A/N: I apologize for my lack of activity on my other stories, but I will try to get back to them ASAP. In the meantime, I've been meaning to write something like this; oneshots seem to be the only things I'm capable of writing at the moment. So please read, enjoy, and review!

All right, here's the deal. A girl moves to a town to live with her dad. Normal enough. This guy she knows from early childhood shows up and decides to have a major crush on her after about two seconds of screen time. Here comes the start of the teen drama. I can live with that. Maybe. So the girl goes to class and some really creepy pale guy stares at her for the entire duration of the lesson... and she thinks he's interesting? Okay, that made no sense. The story continues... oh, that's attractive; he's a vampire! And sparkles in the sunlight! Wow, who knew vampires sparkled? I always thought they hated the sun, that they'd die. Actually, I always knew that they hated the sun, I mean, my sibs and I took on Dracula. Now there's a vampire.

And the movie drawls on... Dot was completely engrossed, Wakko was asleep after five minutes, and I'm really starting to wish I could follow suit. I sighed, and Dot glared at me for a moment before turning her attention back to the screen full of vampires playing baseball. The Bella girl had no chance of even participating in the game. All the vampires can run a heck of a lot faster.

I was beginning to formulate a plan to create a parody of this movie and pitch it to Plotz, allowing us to run rampant in the world of this Bella girl and her vampire boyfriend, but I was shaken out of my thoughts when Wakko started snoring. Finally, an excuse to leave. I stood up and motioned to Dot that I'd only be a minute, then picked up the heavily sleeping Wakko in my arms and walked over to his bunk. I set him down and pulled the covers up to his chin, patting him on the head before resigning myself to walk back over to the television and watch the rest of the movie with Dot. As I sat down, she barely glanced my way. I was half-asleep by the end of the movie, hardly noticing when Dot stood and removed the disc from the player to return it to its case. She gently shook my arm until I was completely aware, then sat down again and snuggled into my side as I wrapped a protective arm around her.

"Why's it called 'Twilight'?" she asked.

"No idea," I answered, trying very hard - with some success - to stay completely awake.

"It's not very good," she said. I looked at her quizzically. She'd been so intent on watching it.

"We should mess it up in our next show," she said sleepily. I smiled. That was much more like my little sis.

A few minutes later she was fast asleep, the movie case on the floor where it dropped. I picked her up as I stood up from the couch and walked her over to her bunk under Wakko's, setting her down and tucking her in amongst the many pillows she insisted that she have on her bed at all times. Before settling down myself, I wandered into the kitchen and poured some milk into a glass, setting it down on the bedside table as I hopped into my own bunk. Wakko would want it later. I smiled to myself as I fell asleep; now that we had something new to make fun of, tomorrow was going to be great.