Telling the Truth

Disclaimer: all characters and copyright belong to Stephanie Meyer.

A/N-I know! I am so sorry for the long delay. (Runs and hides)!

Part Sixteen

Bella pulled away from Jake instantly. She nearly fell off the couch in her haste to get away from him. "I...I have to go." She said quickly.

Jake stood up and caught her hand, spinning her round before she could leave the house. "Hey, not so fast." He chided her.

Bella saw the happiness on his beloved face as he reached out and stroked a tendril of hair away from her forehead. She flinched internally; she had done it yet again. Not only had she hurt Paul earlier that day by not trusting him, but she was now about to break Jake's heart for the second time. She stepped back from him and he flashed her a confused look.


"I am so sorry, Jake." Bella whispered brokenly. "I don't want to lead you on in that way. You know I love you, but only as a friend, my best friend. I was wrong to come here and dump all my issues with Paul on you, it wasn't fair."

Jake's face darkened as he spun round, hiding his expression from her. She watched as his shoulders shook with emotion. Bella didn't know what to do; should she touch him? Or would that be overstepping the boundary again? She hated herself. She did nothing but hurt people again and again. "I am so sorry." She apologized for a second time.

When Jake still didn't say anything Bella approached him cautiously. She slipped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his broad back as she shed silent tears. "The last thing in the world I wanted to do was hurt you." She mumbled. "You are the best person in my life and you have saved me from myself countless times. You deserve so much better than me, Jake. I'm broken, just like Paul. I think that's why we are so drawn to each other, we understand each others pain. But're bright and sunny, full of life. There is a girl out there just waiting for you, one who will give you all the love and happiness you deserve. I am certain of it."

"There's no one for me but you." Jake finally spoke, his voice full of pain. "I only see you, Bella. Every time I close my eyes it's your face I see. I've tried but I can't get you out of my fucking head."

Bella closed her eyes in sadness. She had nothing else to offer him. She needed to go before she gave into her guilt and gave him false hope again. "I have to go."

Jake twisted round and caught hold of her before she left. He lifted her into a tight bear hug, wrapping his strong arms around her. Bella rested her head on his shoulder and hugged him back, wishing fervently that she wasn't craving another set of arms. She longed for Paul.

"I will always be here waiting, until your heart stops beating, Bella." Jake vowed, kissing the top of her hair before releasing her.

Bella gave him a sad smile before finally fleeing the house.

The drive home seemed interminable. Bella gripped the steering wheel of the Chevy and let her tears fall. Her emotions were see sawing all over the place. She couldn't comprehend why Jake loved her so much. Time and again she did nothing but hurt him, then there was Paul. God why had she believed Amber's lies? Paul was right, she should have learned to trust in him by now. She was so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she didn't notice Sam sitting on the steps to her house. He looked angry about something.

Bella switched off the engine and slowly climbed out of the truck. Sam came up to meet her, his brows knitted together and anger flashing in his dark eyes. "What the hell have you done to Paul?" He demanded.

"What? Is he okay?" Bella asked anxiously.

"No. I went round to check on him earlier to find his house smashed to pieces. The front door was kicked in and everything." Sam crossed his arms and watched her reaction carefully.

"No. Oh god Sam where is he? We had an argument and he broke it off with me. I should have stayed and tried to work it out." Bella yanked on the ends of her long hair as she gave into her despair.

"I've been trying to track him down but I couldn't follow his trail." Sam finally said.

"We have to find him. If he gives into his anger there's no telling what he might do." Bella began to really panic. It didn't take a lot to send Paul over the edge when he wasn't coping. "Do you think he may have gone back to the hospital to be with his dad?"

Sam snorted derisively. "Being near that scum will be the last place he would want to be if he is in a foul mood. I'll have to start trawling the local bars."

"No." Bella shook her head. "He won't go down the same road as his dad."

"You haven't seen Paul when he is on a downer." Sam admitted. "Jared and I have. The last time he lost it he went and stole some of the res moonshine. It takes a lot to get a werewolf drunk but he consumed enough to put ten wolves out. We found him face down in the water on First beach, if we had been a few minutes later, he would have drowned in his own vomit."

Bella's hands flew to her mouth as she looked at Sam in despair. "We have to find him. Oh Sam..."

Sam sighed as he ran a hand through his short hair. "There's nothing you can do. Just wait here and if I find him I'll bring him back here. Go inside." He stated harshly.

"Sam let me help." Bella pleaded.

"You've done enough." Sam snapped. "Go inside and wait." He ordered her again before running off into the surrounding trees.

