A/N: It is official this is the last chapter. Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own OUaT

Chapter 11


Bursting through the doors Emma slammed the file onto Moe French's tray that was meant for food. He seemed surprised by her unexpected visit. He then looked down at the file on his food tray, his face blanched. He began to flip through the file, his face growing paler by each piece of paper.

"Would you like to explain this?" Emma gave the man a hard glare.

He averted the young sheriff's eyes. To get his attention she slammed her hands down on the tray, making a loud noise. Moe instantly looked up at her. "Is there something you'd like to share French," Emma asked, her eyes boring into his.

He hung his head. "What do you want to know?"

Emma gave an exasperated sigh. "Well I want to know why you're in the hospital. Why is the sky blue? Why is my hair blond? Oh yeah, and why the hell did you lie about not having a daughter?"

After making eye contact with Emma, Moe's eyes never faltered. "You don't understand,"

"Oh you're right about that, I don't. I asked you a simple question, and you lied. Why? What did you have to lose?" Emma was furious. What was wrong with him?

"You're new here. You may be the sheriff but you're still a stranger. Not many people know about this, wasn't sure if I could trust you." That was his answer?

"I'm the sheriff, whether or not you trust me I have the right to know about certain things, and this," she picked up the folder. "Is something I should've known about."

Around this time French is starting to get angry himself. "What was your business? Why did you need this information? Why were you looking around? What have I done?"

Emma let out a small laugh, that was an easy one. "Well first of all you listened to someone and stole from the most powerful man in Storybrooke."

French's face changed to a look of surprise. "Oh come on Moe. Regina and Gold aren't the only ones in the town with eyes. Anyway the theft in itself was stupid. What did you think you wouldn't get caught?" She sighed this was already a looooong day and is was only gonna get longer.

"When I found out from someone that Gold was seen driving your van I knew something was up. But what I found was waaaay worse then I thought." Emma sat down and ran her fingers through her hair. This was so frustrating. Moe saw her distress and sighed.

"You wanted to know what he was yelling about. So you investigated," he picked through the papers. "And you found what you were looking for I guess."

Emma nodded. "I found everything. So anything you want to tell me, or do I have to actually arrest you?"

Moe's face paled even more so, if that was possible. He obviously hated jail just as much as Gold. "Alright I'll talk." Then his voice changed as he began his story.

"We were wanting kids. Like I said the house was getting really big and empty. When we heard that she was pregnant it was one of the greatest moments. For the next months things were going great, everyone was so excited, even Mr. Gold. We didn't think much of it but as time wore on Rebecca got sick. It was the worst days of my life. Seeing her their, wondering if she was going to make it. Then it happened, she went into labor, early. I got her to the hospital as soon as I could. They took her to the into a room, there were a lot of doctors, more than I thought there should be. They said they didn't want to make me chose, but they did anyway," his voice choked and the tears fell. "I said my wife, I didn't want to lose her. In the end it didn't matter, I lost both of them."

Emma's head shot up. WHAT? "WHAT? You did't lose them both."

Moe gave a confused look. "Sheriff I would appreciate it if you wouldn't lie to me. I've been through a lot, twice now, so please."

Emma stood and began searching through the files furiously. Then she found it a paper about giving away a baby. She held it for French to read. "Read this."

She watched as he skimmed it, slowly she saw realization appear on his face. He became frantic. "What is this? Where did you get this? Is this some sort of prank?" He kept spitting out questions before Emma could answer.

"STOP!" She shouted, shocking Moe into silence. "Look I don't know everything. I just found it. It has your signature. It says here that you didn't want the baby so," she took the paper herself and read through it. Then she dropped it.

"What sheriff?"

She was shaking, with fury or because of the cruelty she didn't know. "It says you didn't want the baby so the mayor took it. It doesn't say what she did with it."

Moe was confused, looking down on the paper he replied, "This isn't my signature. I mean it is, but I NEVER signed this. I mean I would never-"

"I know," Emma put her hand on his arm, trying to calm him. She stood up and gathered the file.

"where are you going?" Moe asked.

Emma turned to him, "I'm going to get to the bottom of this." And with that she left the hospital.

*********Enchanted Forest**********

Red stood and begun to stretch. She was in no particular hurry, she had the advantage, especially now that she was healed. She picked up the knife the imp had forced out of her hand, unfortunately it was the only weapon she had, other than her hands. She was pretty good at hand-to-hand, but they had a larger weight, that could be a problem.

