Disclaimer: Twilight and the characters belong to Stephenie. Only this little plotline is mine.

I'm in a bit of a write's block on my two other stories so I thought I'd try a little "drabble fic" to see if I couldn't get the juices flowing again.

Edward and his wife Tanya are having trouble conceiving. Bella is desperate need for money so she can finish her degree.

The Surrogate

Chapter 1


I stretched to get the kinks out of my neck. Just a few more edits and I'd be done with this godforsaken paper. Remind me why I thought Literary Criticism of 19th Century Fiction was a great idea? My teacher had an endearing eccentricity that drew me to him, I guess. I'd been in a few other of Professor Cullen's classes or "Carlisle" as he preferred. He had a way of making even the most arcane subjects interesting.

A walk sounded good just about now. I'd grab a coffee then pick up the mail before coming back to finish my paper.

The cold wind struck me whipping my hair around almost causing me to trip down the icy stairs. I pulled my jacket tighter and tucked in my scarf.

It was a quick walk to the café and blessed warmth enveloped me amidst the tinkle of welcoming bells.

Angela smiled at me from behind the counter. We met back in freshman year and became close when we realized we shared the same major. I scrounged through my pockets for change.

"Her girlie, how's your paper going?"

"Almost done, thank God!" I tossed a crumpled five-dollar bill on the counter with frozen fingers.

"Just think, one more semester and we're seniors! Are you going to apply to grad school?"

"Definitely!" I said. "I have a full ride given my GPA. I don't know where I'd be without that stipend!"