Paul pushed Quil up against the wall and lodged him there, his arm pinning him just under his throat. "This is all you fault you sack of shit." He sneered.

Quil made a funny choking sound as he tried to prise Paul off of him. But nothing could move Lahote when he was pissed, and his anger at his break up with Bella over the stupid misunderstanding was making him act unreasonably. After Bella had left in her truck he had taken his anger and despair out on the house, finally kicking in the door as he left. He was dying for a drink, something to wipe away the hurt and pain. He should never have left himself vulnerable. When he couldn't find any moonshine, his anger increased and he began really lose it. His thoughts turned to Quil and the skank he had slept with. If it hadn't been for him, he and Bella wouldn't have had their stupid fight.

"This is all your fucking fault, Ateara." Paul snarled as he pushed Quil further up the wall.

"What have I done?" Quil managed to gasp as he finally shoved Paul's arm away from his sore throat.

Paul just glared at him before flinging his arm back, ready to punch his brother in the face.

"Stop right now." Sam's voice made Paul pause. He turned his head and narrowed his eyes. "Paul this isn't right. Let Quil go."

"Why should I?" Paul retorted. "You can't order me about anymore. You are no longer the Alpha."

"No, but I am your friend." Sam said softly.

Paul frowned as he turned to look up at Ateara. Quil was looking between them, completely mystified as to why Paul had suddenly attacked him. Paul growled low in his chest as he let go of Quil and watched as he dropped to the floor. "Get out of here." He snapped.

Quil did not need asking twice. He brushed himself down and bolted. Sam sighed as he came over to Paul and put his hand on his shoulder. "Come on let's get you out of here."

"Where am I supposed to go?" Paul muttered bitterly. "I have nothing left."

"Of course you do. She's waiting for you." Sam told him.

"Bella?" Paul felt his anger dissipate. He had acted like a fool and he knew it.

"Yes, Bella." Sam pounded him on the back. "I don't know what stupid row you two had but it's obvious you are both missing each other badly. So instead of beating Quil to a pulp, talk to your girl."

"I broke it off with her." Paul confessed.

"Lee calls it off with me at least three times a week." Sam said wryly. "But what we have learned to do is give each other space to calm down and then talk it out. That's what you and Bella have to do."

Paul nodded mutely. This was the first serious relationship he had ever had with a girl. His past relationships had consisted of one night stands. That was why it had hurt him so much when Bella had failed to trust him. He had been doing his level best to change his ways just for her so that they could have some sort of future together. He finally battled past his hurt pride and followed Sam back into the trees and phased.

It seemed like she had been waiting forever before there was knock on the door. Bella was out of her seat and stumbling down the hall in her haste to answer it. She yanked the door open to see a contrite looking Paul on her doorstep. He appeared unharmed and sober. Bella let out a small cry and flung herself bodily into his arms. Paul lifted her up and hugged her close as she wrapped her legs and arms around him. His sad mood lightened considerably at the feel of her soft body pressed close to his. Paul finally relaxed as he carried Bella inside the house and kicked the front door shut behind him.

They lay on Bella's bed, wrapped in each others arms. Bella had her head resting on his chest as he stroked her hair, running the silky strands through his fingers. "I'm sorry, Paul." Bella apologized for the hundredth time.

"Shut up sweetheart." Paul chided her.

Bella smiled up at him. She propped herself up on her elbows and stared down into his beautiful dark eyes. "I was an idiot not to trust you though."

"I think we've established that." Paul joked. "Look lets just forget about it, alright. We both acted like idiots. I want to just relax for a while."

"Agreed." Bella leaned down and kissed him on the lips.

Paul instantly grabbed hold of her, rolling her underneath his heated body. Bella gasped as his tongue battled hers as he dominated the kiss. The nerve endings in her body came alive as he continued to kiss her, stealing her breath away and weakening her resolve. She felt his hardness pressed between her legs and and she felt her body throb in response. Paul finally let her come up for air and he laughed at her flushed face and heaving chest.

Bella sank her hands into his hair and yanked his head back down to hers as she kissed him again, drinking in his heat and running one hand down his muscled back, feeling every dip and curve with her eager fingers.

"I want you Paul." She panted when the kiss was over.

Paul looked at her intently for a moment. "You mean that?" He checked.

"I mean it. I'm ready." Bella said firmly.

A slow smile crossed Paul's face as he rolled them both over again so that she was lying draped across him. "Then who am I to say no to the lady." He quipped.

Bella laughed as he pulled her mouth back onto his.

A/N-thanks for reading!