"And over there," he said pointing to a cluster of stars in the perfectly clear night sky, "That's Orion, you would be able to see him during the winter at home, if you could see the stars over the bright lights." He paused for a moment and Kurt finally thought he was done, but as always, there were never too many stars in the night sky. "Oh! And over there are the Pleiades, or most commonly known as the Seven Sisters."

"Sometimes I feel like you enjoy this more because of the stars than because of me," Kurt joked.

When he didn't respond, Kurt looked over and saw Blaine's beautiful golden eyes staring back at him, still as bright as the first time he ever saw him, maybe even brighter. "What are you staring at?" Kurt asked.

"My husband…" Blaine hummed.

Kurt rolled over and rested his head on Blaine's chest, feeling it rise and fall as he breathed. "Hmm…I like being your husband," Kurt said, looking down at the gold ring placed on his left hand. "Actually, I really like it."

"So, Mr. Hummel-Anderson, how are you enjoying your honeymoon? Or our honeymoon to be more precise."

He rested his chin on his hands and looked at Blaine."Well, Mr. Hummel-Anderson, one could say that I am enjoying it quite immensely." They were laying in an open field, which stretched for miles around, with total silence, except for the light sound of the bugs chirping into the night.

"We could have gone to Paris you know," Blaine noted.

Kurt covered Blaine lips with his finger, "Ah ah ah, we made a deal, I got to pick where we went on our honeymoon, and you got to pick our last name. Australia was always my first choice anyway."

"I find that hard to believe. As I can recall, it was my dream location."

"And as I can recall, your dreams are my dreams. And besides, I already have Paris booked for our first anniversary."

"Well, I wouldn't put much money down on it, you'll probably be working."

"We don't know how long they're going to keep me on the show, Blaine. They could fire me after the opening night for all we know."

"My husband is going to be a Broadway star," Blaine sang.

"It's a minor role, I'm not a star…"

"You're my star," Blaine told him.

"And you're still as cheesy after all these years," Kurt laughed.

"You love it."

"Of course I do." Kurt smiled and gave Blaine a small kiss. "Well, my husband has an internship with NASA next summer." When Blaine was finally out of treatment, he applied to a small college in New York, getting accepted and then majoring in astronomy with an in depth study of astrophysics, as well as graduating at nearly the top of his class.

"I'm just going to be studying the stars through the Hubble, no big deal…"

Kurt rolled his eyes and hit Blaine playfully on the shoulder. "Oh, no big deal huh? Ten chosen out of thousands of applicants. Nope, no big deal."

"Okay…maybe it's kind of a big deal."

"Mhm." Kurt gave Blaine a kiss on the nose and laid back onto the grass.

"Leaving me so soon?" Blaine rolled onto his side and trailed his fingers down Kurt's arm. "Do you remember Jake's Branch Park?"

"How could I forget?" That's where their meadow was, although they hadn't been there for years.

"Do you remember what we used to do there?"

Kurt remembered all the times they went home with grass stained jeans and swollen lips, their hair a mess and their hearts about to beat out of their chests. "You could remind me…" Kurt mused.

Blaine gradually made his way toward Kurt and hovered over him. He looked down at Kurt and just stared. "I really think I would be okay with just looking at you for the rest of my life," Blaine said while caressing Kurt's cheek.

Kurt smiled. "Well good, because you're stuck with me." Yes they'd had their ups and downs over the years, but at this moment, Kurt knew he wouldn't have chosen anyone else to spend the rest of his life with.

Blaine laughed and gave Kurt a light kiss. "I wouldn't ask for anything else."

Kurt laced their fingers together and stared into Blaine's eyes, which shone brightly under the stars. "For our forever."

Kurt didn't like thinking back to the time when he didn't believe he and Blaine would have a future, that time when he had to pretend that this day could become a reality. But when he did think back to their first summer, he thought mostly about how they knew, even then, that they wouldn't ever give up on each other. When those vows said "in sickness and in health", it wasn't even a question, because no matter how hard things became, they would always care for each other, until the day when one would have to live without the other. They knew because they had already been through it, they already knew what is was like to almost lose that one person they held so dear, that would do anything to save them.

And that's why their futures changed so much more than they had originally planned, or originally had created in their "pretend" future. Kurt chose to give Blaine his dream, to let him watch the stars in the most beautiful place in the world, because the smile on Blaine's face and the look in his eyes would never come close to that Eiffel Tower. And Blaine chose to let Kurt's last name be first, because Kurt, the blue eyes that he would wake up to everyday, would always be the first thing in his life, alphabetical or not.

Something that would never change, would be spending their summers in Ocean City, in Aunt Annie's house, watching the waves roll in and the sun rise in the horizon. Each new memory, as small as they might be, became a piece of their ever growing quilt, the one they'd spent hours to create, the one that made them smile from ear to ear, and made Kurt remember a time where he may have taken life for granted. Kurt felt lucky, because he knew that the small moments are what make a lifetime, and he learned how to live each day like it was his last, how make each second of time the most precious thing in the world.

Sometimes he was forced to imagine what their lives would have been like if they had never found each other, if Blaine had never saved his life, or if he had never saved Blaine's. But that was only in the bad dreams, the dreams that occurred so rarely anymore that they were almost nonexistent. But when he did have them, he would wake up and look over at Blaine, who would be sleeping next to him, and smile, because he would be there for so many years to come.

Kurt wouldn't change it, he wouldn't change a moment. Because if life were easy, then it may not be as worth living, because the difficult times make the great ones that much more beautiful.

The End

Final AN: Thank you all so much for reading. You have no idea what this journey has meant to me. I'd like to thank each and every one of you again, because without you all I don't think this fic would have left the same impact on me that it did. It was an amazing journey, and writing this fic made me feel happy, because I feel a new joy for writing that I never had before. The reviews made me laugh, some made me cry, and others made me wish I could spend my whole life writing words that would make others feel the way you felt.

And those of you who did review, I would like to thank you so much, because without you the fic would never have been what it was. And if you read this story after it was finished, reviews always brighten my day and I'm always reading them. Please share this story if you liked it and my tumblr is rachelovesklaine if you want to follow or say hi :)

