here's the third one-shot of the series :D

Title: The Tea Party

Ship: Lucas/Skye, Lucket

Genre: Family, Humor

Summary: Hailey wants to have a princess tea party

Prompt from: Emily

Also, co-written by Emily (Emtheunicorn) :D go check out her amazing stories! She's an incredible writer!

Now to the story, make sure to leave a review with your thoughts, I love to hear what you think :)

Lucas quietly ate his breakfast as Skye rushed around, trying to finish getting ready. Four-year-old Hailey was twirling in circles in front of him. She wore a light pink leotard and matching tights. Around her waist was frilly purple tutu covered in hearts and stars. Her long, sandy brown hair (w)as in a bun with a little butterfly pin that fell out every few turns. In her fist was a large, red strawberry. Whenever she got too dizzy, she'd pause and chomp into the fruit, drops of the red juice landing on the front of her ballerina outfit.

He watched the little girl spin in circles, wondering how she hadn't toppled over or gotten sick already.

"So you're watching Hailey today," Skye reminded her husband as she pulled her hair back in to a ponytail.

"Yep," he replied, nodding as he continued to watch his daughter, ready to spring forward and catch her if she fell.

"Okay, well I don't think I'll be working very long today."

Hailey stopped mid-turn to launch herself at her mother. Skye picked up the little girl and rested her on her hip. Hailey pouted at her.

"What's wrong, honey?"

"I don't want you to go," Hailey said, playing with the collar of Skye's shirt.

"Aw, how come? Don't you want to spend the day with Daddy?" Skye bounced her a little, tilting her head to the side to see her daughter's face better.

Hailey nodded.

"But I want you to stay too."

"I'll only be gone a little while, hon. Why don't you finish watching your new Smurf movie with Daddy?" she suggested.

The four-year-old sighed dramatically, resting her head on her mother's shoulder, causing her parents to laugh.


"Alright, good. I'll be home soon, sweetie. I promise." Skye put her daughter back down, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead.

Satisfied, Hailey twirled back to the couch and pulled herself up to sit on the edge beside her father. She pointed at the television screen as her mother quietly exited.

"Play," she commanded.

Lucas simply arched his eyebrows.

"Please?" she added sweetly.

He smiled, un-pausing the movie. Hailey quickly became invested in watching the small, blue creatures running around on their little adventures; every once and a while, repeating words such as, "Smurfy," and attempting to say, "Smurftastic." Lucas soon also became focused on the smurfs, not even noticing when his daughter slid off the couch and bolted to her bedroom.

Hailey stumbled out a few minutes later with an arm-full of plastic toys and stuffed animals. She dumped them on the wide coffee table in the center of the living room before heading back to her room. She came back, dragging two pillows behind her and a plastic tea pot in her other hand. She lay the pillows across from each other on opposite sides of the table. Hailey then set up her stuffed animals on the ends of the table before carefully arranging her pink and white tea set in the center.

Lucas glanced over, finally snapping out of the movie and seeing that Hailey must've been hard at work in arranging what appeared to be a tea party. Each of the stuffed animals had a tiny party hat. There was a white or pink tea cup and plate in front of each one along with a plastic food on top of it. He looked around but didn't see Hailey anywhere.

"Hail?" he called, pausing the cartoon and getting to his feet.

He heard shuffling in the kitchen, slowly walking towards the counter. Her could see the refrigerator was slightly ajar. When he peered around the corner, he spotted Hailey on the floor. She sat cross-legged, biting her lower lip in concentration as she attempted to pour juice into the teapot. Lucas watched as Hailey slowly tipped the juice bottle, small amounts splashing on to the wood flooring as her thin arms quivered from the weight.

"Need some help, Hail?" he said finally, cocking his head to the side.

"Nuh-uh!" she replied hastily, struggling to keep her grip.

"Are you sure?"

"I can do it!" she said confidently.

When she had finished, her teapot filled to the brim with apple juice, she gave her father a big grin. Hailey put the lid back on it and quickly got to her feet. She raced past Lucas, back to the living room, completely forgetting about the uncapped bottle and small puddle of juice she left behind.

Lucas cleaned up for her as his daughter returned to pull a box of round crackers from a lower cabinet. She was gone again in the blink of an eye. When he walked back out to the living room, he saw that the little tea party had become more elaborate. Each stuffed animal had a cracker on their plate and a few were even wearing little dresses - making him wonder how long he'd been in the kitchen.

