here is my first Cirque du freak story:) I hope you like it. Review and tell me if it is good or not:)

It was a nice morning out in Mr. Crepsley's home town. Since he was asleep I had the whole day to explore the town. It was big almost like a city but a bit smaller. People passed me and kids my age ran by me laughing and goofing around. I was thinking about how my friends and I use to act like that. I didn't notice that I ran in someone on the corner. She was about my age and she had short brown hair with red highlight. It kind of looked cool in the sun light. "Ow! What did you do that for?" she whined rubbing her wrist. "Sorry about that. I wasn't watching where I was going until now." I said giving her a guilty smile. She noticed the scars on my finger tips. She looked at me and asked, "Are you a vampire?" I shook my head said, "No vampires don't exist." she frowned. "That's a shame. I was hoping I can play with someone that could take my strength since I am way to strong for everyone else." she said walking away.

"Hey wait a second. Are you a vampire?" I asked running up to her. "You can say that." she said smiling a little bit. "Well at least I can tell you that you are right about me being a vampire. Just don't tell anyone OK?" I said smiling, she smiled back at me and said, and "My name is Anny." she stuck out her hand and smiled bigger. "My name is Darren." I said and we ran to the park and played some soccer. "You're really good." Anny said kicking the ball to me. 'Thanks I played soccer while I was in school back home." I said bouncing the ball on my knees. "Really I played it with my big brother when he was home" she said falling to the ground and laid in the grass. I sat next to her and asked, "So where are you from?" she looked at me and said, "Michigan, the upper part of it. It is a really nice place to go. Peaceful, and quiet. I lived with me Mom and brother, dad was never really there half the time." she frowned a little bit and shook her head. "So where are you from Darren?" she asked changing the subject. "I am from California." I said looking down at her in the eyes. I didn't notice that she had red colored eyes. She kind looked like a vampanese. I think I was right because when it came to dusk we were walked down the same street that my hotel was at and a man stood at the end with his arms crossed in front of him. "Anny over here now." he demanded Anny. She gave me a sad look and said, "Well I guess it's time for my lesson. I will see you later." she turned and ran to her teacher. I stood there and watched as she ran off with the old man. I guess my thoughts were right. She was a vampanese, but she was different than other vampanese I have ever met. She was nicer and not trying to kill things when in sight. Her teacher looked really mean and cruel. I hope she will be ok and I will see her tomorrow.

I got back the hotel in time for Mr. Crepsley to wake up. I sat on the couch and watched a little bit of TV. He came shuffling out of the bedroom with his hair all over the place. 'Nice hairdo Mr. Crepsley." I said smiling evilly. He said nothing. He finally made himself presentable and said, 'Darren tonight we are going to hunt, so come on." he grabbed his coat and started for the door and we walked into town.

Later that night…

I saw Anny running around with a scared look in her eyes. She was trotting away from me as I tried to talk to her. She was hiding her face away from everyone who passed her. I wanted to know why she was acting like this. Once everyone in the street disappeared it was just Mr. Crepsley, me, Anny and her teacher. Anny's teacher grabbed her by the arm and tugged her away into the forest. Mr. Crepsley started to go after them. I guess he doesn't know that Anny is a vampanese.

We finally caught up to them. Anny was being forced to drain her victim. Her teacher was hitting her if she refused. Mr. Crepsley and I hide in the bushes, watching Anny get beaten up. I looked at my teacher and he was paying attention to the small fight he was mainly watching Anny who was refusing the blood her teacher was forcing her to drink it. "Drink it now before I kill you for disrespecting our mentor." the man threatened. "If I do I will get sick. I can't handle that much blood master!" she whimpered as he struck her again. "I don't care you must started to drain your victims now or be call a traitor." he threatened her with a hand in the air. She got up and gave him a death glare. "No!" she growled. She Kicked him and said, "You will not threaten me again master. When I say I can't! I can't do it." she had fire burning in her eyes which scared me a little. I looked at Mr. Crepsley and he was smiling evilly. What is he thinking? "Darren this is amazing. I have never seen someone like her do this. This is rare for a vampanese to do this." he said still smiling. I looked at Anny and saw her still standing up to her teacher. Her teacher stood up and said, "I will tech you a few things about respecting your elders you little bitch." she glared at him. He lunged at her and she just moved out of the way. He tumbled to the ground and got up, lunged at her again. This went on for about five minutes.

She finally started to cut him with her claws and started to wail on me him with her fists. He tackled her and they fell to the ground. She kicked him off and stood up. Not brushing herself off She lunged at him. This time she wasn't going to just tackle him. He lunged at her at the same time. He didn't come out so well because Anny's hand was through his chest. Her teacher collapsed to the ground and she took her hand out of his chest. Her arm was covered in blood all the way up to elbow. I was actually scared of her when that happened. She glared down at him and said nothing. She wiped the blood off her arm and Mr. Crepsley decided to come out of hiding and talk to her. She glared at him and said nothing. "That was interesting there young on." he said still walking towards her. I was following behind him. She said nothing, glared at him and started to walk away.

"hey Anny where you going?" I called out and she just turned around and said, "I'm running away so that the vampanese don't find me. They will kill me for what I have done Darren. I'm sorry. But I have to go." She looked around her surrounding and started to run away. I wanted to follow her but Mr. Crepsley stopped me. "She is right about the killing. She is a trator in the vampanese eyes. So she has to go in hiding for a long time before everything can cool down. That means we can't stay here much long. We must go to the next town." he said turning in the opposite direction of the now running Anny.