okay, hi.

this is my first hetalia fic, and I'm sorry if I get facts wrong.

partially inspired by this; http:/ s3 .amazonaws. com /data. tumblr. com/ tumblr_ljrit2LeFJ1qj49r7o1_?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAI6WLSGT7Y3ET7ADQ&Expires=1333437289&Signature=qTgrqN8AeLdh5DgyCKCPymZrTaQ%3D

remove spaces.

summary; but he's not the villain in this picture; you are. america-centric. freeverse

you try to keep it a secret
{everyone loves the hero, after all}
but you just.can't.help.it
if they knew the truth
oh, if only they knew


you try to keep it
locked up with bigthickheavy chains and
unbreakable locks
{but this monster won't stop!}


{warsstressbattles are keys, though, and chains are oh so moveable}


{and they'll all hate you when they find out, you monster}

but hey,
the hero is the opposite of the villain,
keep that fake smile,
and keep on {lying} laughing
a c t o r b o y
and it'll be 'just fine'
{you hope, but you know it's wrong}


except russia knows
and you can't help it-
you hate him for it.


he'd make a very good villain, da?
{the cold war, the riots, the soviet union, the communism,
it's so easy to make him replace you as the villain}
he's insane


but he's not the villain in this picture; you are


this monster of yours
{those voices in your head will kill you, you're sure}
it comes out when you fight
hiding behind the Hero
is the Villain
just waiting to come out
{ticking like a t i m e b o m b}


tick... tick...


they think you're so stupid
it's unbelievable
you're so smart
{they know it}
but some of the most terrible
{Ivan the Terrible, Hitler, they were insane, weren't they?}
were the Great
and so smart
like you
{they all fear you in some way}


and you hate it;
but you love it, too


inside of you
your dark side
the evil one
haunts you
you despise him
you are him

footnote; because I legit love the idea of America keeping a dark!America in him and secretly being this genius and hating Russia because he figured it out and the nation know and it kind of worries them and unf. This idea.