Page 55

Inu No Tashio poked his Son smirking while saying, "At least they aren't fighting with themselves about the choice." Sesshomaru replied, "Very funny Father although I do agree it was rather foolish to fight with myself. As my beast still, holds it over my head every chance he gets."

Inu No Tashio says, "I know what it is like to have your beast hold something over your head. It's better when you have something you can hold over its head. Besides you did come around, and claim her so it should be relatively happy." Sesshomaru smiled as he remembered claiming his mate only to realize that she truly belonged to him long before he ever marked her.

The next two weeks flew by he had to insist this time the pups go straight into the nursery because of the number of them there just wasn't enough room in their bed chambers for five cradles. Naomi had agreed only because Sesshomaru had promised the pups would never be alone during the night. Sesshomaru had gotten several nursemaids, and guards to keep the nursery well-guarded. Naomi sighed despite all the measure he had taken she didn't like the idea of them being in another room. Sesshomaru pulled her close saying, "They will be fine. Besides you need your rest you have cared for them nonstop for the past two weeks."

Naomi replied, "You're right but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it." Sesshomaru kissed her head, and once he was sure she had kissed them all goodnight he escorted her to their bed chambers.

It wasn't' long before Sesshomaru had to present the new pups, and his Son's future mates to everyone. Things went better than he had planned Naomi had managed to accomplish making the girls look, and act like true ladies. Sesshomaru had been especially proud of his mate defusing any issue with females that didn't agree with his Son's future mates by simply pointing out that perhaps they were jealous, and wishing it was them. While pointing out that pining over a taken man was a losing battle, and the only one bound to get hurt was them when her Son's finally claimed their intended mates.

Sesshomaru sighed pulling his mate onto his lap something not done often at these type of gatherings but he didn't care he wanted all to know that his bitch was happiest, and most content when she was in his arms even after eight pups. Naomi snuggled into him she knew it wasn't how she was supposed to act in public but she could sense that he had wanted her to. Of course, all the lords and ladies were shocked by the behavior the servants of the castle, however, were not they had grown used to their lord, and lady openly showing each other affection. The low murmur of lords talking to each other and wanting to have what the Western lord had. They all decided to try it each pulling their mate into their laps only to be surprised when the females followed the Western ladies lead and snuggled into them as well.

~ The End ~