Inuyasha finally tells Kagome he loves her before she goes back to her time to catch up on her School Work, The Miko is very enthusiastic to hear his confession and vows to do her best so she can get back to him as soon as possible, but what she finds when she gets back is her boyfriend cheating on her yet again with his ex girlfriend the dead Miko Kikyo. Kogome decides this is Enough!

Chapter 1: Better in Time

Kogome's POV

Kagome stood hiding behind the oak tree observing Inuyasha on his current rendezvous with Kikyo, there he was, the only man she loved, the only man she has ever loved, he stood there embracing another woman.. Far worse a dead miko, a woman who had no body heat, a woman made out of clay.. Kogome felt her heart break and shatter into pieces as she realized Inuyasha preferred Kikyo over her.

The thought that a man would choose a clay pot over flesh and bones and warmth, bothered her. Kogome pondered to herself maybe a clay pot is better company than me.. I mean Inuyasha does say that I am too much trouble and I know It bothers him when I say "sit"..

Kagome looked at them one more time and saw Inuyasha kiss Kikyo tenderly on the lips, I guess I can't compete with her after all.. After all I am only her reincarnation..Kagome felt her tears give way and her sobs were at the breaking point of giving.. She turned and fled the scene of her boyfriend being with his dead lover.

It had been exactly two weeks ago that Kogome left to her time, she had a lot of catching up to do on homework, she thought it would be best to stay a little while longer and get ahead with her studies so she wouldn't have to worry too much on catching up, she actually got a month ahead of the class, meaning she didn't have to go back to her time anytime soon. And graduation was just around the corner, only two more months and she will be free.

When she left the Feudal Era she was very happy, because Inuyasha had finally told her that he loved her, boy was she surprised to come back to that sight, How could I be so stupid she thought.

She finally stopped running and gave herself the liberty of releasing all of her hurt, her pain, her tears, and she finally found the courage to let go of the man she has loved since she was a fifteen year old girl, its for the best she thought.

Making herself take a deep breath she wiped her tears and headed towards Kaede's cottage this will be the last time I cry over you Inuyasha.. It will all get better in time, and I will forget you, and I will move on. Kogome put on her poker face and opened the door to the cottage.


Hey guys, I hope you liked this story it is my first story J. don't get me wrong I love inukag but sometimes I think to myself.. stupid Inuyasha why are you still cheating on Kogome.. so lets just say this is for all the fans that want to get back at Inuyasha for being a cheater.. I will try to update ASAP. Plz review and tell me what you think. Love you all 3