It was a regular Tuesday morning and I was snoring in my bed, in a blissful half-sleep. No school, I grinned to myself. No school, because I'd dropped out a full year ago, and that wasn't a problem for me. I rolled over in my glorious, warm cocoon of a bed, drooling on my pillow and cuddling my duvet. Happy days.

At least, that's what it should have been. Before I knew what was going on, my bed – the bed itself – was being ripped out from under me. "Get out of my house, hoodlum! What have you done with my daughter!" a booming voice screamed above me, and I felt the urge to say 'say it, don't spray it'. Seriously, the guy was sending spittle all over me, and I hadn't done anything!

As it turned out, what I had been sleeping on was instead a mat, and the pillow under my head had been stuffed with straw, and not synthetic cotton as I'd expected. And now I was sitting on the floor, staring up at a man in … earth … kingdom … clothes.

'You have got to be kidding me,' my face fell into a dull irritation. 'This shit actually happens?'

"Well! What have you got to say for yourself?" the man standing over me shouted irately.

I snorted and got up. "Relax," I dusted off my pajamas – the stretchy supposed-to-be-a-tracksuit ones – and raised a hand to scratch my head. Alright, I knew how to end this. All I had to do was find whoever it was I was paired with, make out with them, have a steamy 'this can never be' argument, then nobly decide I'm needed elsewhere, and then I could go home. Right? There was just this little kink to work out; the man standing over me. "I'm er … yeah, I'm the Avatar," I stated distastefully. Honestly, what else could I say? I needed an excuse. This one just fit. "And your daughter is fine. I guess."

The man gasped in surprise and then breathed a sigh of relief. "Really?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah …" I answered quickly, ruffling my hair groggily. Why hadn't I put on eyeliner before going to bed? I'd look a lot better that way. "… Yeah, Sure … why not?" I murmured in reply, and then set about figuring this whole mess out. 'Alright, I'm a fanfic writer. I can sort this whole thing out. I need to do something. But first …' I turned to the man with the missing daughter. "Hey … uh … what do you have in the way of breakfast?" I asked, arching a brow.

He stared at me. "But … my daughter … where is she?"

I stared right back. And then my eyes went wide. HOLY SHIT. If I'd woken up in another girl's bed – in the Avatar world, whatever – then someone from this timeline was in the real world … probably screwing things up … Oh, shit. What if she got on my computer? What if she discovered that she was in a cartoon? What if she ruined my reputation as a fan fiction writer? Oh, sweet Jesus, what then?

"She's uh … yeah … how about those uh … platypus-bears …" I trailed off, and moved toward the window near the bed. 'Let's hope this writer's given me some bending abilities …' I thought, as I ducked out the window, butt first on the window sill, then feet over and a back-flip out. Airbending would be nice, or earthbending. To catch me, you know. No such luck. I got firebending; which was completely useless when you needed to catch yourself from falling out of a two-story building. I hit the dirt with a thump - in real life, I'd have been dead, but of course ... this was the Avatarverse. Dammit.

And me! Hotheaded? Everyone knew firebenders were hot-blooded and tempered and passionate and crazy nutcases with an INSANE tendency to overreact and that was so not me! Honestly! I mean, here I was, transported to the Avatar world in my sleep – my sweet and sacred, lovely, lovely SLEEP – and expected to go on a crazy manhunt after Zuko – or at least, I assumed I was being paired with him – and I hadn't even batted an eyelash. Just, 'uh-huh', 'okay', 'how about that' and on my way. That just PROVED that I was nowhere near hotheaded enough to make me a firebender! Maybe a fire-nation non-bender, but not a firebender.

'Oh, but for story purposes you have you be a firebender!'

I blinked and looked around. "Hello?" I queried, making a face. Alright. I had to have a brain tumor; now I was hearing voices.

'Your destiny … is … going to be so epic …'

I smacked a hand to my forehead. "Aw, shit," I murmured. Not only would I have to endure this hell, but also hear whoever it was responsible for this crap. "Hey, ASSHOLE!" I cupped my hands around my mouth and shouted up at the sky. "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM! I HAVE THINGS TO DO! PEOPLE TO SEE! I CAN'T BE CAUGHT UP IN AVATAR LAND LIKE THIS!"

'But you already are, all the time. Sat at your computer. All day. Instead of loading my computer game.'

My eyes went wide. "No," I whispered, and stepped back, raising my hands to firebend at the sky. "This can't be happening!" I screamed, and shook my head in denial. Of all the people to trap me here … my sister! How could she have betrayed me like this? What was she trying to prove? What did she want from me?"How could you do this to me?" I shouted at the sky. "You betrayed me!"

'Enjoy the ride, Rhia. See if you can find your way out! Muahahaha!'

I turned away from where the voice was coming from and ran, ran as fast as I could. I had to find whoever she had paired me with.

And that meant I was hunting the Avatar. A reluctant grin settled on my face.

"Sweet," I murmured as I ran in my stretchy, totally-not-matching-the-setting tracksuit pajamas. And then I proceeded to hum the theme song with much gusto, unbrushed brown hair bouncing on the wind, groggy, unlined eyes staring toward the sunset-

'WAIT, WHAT? Sunset? I just woke up! This makes no sense!'

- and my stomach rumbling for McDonalds breakfast. I would never survive this.