A/N I really don't think Blaine deserves Kurt. Don't hate on me.

Kurt didn't think that this is how a date with your boyfriend is supposed to go. It was one thing to pretend to look interested but another entirely to not look interested AND text somebody else too. He wondered if Blaine even realised what he was doing. This wasn't the first time that this had happened. It all started when Blaine met Sebastian. That had been weeks ago. Kurt came up with a plan for the next time it happened. Not that he hoped there would be a next time.


But a next time there was. On their very next date in fact. It had been just over a month now and all Blaine did on their dates was text Sebastian. He put his iPhone on the table and set it to the recording app. He decided to see if Blaine was listening to him at all. Record it and listen to it just to prove to himself that it wasn't made up in his head.

"So Blaine how was your weekend?"

"The Warblers are great!"

Not a good start. Kurt hoped it would improve with what he had to say next.

"Blaine, I'm cheating on you with Puck"

"Haha Sebastian, you're so funny…. Oh that's great Kurt"

"Blaine I have cancer. I only have 6 months to live". He even put on a teary voice.

"That's amazing Kurt!"

"Blaine I'm straight."

"Cool." Beep. "Sebastian you weirdo!" he replied texting back

"Blaine I got into NYADA!"

"Aww that's too bad I know how much you wanted that scarf".

It was then he realised that Blaine was giving were safe answers. Things like 'cool' and talking about clothes.

Kurt had had enough.

"Blaine we are through. This has been happening for weeks now. Us on dates and you texting Sebastian and not even..." Kurt trailed off when he noticed that Blaine didn't even look like he had heard any of what Kurt had just said. Frustrated, he paid for his half of the meal, left a note saying that they were through for Blaine and left the restaurant. He noticed that Blaine didn't notice that he had gone. He waited ten minutes. Still nothing. He left.


The next day Kurt woke up with a start. He remembered everything that happened the night before and sighed. He looked at his phone to see if he had any messages. None. He left to go to the bathroom. When he came back he called Mercedes over and asked her to bring a carton of Rocky Road ice-cream. He really needed to vent, and Mercedes was his best friend.

When she came over he explained the situation to her. After calming her down, after numerous threats of her cutting a bitch, he finally broke down and sobbed his heart out wondering if it was him. Mercedes told him it wasn't. He started to believe her after a while. Maybe he could get through this.


It had been 3 days since he had broken up with Blaine and he had gotten Mercedes to not breathe a word of it to anyone. So he was not expecting to open the door that night to an angry Wes and David. Before he even got a word in they hounded on him

"Why? Why did you break his heart? He comes to Dalton everyday miserable and crying. "


"Do you know how miserable he is? He can't think of anything he did wrong and, frankly neither can we!" exclaimed Wes.

That made something snap within Kurt. So, Blaine couldn't think of anything now, could he?

"Blaine can't think of anything he did wrong? Really? You know for how extensive the tuition at Dalton is you think he would have more brains then that!"

"Kurt, why did you break up with him?" asked David, who noticed the miserable expression in Kurt's eyes.

"I have been unhappy in this relationship for weeks! Ever since he went back to visit you guys. Oh yeah, how is Sebastian?" he snarled that last bit.

"What does Warbler Sebastian have to do with this?" asked Wes.


"Kurt what do you mean"

Kurt had finally run out of steam so he just plopped on the couch and took out his phone. He opened the recording of his last date with Blaine.

"Listen to this"

"Kurt what..." started David

"Just listen. Please", Kurt cut him off.

He pressed play

They listened.

They looked at each other. They looked at him

"Yeah", was all he said.

"How long has he been like that", asked Wes quietly

Kurt sighed before answering. "Ever since he went to visit you guys and he met Sebastian. It was like that every time we were together. Every time. At first I passed it off as him making a new friend. It would just be a random text here and there. Then it increased. Then it was interrupting our dates. They texted non-stop. Then it got like that, where he didn't even pay attention, to me. I mean you heard his answers. I was making shit up in the hopes that he would take notice. I mean come on. "I'm cheating." "That's great"." I have six months to live"." Amazing". "I'm straight". "Cool." "I get into NYADA". "He's sorry and knows how much I wanted a scarf? " I waited ten minutes after I left to see if he noticed. Ten minutes! He didn't notice I was gone after ten minutes. ", Kurt's voice had gotten louder as his rant went on but he couldn't bring himself to lower it.

