I don't own Naruto, kay? ^-^




'Inner Sasuke'

'Cursemark Sasuke'

It Was Only A Kiss!

Chapter Seven

All Is Fair in Love and Sex

Last Time

"Usually when someone kisses someone, it means that they likethem," Sasuke said in the same simpleton tone, his eyes glinting maddeningly with amusement at Naruto, causing the blond's blush to darken even more.

"So why the hell did you kiss ME!"

"Because," Sasuke said, giving Naruto an exasperated look. "I like you, idiot."

The apocalypse had started. Volcanoes were erupting. The sky was breaking, falling apart piece by piece, hitting the crumbling earth in fiery meteors. The soil was splitting, ripping the ground in two and opening up the gateways to the molten core of the doomed planet that was slowly turning to ash and dust.

The world was ending.

Because there was no possible way that Sasuke, the UCHIHA SASUKE had just said that he liked NARUTO.

"NO WAY!" Ino's voice penetrated the unnerving silence that had fallen over the crowd. "Sasuke-kun likes NARUTO?!"

The jaws of nearly everyone gathered, save Sakura, Sai, Shikamaru, and Kakashi, were dropped to the ground.

"…I knew that food last night tasted rotten…" Chouji mumbled in disbelief.

"Oh no…" Sakura groaned as she looked at her two teammates. "This won't end well…"

Naruto was frozen in a state of utter disbelief. He felt like his mind was melting, and the all-too-serious expression and smoldering look in Sasuke's dark eyes wasn't helping.

"…what did you just say?" Naruto managed to choke out.

With a small sigh, Sasuke began to move closer to Naruto, ignoring the way the blond tensed like he was preparing to fight. "I said that I like you," Sasuke repeated slowly, making sure that his words were clear. "I'm attracted to you. I think you're hot. I want to date you, and touch you, and kiss you, the whole sh'bang."

Sasuke was now only a half step away from Naruto, who looked like he was trying very hard to not punch the other boy. "Y-you're not funny!" Naruto growled, glaring angrily at Sasuke through the blush on his cheeks.

The intensity of Sasuke's gaze sharpened, and he leaned even closer to Naruto's face. "I'm being completely serious, Naruto."

Naruto's stomach started twisting uncomfortably, and he hastily started to back away from the positively predatory looking Uchiha. "I must have hit you harder than I thought!"

But Naruto hardly managed to take a single step before Sasuke's gloved hand shot out and grabbed his wrist, yanking them back together. Without giving Naruto time to do more than give a small yelp, Sasuke's arms other arm was winding around his waist, and the distance between their faces was swiftly closing.

'HOLY SHIT HE'S SERIOUS!' Naruto screamed in his head, his eyes going wide with horror as Sasuke's began to close.


With a puff of white smoke, there was a body between them and an arm dropped on each of their shoulders, forcibly separating Sasuke from his dobe. "Maa! Just look at both of my cute little gennin!" Kakashi said with his signature eye smile.

"Kakashi…" Sasuke let out a small growl, having no trouble in showing his irritation at the jounin's interruption.

"Ne, why such hostility?" Kakashi said in a tone of mock hurt. "You should have a little more respect for your old teacher."

Naruto was too busy trying to sort through the millions of racing thoughts in his head to pay attention to their conversation, the frantic beating of his heart pounding in his ears at his almost-lip-lock with Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke…of all fucking people!

"Naruto and I were in the middle of a conversation," Sasuke shot coldly at him with a glare that could bore holes through Konoha's walls.

"Conversation?!" Naruto said indignantly, snapping back to reality. "You were trying to suck my face off!"

"I was hardly going to suck it off," Sasuke scoffed, and suddenly some of this earlier intensity returned to his eyes. "Although, I wouldn't be opposed to trying-"

"SHUT UP, TEME!" Naruto yelled quickly, cutting Sasuke off.

"How I missed your lovers quarrels," Kakashi said cheerily, squeezing both boys with his arms as if to remind them he was there.

Naruto's face turned red again with a fresh wave of mortification, and Sasuke let out a small "tch" of annoyance.

"Kakashi-sensei! This isn't funny! There's something wrong with Sasuke-teme!" Naruto pleaded with his teacher.

"Hm…you may be right, Naruto," Kakashi said, and for a hope-filled moment, Naruto thought Kakashi might help sort out this madness! "Sasuke does seem a tad bit hornier than he used to be...but I think I'll let you handle that!"

Naruto thought he just might be sick.

Flinging the heavy arm from around his shoulder, Naruto scrambled away from Sasuke and Kakashi, just in time to see the approach of the others. With a cry of relief, Naruto dashed towards Sakura, and unashamedly jumped behind her in self preservation.

"A-ano…welcome back, Sasuke-kun…" Ino said awkwardly, eyes flashing obviously between Sasuke, who was distancing himself distastefully from Kakashi, and Naruto, who was using Sakura as a shield.

"So…" Kiba said, his eyes looking almost accusatory. "That Orochimaru-bastard made you gay, or what?" he blurted rudely, earning himself a smack on the head from both Ino and Sakura, and a deadly Uchiha glare.

"Shut up, Kiba!" Ino hissed furiously at him, before turning back to Sasuke, a blush clearly showing on her cheeks. "Sasuke-kun, we were wondering if…if you'd maybe like to go get dinner, all of us?" she said as sweetly as she could, trying to keep the uncertainty out of her voice.

Sasuke's face twitched in a manner that suggested he was holding back a scowl. "No thank you," he said in a tone that was meant to sound polite. "I already had plans to eat with Naruto."

"Since when!" Naruto shouted crossly.

"Of course he'll come!" Sakura said suddenly, putting a halt to another blooming argument. "We're all going to go together!"

"I'm not going anywhere near that bastard until he gets his head fixed!" Naruto argued, something that proved to be a large mistake.

"I said, we're all going," Sakura said venomously, whipping around to stare Naruto down. "And that includes you, Naruto!"

Eyes wide, Naruto fought down the urge to gulp. "F-fine! But I'm not sitting near him!"

From the steal look on Sakura's face, Sasuke knew that there was no getting out of this, and with an inner sigh, he resigned himself to an immediate social debut.

This was so not how he'd wanted things to go.

this wasn't where I'd originally planned on ending this chapter...but its taking me so long to finish writing the next scene I figured I should give you guys something. I'm sorry for the wait, and thanks to anyone who's still sticking around at this point! Thanks so much for reading!
