Bonnie looked over at her life long friend. "You want to apologize?"

"Yes." Elena sighed. "For my actions with you and Damon."

Understanding Bonnie nodded her head but said nothing.

Elena went on. "I was very angry and hurt when I found out that you and Damon were together but that doesn't excuse what I did."

Bonnie rubbed her arms. "The last thing that we wanted was for you to get hurt."

"I know." Elena said

"I shouldn't have been dating Damon behind your back and I should have let you known." Bonnie told her. "But I didn't keep it from you for mean reasons."

Elena eyed Bonnie. "You did it to protect my feelings and I understand that."

Bonnie sighed. "Damon…he was the last man that I expected to fall in love with. I mean I hated him but then I saw this different side of him and the next thing that I know had these feelings for him."

Elena nodded her head. "I can't blame you for falling for him."

"Even while you still have feelings for him?" Bonnie asked

"You can't help how you feel." Elena said "I know that as much as any person."

Bonnie stepped closer to Elena. "I love you like a sister Lena and I don't want our friendship ruined over this. "

"Me either." Elena agreed. "Which is why I must apologize for making you choose, I shouldn't have done that."

"I believe that you are sorry." Bonnie commented

Elena looked her friend in the eye. "I can see now that I didn't have the right to be as angry at you as I was Damon is not my boyfriend and never was. You two have the right to be together if you want to be. I'm sorry for what I said and did involving the two of you being together and I hope that you accept."

"Of course I accept your apology Lena." Bonnie told her with a smile.

"Thank you." Elena said breathing a sigh of relief.

"You're welcome." Bonnie said

"So I guess that you and Damon are back together?" Elena asked

"We are." Bonnie confirmed "I just couldn't stay broken up with Damon I love him too much not to be with him."

Elena brushed her hair behind her ear. "I'm glad to hear that I really am. I care about you and Damon both and wouldn't want you miserable just to please me. I hope that the relationship works for the two of you."

Bonnie smiled again. "That's very big of you to say."

"I mean it after thanking about it a lot apologizing and accepting you and Damon together was the right thing to do." Elena went on. "You deserve someone that makes you happy and so does Damon I have to let him go for the sake of all of us."

"You deserve someone who makes you happy to and I hope that you find him whether it's with Stefan or someone else." Bonnie said

Elena smiled. "Are we good?"

"Yes we are more than good." Bonnie exclaimed.

Elena leaned giving Bonnie a hug. "I love you, best friends forever right."

Bonnie hugged back. "Best friends forever."


Elena had apologized to Damon and Bonnie but she knew that they weren't the only ones that she had to make things right with. She went to Stefan and apologized for everything that she did to hurt him.

Stefan stood as she listened to her apology. "I appreciate your apology."

"I really mean it Stefan I'm sorry for what I did to you." Elena said

"You really hurt me Elena for playing me while you were lusting after Damon." Stefan told her.

Elena frowned "I know that I did. It was wrong for me to go back and forth between you and Damon. I'm sorry for how I hurt you and hope that you can forgive me."

Stefan shook his head. "It will take some time for me to forgive you for what you did but it's not out of the question."

"All that I ask is for you to leave your heart open to forgiveness." Elena told him. "You take all of the time that you need."

"I will." Stefan said

"Did I ruin any chance of us getting back together?" Elena asked

"You know that I will always love you Elena." Stefan said

"But not enough to give me another chance?" Elena asked

Stefan shrugged a shoulder. "I don't know I'm not going to make any promises, like I said I need some time."

"Even if we never are that way again and never can get back what we had is there any hope that we can at least be friends?" Elena asked

Stefan smiled. "Of course there is hope that we can be friends you know that I'll always care about you."

Elena felt better and hopeful. "Yes I do know that as I will always care about you. Thank you for hearing me out."

Stefan nodded his head. "You're welcome."


One Month Later.

Bonnie was in her bedroom at her house packing the rest of her bags. Damon had told her to pack clothes and other items saying that he was taking her on a trip. He didn't tell her where he was taking her just that she deserved a break from the craziness of Mystic Falls and that he was surprising her by where he was going to take her. Bonnie finished up packing her bags just as Jack came in.

"Ready to go?" Jack asked

"Just about." Bonnie answered. "Can you help me carry my bags in the living room?"

