Sweet words were of nothing whispered

Behind those closed doors made of fear

Scared to fall in love, scared to show we feel

Soon I was called to death , so he followed close behind

Born for this is what we are

Entertainment is what we become

Dressed for my funeral, for I may become a corpse

He still thinks I am pretty, he still thinks I am the same

When asked I do not mention him

Nor does he ever utter my name

Ours is a secret we carry to the grave

The count goes down, the siren sounds

We move so swift and free

I trust in him so greatly

Until he has to betray me

Head bashed in I scream his name

My cannon aimed up high

In my heart and in his, we beg the question why

In his arms I am dying

" Stay with me" I hear him say

Another life was lost, for District 2 that day