Yep, it's been a while and I really don't mind that much (So maybe I do mind some T_T )...

There may be OOC-ness in here, I'm sorry if so, and some spelling errors like seen and or saw, things like that... I'm sorry about those but I hate English and find it hard to learn... (I'm American and I hate English, yeah that's me.)

I will try something out to update every other week..

Eto, please enjoy and tell me what y'all think~

A few days have passed and I was back home with my family, starting but very slowly talking with Sanada and the boys tennis team more and along with the girls tennis team.

"Ah, the pool! Yes! A day away from school and I get to be in a po-" My mother stopped me before the word 'pool' came out of my mouth again.

"You're not going." She said like she was in a bad mood and good timing she was.

"E-eh, but why can't I go?"

"You joined the girls tennis team, as I have told you not too.. And you will study more and not go to the pool with your so called 'friends'." My mother never liked that I joined the tennis club; she hated tennis after her son, my older brother died.

"B-but, mother.. I'll study and play tennis! I won't get hurt; just let me go, PLEASE!" I kept asking her but never got a yes; after my brother died I wasn't allowed to do much.

"No buts now go stu-"

"Let her go, it won't hurt to let our child leave the house, will it?" My father walked in putting his arms around mother.

"Tch, fine go.. You have 10 minutes to get ready."

"Thank you, thank you!" I ran up to my bedroom getting the things.

"You need to let her go sometimes.. It's not the same as what happened with are son, she will be safe… Just believe her.." He said and walked to the kitchen. "Any ways, we still have her little sister to take care of.. Mostly.. We have both to take care of for now.."

"Your right.. I'll let her go for now.." I walked out of my room and over heard them, smiled a little and walked to the kitchen getting a few bottles of water.

"Alright, that's everything.." I smiles and walked to the door. "I'll be home later tonight." They nodded to me and I walked out of the house.

At the pool.

"I wonder where everyone is." I walked around and said very quiet. "Hm? Aoi-chan, Sho-chan!" I saw them and walked to them and seen the two twin sisters, they are doubles players and work together a lot of the time. "Hello, Yukiko-san and Yasu-san.

"Eh? Lulu-chan!" Said Yukiko, she has short hair, dark brown, and light green eyes.

"Lulu-chan, you'll late." Sho said happily and laughed a little.

"Yeah, I know I'm late but my mother didn't want me to go. Lucky my father was home." I sighed lightly but smiled.

"Fake smile, stop now and let's go to the pool?" Everyone looked to Yasu.

"Yasu nee-chan?" Everyone started laughing and smiling.

"Yeah, I have to change into my swimsuit though.."

"Alright, we will be over there." Aoi pointed to a pool with the boys in it. "Aw, there are so cute, sad that Sanada-kun isn't really doing much along with Yukimura-kun." Aoi sighed and walked with the other girls to the same pool as he boys and I walked to the bathroom to change.

"Yo, minna!" Both Yukiko and Yasu said holding each other's hands and with the free hand did a peace sigh to the boys.

"Oh, Yasu-chan and Yukiko-chan, lively as ever I see?" Yukimura said with a light chuckle, they both nodded to him.

"Akaya-kun play with me!" Aoi said and walked to him.

"Not right now Aoi-chan."

"D aw, alright fine."

"Hehe, Akaya-kun be nice." Niou walked to Akaya as he said. "Get some water." Niou pushes Akaya into the water along with pushing Aoi in with Akaya. "Puri..."

"NIOU!" Akaya yelled and Aoi jumped on Akaya before he tried to get out of the pool. "H-hey Aoi, get off. I'm going to kill you Niou!" Niou walked away and saw me coming out, he smirked and walked past me.. I had a one-piece swimsuit on with a towel around my body to cover the open skin, besides my arms, knees and down, and my head wasn't covered.

"Sa, look who's coming Sanada.." Aoi said as she seen me walking to the pool in embarrassment. Sanada slightly glared at Aoi with what she said and didn't look over to me.. I sighed that he didn't look and see me like this; I stopped next to the twins that was sitting right next to Yukimura and Sanada.

"Well don't you look cute, Lulu-chan.." I blushed in my step and looked down a little.

"Thank you, but I'm not cute.. Nor anything else you're thinking Yukimura-san." He chuckled and stood up, pulling Sanada's arm to stand as well. "Hm, where are you going?" I asked and pulled the towel tighter around my body.

"To the pool without all them.. Now come on Sanada-san!" Yukimura grinned and turned to me. "Come on Lulu-chan!" He took my hand and pulled both me and Sanada to a pool without everyone, I dropped my towel and tried to stop Yukimura to get it before him, Sanada or everyone else sees.

"E-eh, I don't want to swim, Yukimura-san.." He shook his head and stopped next to the edge of the pool pulling me and Sanada to each of his sides, then Niou popped up to help Yukimura push us in. "Huh-" I didn't have time to think, my body stopped I couldn't move, everything went black, I couldn't get my breathe, then I felt arms.. So warm I could die right here, I thought to myself.