"Daddy!" Hailey exclaimed, pausing from pouring juice into her favorite teddy bear's cup to smile up at him.

"What do we have here?"

"A tea party! Sit, Daddy!" she pointed to the Disney princess pillow across from her on the floor.

He chuckled before quickly obliged, lowering himself to sit cross-legged on the small pillow. Hailey stared at him, her tiny eyebrows furrowed in thought. She rubbed her chin, mimicking the way she'd seen her father do many times when he was working. Lucas arched his eyebrows as his daughter looked him over.

"This is a princess tea party," she said finally. "And you don't look like a princess."

Lucas scoffed, glancing down at his navy blue t-shirt and cargo pants. "I don't?" He pouted at her.

She shook her head back and forth. Suddenly she stopped, and Lucas swore he could see a little light bulb appear above her head.

"I know!" she said happily, then looking at her dad she said, "Don't move!" and ran into her bedroom.

He sat in silence, listening to the sound of his daughter rummaging through her room, wondering what on earth she was doing. One second she was saying he didn't look like a princess, then she got some bright idea and was now looking for something in her fairly princess-themed room.

"Here you go, Daddy!" the little girl squealed as she bolted towards him, holding out one hand towards him, a medium-sized object in her fist. When she reached him, she quickly stood on her tip toes and placed the tiara on his head.

She backed away, admiring her father's new look. "That's better!" she said, satisfied.

He gently touched the tiara, one of three that had come in a dress-up set he and Skye had bought her last Christmas. Hailey held a second one in her other hand, a silver one with bright green plastic jewels on the front.

"Do I look like a princess now?" he joked, giving her his biggest smile.

"Mhm," she giggled, nodding enthusiastically.

He chuckled, waving her closer. "Now you need your tiara on," he told her. She handed him hers and he lightly placed it on her head, moving her little butterfly pin so it wouldn't get in the way. She gave him a toothy smile.

"Princess Hailey." He gave her a small bow.

She repeated the gesture. "Princess Daddy."

Hailey poured her father some "tea" and then served herself before sitting down onto her own pillow. Lucas picked up the plastic cup with both hands wrapping around it, raising it toward is mouth.

"No, no, no," Hailey scolded.

Lucas paused, putting the cup down and looking across the table at the four-year-old. She held her cup, her fingers curled through the handle. She stuck her pinky finger out daintily.

"Like this," she said, gesturing to the way she held her teacup. "See?"

"Okay." He nodded, copying her perfectly until she gave him a nod of approval.

Nice. My four-year-old daughter is teaching me how to be a princess, he thought.

"So Princess Hailey -" she had made it a rule that they both had to refer to the other as Princess Hailey and Princess Daddy "- how was your day at…the Shannon's yesterday?"

"Great!" she said, taking a bite out of her cracker before continuing to speak. "Me and Daniel and Melody played with Aunt Zoe and Uncle Josh. Aunt Zoe let us play with all of these toy dinosa- dinosaw- um, dinos she made and Uncle Josh played some music," she told him quickly.

Lucas grimaced at her calling the Shannon boy, "Uncle Josh." He remembered how she had refused to allow him to hold her until she was almost two, have a fit whenever they tried. But after she and Josh's son, Daniel, became best friends - as of about a year and half ago - she had decided she did like Josh after all. Skye loved that Hailey and Daniel got along, she and Kara joked constantly about them growing up and falling in love. Josh would laugh along, smirking at Lucas who would scowl and shake his head.

"No way in hell," he'd mutter.

"And then, then we watched Aunt Zoe's favorite movie…uh…I think it was called Lee-loh and Stitch," she continued, eating another cracker.

"Oh?" Lucas sipped the juice.

"And then Danny tried to hold my hand," she giggled.

Lucas choked momentarily, grasping the cup tightly. "What?"

Hailey frowned at her father's odd reaction. "Daddy?"

"Hailey, do not hold hands with Daniel Shannon," he ordered, "Or any boys."

"But what about you? I always hold your hand when we're walking around in the market," she pointed out.

"Um, well that doesn't er, count. But don't hold other boys' hands. They aren't just being nice, honey. They have…motives.," Lucas told her, not even fully thinking of how ridiculous he sounded, telling a four-year-old that other four-year-old boys had motives when it came to girls.

Hailey cocked her head to the side, confused. "Motives?"

He nodded. "Motives…um…well okay, boys are evil, and you should stay away from them."

