~Chapter 1~
Prince On A White Bike

Cinderella, Cinderella
Where for art' thou' Cinderella?
A Cinderella is nothing without her prince,
And a Romeo is not the same without his Juliet.
But why stick to the normal?
For one is happy and the other ends in tragedy.
So where does this leave us?
Where do we begin?
Let's start with poor 'Ella
Whose real name is Rin

"Ne, ne Rin!" A small girl, about 5, chirped. The girl, despite being so young, had a petite figure with only slight baby fat and fair white skin. She had on a small pink dress with a big cartoonish leek with eyes on it that matched the leek shaped hair bobbles holding up her small teal twin tails.

"Nani." A small blond headed girl about the same age responded, looking up from her bucket full of sand. She seemed to be a bit of a tomboy as her sunny blond hair was cropped short and she had on a white t-shirt under cute yellow overalls with a matching big cartoon orange on the front. She had little white clips in her hair, pulling back her long bangs, and a large white bow that made her look like a bunny.

It was a beautiful cool summer afternoon as the two small girls played in the sandbox at the local park. The park itself was small, only consisting of a few slides, a sandbox, swings, bench, and monkey bars, but was still home to many children.

"Guess what! Guess what!" The little girl asked, bouncing excitedly.

The small blond just sighed, already used to her teal haired friend's overzealous attitude, as she set her bucket down.


"I'm going to marry a prince!" The teal haired girl, Miku, said as she attempted to flip her hair seductively.

The blond girl, Rin, thought the more mature out of the two, narrowed her eyes puffed a cheek out. Though trying to look mad the face made her look absolutely adorable.

"Nuh uh! I am! And were going to live in a hhuuuugggee castle!" Rin said as she stood, stretching her arms out as wide as they would go.

"No you're not!"

"Yeah huh!"

"Nuh uh!"

"Yeah huh!"

"Fine, we'll both marry princes!" Miku said, throwing her arms up.

Rin blinked a few times as she paused. Suddenly the girls burst into laughter together as they planned out their lives with their prince charming, building crude sand castles to represent their dream homes.

'Where are you?…My prince.'


"Miss Kagami."

"Psst. Rin!" Miku said nudging my arm lightly.

I groaned as I groggily squinted open my eyes, instantly regretting it as I was blinded by cheap florescent lighting. I groaned again as I clamped my eyes shut once more to ward off the offending light, easily falling back into dream land.

"Rin…" Miku continued quietly and urgently pleading with me, sending nervous glances toward the front of the room and at the very annoyed teacher.

"Mmmm." I just moved my head a bit, trying to drown out the sounds of people talking.

"Ri-" Suddenly there was a loud rapping sound that filled the room and I instantly lifted my head up, startled.

"No not the pancakes!" I screamed, my brain still half asleep as I rushed to catch my breath.

The room began to resound with laughter and giggles as I finally came back to my senses. Realizing I wasn't in pancake world anymore I began looking around realizing where I was at.

Well crap.

I was still at school.

My cheeks flushed in embarrassment as I looked at my teacher and sweat dropped, eyeing the vein of anger that was visible even in the back of the room. She clutched something in her right hand tightly, causing her knuckles to turn a ghostly white. Attempting to swallow the dryness in my throat I glanced up at what she was holding.

A newly broken ruler.


"Miss Kagami, I expect my students to stay AWAKE during my lessons, this is the third time this week you have slept during my class and school started LAST WEEK!"

I flinched at her words, nervously laughing while scratching the back of my head.

"Sorry Sensei…" I replied sheepishly.

She just let out an annoyed sigh while adjusting her glasses with a finely manicured nail and turned back toward the board. "If it happens again it will be a 30 minute detention... instantly."

As soon as she went back to writing on the board I breathed a sigh of relief.

Close one.

I could hear the sound of soft giggles as I looked to my right to find the teal head of my best friend.

"Nice one Rin. Way to go." Miku said with a small smile, shaking her head causing her teal pigtails to swish gently. I just rolled my eyes in annoyance and put my chin in my hand, determined to drown out the teacher again.

"By the way, you have a bit of drool on your lip." She said, tapping the side of her mouth.