She wasn't sure if she should just wait for her savior or fight some. Then the thought became absurd. Red imagined a man in shining armor, saving the young damsel in distress. Well she was no damsel in distress, if her rescuer was coming, he should hurry before she kills them all herself.

She listened quietly and could hear them. Grey wasn't the only one with heighten senses. She was no wolf, but she did her best. She was pretty sure she could pin point each man. She stepped out from behind her tree and began to attack.

She closed her eyes and listened. She heard a man out three yards to her left. She exhaled slowly, opened her eyes and threw the dagger with all her might. She heard the choked cry of an injured man.

Running as silently as she could she reached the injured man. The dagger was sticking out of his right shoulder blade. So close. Red thought to herself. She pulled out the knife and quickly covered the man's mouth.

"Well this is a strange turn of events." She whispered to the man. She enjoyed seeing the fear in the man's eyes. "This fun enough for you," she said quietly as she stabbed his throat.

She heard another man calling. "Chance? Is that you?"

"Yeah I think she's over here," Red said in her deepest voice. She heard the man run excitedly toward her, she hid behind a tree, waiting.

The man came up and tripped. Over the man known as 'Chance'. Getting up he freaked, seeing all the blood. Red pounced and kicked his face in. With the groan of pain he tried to get up, just what she wanted. She turned behind him, grabbing his face she twisted his head, hearing the satisfying 'snap'.

As she stood up to look at her good work she felt a boot to her back. Falling down she saw Grey in the dark, looking scarier with only the moon as light. Red tried to not look intimidated, but obviously failed.

He grinned down at his prey, drinking in he fear, feeding off of it. "Hello my little spitfire." His grin widened, she was certainly a handful. Taking out two of his men, with those nasty injuries. He could still smell the blood on her. He knelt down and gabbed her hair. She didn't even seem to notice the pain, only fear was in her eyes.

Grey Wolfback brought her to him and inhaled her scent. She smelled of nature, mixed with blood of course. Before he could do anything else he heard one of his men fall. From almost a mile away he knew there was someone else in the woods, another female in fact.

He dropped Little Red and growled. He then heard a laugh, looking down his spitfire was laughing up at him. He kicked at her face, but she didn't stop. Sitting back up, blood dripping from her lip she kept laughing.

"You're going to lose," Red was then struck again... hard. But she didn't stop, she had to distract him, at least for awhile. She stood up, avoiding his angry blows. "What's the matter Wolf," she said tauntingly, receiving multiple blows, not really feeling the pain. "Something wrong? This woman too much for you? Finally met your match?" She then began moving just out of his fist range, moving farther and farther back, avoiding the blows.

Little did she know that's exactly what he wanted. Only a couple feet away was a root sticking out of the ground. She kept moving oh so cleverly, but when he threw one more punch she fell.

Red lost all the air from her lungs. What happened? She noticed the root and instantly felt the fear of death again. But she couldn't stop, not now, not with someone so close. So she smiled at him and wished to slit her own wrists the moment she spoke.

"Well aren't you an animal," her voice was low and luring. "I didn't know you could actually do that. You are a wolf." She sat up and wiped the blood. Trying to look attractive.

Wolf was taken aback. This was different, a good type of different. She had just been testing him, seeing what he could do. She gave her a sneer and knelt down. "You have no idea sweetheart." As he went down to her something struck his head, and everything went black.

Red gasped as the man fell over. She couldn't stand up quick enough, she started shaking, trying to get rid of the disgusting scene that just happened. After feeling less shaken she looked around for the one who had knocked out her captor. Expecting to see some Prince Charming in a suit of armor. Instead she looked at a women no older than her, a fallen branch in her hands.

The two women looked at each other, both too scared to speak. The strange women dropped the branch and began to shake herself, but tried to hide it.

"Who are you," she asked, her voice slightly hard. "Are you with these men?"

All Red could do was shake her head. Was this her savior? Then remembering her place she spoke. "No, they kidnapped me."

The women seemed to trust that answer. Nodding she walked over the body. "Well then your welcome."

"Wait, where are you going?" Red asked. She ran to catch up with the women. Turning around the woman's expression had softened. Then she began to cry. Red couldn't help it with all that had happened she had begun to cry herself. Both of them stood there, embracing the other, while they cried.

Red was the first to stop. She looked at the woman and stuck out her hand. "Red."

The woman seemed hesitant of the hand. "I'm uh," she was at a lost for words.

