AN- Well this is the last chapter of Beautiful Girl! This was hard for me to end and I know some will be mad but Like a Fool will be up Monday maybe and all questions will be answered in the first chapter of that.

Disclaimer- I do not own SOA or the song by The White Buffalo

He's got one hand on the throttle,
the other on the brake.
He's riding
back to Redwood,
to own his father's stake.

And me I wait in Charming
to gain my love as one.
And I'm staying here to end my life,
down in the Rising Sun.

House of the Rising Sun - The White Buffalo

In the last couple weeks things had changed drastically in Charming. Clay's dirty laundry had been aired and it looked like Jax and Eve weren't going to be leaving any time soon. Piney had been missing for a few days and Ope went up to the cabin and found his father dead. Opie found out that it was Clay since Unser told him and he shot Clay. Turns out that Piney was not going to pass anything that had to do with the cartel and Clay wasn't going to have that. There were also some underlying issues with them from when JT died. Clay must have made a deal with the devil because he didn't die after being shot in the lung. Eve didn't believe Jax at first when he explained what happened. She had always been close with Clay, but even she couldn't deny that he had been showing a different side lately.

Clay was in the hospital. He lost part of his left lung and the doctors were positive that he would make a full recovery. Gemma hadn't said anything about how she felt. Eve knew that they had had a falling out the day the Clay was shot, but she didn't know what about and she wasn't about to ask Gem.

Eve was at home with Abel and Layla, who had finally started walking, when Jax walked in the house and handed Eve his cut and a president patch.

"Is this for real?" She asked

"Yeah, wana put that on for me?" Jax said as he hugged Eve

"Of course." Eve said as she went to get a needle and thread

"I couldn't do it." Jax said as when she came back into the living room

"Do what baby?"

"Kill him. We need him to keep the Irish happy." Jax explain "Shit with the Italians fell though and we had to reconnect with Galen."

"So, we aren't leaving?" Eve asked as she headed to get Jax a drink

"Not yet. I still don't want to put you and the kids in danger." He said as Eve handed him a glasses of Jack

"Watch Kip around that, she has an attraction to beer and whiskey lately." Eve laughed trying to lift the tension

"I've missed you guys." Jax said as he pulled Abel up onto his lap

"We've missed you too."

"I need you to tell you something. The cartel is really CIA."

"What? Are you serious?" Eve responded

"Yeah, turns out that there's a pending RICO case against the club. The feds are holding Bobby, but Romeo is getting him out."

"This is intense."

"Yeah, I know and I'm telling you all of this so that you can be prepared incase anything happens. You cannot tell anyone about the cartel though. Juice, Hap, Gemma. No one can know."

"I understand." Eve replied

"Things are going to be fucked up and I need you to back me on whatever I do, even if it sounds like I've lost my mind."

"I'll always back you." Eve said

"Come on; let's get these monsters to bed." Jax said as he lifted Abel

Eve arrived at TM earlier than normal with the kids and Blue in tow. Gemma called her and said that she wouldn't be in for the next few days which left Eve and Chucky running the garage. Eve was getting the repo list together for Phil and Juice while V-Lin watched the kids.


"Ope! Where have you been?" Eve said as she looked up at the man standing in the doorway

"Rode up to Tacoma and back. I needed to think."

"Lyla has been worried sick. She's been calling me nonstop." Eve said as she stood up and hugged the tall man

"I don't give a shit about her."

"Ope, what are you talking about?" Eve asked

"She's been lying to me. Taking birth control while I was trying to have a kid with her." Opie explained

"What about Kenny and Ellie?"

"They wanted to stay with her so I'm going to be bunking in Jax's old dorm."

"You need to sit and think about what you're doing." Eve said

"I am and with Jax at the head of the table, he's going to need a full time VP."

"Listen to me. You can be VP and have your family. Talk to Jax."

"Alright." Ope said as he finally let what Eve was saying sink in

"Call Lyla and talk this out with her. I'll be in here all day if you need to talk."

"Love you Evie." He said as he walked out to the lot


Eve heard V-Lin yell to her from the playground where he was playing with the kids.

"What!" She yelled as he run towards her with Layla in his arms and Abel trailing behind

"Watch this! Kip say Abel!" He said to the little girl

"Abe!" She giggled

"Oh my god! She said her first word!"

"My name!" Abel yelled from below

"Yes, Abey. Kip said your name!" Eve said as she lifted Abel "Where's Jax?"

"He's in the chapel."

"Come on." She said as V-Lin followed her into the clubhouse

"Jackson!" Eve yelled as he came out

"What's wrong?"

"Watch this!" Eve said with a big grin

"Kip say Abel." V-Lin asked her

"Abe!" Layla said as she bounced

"She said her first word!" Jax exclaimed

"Took her long enough!" Evie laughed

"Hey, she's a late bloomer. Let's just hope it continues and she doesn't date until she's thirty." Jax laughed as he took her from V-Lin

"Say mama, little bit." Eve tried as Layla shook her head "Kip, say mama."

