A/N: Here is my new little project haha, I hope you like it! Make sure to read the A/N at the end!

for the longest time, i was like, "someone must write a story like this! im going to give this prompt to someone!" then a week ago, i was trying to write the next chapter of S&O and watching the new episodes of In Plain Sight, where Mary has a baby now, and just said, "shut up, sabrina. write it yourself." lol and so a plot bunny was born! :D

Thankyou to Emtheunicorn and Jemmz for looking this over for me :D

Title: Hailey

Ship: Lucas/Skye, Lucket

Genre: Family

Summary: He had absolutely no clue what he was doing. It wasn't exactly a spur of the moment situation. He'd known this was coming. But he couldn't help but feel panicked and unprepared, as if it had just been sprung on him out of the blue.

He didn't know what he was doing. He had absolutely no clue what he was doing. It wasn't exactly a spur of the moment situation. He'd known this was coming. But he couldn't help but feel panicked and unprepared, as if it had just been sprung on him out of the blue.

Lucas stood in the doorway, gazing in at the small room. He took a few steps inside, stopping in the center of the fuzzy, pink rug and stared at the crib in front of him. He still could not believe this was happening. About a year ago, he never in a million years would have thought he'd find himself standing in a little nursery where, right in front of him, his own child lay. It all seemed so surreal. When Skye had hesitantly informed that she was pregnant nine months ago, he had been genuinely excited at the idea of having a kid with her. As soon as they found out it was a girl, they decided on a name - Hailey. But he hadn't really seen the reality of it. Even the day before, when he had rushed his wife into the infirmary as she yelled at him to get her the "God damn epidural shot," he hadn't fully grasped that they were going to have a baby, they were about to be parents - he was going to be a father.

It had all seemed like some crazy dream, an alternative universe where the once revenge-thirsty and brilliant physicist settled down in Terra Nova - a place he had spent years trying to destroy - with a young woman he was in love with, let go of his contempt for his father, and started a family. Like a normal person.

After it was all over, when Skye's screaming and cursing subsided - Lucas had attempted to joke about that, trying to "lighten the mood", saying their daughter would have a dirty mouth from hearing words like that so early in life, only to have her squeeze his hand so hard he was sure it would fall off - all that could be heard was a soft whimpering coming from the little pink bundle in her arms. She looked up at Lucas and asked him if he wanted to hold their daughter. Wide-eyed, he had shaken his head, glanced at the sleeping baby, and mumbled something about not wanting to wake her up. In truth, he was terrified. Terrified that the baby would start crying, or that he would drop her, or just something ridiculous would happen. Skye frowned at first, but upon seeing the self-conscious expression on his face, she suggested that maybe he went back to the house to finish baby-proofing, remembering that they had never completed that task. He reluctantly agreed, gave her a quick kiss and promised to be back as soon as he was done. She shook her head and said it was late and to get some good rest, his father would bring her and 'Hail' over in the morning. At first he protested, but Skye told him to take advantage of the empty house because who knew when they'd get a good night's sleep once the baby was home? He nodded and headed home, hoping to clear his mind. But he already knew the chances of him getting any rest was slim to none, even without the baby there.

Walking out of the infirmary, his eyes were cast downward, causing him to run straight into someone, wiping his small grin right off his face.

"Shit…sorry!" he said quickly, then pausing when he realized who it was.

"What are doing here, Dad?" he asked, confused minutely.

Commander Taylor held up a medium-sized, pink [Lucas was beginning to think that people were forgetting that there were other - many other - colors in existence besides pink] teddy bear.

"Coming to visit my new granddaughter," Taylor said, "Where are you going?"

"Uh…to go finish baby-proofing the place…Kid came a little early," he laughed, "Wanted me to be as unprepared as possible."

"They were off on her due date by two days…" his father reminded him, a small laugh lacing his words.

"Right…" he muttered with a quick nod.

Eyeing his son's dazed expression, he asked, "Are you okay, son?"