"But Danny is my best friend…"

"Yes, well -"

Suddenly the front door opened, Lucas glanced up as Hailey spun around to race towards the door. Before Skye even managed to say, "Hello," her daughter had wrapped her arms tightly around her legs.

"Mommy!" she shrieked, grinning up at her.

"Hey there, sweetheart," Skye cooed, regaining her balance. Behind her, Commander Taylor stepped in, carrying a basket of fruit.

"Grandpa!" she said, leaning around her mother's legs to look up at Taylor, but refusing to let go.

"Hello, Peanut," he said, setting the basket on the counter.

"Daddy and I are having a princess tea party!" She pointed over to Lucas, who nobody had noticed yet. "Daddy's a princess!"

Skye and Taylor looked over to the young physicist that sat in the middle of the living room on a bright pink pillow. In front of him were stuffed animals galore and an assortment of tea cups and plates. Their eyes traveled up until they saw Lucas's embarrassed expression along with the silver tiara with pink fur lining on the top of his head.

Hailey looked over at her dad proudly as her mother and grandfather did everything in their power to hold back their laughter. Neither could deny how utterly ridiculous he looked. Lucas grimaced as his father continued to look him up and down, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"Your father makes a very pretty princess, Peanut," he chuckled.

Hailey nodded in agreement, grabbing his hand and leading him towards the coffee table. Lucas glared at Taylor's amused expression as they approached him.

"Don't move!" Hailey told her grandfather before running off to her room once again.

The Commander and Skye exchanged confused glances while a grin began to spread across Princess Lucas's face. Taylor's brow furrowed upon seeing his son's expression.

"Wha- ?"

Hailey reappeared, dragging a third pillow behind her and another tiara. She placed the pillow beside Lucas and pointed to it.

"That's your seat, Grandpa."

"Okay," he said, taking a seat next to his son.

Hailey took one of the stuffed animal's plate and teacup and placed it in front of Taylor. "Here you go…"

"Thank you," he said politely, eyeing the tiara in her hand, suspiciously.

She moved forward to put the tiara on his head.

"That's okay, Hailey. I don't need one."

Hailey frowned. "This is a princess tea party, Grandpa."

"Yeah, Dad. This is a princess tea party," Lucas joked quietly, smirking.

Taylor bowed his head so Hailey could reach to put the tiara on him. She nodded proudly, placing her hands on her waist as she examined the Taylor men, deciding they looked enough like princesses. She sat down across from them and handed them each two more crackers and re-filled the teacups.


Lucas glanced up to see Skye standing there, a smirk on her face as she took a picture of the three of them. He stood up from the table and made his way over to her. A mischievous grin appeared on Skye's face before she turned and ran off through the house. Lucas ran off after her, leaving his father to mind Hailey. He caught up to her just outside the door to their bedroom. He stalked forward, knowing he had her trapped.

"Delete the picture," he said in a warning tone as he stepped in front of her so that she had nowhere to go.

Skye slowly reached behind her, keeping her eyes trained on Lucas, trying to anticipate his next move. Her hand finally grasped the door handle as Lucas began leaning in. She turned the handle and stumbled backwards into the bedroom. Lucas was too quick for her though. He grasped her arms and spun her around so that she was pressed up against the wall. Their breathing was heavy as they watched each other, trying to predict what the other would do and find a way to counteract it.

"I'll tell you one more time," Lucas warned. "Delete the picture."

Everything about his actions screamed danger yet Skye knew he wouldn't hurt her. She couldn't stop herself from giggling as he stood towering over her, trying to look daunting yet failing.

"You know, you look a lot less intimidating with that tiara on,' she said, watching as realization dawned on his face. Lucas reached up and grabbed the tiara off his head, tossing it to the ground, his eyes never leaving Skye's for a second.

"Is that better?" he asked in a seductive tone as he took half a step towards her, his body now pressing hers against the wall. He moved his hands up to either side of Skye's face, his gaze holding her rooted to the spot. She was exactly where he wanted her. Skye nodded weakly as she glanced up at him. Even after all this time he still had this effect on her. He gently brushed a strand of hair off her cheek before leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Delete it."

The words played over and over again in Skye's head. She knew what he wanted. Lucas moved his lips down her neck, pressing a gentle kiss there, listening to the sound of her breath hitch. He moved his lips lower, pressing another kiss to her neck, feeling the way her chest rose and fell with her heavy breathing as she stood trapped between him and the wall. Skye involuntarily tilted her head to the side, allowing him better access to her neck. His breath ghosted over skin, sending her heart racing, a move that didn't go unnoticed by Lucas.