I went wide eyed a bit, my hand flying to my face as I whipped a way the extra saliva. That's embarrassing. I rolled my eyes again, but this time playfully.

"Yeah, yeah. I just hope I can stay awake." I replied with a smile of my own as I bit back a yawn.

"That would be a miracle."

"Hey! What's that supos-"



Huh, well seeing as I'm bored to death and I keep getting in trouble I think this would be a great time to introduce myself. Sup! Names Kagami Rin I'm 14 (going on 15) years old and a first year in high school. I have honey blond hair and blue eyes, I love oranges and yellow is my favorite color.

The girl next to me is my best friend, Hatsune Miku. I guess you could say our families have been friends for generations, so I guess its only natural I hang out with her. She has REALLY long teal hair that's always pulled into two pigtails, fair skin, and aqua blue eyes. For some reason she has this weird obsession with leeks and she loves to shop. Oh! And her favorite color is teal.

As you can tell, I don't really like school. It's not that I have bad grades or anything (because I spend all night cramming the night before tests.) it's just I find it really useless…and boring. I could be spending my time doing something else, like shopping or playing video games.


Ah lunch. The well awaited break from this hell we call school.

Quickly putting up my supplies I reached in my bag for my orange wrapped bento and rushed toward my best friend.

"Miku!" I called, trying to catch the tealette before she walked out the door.

"Yeah." She said turning around quickly, nearly slapping me with her long hair. Seriously, if she moves fast enough those things could be considered a death trap.

"Let's eat lunch together." I said holding my bento up in one hand and dangling it in front of her face as if to entice her into enjoying food.

She gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry, I have to meet up with Mergurine-sensei for lunch about the upcoming musical. Some other time?"

I pouted a bit but quickly got over it saying that it was fine as Miku smiled and bounded out of the room. I swear that girl has too much energy and optimism. It's really hard to get mad at a person like that.

'Well I'll just eat by myself!' I thought, deciding I needed some fresh air I headed outside for lunch.

"Mommy, do you believe in happily ever after?" A young five year old asked while sitting on her mother's lap.

The mother just smiled down at her little girl and patted her head. They had just finished reading Cinderella and the young five year old was bursting with questions.

"Why yes Rin, as a matter of fact I do."

Rin just smiled up at her mother, another question bubbling to the surface of her brain. "Is daddy your prince charming?" She asked excitedly, bouncing up and down.

Her mother blushed a bit at the sudden question but chuckled and answered anyway, "I guess you could say that."

"Will I ever get my prince?"

"Maybe Rinny, if you're a good girl. But remember, your prince won't always ride up on a white horse."

Rin just furrowed her eyebrows at her mom, not quite understanding what she meant. "I know mommy. Not everyone has a pony!"

The mother just laughed at her child's silliness and set her back down on her bed. "You'll understand what I mean when you're older Rin. Good night."

"Good night mommy. I love you."

"And I love you, Rin. Sweet dreams." And with those words Rin's mother shut off the lights and closed the door with a soft click.

"FINALLY!" I said, stretching with a yawn.

Miku just rolled her eyes at me with a smile. "You will never get used to school will you Rin?"

"Nope!" I said cheerfully as I slung my bag over my shoulder. Yay time to go home and sleep!

"Hey, want to go home together?" I suggested as soon as we were outside.

"Sorry, have to go straight home."

I groaned a bit. "But MMiikkuuu!" I whined like a five year old. I don't know when it happened but Miku seems to have become the more mature one out of the two of us… which honestly scares me sometimes…

Miku just rolled her eyes, but smiled. "Sorry Rin, I have lessons I have to get ready for."

I made my mouth into a small 'o' shape and kicked at the dirt a bit. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"

Miku nodded. "See you later Rin." She said cheerfully with a wave before she took off down the street in a light jog.

I sighed. I know this doesn't seem like much to be moping about, but this has been going on for a while. Miku would always take off at lunch and straight afterschool, not leaving much time for us to hang out anymore.

I understand she wants to become a better singer and all but it feels like I'm losing my best friend sometimes…

"This sucks…." I muttered to myself as I lightly kicked a rock. There was a small 'tink' as the rock hit something. Looking up I spotted a bike a few feet from me.

'White? That's a weird color for a bike.'

