Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.


Hermione wiped her hand across her brow, surprised at how warm it had gotten. She had been so absorbed in her gardening that she hadn't noticed the sun beating down on the back of her neck, which she could only guess was now beet-red.

She could have planted the roses with magic, of course, but gardening the Muggle way was much more soothing. It reminded her of her childhood, when she would play in the garden as her mother planted flowers and her father brought her cool glasses of lemonade. She became really interested in gardening this way a few years ago. When her babies went off to Hogwarts, Hermione needed comfort, and gardening was the perfect distraction.

She got up slowly, smiling with satisfaction at her now firmly planted roses. Speaking of Roses, she realized then how oddly quiet it was in the Weasley backyard. Earlier, she had slipped outside while Hugo and Ron loudly debated the proper Wizard Chess techniques with Rose. Now, however, all seemed quiet.

Hermione made her way to the back door, and peaked inside. She saw Ron's back, seated casually in a kitchen chair. Hugo was seated nearby, rapt at attention, his eyes wide. Rose was nowhere to be seen. She likely had already given up and retreated to her room and her books. Hermione was surprised; it took a lot these days to hold 12-year-old Hugo's attention for more than a few minutes. Curious, Hermione tiptoed to the side window, which was propped open.

"… be yourself, and tell her how you feel," Ron was saying. "If you don't tell her now, you might miss your chance."

"But what if she doesn't like me back?" Hugo fretted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Then at least you'll know," Ron said gently. "There is nothing worse than not knowing."

"How did you know, Dad?" asked Hugo.

"Well, it took me some time," Ron started slowly. "Quite a bit too long, I'd say. But one day, it just hit me. I can't be without her." He sighed. "You might not be there yet, son. But don't let fear hold you back. You could miss out on something really amazing. And for Merlin's sake, if there's a dance, ask her. Don't let someone else do it."

"Jeez dad, she's just a pretty girl," Hugo said. "You're acting like this will be the only girl I ever like. No one only loves one girl his whole life."

"Some do, Hugo," Ron said wistfully. "Some do."

Suddenly, Hugo was leaving the room and Ron was standing up and turning around. Hermione, overwhelmed with the emotions she was feeling, tried to hide but was too slow. Ron caught her eye, and moved toward the open window.

"How much of that did you hear?" he asked casually, as he leaned out the window.


And she kissed him like she hasn't kissed him in years.