Oh my god! Hi! For the past two or three weeks I have been obsessing over Hawaii 5-0 like a non-normal fangirl should be! I have forgotten how long because I've also been obsessing over Steve and Danny and all their awesome gloriousness. Especially Steve because he reminds me of my husband and Steve is like a future image of my husband when we start working out during summer break.

ANYWAY! Unlike most fics that center mostly around Steve and Danny, this fic also focuses some on the case because I have some cool ideas for what kind of cases to solve. I do do some research but not too intensive mostly because of college and finals are four weeks away. That Raptor I talk about I know nothing about. I just used google. I use google for EVERYTHING.

I also made up the "ghost round" bit, no research whatsoever, just my huge imagination but i'm sure there has to be something like that out there but I could care less at the moment.

Don't worry my future notes won't be this long :D Enjoy!

AO3: MissDani360

Tumblr: missdanibr

Lieutenant Commander Steven McGarrett was in a conflicting situation. He was standing across the smart table from Detective Danny Williams, who was briefing the 5-0 team on his findings in this new case. Steve had his hand on his chin which was supported by the arm across his gut. He stared at his blonde partner intently. Instead of looking creepy, he probably looked like he was listening and thinking. His posture was only half a lie. Steve's thinking was drowning out the noise of headquarters and the people around him. No, the SEAL was not thinking about the case at hand and deducting who the killer was based on the information he was not listening to. The Super SEAL's mind was completely being overrun by the person who was across the table, whose hands were just as active as his voice.

Those thoughts of his detective partner occupied Steve's mind last night, more so than usual. No matter what he did the thoughts of Danny would not go away. When that happened, his thoughts lead down a darker and deeper path that Steve had not intended to go down. A path he did not even know existed. One that was so hidden he had remained completely oblivious all this time.

Steven tried to turn back to stay in familiar territory. He was not ready to journey into territory that he had no clue about. No intel to help him plan a strategic invasion into an unknown land, an unknown part of his naval trained mind. But something like curiosity handcuffed him to the inside of a F-22 Raptor plane and forced him to see all of what this dark path held for him by flying over all of his memories and experiences that involved his loyal partner. He saw why they made such a great team and why they were such great friends. Then he saw his own feelings in reaction to all those arguments and clever comments between the men and how much he actually enjoyed all of it. More than he should. Steve loved playing with Danny. Seeing him all worked up gave him a rush of pride. All of those little insignificant, slightly homosexual, sarcastic remarks he has thrown at Danny were just supposed to be funny but...Steve could not help but feel that those small remarks held a little truth to them and feel the disappointment of realizing that Danny's comments held none.

Under all that pride and accomplishment of getting under the detective's skin was something close to want.

Steve wanted more. He wanted to play with Danny more. Wanted to see his partner's reaction to everything he does. Everything. Steve reevaluated the reason why he liked messing with Danny so much. It was not just because it was so much fun. Steve CRAVED the attention he received from his beloved detective and felt the NEED to see every face, every side of Daniel Williams. This need was borderline lust.

Now, why was that?

During the night, the plane hovered over a dark abyss. Curiosity unlocked the cuffs. You would think that it was satisfied.

Not quite.

Curiosity ejected the Navy SEAL out of the plane without a parachute. Steve fell towards a white light in that abyss of confusion and anxiety until finally he hit solid ground. The answer was pounded into him with such force that he had forgotten how to breathe. His eyes were wide with realization and a slight fear.

Steven adored Detective Daniel Williams more than a partner should, more than a best buddy should. His adoration was leveling near the dangerous line of love. Not just the devoted love "adoration" seems to define. The whole shebang of love.

This is what kept Commander McGarrett awake last night.

Now, he felt unnaturally exhausted as he watched Danny's strong hands wave around emphasizing his frustration.

What Steve did not know was that the frustration was directed towards himself.

"Steve. Steve!" Danny yelled as he waved his hands in front of Steve. He still had no reaction. Kona 'Kono' Kalakaua lightly elbowed her boss in his side finally stirring him from the comatose state he put himself in. No, that was wrong. It was not his fault.

It was Danny's.

"What?" Steve simply said putting his muscled arm down to cross into his other arm. Danny gave him the blankest stare as Kono and her cousin, Chin Ho Kelly, looked at each other with concern.

That look Danny had should have warranted much concern. It was the kind of stare that made you guess what someone was thinking so you can prepare yourself for the inevitable battle that would take place and at least have a chance of surviving.

Danny's eyes dangerously narrowed but Steve stood his ground; made himself unshakable.

"You weren't listening." Danny accused in a strained, low voice.

"I was." Steve defended. Danny gave a very loud, exaggerated sigh and rubbed his temples. He pointed at his friend.

"No, my friend, you were not. You see, I know what not paying attention looks like. Specifically, I know what YOU not paying attention looks like. You have this dead, blank stare, which is very rude by the way, especially when people are trying to talk to you. Then you're either doing one of two things: One, you're doing something that is totally irrelevant to the situation and avoiding any kind of eye contact or two, you're doing absolutely nothing. Nothing, Steve! You, babe, are a very good example of not paying attention." Danny kept getting louder as the speech went on. A small smirk appeared on Steve's handsome face.

