with the story XDD!

Disclaimer- Sadly, I don't own Inazuma Eleven no matter how much I wish it was.

Love of the Gods

"See you all later at the meeting place!" Endou exclaimed as he and Kazemaru walked away from the rest of the group. Endou soon sat at a bench that was located under a lamppost that broadcasted a small light, making the area seem romantic in a sense.

"Kazemaru? What do you want to do at this place?" Endou asked as he played with the helm of his yutaka. Kazemaru thought about it but a growl was heard. Endou laughed at Kazemaru while he blushed.

"Guess your stomach wants something to eat instead of doing something." Endou said as he poked his friend. At that same time Endou's stomach growled too, causing him to blush in embarrassment too.

"I'm not the only one." Kazemaru shot back as he pulled Endou's cheeks to make him have funny expressions on him. Endou tried to frown but it just succeeds in making his cheeks hurt more from the strain.

"Ow-ow-ow." Endou mumbled when Kazemaru pulled at his cheeks one more time and let go of Endou's face. Endou rubbed his cheeks and pouted at Kazemaru.

"You didn't have to do that!" Endou said as he rubbed his sore red cheek. He sent a fake glare at Kazemaru and Kazemaru stuck his tongue out at Endou.

"Too bad, you laughed at me I get to do something to you in return." Kazemaru pointed out as he yanked Endou from his seat. Endou yelped and stumbled a bit before regaining his footing. He shot a glared at the other boy but Kazemaru ignored it and continued to walk on.

"Oi! Matte!" Endou said as he ran to catch up to Kazemaru. Kazemaru snickered a bit before he went to the food court.

When they arrived there Endou and Kazemaru looked at each other and grinned. Both nodded and they scattered from each other. Endou and Kazemaru ran to separate stalls and proceed to buy a little from each stall. They gathered their goods and walked to one of the large opened tables and dumped them onto the table, making sure not to smash the food. Both boys looked at their loot and quickly sat down.

"Wow, this is a lot to take in." Kazemaru said as he looks at the quantity of food. The smells coming from the foods smelled like heaven to the teal haired boy. Endou smiled and grabbed a pair of chopsticks and proceed to grab a bit of everything onto a plate. He smiled and picked up a bit and ate it, smiling with content.

"Is it good?" Kazemaru asked while taking a bit of pork okanomiyaki onto his plate. He closed his eyes as he ate it.

'This is so good!' Kazemaru thought as he used his chopsticks and grabbed the rest of the okanomiyaki.

"Hey! Let me have some." Endou whined as he tried to grab some but was blocked by Kazemaru's chopsticks.

"You already got some from this. You after all have a bit of everything." Kazemaru stated as he fought off Endou's chopsticks. Endou looked at Kazemaru in the eye and pouted, his eyes also watered a bit. This added to the effect from Endou's kicked puppy eyes.

'Don't look at me like that.' Kazemaru whimpered mentally as he tried to turn away from the other boy. This only proceeds to make the boy pout even more and small tears dripping out of his eyes. Kazemaru groaned in defeat and cut the okanomiyaki in half. He gave one half to Endou and kept the other half for himself.

"Yay! Thanks Kazemaru!" Endou said as he popped some of the okanomiyaki. He smiled and his cheeks flushed a light glow from the warm food. Endou looks up to Kazemaru, some nori stuck to his face that made him look so adorable, and tilts his head to the side. A questioning face was plastered to his face.

'How can he act like this is much and not even notice it?" Kazemaru thought as he watches Endou. Endou opened his mouth, about to speak when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked back and smiled. The person behind Endou was none other than Natsumi.

She had her hair in a bun but also had some hair that curled to her face. She had a light blue kimono with imprints of red and blue stars on it. A purse was in her hand that matched her outfit. Nastumi looks at both boys and smiles to them.

"How is it going you two?" Natsumi asks while smiling to both of them. Endou smiles and points to the chair next to him.

"Come and join me and Kazemaru, Natsumi!" Endou said as he wiped his mouth with one of the many napkins that came with all the purchases. Natsumi smiles with gratitude and sits herself on a seat. She folds her arms up and used them to hold up her head.

"Well… how do you like the festival so far?" Natsumi asked when she looked at both boys in question. Endou smiles, with some rice sticking to his teeth, and tries to talk but some food fly out of his mouth. Kazemaru laughs at Endou display of manners.

"Endou. Eat before you talk." The blue haired boy said as he chuckled a bit. Endou pouted but swallowed his load of food.

"I think this festival is awesome!" Endou said as he smiles brightly to the long haired girl. Natsumi smiles and opens her bag and takes out sheets of paper. She handed one to Endou and one to Kazemaru. Kazemaru looks down at the paper and gulps at it. Endou whoops and hugs Natsumi tightly.

