Please Read:

OKAY, these are going to be oneshots I will keep adding on. Some will be long or short. I will make some real fast if I am falling behind on a story or just do this for fun. I can put a whole story in one chapter. Which is why my story of Lost Voice only had eight chapters XD I'm going to try my best to make sure that Wanted will be longer!
BUT don't forget to read my other stories too :D Now Enjoy~

Earthquake. . . .

Soul stretched as he looked in his closet for something to wear. Grabing a plain white t-shirt and putting on some black jeans with hair nice and comb; he then looked around his room. It was still nice and clean. He and Maka spent the whole day cleaning on Saturday. But today was Sunday he can finally have a break. It was just going to be him and Maka all day with no Blair. He didn't need for a stupid low dress cat jumping on him and making Maka mad. He took a deep breath and laid down on his bed, closing his eyes and waiting for Maka to finish their breakfast.

Maka hummed to her favorite song as she took out what utensils were needed to make her and Soul's breakfast. As she was about to grab the eggs the floor started to shake. Closing the door real fast and looing down she then realized it was an earthquake.

"Ah I need to get out of here," She said panicking.

The dishes and pots started to fall. The earthquake increased. Casing her to fall to the ground as more pots fell. She screamed.


Soul ran in the doorway hearing Maka shouting his name; he then saw Maka on the ground with pots all around her.

"Maka!" Soul then ran to her. Trying not to fall to the ground as the ground itself shook. Picking her up bridal style and running to his room. He placed her on the bed and got on top to protect her. Maka curled up in a ball. Soul laid his head on top of her and waited for the earthquake to end.

"Damn and I just cleaned my room," he said, hearing things getting knocked over. As two more very long minutes passed, the earthquake came to a rest.

Soul looked up, his room was a mess. Taking a deep sigh, but then smiled knowing him and Maka were fine.

Maka let out a whimper causing Soul's head to shoot down to look at her, "Maka what's wrong, are you hurt?"

Maka only shook out of fear. Soul got off of her. "Maka, its okay the earthquake is done."

Maka looked at Soul with tears in her eyes. Her fragile arms wrapped around Soul as she cried in his chest. Soul blinked in surprised but held Maka close until she finishes her crying rant.

"Thank you," Maka sniffed.

Soul gave her a gentle smile which no one really sees but her, "It's alright Maka, I will always be here to protect you."

Maka let a smile slip, "Shut up," she joked causing Soul to grin right back.

They got up and gave the room a good look. "I would have not cleaned the house if I knew an earthquake was going to happen," Maka muttered.

"But you got to admit, it was pretty cool. I never had been in an earthquake before."

Maka looked at Soul like he was crazy. "Well I'm from Japan, and we get them all the time."

Soul only rolled his eyes and walked out the door. Maka panicked and quickly followed Soul, grabbing his arm like her life depended on it. Soul looked down on her in confusion but decided not to say anything.

As they got to Maka's room she let out a yelp. "My room, my book case has fell over and broke!" She cried; running to her books that were all scattered on the ground.

"Well at least that was the only thing really that caused damaged. We will get you a new one, and then you can rearrange the way you want it." Soul said trying to calm her down but failing.

Maka sniffed feeling tears come again, she hated earthquakes. She always got hurt in one, always. As she walked up to her book case she then looked out the window. There were police and ambulances all around. Scary flash backs filled her mind. The last time she was in an earthquake was when she was nine. When she was ten she moved here with her dad after she parents split.

Soul placed a hand on her shoulder, not knowing what was going on with her. "Maka are you alright?" she only nodded continuing looking out the window.

She then started to see everything shake again, in was an after shake!

Soul started to realize that as well. "Maka get away from the window now!"

The window broke as glass fell everywhere. Maka shielded herself from the glass but nothing hit her. She turned to see Soul's arms in scythe form protecting her. He cuts on legs. Maka felted more tears fall down; he got hurt because of her again.

"Soul I'm so sorry," Soul ignored her as he picked her up and threw on the other side of the bed so she won't get hit by the other window about to brake. He heard it crake but then the earthquake died down for good.

Soul let out a breath of air and fell to the ground.

"Soul," Maka screamed crawling to him. Soul chuckled, "Maka I'm alright. I just lost my breath in panicked of you getting hurt. Maka shook her head, "You got hurt again," she cried, Soul sat up and looked at her. Something was really wrong with her.

"Maka I'm serious, I'm fine. We both get these little cuts every day when we fight kishins, nothing to worry about."

Maka started to cry again. Soul just stoked her hair. He was really confused, Maka never cries this much on less someone died, got really hurt, or even from her stupid good to nothing father.

"Maka I'm going to ask you one more time, what the hell is wrong?" Maka flinched when he cursed; when he does that means business. She couldn't get out of this one. Soul saw way to many tears. He always does freak out when she cries.

"I'm fine Soul. It's just that when I was little there was a big earthquake and a bookshelf almost fell on me as we were in school. We all couldn't get out because of the hallway being blocked so the teacher told us to take cover under our desk. I could have died but the bookshelf hit the desk so I was able to get out, I was so scared-" Maka choked on her tears.

Soul hugged her tight. That explains a lot now. No wonder she always freaks out when he tries to climb a bookshelf. Or that one time a little bookshelf fell and she screamed.

Soul just stayed quiet knowing his words won't make a difference. Maka cried until she fell asleep in his arms. He didn't dare move; he placed a pillow under her and walked out the room to see the damaged.

As he walked in the living room it was all clean. Nothing was broken.

"What the hell? How can this be possible?"

"Oh hey Soul, are you and Maka alright?" Blair asked.

"Blair you cleaned this up?" he asked ignoring her question.

Blair nodded, "Of course when the earthquake started I was at work once it ended I came home to see how you guys were but then I saw this mess and used my magic to clean it all up. I only have to do your guys room and I will be done."

"Wow, well thanks Blair, this helps a lot. Maka is sleeping right now so can you clean her room and get the glass up?"

Blair gasped and ran to Maka's room, seeing the destroyed windows. She then saw Maka sleeping on the floor. Soul walked up to Maka and played with her hair. Blair let out a smile. She can tell Soul was trying to stay calm but new he was freaking out on the inside.

After cleaning Maka's room up she helped Soul place Maka on the bed. She then left to clean Soul's room.

Soul stayed with Maka and gently stroked her hair. Maka opened her eyes to see Soul playing with her hair.

"How long was I out," She asked smiling after she saw Soul jump. Soul grinned at her.

"Only for about fifth teen minutes; I'm glad you're ok."

"Never better," She said stretching. "Are you sure your fine?" He asked.

Maka smiled then gave him a kiss on the lips, "I said I was fine, now you believe me?"

Soul blinked in surprised but grinned at her. He then started to kiss her back.

Blair walked in seeing them, with a cat like grin she closed the door. Walking into the kitchen the phone rang.

"Hello, Blair here."

"Blair? It's Tsubaki. I wanted to know if Soul and Maka wanted to go to the park."

"Oh there little busy right now but I will tell them that you called." Blair said smiling.

"Alright, thank you, bye now."

"Bye," With that Blair hung up the phone.

"And they said a little magic couldn't bring people together."

The magic around the house disappeared showing no sign of an earthquake. Now she's going to have to figure out a plan so Soul and Maka won't find out. She only has seven lives left. Blair then hopped out the window with a smile on her face.

Didn't see that coming did you XD hahaha I just decided to put that as the ending. Well anyway I'm really not going to say anything when I do oneshots. So just remember to read and review.

Okay~ BYE!