It was a simple bike, not like something you see someone use to go up ramps but good enough for normal use. It was fairly old and had a small basket on the front, a bell, and a big black banana seat that could fit two if you're really wanted to. Not really sure why, I walked closer to it to get a better look. It was actually pretty nice and well taken care of-

"Excuse me?" I tensed as I heard a voice behind me and whipped around, bumping into the person.

The person, obviously caught off guard, stumbled back while dropping a stack of papers.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I frantically mumbled, bending over to help pick up the papers, a flush of embarrassment eating my face for the second time today.

'Way to go Rin, that didn't make you look stupid at all…'

I reached for a piece of paper on the ground, my fingers accidentally brushing the person's hand as they reached for the same paper. My cheeks flushed brighter as I quickly reached out and grabbed a different paper. This one was farther from the pile as if to prevent from our hands brushing again.

Flipping the paper over, I couldn't quite help but look at it. 'Music? Is he in the band? Chior?'

"Are you in the band?" I asked, voicing my thoughts and looking up at the person picking up the rest of the papers. What I saw almost made me drop the papers I was holding.

He looked back up at me and my breath caught in my throat. He was gorgeous! … And kind of looked like a male version of me. He didn't seem much older than me and had brilliant blue eyes and sunny blond hair that was pulled into a small ponytail. His bangs were left out and slightly messy, like a neat bed head and would stick out here and there as if defying gravity.

He was wearing the standard school uniform for males that consisted of black pants, black dress shoes, and a black jacket with gold trimming. He seemed to be more casual with his uniform as the top button of his jacket was open and around his neck were some yellow headphones with a black bass clef on the side.

"No." I snapped out of my mental assessment of him, his voice bringing me back to reality. It wasn't the deepest voice I've ever heard but it was still sexy as hell.

'Whoa Rin….what? You have GOT to get your head out of the gutter…. Such a naughty child thinking about how his voice sounds.'

"Oh…" I lowered my gaze slightly. He was obviously trying to keep the conversation short.

"I compose." I snapped my head up to look at him again, only to find the top of his head as he was still picking up papers.

"Cool, so you did these all yourself?" I thought of quickly, trying to keep up a conversation.

"Yup." He said standing. I followed his example and I handed him the pieces I picked up. (Which wasn't much considering I kept staring at him.)

"Sorry again for knocking down all your papers." I said sheepishly with a faint blush and scratching the back of my head.

He gave me a small half smile and my heart stopped for a moment. "It's okay. Thanks for helping me pick them up." He started to walk around me and over to his bike, I began to panic.

'Crap he's going to leave. Think Rin, THINK!' I spun around to face him again and blurted the first thing that came to my mind.

"Hey! Now that I think of it, I haven't seen you around. What's your name?" He looked up from his bike and I continued to talk.

"I'm Rin Kagami... From class 1-C." I flashed him a big smile and held out my hand for him to shake. I tried to ignore the totally desperate edge in my voice.

He seemed to hesitate for a second and my panic rose. 'Great, now he thinks your some random weirdo who won't shut up.'

Finally after a moment, he stuck his hand out and spoke. "Nice to meet you Rin, I'm Len Kagamine. Class 1-A."

I smiled. 'Score! He's in the same grade as me! Man, how could I have missed someone like him?'

'Maybe because you spend all your time sleeping in class.'

'Shut up Inner-Rin. No one asked you.'

'Maybe if you did ask me you would have better grades.'

'Why you! You know what-!…. You say maybe a lot.'

'Well maybe-… Ah damn I do…'

'Ha! Point one Rin-the-awesome zero for Inner-Ri-'

"Well, I guess I'll see you around Rin." He called, giving a small wave from over his shoulder as he was already halfway on his bike.

I blinked, snapping myself out of my inner arguing and smiled before I waved after him. "Same to you!"

'Damn you Inner-Rin, making me argue with you!'

'It's not my faul-'

I cut off Inner-Rin as I watched Len sped off, making a left at the next corner.

'Wow…' Was the only word I could think of.

Heya people! CrimsonDancerz is back with an all new story for you guys!

For those who haven't read the author's note on my other story I have a few new updates on my profile!

So how was the first chapter? Did you like it? I'm hoping to do some new things in this story so please bear with me!

Please Review! :3