Okay, guys, I know in the last chapter they filled the rest of the circle in, but I like this chapter the way it is, and honestly, in the stress of the situation, they would more than likely forget all about Cassie and Adam telling them about the accident already, and would also demand more details.

So, enjoy.

"Cassie? Adam?" Cassie groaned when she heard voices calling out to her, grabbing her pillow and trying to tug it over her head. She yelped in pain, the motion jarring her injured ribs, and Adam was immediately sitting up.

"Cassie, are you okay?" he asked hurriedly, helping her sit up

She hissed in pain, tugging up her pajama shirt only to see her entire chest was black and blue, vaguely in the shape of the steering wheel.

"Ow" she muttered

"Oh god" Adam breathed "Cassie, we should take you to the hospital"

"I'm fine"

"You don't look like it"

"Well I am" she heard another call for them, and shifted to climb out of bed. She stood, and doubled over in pain, dropping to her knees and catching herself with her hand just in time.

"Cassie!" many alarmed shouts reached her ears and in a second Adam was on the flood next to her, asking if she was okay, and another second later the door was thrown open, the rest of the circle pouring in and asking if she was okay.

"I'm... f-fine" she struggled to get out, the pain all over her body making her start to black out.

"You don't look fine, blondie"

"Faye!" Melissa snapped "Not helping! This is not a time for sarcasm!"

"Cassie are you okay?" Jake asked, and Cassie's head spun, his voice echoing eerily around her head, Adam and Diana's accompanying it.

"Cassie can you hear me?" Adam asked Can you hear me? Hear me? Hear me? Me? Me? Me?

The blonde shut her eyes tightly and clenched her teeth

"Stop talking" her head was pounding, her entire body aching "P-Please"

"Cassie's seriously hurt! Adam why didn't you take her to the hospital?" Diana demanded furiously

"She was fine! After the accident-"

"Accident? What accident?" she interrupted

"After the accident" he continued as if she hadn't spoken "I checked her out. There were no bruises, and she said she was fine, just a little sore. She said it was nothing to worry about and she would be fine"

"And you believed her?" Melissa asked incredulously

"What reason would I have not to!" Adam replied "She's never lied to me before! Why would she now!"

"Were you the one driving?"

"What? No! What does that even have to do with anything?"

Cassie groaned in pain, their arguing and loud voices making her head pound even worse. Her groan of pain, however, went unnoticed by her angry friends.

"Forget it" Diana snapped "What accident?"

"We were driving to the store, and she turned to smile at me after I told her something-"

"What? Told her what?" Jake asked

"For gods sakes, it doesn't matter!" Adam snapped "She turned to smile, and out of nowhere a figure appeared in the middle of the road. I yelled for her to look where she was going, and she slammed on the brakes, and we smashed into it. The car flipped several times, and just after I got her out of the vehicle he blew it up"

"What figure?"

Cassie gritted her teeth and spoke

"It looked the same as the one I hit a while back, on my way to the boathouse"

"So it's true"

"Of course it's true!" Adam snapped

"Why would you even ask that, Faye" Diana snapped "Of course it's true"

"I was just asking!" Faye insisted defensively

"Go start the car. We're taking Cassie to the hospital" Faye opened her mouth to protest and Diana cut her off "Go!"

Faye and Jake both hurried out the door, and after a moment Melissa followed. Diana looked at Adam

"Get dressed" she said "Then we'll carry her downstairs"

"I can walk" Cassie snapped

Her arm started shaking, ready to give out, and her other arm fisted itself into her shirt to stay in the position it was in; cradling her chest.

"Cassie we need to get you to a hospital" Diana said urgently, dropping down beside her once again

"N-No" she panted "N-n-n-no hospitals" she felt her arm giving out, and blacked out before she hit the floor.