Emma sat in her patrol car outside of Henry's school, waiting on the bell to ring. She knew that Regina would be angry, but in this moment she didn't care. From inside the school you hear the faint sound of a bell, and suddenly kids come pouring down the steps. Emma's smile breaks into a grin when she catches a glimpse of the top of Henry's head, followed closely by Mary Margaret. She gets out of her car, and leans against the door, and as Henry notices her, his face lights up.

"Emma!" He runs up to her, giving her an excited hug. "I'm so glad you're here! Is it for operation cobra?" He glances around nervously, but still excited.

"No kid. Not today. I'm just here to see my favorite guy." Emma smiles at him and ruffles his hair. "I haven't gotten to see you a lot lately. I'm not exactly your mom's favorite person, but it's not fair that I don't get to see you. Why don't we go get some hot chocolate? I'll get Ruby to add extra cinnamon, just for you."

Henry smiles and starts to respond excitedly before a deep voice breaks into the moment. "As lovely as that gesture is, Sheriff, Henry has an appointment with Dr. Hopper in fifteen minutes." Regina sent a cold smile in Emma's direction. "Henry, get in the car." Henry gives Emma a disappointed frown before getting into the menacingly black car. Stepping forward into the Sheriff's personal space, Regina leans in threateningly. "Miss Swan, do I need to remind you that Henry is my son? I will not have you sneaking around with him behind my back. My son was always obedient before you came into his life, and I'd like him to return to that frame of mind." The mayor turns around, pausing shortly after grabbing the door handle of her car. "I'm warning you one more time, Sheriff. Stay away from my son." After throwing a baleful look at Emma, she gets in her car, driving off without a second glance.

Emma stands there in shock, returning Henry's sad wave as the car drives away. She stuffs her hands deep into her pockets, leaning against the car as Mary Margaret walks up to her. She leans against the car next to her supposed daughter, peering over at her. "So I assume that didn't go quite as well as you had planned?"

"I just don't get it! I don't get what is so threatening about letting me see Henry for an hour!" Emma lets out a groan in frustration, kicking at the pavement. "She doesn't understand. She thinks she has me figured out, but she doesn't. Regina is just scared, and acting out of fear."

Mary Margaret shrugs, turning to Emma and standing up straight. "If you really think that, why don't you try talking to her? Explain whatever it is you think she doesn't understand. Maybe if you try to work with her, she'll be more receptive. She is a politician after all. There must be some diplomat in her for her to have been elected mayor. It's hard to believe she's always been a complete tyrant."

Carefully considering Mary Margaret's words, Emma slowly stands up straight. "You know, I think you're right. If nothing else, I can't really make it any worse than it is right now." Emma gives her friend a winning smile. "Thanks. I guess just trying to reason with her never occurred to me. I'll head over there right after work. I'll see you at home. " Emma enters the drivers door of the cruiser, settling into her seat. While turning the key in the ignition, she gives a deep sigh. This was not a moment Emma looked forward to, and she only had a few hours to prepare herself. She had to start hardening her resolve now.