"No!" Layla yelled

"Well, at least she said another word." Jax said

"Layla say V-Lin." V-Lin attempted


"Hey, that's close enough." V-Lin laughed "It's because I'm her favorite."

"You are not." Kozik said as he entered the clubhouse

"Hey, when did you get back?" Eve asked as he took Layla from V-Lin

"Not too long ago. Anything you need done prez?" Koz asked Jax

"Yeah, can you go relieve Tig, he's at the hospital." Jax asked as he took Layla from Kozik

"No problem." He said as he walked out the door

"Hey, hang on." Eve said as she followed him out to the lot

"What's up?"

"Where are you at on this shit about Clay?" Eve asked

"With everyone else. Jax tell you everything?"

"Most of it, why?"

"You don't know then?" Koz asked "When was the last time you saw Gemma?"

"A few days ago before all this shit. Why?"

"Clay beat her over this cartel shit." Kozik explained

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Eve yelled as she stormed back into the clubhouse

"Whoa, where's the fire?" Jax asked as he played with the kids on the pool table

"Why didn't you tell me about your mother?"

"She asked me not too. This shit is fucked up and Clay is going to die for everything." Jax explained

"Where is she now?" Eve asked

"The house." Jax said knowing that Eve would have found her eventually

"V-Lin, can you watch the kids?" Eve asked the prospect

"Yeah, no problem."

Eve went by Gemma's house and she wasn't there. Knowing that she wasn't at the lot, Eve went to St. Thomas to see if she had gone to visit Clay. Tig was walking to his bike as Eve parked the truck.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Tig asked

"I can't find Gemma and she won't answer the phone."

"Issues at the garage?" Tig asked

"No, I just talked with Jax and he finally told me what happened to her. Why doesn't see want me to know?"

"Because you have a big mouth and will go lay into Clay. She was up in the chapel when I left her." Tig said as Eve walked away from him

Eve made her way through the hospital to the small chapel. When she opened the door she noticed that Tara was sitting with Gemma, who had her head down.

"Gem?" Eve said as she walked in

"Hi baby girl." Gemma said as she lifted her head up and smiled. Her face was bruised and cut.

"I've been looking all over for you."

"I'll just be on my way." Tara said as she stood and walked to the door

"Don't go too far, I have to speak with you." Eve said as she sat down with Gemma

"So, I'm guessing that you want to know why I didn't tell you about all this." Gemma said

"Come on, you make me tell you everything."

"I know, I just don't want you to get yourself in trouble." Gemma said as she wrapped her arm around Eve's shoulders and pulled her in

"Layla said her first word."

"Really? Let me guess it was either Kozik or Abel." Gemma laughed

"It was Abel and then she said no and V-lin."

"I told you and Jax that she would be fine. So, how are you doing with all the chaos?"

"Alright. I'm adjusting to the new president Jax, but everything is fine." Eve replied

"Things will calm down soon. Clay will be dealt with and things will fall into place." Gemma said but she sounded like she was trying to convince herself and not Eve

"Why don't you head over and relieve the prospects of kid duty. Abey misses you." Eve said as she stood

"I think I will. Don't tear into the doc too bad. She helped me out with all of this." Gemma said as she pointed to her face

"I don't promise anything." Eve said as she took off down the hallway to Tara's office

"Knock knock." Eve said as she stood in the doorway

"What can I help you with." Tara said not looking up from her paperwork

"I wanted to thank you for helping Gemma out." Eve said as she sat in one of the chairs

"No need. And I don't think that's the only thing you wanted to talk about."

"No, I actually wanted to thank you for telling Emmanuela where I was."

"Really?" Tara asked shocked

"I was pissed at first and I know you did it to try and get to me, but seeing her helped me with a lot." Eve admitted

"When I first got back here and when I did that, I was trying to get back into Jax's life. I was being a bitch and you were completely right with everything you and Gemma thought."

"Think we could put all of this shit behind us?" Eve asked

"Yeah, that would be nice. I'm Tara Knowles." Tara said as she extended her hand

"Eve Teller. Heard you use to fuck my husband." Eve laughed as she shook Tara's hand

"Ha yeah."

"I'll see you around." Eve said as she started out the door

"Thank you Eve." Tara said right before Eve left

"No problem."

Eve got into Jax's truck and just sat in the parking lot. She thought about all she had been though in her life. Right now was almost the calmest she had ever been. She knew that none of that made sense with the state the club was in, but she had her children, Jax, Gemma, Tig, Koz and her brothers. No matter what they would go though together they would be alright. Shit would be fucked up for a bit, but Eve would survive. They all would.