Red looked at her curiously. "You don't trust me? You just saved my life, I don't want to hurt you."

The woman shook her head. "It's not you, you see I'm being... hunted. And-"

"And you don't want me to turn you in." Red finished her sentence. The woman nodded. Red tried a smile. "Well if it's any help, I'm being hunted too." A flash of fear came upon the woman's face. "No, they had it wrong. It was self defense." She began to blubber, not wanting to lose this person, the only one she probably had left.

The girl hugged her. "Snow, Snow White."

They pulled apart and Red walked back to where Grey Wolfback laid, still unconscious. Snow walked with her, her face had a curious expression. "Red what are you doing?"

She pulled out her knife and knelt down. She raised her arm, but Snow caught her. "Red, you don't need to-"

Red turned sharply at the woman, tears still in her eyes. "Don't need to what? Kill this man? Yes I do. He killed my parents, destroyed my granny, kidnapped me and almost... almost," her voice broke.

Snow looked at the new girl, and understood. This man ruined her life, she had to. Snow would probably try to kill the Queen if she ever got the chance. She stepped back and turned around. She heard the sound of a blade entering the man's body. Then Red came up and touched her shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Red said. Snow turned to her.

"Don't be, I understand."

Red and Snow walked around the forest... they didn't know what to do. Snow was the first to speak. "What now?"

Red shrugged. "I don't know. I don't really have anyone left."

"Me neither," her voice was sad. "So where are you headed?"

Red shrugged again, "I don't know anymore."

Snow held Red's hand. "Neither do I." She was about to say something when they came to a small house. "What's this?"

Red seemed to know the place because she ran in. It wasn't much, more like a shed. Snow saw Red looking for something. Then the young girl picked up a long red cloth. It was a cloak of some sorts, she put it on and began gathering up small daggers.

"I'm ready," her voice was shaking slightly.

Snow nodded. "Red, I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going, but I do know I don't want to go alone."

Her 'friend' nodded. "I understand Snow, you need a friend," she walked up and smiled a genuine smile. "And between you and me I could use a friend to."

The two women left the woods, never to return. After they were long gone did a man come out of the shadows. He went over to a group of bodies, none of them the one he needed so he simply turned them to dust. Reaching another group he noticed the person he needed. Kneeling down he examined the dead wolfman, that little girl knew how to take care of someone. Reaching inside the mans cloak he pulled out a small object. Examining it he stared at the wolf's paw in his hand. Instantly the man below him changed, he became less muscular, his face returned to that of a human's. His eyes were cold and unblinking, but they were average. Rumpelstiltskin examined the magical artifact. This would definitely come in handy for another deal.


Emma walked into the pawnbroker's store. Empty as usual she spotted the man cleaning some of his artifacts. He looked at the sheriff and smiled. "Ms. Swan, and what can I do for you today?"

Emma walked up and handed him the file. "What was so special about their kid?"

Gold looked through the file, that smirk still on his lips. But as he continued to read his smirk fell and his face changed dramatically. Looking up at the sheriff she could see the urge to kill in his eyes. "Where did you get this?"

Emma met his gaze giving him a 'calm down/don't do anything stupid' stare. "The hospital. Now tell me, what was so special about their daughter. Were you hoping to get the child for yourself, instead of the mayor getting to it first?" She recalled the incident with Ashley.

Gold handed her back the file. "I have nothing to say Ms. Swan, I was unaware Moe French even had a daughter." Though he smiled, Emma could see through it. There was something he wasn't telling her. But she had to let the matter drop... for now, because Henry came into the store, smiling.

"Hey Emma," he smiled at her.

Emma looked at Gold, then at Henry. Right now she saw there was a choice, very literally. She looked over at Henry and made her choice. "Hey kid."

Emma and Henry left the store talking about operation Cobra. Even though she loved being with her kid, she still glance back, wondering what wasn't being said.

Somewhere deep into the forest of Storybrooke a young woman is waking. She can't stop, they'll catch her. Soon she fell from exhaustion. The young girl had cuts all along her arms and legs, like she had crawled through broken glass. Wearing nothing but a hospital gown she shivered, but soon sleep overcame her.

A/N: Good bye my lovelies. This was the final chapter of 'Ruby Red' hope you liked it, and if you didn't? TOO BAD. Well I'm leaving for the summer, don't know WHEN I'll have internet again, but glad I was able to publish this in time. So long... till next year.

BTW: Hope you guys got the hint at the end. Who is this young woman.