"So he has been like this for over a month?"

"Yep, pretty much", replied Kurt in a resigned, tired tone.

Wes and David looked at each other. They knew what they had to say.

"Kurt we are so sorry for just assuming that you did this to break Blaine's heart. We should have known that you would never do something like this without a real reason", started David.

"We also cannot believe that Blaine would act like this. We had always thought better of him. This is a shock to us as well as you", finished Wes.

"Thanks guys. I know that you had to ask questions for your best friend. 'You hurt him we hurt you' and all that jazz", he said with a small smile.

"Yes but you are our friend also. Obviously he hurt you more then you hurt him", responded David.

"Hey Kurt, could you send me a copy of that recording?" asked Wes.

"Uh yeah sure", replied Kurt. He messed around on his phone for a while, "There you go. Why do you need it anyway?"

"Well, all of the other Warblers won't believe your story without any evidence and, well, they are all out for your blood right now."

"Oh. Right. Well I hope I'm still alive by the time you share that with them", said Kurt a bit of his old wit coming back.

"Well Kurt we best be off. And don't worry we'll take care of Blaine", announced David.

And to be honest with you Kurt didn't care what 'take care of Blaine' meant. He just hoped it involved humiliation for the boy. Yup the old Kurt was coming back and fast!



Wes and David arrived at Dalton just before curfew. They both felt angry, guilty and…. angry. Angry at Blaine for acting like a douchebag and guilty at jumping to conclusions about Kurt. They didn't know if Kurt would take Blaine back but they really wanted to make Blaine pay for his behaviour. They called an emergency Warbler meeting in their room via text, minus Sebastian.

When everybody arrived there was a tidal wave of questions.

"Well, did you talk to Kurt?"

"Did you beat his ass?"

"Did you find out WHY?"

Wes reached for his gavel and banged it noisily on his study desk.

"Ok Warblers, to answer your questions. Yes we did go and talk to Kurt. NO we did not beat his ass and yes we did find out the reason."

"Well what is it. Why did Kurt make Blaine, and therefore us, miserable?"

"Kurt had a very good reason to dump Blaine. In fact I think he is more miserable then us about it."

"Get on with it!"

"Right well, Blaine has been a total douche to Kurt." Wes told all the Warblers. When he was met with their shocked and disbelieving faces he took out his phone and found the recording. Before he played it he told them,

"This is evidence from Kurt's phone. He recorded his last date, just to convince himself that he wasn't making it all up. Listen and tell me what you all think."

He pressed play on the tape and watched as the Warblers faces shifted from disbelieving, to shock, to amusement and finally settling on a mix between anger and shock.

"We were told by Kurt that Blaine has been acting like this since he came to visit us. That was over a month ago. Kurt couldn't take it anymore. I mean come on it was happening on their dates and every time they were alone together."

"We have to do something about this. Kurt was a Warbler too! Once a Warbler..."
"ALWAYS A WARBLER!" finished the rest of the warblers.

"But how will we get him back?" asked Trent.

"Humiliation. Public too. Through song", replied David.

"I like the way you think. I say we steal his phone and set the recording as his ringtone and we call him when he is in a public place", suggested Jeff.

"No I think that we should help Kurt at the same time as humiliate Blaine", said Wes, "And I think I have the perfect idea…" he trailed off with an evil smirk. He whipped out his phone and dialled a number.

"Hey Kurt, I have an idea on how to get Blaine back, I need you and New Directions at Dalton tomorrow in the front entrance. Here is what is going to go down." Wes spoke into the phone

As the Warblers listened to Wes' plan they each had evil smirks on their faces. Because yeah, when the Warblers get pay back it isn't half assed.