"What? Oh, yeah, great…why wouldn't I be?" he replied quickly.

Taylor simply shrugged, continuing to watch him.

Lucas shifted his weight back and forth onto each foot uncomfortably. They had sorted out most of their differences when he first came back to Terra Nova after the occupation, but there would always be a sort of tension between them.


He looked up, giving his father a questioning glance.

"I just wanted to say, how uh, how proud I am of you."

Lucas's eyes widened. He couldn't remember the last time he had told him that. "Um…thanks," he replied slowly, still partially shocked.

"That uh, means a lot," he admitted quietly.

Taylor nodded. "It's true. You've really come a long way over the past couple years."

"Well…I should go…you know, baby-proof…" he said awkwardly. "Thanks for coming though…I'm sure Skye will be happy to see you."


The Commander watched with raised eyebrows as Lucas shoved his hands in his pockets and exited the building.

He had slowly walked through the darkness towards their house, which was clear across the colony. He hadn't minded the long walk though. As he walked by the empty market, past the Command Center, through the rows and rows of houses, he found himself reminiscing about the occupation. It had been about two and a half years since then, but everyday he still woke up wondering how he had ended up back in Terra Nova. After all of that, all that he'd done, somehow he had been forgiven. He had almost demolished these peoples' home and their lives - he had stabbed his own father for God's sake, but they had all miraculously found it within themselves to accept him and the rest of the Sixers back into the colony. When he and Skye had gotten married and especially when they had started telling people about the pregnancy, he had been loathing the rude comments and stares that he was sure would come soon enough. Only, they never did. He was surprised at the amount of "Congratulations!" they had continuously gotten over the last 9 months - one even being from Mira and her daughter, Sienna. The only ones who were even remotely upset, or that expressed it at least, were probably Hunter Boyce and that Shannon boy. But even they got over it, apparently deciding their friendship with Skye was more important than their jealousy and strong dislike for Lucas.

When he arrived at his and Skye's house, it was almost midnight, but he wasn't tired at all. He quickly began his mission to baby-proof every inch of that place; putting 'baby locks' on practically anything that opened, setting up the baby gates in the little garden-room doorway, covering every single outlet, and moving everything away from the edges of the tables and counters. Most of what he did, he knew wouldn't really make much of a difference until Hailey could walk, but it distracted him. After that, it was only 2 AM, and he soon found himself cleaning obsessively, mostly in hopes to keep Skye from being too stressed when she got home. He didn't want her or their kid to get there and for the place to be a complete mess. His nerves kept him going, and by the time he was satisfied with how everything looked, the sun was rising.

The place was as baby-proof as possible, and cleaner than it had ever been. The refrigerator and cabinets were stocked full with baby food. The nursery was fully equipped with more toys than he had ever seen in his entire life - it looked like a small toy store in his opinion.

He had walked back to the infirmary, despite Skye telling him not to earlier. She had been asleep and the baby was as well, so he had simply sat down in a chair beside the bed and fallen asleep. The next day, as soon as Dr. Shannon cleared Skye and the baby, the new little family went home. Surprisingly, Hailey had slept the entire day and most of the night, barely making a single sound. For most of the night, she did a great job at allowing her parents to get some rest.

Lucas walked into the nursery, rubbing his eyes. Wondering how the hell had the kid managed to stay quiet all day, then wake up at three in the morning to start making a fuss?

When he first woke up at the sound of the baby beginning to cry in the next-door room, he glanced over at Skye's sleeping shape. When she started to move to get up, he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll get her."

"Thanks," Skye had said, her voice muffled as she buried her face in her pillow.

After a couple of minutes trying to regain consciousness, he pushed himself up out of bed and made his way to the nursery in the dark. He stumbled into the room, doing his best not to trip over anything. But when he reached the crib, he came to the realization that he really didn't know what to do. It was the baby's first night home and he'd only ever read about this stuff. Also, he was half asleep at the moment. Hailey lay on her back, squirming wildly, her crying becoming more shrill as she seemed to be getting impatient.

