Chapter 5

"I have this strange craving for Doritos and Nutella. I think I might be pregnant," Chase said.

"You're a dude. It's not possible for you to get pregnant," Jonas said in reply.

Chase snickered, "Wow, thanks, bitch. Way to crush my dreams."

Nick, Chase, Sean, Cammie, Grant, Jonas, and I were lounging around in our room after school.

"Oh my gosh guys, these clothes are so cute," Grant said on his laptop.

"Love Culture?" Jonas asked.

"Love Culture." Grant said in agreement.

"Oh my god, I love Love Culture," I said, dropping down on my bed.

"And I thought I was the gay one," Nick muttered.

"I'm not really sure what happening anymore," Cammie whispered.

"Neither are we!" Sean said flamboyantly.

Although to be fair, the boys and I did have to buy clothes when we went to Gallagher as girl. And Love Culture was the preferred store.

"Are we talking about dressing as girls again, because those times are over," Chase said flipping through his advanced chemistry textbook.

"What?" Cammie said, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"What?" I replied sending a glare to Chase, and I tried desperately to change the topic.

"Okay," Sean started thankfully changing the subject, "Nick don't get mad; but Zach and I were trying to set you up with Alex James."

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Nick yelled at us and we all flinched back behind our pillows, "Like hell I want to date that emo looking motherfucker."

Nick looked like someone just set him on fire. He was that red.

"So I guess everything's fine then," I said gently, "cause he called you ugly."

Nick let out an offended gasp and gawked at all of us, "The nerve of this bitch. How fucking dare he? Doesn't he know I'm flawless? That stupid fucking water-marshmallow."

We all shared a confused look. What the hell was a 'water-marshmallow'?

"Did you just call Alex a 'water-marshmallow'?" Chase asked.

"Fuck yea I did."

Nick has never had a boyfriend, or a girlfriend for that matter. He's never been on a date. He doesn't really vouch for that whole relationship crap. I know that he might not like Alex James, but more than anyone, Nick just wants to find is damn soul mate. But for all we know, Alex James could be his.

God, look at me, being philosophical and crap.

"Hey Cammie, do you think you can set me up with Bex?" Grant asked.

Grant is what we would call 'thirsty'.

I'm kidding, Grant's fucking dehydrated.

"What?" Cammie asked momentarily confused, "Oh yea, right. Sure?"

"Yeah, Grant, get some of that British crumpet!" I said, giving Grant a high five.

And Cammie looked at us like we grew nine heads.

"THAT IS SO DEGRADING!" Cammie yelled furiously hitting me with her chemistry textbook.

"Not the face! Not the face!" I yelled while my other roommates were laughing their asses off.

"Don't you ever refer to Bex as a piece of BRITISH CRUMPET YOU SEXIST BASTARD!" she yelled and stormed off.

"DAMN THE PATRIARCHY!" Cammie yelled from down the hall.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm just really lazy.

I don't know what the hell was going on when I wrote this, but here ya go.

