A/N: My first ever Adventure time Fanfic! I got writer's block with Spitfire, so here's something new!

"What?" Marceline was standing in the middle of her front door, and Finn was before her.

"Um, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Bubblegum's Winter Ball with me Friday..." The seventeen year old blushed.

"Well, I don't think I'm welcome at any of Bonnibelle's 'parties.'" She said. The disappointment on Finn's face was clear.

"Oh, okay..." He turned around.

"Wait..." Finn stopped.

"Yeah?" she could hear the hope in his voice.

"I'll go... As long as the Queen of Sweets doesn't hate on me." Finn chuckled and turned to face her eagerly.

"I promise she won't!"

"I'll see you at the tree house at seven!"

"Okay!" The adventurer called over his shoulder as he went to meet up with Jake at the entrance to her cave. Marceline laughed. He may have gotten older, but he still acted like a kid.

"Finn! Marcie's here!"

"Crap! Tell her I'll be there in a minute!" Finn hopped on one foot while trying to slip on his left sock and get to his shoes.

"Hurry man!" He pulled on his shoes and began to descend down the ladder. When Finn reached the living room, he gasped. Jake had let Marceline in, and they were sitting on the sofa. Marcie was wearing a knee length black dress, that was tight at the top and flared out at her midsection. It was strapless, and if her long hair hadn't been in the way, her back would have been almost completely visible.

"You gonna stand there all day?" Marceline laughed.

"What? Oh, sorry... You look amazing!" She smirked.

"Thanks. Now let's get you to this ball so you can dance with Princess Bubblegum!"


"I'm not stupid, Finn. The only reason anyone asks a vampire to a ball is if they want a favor."

"Oops... Was I that obvious?"

"More so, kid."

"Invitations, please." Finn handed the guard his envelope. "And hers?"

"PB said I could bring a guest. It should say so on the invite." The guard looked over the piece of paper.

"Very well." The giant piece of candy gestured for them to enter.

"Holy sh-" Finn elbowed Marceline.

"Marce! Not here!" She shrugged.

"My bad... Wow..." The whole ballroom was sparkling. Instead of it's usual pink, it was a light blue. Small sugar crystal snowflakes were everywhere. Hanging from the ceiling were streams of blue and white rope candy. "Hey, I spy with my vampire eye, a pink princess who seems to be looking for someone." Marceline hinted. Finn immediately perked up.

"Where?" She laughed.

"Over there, Loverboy." He followed her gaze to see PB comming closer and calling his name. He was gone faster than should be possible. "Well... Yay me. Guess I should go." When Marcie reached the exit, the guards blocked her way. "Hey! What's the big idea, dude?"

"Princess Bubblegum requests that no one be allowed to leave until the end of the ball." She groaned.

"Ugh. Fine." She stormed over to the buffet, to find nothing to her taste. "Wow, not even red punch... What does a girl have to do to get a snack 'round here? The only red thing around here is the wine... wait, wine?" She smirked. Grabbing a full bottle, she popped the top with her fangs and dumped it into the punch bowl. She studied her work for a minute, and then grabbed another bottle to dump in. It was a purple-ish color, but not too noticeable.

"What are you doing?"

"Gah!" Finn's voice made her jump. "Sheesh, don't do that!"

"And you don't spike the punch!"

"Come on, what's more funny than a bunch of drunk candy people?" Finn paused, a smile forming on his lips. He tried to hide his humor.

"Seriously, if PB finds out, she'll kill me."

"No, she'll try to kill me, and then take you out on a date." He blushed.

"Whatever! I-"

"Finn! There you are! Sorry I had to leave earlier! So, you were about to ask me something?" Finn was caught off-guard.

"Wha- Oh, um... Well I wanted to know i-if you would l-like to-" One of PB's assistants walked up behind her.

"Princess, it is time to make your announcement." The pink priss clasped her hands together.

"Wonderful! We will have to continue this conversation later, Finn. Bye! And... Bye Marceline."

"Bye Bonnibelle!" The Princess strode off, and began climbing a little stairwell to reach a stage.

"Eh-hem! Excuse me!" She waited for the rucuss to be calmed. "Thank you. As you all could have guessed, I have a great announcement to make. I am becoming queen, and that means I will be taking on a suitor!" Everyone gasped. Finn's eyes practically popped out of his skull. Marceline was the first to speak.

"Um, what?"

"I said, I'm going to get married." Finn looked like he was about to fall. Marce put a hand on his shoulder to steady him.

"C-congrats, PB..." The adventurer managed to cough up. After a few more moments, some of the candy women went to gossip with the princess, and the chatting started to begin again. Cinnamon Bun was practically drowning in the punch bowl, and Princess Bubblegum was being swarmed with her fans.

"Finn? You okay?" The vampire queen tried shaking him a little. Jake came up behind her with Lady Rainicorn.

"Dude? What's wrong?" Marcie shook her head.

"I think it was the impact of the whole, 'PB's getting married' thing. Maybe we should get him to the tree house..."

"Good idea. Rainicorn, baby? I gotta go." She responded in Vietnamese, but Marceline couldn't decipher it. "Love you, too." He kissed her.

"Ew." Jake rolled his eyes.

"Let's just get Finn here home."

"How long has he been like this?"

"Three days. Ever since You-Know-Who's announcement..." Finn was sitting on the couch, starring wide-eyed into space. Marceline was talking to Jake, and wearing torn jeans with a black tank-top.

"Speaking of the pink priss, she wanted me to have a sleep over with her. Just me and Pinkie." Finn jumped.

"You have to go!"

"Think you fixed him."


"Because! That way you can ask her who she plans on marrying!" Marce groaned.

"I'm getting tired of you asking me all these favors..." He gave her a puppydog face, which was an achievement for a nineteen year old.

"Ugh... Fine, I'll do it." Finn jumped up in the air.


"You owe me big-time!"

"Marceline! You came!" Princess Bubblegum opened the palace doors to see the vampire standing there with a bag at her side.


"Oh, come in! I have lots of fun things prepared!"

'I'm screwed...' She thought, entering the giant palace.