Lucas hesitated before picking her up, remembering reading something about 'self-soothing'. But at the moment, he didn't really see how letting the baby continue to scream was a good thing. If the high-pitched sound didn't somehow kill him first, a sleep-deprived Skye definitely would.

He held the baby close, so her head rested against her father's shoulder. He bounced slightly, as he had seen that soldier who was married to Skye's friend, Maddy, do whenever their kid threw a fit. It made him laugh a little to think that he was mimicking someone like the goody-two-shoes Mark Reynolds.

"Shhh," he said softly, "It's okay, you're okay."

But hey, copying him worked, didn't it? Soon enough, Hailey's cries were reduced to tiny sniffles and a few hiccups. He shifted her, so he cradled her in his arms now. As he continued to bounce the baby slowly, made his way to the living room and lowered himself down onto the couch.

He glanced down at his daughter, to see that he was staring right back up at him, her bright green-blue eyes glistening from crying.

"How does something as small as you," he mumbled, "have it in you to scream non-stop like that?"

Hailey just looked at him inquiringly before yawning quietly, her mouth opening wide to reveal her lack of teeth. Lucas couldn't help but grin.

"You gettin' tired?" He gently caressed the infant's cheek as she yawned once again. Lazily, the baby reached out and grasped one of Lucas's fingers in her tiny hand.

"What if I'm not a good dad?" he had asked Skye a couple months ago as they worked on the nursery.

"You'll be a great dad," she replied, grinning at him.

He shook his head, "I have no idea what I'm doing…"

"Neither do I," Skye laughed, shrugging. "We can be both be sorry excuses for parents together."

"Bucket," he sighed, "I'm not 'dad' material…I mean, what if the kid hates me?"

"She'll love you. Don't worry."

"I just don't want to mess this up…I mean, look at my relationship with my dad…"

"No." She shook her head. "Your relationship with him doesn't decide what kind of dad you will be. Okay?" Skye arched her eyebrows.

Lucas nodded understandingly. "Okay."

"Good, because you are going to be a great dad."

As he remembered his and Skye's conversation, Hailey was quickly falling back asleep. His own eyelids were beginning to feel heavy, exhaustion overwhelming him. He glanced down at his equally tired baby.

"You know when I first found out about you, I didn't know how in the world I was supposed to be a good dad. I still have no idea what I'm doing," he chuckled.

"You seem to be doing a perfectly fine job to me."

Startled, Lucas's head snapped up to see Skye standing in the doorway of their room. Even in the dimly lit room, he could see that her curly, brown hair was now in a messy ponytail and she appeared to be wearing one of his shirts. She grinned at him as she walked over to the couch.

"God, you're beautiful," he murmured as she curled up on the couch beside him, giving her a quick kiss.

Hailey made a small noise, her eyes opening a little as she gazed up at her parents.

"You're beautiful too," he laughed quietly, giving her a soft kiss on her forehead. She smiled contently, her eyes fluttering shut once again.

Skye laughed, placing her head on his shoulder. Lucas cradled Hailey in his right arm, wrapping his left arm around Skye's waist then resting his head atop her head.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too." He smiled. pulling his wife and child closer as he closed his eyes. After his mother had died, when he was only fourteen, he thought he would never have a real family again. He never imagined that, with his screwed up past, someday he would be living this "white-picket-fence-life" with someone as perfect as Skye Tate, and now their daughter. He was finally, after eleven years, getting his shot at the life he'd always truly wanted, they life they all deserved. And for the first time in nine months, he didn't doubt that he could be a good father.

A/N: thanks for reading! This is going to be a series of oneshots, because I'm in love with this Lucket family and especially Lucas being a dad ahaha

so, if you have any ideas or prompts like, I don't know...'Hailey's First Word'...that you'd like me to make into a oneshot, leave a review and let me know! And leave a review and let me know what you thought about the fic itself :D