"Although I respect your great experience with people who don't pay any attention to you, I'm gonna have to call you out on this one, Danno. I was, in fact, paying attention." Steve concluded with his perfect smug smirk.

Danny leaned on the table with his hands planted firmly on it.



"What did I say? Huh? What did I say?"

Steve stayed silent as he recalled how Danny's hands were moving throughout the discussion. He cocked his head to the side in thought. Let's see he...

"You found new evidence telling everyone that the killer wasn't who you thought it was. When you went to see the new killer, something happened and he gave you the slip. An APB was put out for the car he disappeared in." Steve smiled proudly but was actually glad that he didn't have to give up why he really was not paying attention.

Danny paced a few steps away from the table, with his back turned to everyone. His hands shot up in the air while saying,

"For the love of fucking god!"

Steve heard Kono suppress a giggle and sent her a questionable look.

"Close, Boss. Had it all right except for one small detail. Instead of one killer shooting two rounds into the victim, it was two killers shooting one round each. And we only encountered one killer."

"How'd you know?"

Kono threw up some pictures of a disintegrating bullet in a petri dish on the TV monitors.

"This is called a ghost round. A new innovation by military suppliers. Once the bullet is embedded in flesh, it dissolves."

Steve cut in, taking a stronger interest in the case.

"I've heard of those. But they're still in the prototype stage. They shouldn't even be seeing the sun. Only certain branches of the government should have access to this."

"Maybe the government wanted to test it on a live subject." Chin suggested, raising his eyebrows.

"With this new information, I was able to construct how the murder happened." Kono started playing the video.

The blue figure represented the victim and the two black figures behind the victim represented the killers. The video showed that the victim was shot in the top part of his back and his chest.

"The one in his back was the ghost round and the regular 9mm was in his chest." Kono concluded.

"Makes sense. Explains why we didn't find the second bullet." Steve said. "Alright, Chin, Kono, make a few calls to our three lettered agencies and try to find out if they had any of these rounds stolen."

"I doubt they'd tell us but we'll try." Chin said.

"Wouldn't they just tell us to back off so they can deal with it?" Kono pointed out.

"Probably." Steve said walking around the side of the table furthest from Danny. The agencies will always shoot them down but that never stopped them before.

Danny ran in front of Steve to stop him. Light blue eyes glared into darker ones.

"Where do you think you're going?" Danny asks roughly.

"I have an...appointment I can't miss." Steve lied, taking a side step to continue on his way but Danny copied his movements. He poked Steve in the chest. Steve's pectoral muscle twitched involuntarily under Danny's finger.

"An appointment, right. Steven, an Army SEAL like yourself does not lose focus during a case, especially like this one." Steve swears that Danny messed that up on purpose.

"Damn it, Danny! It's the Navy! And I didn't lose focus. I got it right." Steve said looking around for a way out.

"Steve, you-. Steven! Look at me!" Danny grabbed Steve's face with one hand, squeezing the SEAL's cheeks in and brought him closer to his face. Although amusing, the act was effective. Steve was forced to stare into the light blue eyes that held anger and concern for him. Steve started to get anxious at the sudden contact.

"You were not listening. And somehow you guessed what I said just by looking at my hands. Let me point out that that is both impressive and unnerving. But you still missed the 'we have two killers now' part." Danny had let Steve go in mid-speech much to Steve's relief and disappointment.

"You think I'm impressive, Danno?" Steve started to smile as Danny started to fume.

"Of course! You're a SEAL! But this isn't about that! You-!"

"-need to stay focused, right?" Steve said getting irritated. Steve loomed over his partner, leaning his head closer, challenging Danny to keep talking. Danny glared at him, catching on to the challenge. Who was he if he didn't at least make Steve's life difficult?

"Can you move? I'm late." Steve asked not so nicely.


Steve sighed and rolled his eyes. His gaze landed to the side, quickly thinking of an escape.

Suddenly, Steve faked a run to the right. Danny tried following his movements but Steve then spun to the left, shaking Danny off. Steve ran out of the palace with Danny in pursuit. But when Danny made it outside, Steve was gone. Danny rubbed his face with his hands in irritation. Steve was being a kid again and Danny was sure he was going to explode and his body pieces would just end up spelling the name of the asshole who stressed him out the most.

"You can't hide from me!" Danny looked around. "Argh! Steve, I hate you!" Danny yelled hoping the idiot would hear him. The statement wasn't completely true but he was pissed and he wasn't going to hide it. He was sure that if Steve did not want to be found then it would be impossible to find him. Danny sighed walking back into the palace.

After the door closed, Steve dropped down from above the door and brushed himself off.

"He forgets what I do for a living."

Okay! Please review and tell me what you think! I value my readers opinions and run on positive reviews. Thank you!

AO3: MissDani360

Tumblr: missdanibr