Disclaimer: I don't own Vocaloid. This ended up being my first Vocaloid story…Recently I've gotten into Vocaloid music and fanfiction stories…And so I decided to write one…This is also going to end up being my first multi-chapter story, too…Oh well… Also, "'Suzu' is another way to read the character 'Rin'".

On the Other Side

By: Coffee Detective


"Suzu, listen to me, please…!" A voice had cried out, trying to reason with the girl before him.

"Don't you dare call me that shit!" The girl yelled defiantly, and she yanked her arm away. The other girl stood behind the boy, watching the scene before her in still shock. She didn't believe that things were this rough between the two.

The first girl ran outside the door and into the rain, escaping from the boy. "Wait! Rin!" He called out, but it was too late. The roar of thunderstorm obscured his voice, and the girl was gone.


Another school day.

Scratch that. Another boring school day.

Rin hated school with a passion. The teachers spoke slowly in a monotonous voice, the students were irresponsible, and the janitor was her only friend. There was only one janitor in the school. Most students help with the cleaning, but being in a wealthy school had a few advantages.

Rin slid out of her bed at the sudden sound of her phone vibrating. Its pale blue light blinked on and off, the collar I.D. showing her brother's number. Tiredly, she rubbed her eyes, and picked up the phone to see a text message. There were no more real conversations in their empty house.

Suzu- -I'm at Luka's house, don't be surprised when you don't that I'm not there.

Rin rolled her eyes and deleted the message. "Like you're ever here, you ass." She cursed slightly, and getting up, she threw her phone on her bed, preparing for her morning shower.

Len called her Suzu. Another way to say the character 'Rin'. It had started when they were three or so. Despite the distancing, he still called her that. She held on to it; the only thing she could last call something 'family endearment'. But, it was only when they were alone that he called her that. Rin shook her head of memories, and slid into the shower stall.

Memories did no good for her.


When it was lunch time, Rin headed up to the roof. She didn't like being around all the other students; stupid and annoying. She was no loner and had her fair share of admirers, but she couldn't handle them. They were too overwhelming.

A ten-foot tall fence surrounded the perimeter of the roof, ensuring no falls. But, on the west side of the roof, the side that overlooked the woods; were two small holes, perfect sticking legs through. Long ago, Rin had made these holes herself, so she could see the forest while sitting securely on the roof's edge. She could swing her legs happily.

Once situating herself, Rin focused on the trees and getting herself lost in thought. Her bento, made by herself, sat untouched on her right. Rin had lost interest in food years ago, and found herself eating oranges and pills for nutrients. She only ate real dishes when the situation called upon it. Other times, eating food got her sick. There was this one time…

Rin gasped and pulled away from the fence. She had gotten so lost in thought that she had leant too heavily upon the metal. Immensely, she scolded herself and shimmied out of the two holes on the fence. Stumbling out, a voice overhead spoke.


Rin moved her head upwards, seeing Len with Luka on his arm. Immediately, Rin went on offense. She held nothing against Luka, she had done nothing to Rin ever, but the latter had found her irking. Luka seemed overly too innocent on the outside. Rin knew the things she had done and avoided her at all causes…But, this was pushing it to the limit.

"What?" Rin asked irritably, pushing back her hair from her pale face. Len blinked and stared simply at her, much like Luka was doing to her at that moment.

"What're you doing here?" He questioned, bringing her to look at him indifferently. She pushed herself upwards and grabbed her lunch.

"Nothing. Not a thing at all." She muttered as she brushed pat him, the scent of oranges wafting in the air behind her. She slammed the door that lead to the roof behind her and dumped her lunch in the nearest trash can.

And she probably dropped her heart in it too.


Rin could say she hated a lot of things in life. She hated school. She hated people around her. She hated her parents for leaving her and Len in their house to extend business. She hated bananas and she hated life in general.

But, what she hated most was that she loved her brother Len.

They truly weren't brother and sister, but step-brother and step-sister. Their parents met when they were both two years old. At first, they had grown close, inseparable, and almost often being mistaken for twins. Then, reaching high school, they'd separated, him going left and her going right. He dated girls left and right, laying them too. Rin had dated once or twice with the Shion boy. But, for her, that was all. She was different than Len, and she would stay that way.

And so would the horrible math problem on her text book if she didn't get to work soon.

Len was the smarter of the two, but it didn't mean Rin was stupid.

Finishing the last of twenty problems in twenty minutes, Rin slid out of her chair to use the bathroom. The bathroom was on the other side of the house, near Len's room. Taking her fresh set of clothes, to walked over to the other side of the house, right in front of the bathroom. On the left of the bathroom was Len's room, where the door was slightly ajar.

The door was always closed. Unless…

"Len…" Speak of the devil.

Rin ran away, far away from the door and down the stairs to reach the front door. She didn't want to be in this house anymore.

She hated it.

A/N: Eh…there wasn't anything juicy in it! This was a really, really, really slow beginning! And I am truly sorry if I wasted the time of anybody here! But, I swear it'll get way better in the next chapter…Maybe…This is my first time doing a multi-chapter story, so pleeeeease don't hate me! This story was mainly used to give setting and a little background information for the story… The reason why I used 'Suzu' as another name for Rin was to show that Len and her was once really, really close, and in Japan, it's a way of showing care/endearment. Well, maybe I'll be back soon…