"Delete it," he whispered as he continued to kiss down her neck, knowing that she would eventually give in. he moved his lips back up to her ear before whispering the word which he knew would make her cave. "Bucket."

Skye felt her knees weaken as she heard her nickname. It was her one weakness; she never could resist him when he called her Bucket, especially in that seductive tone of his. He moved his hands to cup her face, leaning his forehead against hers, his lips inches away from hers, their breath mingling as he waited for the inevitable.

"It's in my pocket," she whispered, not even caring that he had won.

A smirk appeared on Lucas's face upon hearing her words, victory was his. He slid his hands down her hips slowly, keeping his eyes trained on hers, watching her reaction to his touch. His fingers brushed under her shirt as he moved them around to her back, savoring the feeling over her flesh. He began to slide his left hand down to her back pocket, searching for the phone that he knew contained the photo. Skye jerked her hips upwards toward him, creating a gap between her and the wall and leaving none between her and Lucas. Her lips gently brushed against his, causing his concentration to slip for a moment before he regained his composure.

His search found nothing in her left back pocked and so he brought his hand back up to her hip before sliding his right hand down to search her other pocket. Her right back pocket was empty too, although this wasn't surprising to Lucas. He could feel her phone sitting in her left front pocket but he still continued with his hunt, the thrill of the search as he explored Skye's body was much more exciting than the object he was searching for.

Lucas moved his hand back up to Skye's hip, gripping her slightly as he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Skye barely had time to react before Lucas had spun her around and pressed her back up against the wall, this time with her back to him. He gripped her wrists, moving her arms up one by one, forcing her to put her palms flat against the wall. He leaned against her, pressing his body against hers as he rested his head on her shoulder, taking a breath before continuing on his search. His right hand moved slowly along her side before reaching her front pocket, sliding his hand inside and leaving it there as his left hand began its journey down Skye's body. Skye's heart raced in anticipation as her breathing became erratic, knowing that Lucas was only seconds away from finding what it was that he was so desperately searching for.

His left hand slid into her pocket, wrapping around the phone which sat there, just waiting for him to delete the incriminating evidence that could humiliate him. He slowly drew the phone out of her pocket and brought it up so that it was right in front of her face. The gesture just screamed, "I won," no words needed to be said. Lucas turned the phone in his hands gently before unlocking it and navigating though the menu. The photo appeared on the screen, looking more ridiculous than Lucas had imagined yet he barely noticed it. His eyes were glazed over with passion. He pressed the button to delete it. Watching as the phone asked him to confirm his actions. Skye glanced at the words written on the screen, 'Are you sure you want to delete this?'. Lucas's finger hovered over the delete button before he relaxed his grip on the phone and let it tumble to the ground. He leaned forwards and pressed his lips to her neck, at the moment the picture of him in a tiara was the last thing on his mind.

Skye turned her neck, twisting around to bring her lips to his. Lucas responded eagerly to the kiss, kissing back hungrily and spinning her back around so that she was once again facing him. His hips held her against the wall as he wound his fingers though her hair. Skye moved her hands up to grab fistfuls of his shirt as she arched her back, pressing her chest against his, needing to feel him, to be closer to him if that was even possible. Lucas moved his hands from her hair down to her hips, sliding them around to the button of her jeans.

"Lucas," Skye said, sighing as she broke the kiss. "We can't. Hailey and your father are right outside."

Lucas sighed, Skye was right. He let his hands drop and took a step back, composing himself so that he was ready to go back out to his daughter. Skye straightened her clothes, glancing in the mirror and fixing her hair, erasing all evidence of their previous activities. She walked over to Lucas and stepped up on her toes, kissing him softly before stepping aback down and leaving him with one word.


Lucas watched as Skye walked out of the room, letting the implications of her word sink in. after a few moments he followed her back out to where his daughter sat waiting patiently for him. She jumped up the second she saw him enter the room.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, what happened to your tiara?" she asked as Lucas swept her up into his arms. It was at that moment that he realized his mistake. Taylor looked up at him, smirking knowingly, suggesting that he knew exactly why Lucas was missing his tiara. Hailey reached up to her head and grabbed her own tiara before placing it on her father's head.

"Much better," she said smiling.