"Sure." Jack said.

Bonnie grabbed a couple of luggage bags and Jack grabbed the rest they took them to the living room and put them down. Caroline was also there.

"Looks like you are ready." Caroline said

"Yes Damon is on his way over to pick me up." Bonnie said

"Did he tell you where the two of you are going?" Caroline asked

Bonnie shook her head. "He won't tell me and says that I'll find out when we get there."

"Where ever you are going I hope that you have a good time." Caroline said

"Right just relax and think of nothing else besides having fun." Jack told her. "We'll hold down the fort of Mystic Falls while you are gone."

"I'll be sure to do that guys." Bonnie said

Caroline cleared her throat. "By any chance could you bring me back a souvenir wherever you are going."

Jack laughed "Caro!"

"What did I say wrong?" Caroline asked with a grin

Bonnie chuckled. "I'll bring all of my friends something back where ever we go."

"Great." Caroline said "We have to go now see you why you get back."

"Yeah later." Jack said

Bonnie waved. "Bye guys."

Jack and Caroline left. Bonnie spent the next twenty minutes making sure that she had everything for her trip before Damon came and picked her and her luggage up.

Bonnie sat in the passengers seat of Damon's car as he drove them to where ever they were going to.

"So where are we going?" Bonnie asked

"If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise." Damon told her.

"Not even a little hint?" Bonnie asked

Damon glanced sideways at her. "Nope."

Bonnie sighed and rode the rest of the way in silence until he pulled up into a airport and passed through security check driving up onto a run way where a big private jet waited.

"Why are we at a airport?" Bonnie asked

Damon grinned "Because we have to fly to where we have to go." He gestured to the private jet.

Bonnie leaned forward eying the jet in shock. "You own a private jet?"

"No I'm just borrowing it from a friend." Damon answered

Bonnie couldn't quite believe what was going on. "And that is for us?"

"Well it's not for the president of the United States." Damon joked

They got out of the car and loaded themselves and their luggage onto the private lavish jet. Before Bonnie knew it the jet was taking off into the air. She looked at Damon who was sitting across from her.

"This is unbelievable." Bonnie told him clearly excited.

Damon winked at her. "Just wait and see where we are going."


The jet ride lasted for hours and hours causing Bonnie to take a long nap on the plane. After a while she felt someone nudging her.

"Wake up little witch." Damon told her

Bonnie sat up from the couch she was laying on and rubbed at her eyes. "What? What's going on?"

"We have arrived at out designation and are about to land." Damon let her know.

"Really where?" Bonnie asked

Damon gestured to one of the windows. "See for yourself."

Bonnie looked out of the window and saw a beautiful familiar Europe city that they were flying over. She looked back at him touched and warmed. "Damon you took me here?"

Damon smiled. "Welcome to Paris , France Bonnie."

Bonnie couldn't believe that he had took her to Paris one of the most romantic cities that the world had to offer. When the plane landed it was evening Paris time so they booked their hotel room and he then took her out for a romantic dinner at one of Paris's best restaurants. Then they went back to their hotel room a beautfil suite that over looked the wonderful city.

Bonnie was looking forward to the eight or so more days that she would be spending in Paris with Damon. It was all that a woman could ask for.

"This is so lovely." Bonnie told him.

Damon approached her. "You like Paris."

"I love Paris." Bonnie looked at him. "But not as much as I love you."

"I love you too." Damon told her caressing her cheek. "Coming back to Mystic Falls was the best decision that I ever made because I met you."

Bonnie wrapped her arms around his neck. "It was fate that brought us together."

"You're right." Damon said "That's why I'm not letting you go."

"I do plan on letting you go either." Bonnie told him.

Damon brought his lips to hers for a kiss and lead her to the bedroom where they made slow and passionate love. He made a promise to himself to cherish all of the time that he had to be with Bonnie Bennett.



This is as far as I could take the story beyond the one shot that I planned at first. Thanks to all of my readers and reviewers, your support is appreciated and I can't say that enough. Thank you for taking your time to read and review this story. I apologize for my other stories that have not been updated in a while, I still have writers block on some of them and don't want to write without a vision of what I want. But hopefully the writers block will clear. Bamon Rocks!