To think, 5 year ago, Arizona Robbins would have never thought that she would have this life; the most perfect daughter and the most gorgeous wife. Even now she still loved hearing that word, "wife". But the days following the near fatal car crash, she wasn't so sure she would have the chance to say that word.
Now, she was sitting with her gorgeous wife at the fertility doctor. They had been talking about having another child since Sofia's third birthday; they just didn't know how they wanted to bring another child into their lives.
They talked about adopting, but quickly dismissed that thought. They knew that if they adopted a child it would be theirs, they saw it first hand with Meredith, Derek, and Zola, but they wanted one that was a part of them. They decided to go with IVF, and then they decided to ask Mark if he would even consider doing this again. It was hard on Arizona, especially when Callie brought it up, but she saw the way he took care of Sofia and she would love to have him be a part of this child's life.
After all of this was decided, they talked about so much other stuff regarding the baby, both of them felt overwhelmed by the nonexistent child. It was a lot of talking, adjusting, and scheduling before they got here today. In 2 years, they had gone through every detail in order to make sure that they were ready for the journey ahead of them.
"Arizona and Callie?" the both heard their names called and looked at each other. They grabbed each other's hand and walked towards the open door.
"Hello, Dr. Cruz will be in here shortly. She's just finishing up with another patient. You can both have a seat right here."
"Thank you," Callie replied. Arizona looked at her and noticed that she looked nervous.
"Calliope, are you okay? You look nervous. Everything's going to be okay, this is just our first appointment."
"I'm a little nervous, but that's normal. I mean, we're coming in here expecting to be moms again, and you and I both know that it doesn't always work out as planned."
"Calliope, you're getting ahead of yourself."
Just then, the door opened and Dr. Cruz walked in. She took her spot behind the desk, flashing a smile at the nervous duo.
"Hello Mrs. Torres and Mrs. Robbins. I see that you are here to make a baby," she said winking at them. They couldn't help but laugh at that comment. How unofficial does "make a baby" sound?
"Yes, we are. We feel that Sofia needs a little brother or sister at home to keep her company. She needs someone to play with."
"So, have you been through the IVF process before?"
"Well, no, we haven't. Callie got pregnant after I…no, we have not," Arizona always had a hard time talking about the fact that she left Callie in an airport and then not much later, Callie slept with Mark resulting in a pregnancy. Even though she couldn't be happier with her life now, she didn't exactly enjoy it back then.
"Okay, that's perfectly fine. Have you guys decided on who is going to be carrying the embryo?"
"Arizona is going to. I got a few great months with Sofia, it's only fair for her to get a chance," all of them had to laugh at that.
"It seems like you have everything planned out already."
"We took this into great consideration. We definitely worked towards getting everything we could, worked out. Considering nothing was normal during Callie's pregnancy."
The rest of the meeting just went on talking about the process of IVF, though they knew everything they could about it, and then the necessary test were done. After they were good to go, Dr. Cruz scheduled the next meeting with Callie and Arizona for three weeks time. Hopefully by then, Mark will have made up his mind for sure.
Callie and Arizona made their way back to their apartment as soon as everything was set in stone for their next appointment. They were glad that they didn't have to take care of Sofia tonight because they were exhausted. Having to pull doubles yesterday to be able to have the day off for their appointment really wore them down. Were they crazy for wanting another baby?
They ordered in a pizza and plopped down on the couch. The house was too quiet for them, so in the middle of their meal, Arizona fell asleep. Callie couldn't help but watch the beautiful woman sleep in front of her, which then made her fall asleep as well.
The phone ringing startled the sleeping duo. Arizona was the one who got up to answer it, being the one sleeping on top of Callie.
"Hello?" mumbled a still half sleeping Arizona.
"Mark? What do you want?"
"I just wanted to know how your appointment went. Callie said she would call when you guys were on your way back so you could talk to Sofia. She misses her mommies."
"Sorry Mark, we are both just so tired. I guess we both fell asleep. What time is it? Is Sofia awake?"
"It's almost 10pm. Sofia has been sleeping for almost 2 hours. And she wanted to tell you how excited she is for school tomorrow. Its show and tell and she decided to bring Quacky. All she wanted to do was tell Mommy and Momma that she's bringing Quacky."
"Damn. Well the appointment went great. They want all of us there in 3 weeks so we can start the process of making me pregnant."
"Three weeks?"
"Yeah, they want to go ahead and start the embryo fertilization. Callie and I are going in before that so they can extract the embryos."
"Arizona? Who are you talking to?" Callie asked walking towards her wife.
"It's Mark. He's calling to ask us why we never called after our appointment."
"Crap! What time is it?"
"Late. Hey, Mark, we're going to go back to bed now. We will all talk about this more tomorrow at work."
"Okay, goodnight Arizona. And tell Callie goodnight as well."
"Night, Mark."
A/N- To continue or not continue? I have a couple stories that I'm going to post the first chapters, the one that has more alerts/reviews is the one that I am going to focus on. I know what I'm going to do with this story, so I hope that you guys like it. :D and for people that have been reading my other story, "It Couldn't Be Love", don't worry, I didn't forget about it. I just have no muse for that story right now. All the writing just doesn't fit. ~Ari