"Lulu-san…!" I heard Sanada call my name, I tried to open my eyes but there was too much water, than I felt the cold air and the arms that held me close, I came out of the water, opened my eyes, and Sanada was right there, I blushed very deeply and closed my eyes, hoping this was a dream. "Are you alright Lulu-san?" I nodded a little and opened my eyes after a little while.

"H-hai.." I didn't notice I was trying to get closer to him, my body against his was nice, I wanted to be even closer but I couldn't… I sighed and looked around, seeing Yukimura and Niou standing there watching us.

"Lulu-chan! Are you alright?" I nodded to him and glared at Niou for smirking. Sanada took me over to the other side of the pool where it was only 3 feet deep then turned to glare at Niou after putting me down. "I'm sorry Lulu-chan it was my idea to push you and Sanada in the pool. Niou just helped me…"

Sho walked over and seen me being so close to Sanada, she had a lightly glare at me then looked at Yukimura and asked. "What happed here?" She crossed her arms and turned her glare back to me.

"I pushed Sanada and Lulu-chan into the pool…" Yukimura said as he walked away with Niou.

"Sou ka…" She gave me a look of 'get-away-from-him'.. I backed away from him and turned to get out, he followed behind. Sho came over and held her hand out for Sanada to take, I sighed and looked for my towel and went to get it, I felt Sanada was looking at me in a confused way.

"Sho-san?" Sanada looked at her and lightly tilted his head. "What happened between you two?"

"Nothing, why?"

"She's trying to staying away from you…" Sho's eyes widen and shook her head.

"I didn't nor haven't said anything to make her stay away from me."

"You glared at her."

"And how do you know?" Sho crossed her arms and looked at him with a straight face.

"It's the same look you give Aoi when she hugs onto me…"

She walked away without a reply; he sighed and looked around for me, not seeing me, Niou and Yukimura were gone as well, Yanagi started walking away from the pools and Sanada followed after Yanagi. He went into the bathrooms and her a little whimper from a dog, he found himself going to the noise, when he got there he saw me helping a little puppy.

"L-lulu-san?" I looked up and seen him, I looked back down to the puppy and helped pulled out a nail from his paw, I careful held the pup in my arm as my hands showed him I was going to touch the nail… I hummed softly and pulled fast when he calmed down enough; I used my towel to stop the bleeding and held him close.

"He'll be fine.. You don't need to worry, but do have your parents take him into the vet…" She didn't notice Sanada was standing right there and both didn't notice Yukimura, Niou, and Yanagi watch her pull the nail out, the whimpers stopped after a minutes, Sanada notice that she was talking to a kid that wasn't watching her.

"T-thank you lady!" I nodded to him and smiled happily.

"Aww, don't thank me at all, it's fine.." I gently put the puppy down and made should he could walk enough to find the little boy's mother. Sanada was somewhat surprised at how well she took care of the nail in the puppy's paw.

"I-iie, thank you again!" The little boy bowed gently and slowly with his puppy walked away. I watched them leave and sighed lightly, turned around and saw them, Sanada, Yukimura, Yanagi, and Niou was there looking at me, Niou and Yanagi wasn't too surprised but Yukimura and Sanada was…

I looked down and walked past them, I saw everyone was having fun. Yukimura gently took Sanada's hand and moved his hand to mine as I walked past, I felt the warmness again, I lightly blushed and tried to pull my hand away but I had no willpower to do so. Yukimura put our hands together tightly and walked away with Niou and Yanagu, we both stayed there, I was still looking down and I slightly felt Sanada's hand tighten as we stood there... "S-sanada-san, I-i need to be going.." I haven't feel him let go at all, I wonder if he even heard me, I thought to myself... I lightly sighed and tried to let go, he tighten his hold on my hand and I looked over to our hands.

"S-sorry.." He let me hand go and this time I tighten my hold onto his hand and gently shook my head, then let go.. I started walking to the lockers and he turned around, softly calling my name, I stopped and looked at him with a blush.

"Hai?" He looked away and shook his head.

"Never mind... Be careful going home..." He walked over to the pool where everyone was, I stood there in shock. H-he heard me? I shook my head to get the thought out.

I walked into the lockers and made sure that EVERYONE was at the pool... I sighed lightly and looked for my locker, I saw mine and someone in fount of it, I walked over. "Excuse me, that's my locker. Can you please move?" I asked nicely and the person more or less girl turned around and looked at me.

"Tch, you can wait..." I sighed and not in the mood to start a fight, so I waited for about 15-20 minutes until I gave up.

"Can you please move now? I need my things so I can leave!" I asked in a way that made her look at me, this girl, why is it I've seen her before? I asked myself.

"Oh, your voice changed, I'm not moving now, you'll wait..."

"I despise girls like you.." I said in German and tilted my head, smiling gently but my eyes told something else... She narrowed her eyes at me... I think I pissed her off, if so, good, I thought to myself and still smiling with my eyes telling what I feel and want to do to her right now..