The Next Day at Dalton

Kurt was waiting with the Warblers and New Directions at Dalton. Blaine had been told to meet them there and as it was a Sunday most of the Dalton pupils were back and, of course, the Warblers having a performance was a big occasion so everyone was there. Blaine didn't know what was happening; only that it had to do with Kurt. He still hadn't figured out what he had done wrong and he was angry at Kurt for ignoring him. He hoped that today brought some answers.

When he pulled up into Dalton and noticed the packed entranced he knew the Warblers were giving a performance. He walked up wondering what the occasion was. He got his answer soon enough. As soon as he made his way to the front he saw Kurt surrounded by the Warblers and New Directions. Then Kurt started to talk.

"Blaine I know you want a reason about why I broke up with you. I will give you two. One is a song. The second is a recording. I hope after this you see what you did wrong." Kurt told him in a sad voice.

Then he heard the starts of a song and saw some of the New Directions playing instruments. "Where did they come from? And the rest Awing in the back. Then Kurt started to sing.

If I'm a bad person, you don't like me

Well, I guess I'll make my own way

It's a circle, a mean cycle

I can't excite you anymore

Where's your gavel? Your jury?

What's my offense this time?

You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me

Well, sentence me to another life

Don't wanna hear your sad songs

I don't wanna feel your pain

When you swear it's all my fault

'Cause you know we're not the same

No, we're not the same, oh, we're not the same

We're the friends who stuck together

We wrote our names in blood

But I guess you can't accept that the change is good

It's good, it's good

Well, you treat me just like another stranger

Well, it's nice to meet you, sir

I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger

Well, it's nice to meet you, sir

I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend

Ignorance is your new best friend

This is the best thing that could've happened

Any longer and I wouldn't have made it

It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture

I'm just a person but you can't take it

The same tricks that, that once fooled me

They won't get you anywhere

I'm not the same kid from your memory

Well, now I can fend for myself

Don't wanna hear your sad songs

I don't wanna feel your pain

When you swear it's all my fault

'Cause you know we're not the same

No, we're not the same, oh, we're not the same

Yeah, we used to stick together

We wrote our names in blood

But I guess you can't accept that the change is good

It's good, it's good

Well, you treat me just like another stranger

Well, it's nice to meet you, sir

Well, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger

Well, it's nice to meet you, sir

Well, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend

Ignorance is your new best friend

Ignorance is your new best friend

Ignorance is your new best friend

Well, you treat me just like another stranger

Well, it's nice to meet you, sir

Well, I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

You treat me just like another stranger

Well, it's nice to meet you, sir

I guess I'll go, I best be on my way out

After Kurt finished the last song he looked Blaine straight in the eye and said

"I hope you listened to the course in particular Blaine because that is how you have been treating me since you met Sebastian and if you still need proof I suggest that Wes play you the recording after I leave."

With that he gathered his bags and left along with New Directions , who all heard the tape, and sent him glares that almost rivalled Kurt's or Sue Sylvester's (almost) . Blaine was too shocked to do anything. The Warblers were contemplating on how they let Kurt escape their grasp. I mean he just pulled of a Paramore song flawlessly! Well, who knew Kurt would like that music?

After a while Blaine seemed to gather his wits he turned to Wes.

"What recording?" he asked in what he hoped was a calm voice.

"He recorded your last date. He felt the need to make sure that he wasn't making it up in his head", replied Wes looking for his phone.

"Make sure what wasn't made up? What are they talking about?" thought Blaine.

Wes placed his phone on the table and shushed the Warblers, and he turned to Blaine.

"We hope you feel ashamed after this"

Then he pressed play on the recorder.

The Warblers still had a hard time believing that this was their once lead soloist.

Sebastian looked smug and then realised what could happen to his position on the Warblers.

Blaine realised he was a major fuck up and deserved everything he got.

Half of the Dalton population realised that they had a shot at being Kurt's boyfriend and cheered.

A/N Song is Ignorance by Paramore

Reviews make my world go round x