This is it. The last chapter. Thank you to all who stuck around! I'm sure the ending will be rushed, but I simply have no muse for this story anymore, and frankly I have too much writing to do on the internet. I've been writing all morning! So goodbye and thank you to everyone!

Disclaimer: Just reaaaaallly think about it. Am I the owner of Ouran? No.


Tamaki's yell was, as always, was loud enough so that everyone in the entire building could hear.

"Tamaki-Sempai! Calm down!" yelled a shocked Haruhi, just having gotten over her surprise at the fact that all the host club members were, apparently, spying on her.

"Haruhi! As your father I will not allow this-this blasphemous relationship to continue! I must nip this teenage rebellion in the bud!"

"I'm NOT your daughter, Tamaki-Sempai. This isn't teenage rebellion! This isn't even a relationship! It's just me, going on a date with Hunny. Get it through your head! It's none of your business!"

"Wait," Hunny said, speaking for the first time, "I have something to ask." He looked gravely up at Tamaki, his face completely serious, "Tama-chan, will you allow me to date your daughter? I would like, with your permission, to take her out on a date for dinner tomorrow."

Everyone in the room sweatdropped, besides Hunny and Tamaki who were completely into it. "Oh Hunny-Sempai, when you put it like that how could I refuse? Of course I'll let you date my darling daughter!" Turning to Haruhi he whispered, "I'm so glad you found such a polite young man! Your daddy would never have forgiven you if you had ended up with one of those blasted doppelgangers."

Haruhi blushed angrily, pushing Tamaki away from her. She turned to Hunny, nodding once to him.

They walked hand and hand out the door.

*In The Days That Followed*

For many days thereafter the relationship between the scholarship student and the member of the host club was the talk of the entire school.

Everywhere they went there were people watching them, congratulating or glaring or doing other, ruder things.

The media went crazy, as the media often does. Rumors of scandal and other things flew all over for a very long time.

Haruhi and Hunny remained oblivious to most of it, however. The rest of the Hosts had put aside their personal feelings aside in favor of seeing their two good friends happy. Using their combined influences most of the worst articles about them mysteriously disappeared from print the day after they came out.

As for Haruhi being a world renowned book critic? That did, eventually, come out. One morning, after a long night of studying for finals at Ouran university (the place she had been immediately accepted to, majoring in law and minoring in creative writing), she had accidentally left a review open in the library on a word document to be found by a talkative librarian who, of course, told the entire rest of the school.

It wasn't quite as bad as she had imagined, although many producers were miffed because their older movies had originally been unsuccessful due to the reviews of a little girl.

The school mostly found it hilarious, but some did come up to her to ask her to review things which she almost always did, whether publicly or privately.

And soon after that the world had other things to worry about, namely the fact that said critic's marriage to Mitsukuni Haninozuka was suddenly announced.

Some nights, when Haruhi sat with her husband (still comically short even after graduating university ) she wondered what would have happened if the boy who had stuck gum in her hair had stuck it higher, and if she had cut off all her hair and been mistaken for a boy.

It was a wonder the difference Just An Inch can make.