"Thanks so much Natsumi! We'll go once we finish eating!" Endou shouts with glee and let's go of Natsumi.

"You're very welcome." Natsumi said as she smiles to both boys.

"What do you mean 'we'?" Kazemaru asks as he bits into his okanomiyaki. Endou looks up to Kazemaru and pokes him with the ends of his copsticks.

"You and I are going, silly." Endou said as he finishes his plate. He falls back on his chair and rubs his stomach in content. Kazemaru bit his lip nervously and slightly nodded his head. Natsumi beams and quickly excuses herself from the boys. She runs towards the other managers and all three smiles and walks away.

When both finished with their food they both dump the trash and begin their walk to the place. A few minutes later Kazemaru and Endou find themselves in front of a black shrouded building. Endou smiles with glee and drags Kazemaru into the building. They met a man that was in a butler costume. He holds out his hand and Endou drops their tickets in the man's hand. The man nods and motions towards a door.

"Welcome and I hope you enjoy the history of the Kuro family." The man said as he opens the door for the two. Endou turns to Kazemaru and smiles.

"Let's go!" Endou said as he walks in followed by a reluctant teal net.

Cob webs littered the room and a chair stood in the middle where there was a 'no enter tape'.

"Oh… new arrivals I see. Welcome to the Kuro household, or what's left of it anyway." A voice echoed through the room. Kazemaru jumped a bit but Endou smiled. Both of them walked around the tape and a flash of lighting and a scream lighted the air and they suddenly see a hanged figure that was just above the chair.

"Oh, I see that Sakiro Kuro couldn't wait and decided to drop in early to say hello." The voice said again. Kazemaru jumped at the sight but put a hand on his chest to calm himself. Endou gasped at the sight.

"Well move along we don't have all day for this tour." The voice said and both of them quickly went to the next room.

"I hope that Sakiro didn't scare you. He just likes to greet new guests." The voice said as they entered a room that had mirrors surrounding them with a stool in the middle of the room. Another door was off to the left.

A scream was heard and the mirrors cracked. Kazemaru jumped and shivers in fright. Endou grabs Kazemaru by the hand and squeezes it tighly.

"Don't worry I'm here for you." Endou whispers to the boy next to him. Kazemaru blushes and nods towards his crush.

"I see you have entered Ms. Kuro's mirror room. She was such a vain person, always sitting in front of mirrors and admiring her reflection. But that all changed when her husband got too jealous and smash her beloved mirrors. That broke Kuro's heart and she shattered with the mirrors. Such a sad fate for the woman." The voice tsk as a scream and more shatters were heard.

The next three rooms were filled with gasps and surprised yells from both boys. When they arrived to the sixth room something was different about it. The whole room was filled with splatters of red everywhere and a knife in a figure on a desk but the thing the creped both boys out was that the figure was sitting up. It turned its head towards the boys.

"I see that you all enjoyed the tour but since you both know the history of the Kuro family I am afraid that you must leave. Speak nothing of what has happened here or we will come to you and you will serve us in this household." The voice came from the figure that had a knife in its stomach. Both boys cried out in surprise and ran out of the building. When they got out of the building both boys were panting for air.

"That was so scary." Kazemaru said as he sat himself on a bench to calm his nerves. Endou did the same thing but he also places a hand on Kazemaru's hand. This caused both boys to blush from the contact.

"Sorry." Endou said as he jerks his hand away but is stopped by Kazemaru. Endou looks at Kazemaru in surprise but yelps when he's pulled forward. Lips crashed into lips and both boys soon began to get into the kiss. After a few minutes they parted for air and Kazemaru wrapped his arms around Endou.

"I was so scared but you held onto my hand throughout the whole thing. Thanks." Kazemaru said as he snuggles into Endou's neck. Endou blushed and looked at Kazemaru.

"And I also like you too." Kazemaru said as he hugs Endou tightly. Endou blushes and turns to kiss Kazemaru gently on the lips. They both separated when the bell chimed 11 times. They both gasp and stood up quickly.

"The meeting!" both boys shout as they dash to the meeting place. They soon met all the other boys and some stood too close to each other to be counted as just friends.

Endou and Kazemaru turn to each other and smiled.

"I guess we are not the only couple." Endou whispered to Kazemaru as both shared a kiss with each other. When they separated Kazemaru smiled.

"Indeed we aren't." Kazemaru said as he sneaked another kiss from Endou.

Whew this series is finally over! Yay!

Well I also edited the HiroxMidori chapter so enjoy the change and thanks for supporting this story!

Also would people want me to try and do a M rated one? Review for the answer and the poll will end when I finish my other chapter story.

This is RookieDea signing out.

Bye Minna!