A/N: Kamisama Hajimemashita belongs to Julietta Suzuki.


It's irritating.

I really can't stand seeing those two act like that. They annoy each other to no end yet they obviously care for one another. How can something simple be so complicated? It's been like this since I decided to stay here at Mikage Shrine. If not for Momozono Nanami, I wouldn't probably have enough reason to push myself to stay. Nanami's vibrant personality matched with those eyes that seem to look at your very soul makes her irresistible. I can't even avert my eyes from her smile. It's true that I like her. I would have kept her with me underwater at Yonomori Shrine should she happen to be just a normal person. But no, she had to be a god, A Land god no less. Then again, it might be a good thing that she's a god. She gave my existence a new meaning. A familiar with no god to serve is just about as useless as a dried leaf in spring.

The fox had also been abandoned by his god for twenty years. I would spend hours looking at that fox while drinking sake, especially on days that the moon is full. Maybe it's because of that damn Tomoe that I long for companionship. I thought that maybe he knew how it feels to be alone, to be living in a shrine with no god. But unlike me, he continued to do his duties hoping that someday his master will come back. I don't actually hate him. I just dislike him to a certain extent that makes my blood boil. Maybe it's because of his arrogance, that smirk that I would gladly wipe off his face.

Seeing them together is an eyesore. But looking at them individually gives you a feeling that something is lacking. A nagging imperfection that makes you want to bring them together. They might not know it yet, but they kind of suit each other. It does make my heart hurt. I want to be part of it. I'm drawn to both of them like a firefly to flame. I can't do anything about it. Pathetic.

It's irritating.