Why are you staring chapter 2

A/N im very glad people liked the first chapter so i could continue this QuQ

i do not own south park


He was standing right beside me on some kind of yard where was a party. Many children laughing and having fun 'till we where seen by some boys.

''Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing here?'' yelled some fat kid towards us ''Yeah, you weren't invited, new kid.''
''And neither were you, Pip!''

''Yes. I tried to tell Da-'' I was cutted off by the boy beside me who was wearing all black who looked at the three boys infront of us.

''Wait a minute! Give me a chance. I want to do something special for your party.'' he turned towards me and taps my shoulder with his eyes looking like they had fire in them. And after that...there was burning pain and i was launched at the sky, after some time i was falling towards the ground and everything looked blurry...then there was nothing.

I sat up from my bed with sweat coming down from my forhead. 'What a nightmare...but...why did it feel so true?' I disnt have time to think as i looked at the clock '7.13am'.

''Oh dear. Better get ready for the school and fast.'' I stood from my bed and left to take a shower. After a fast shower and with a towel around my waist i went to my closet to look something to wear. I found a white T-shirt, a red blazer (wich i left unbuttoned),
dark blue jeans and to complete all i had my favourite paperboy hat on. I grapped my bag and ran towards the bus stop.

'These nightmares of me and that boy keeps on coming and coming ever since i was told that i was moving here. I still remember that weirdest dream i had when i was my first night in South Park.

~The Dream~

I was running away fom something...something i didnt see but i did see the boy who was holding my hand as he ran faster and faster.
The place was dark and there was fire everywhere. The boy who was running was wearing all black but the also had huge bat-like wings on his back with horns on his head and a tail. He really looked like a demon. I was wearing all white with white angel-like wings coming from my back.

We were running and running, hands never leaving each other. The boy had a cut across his cheek and was bleeding, his arms were bruised and bleeding.

I looked behind me and saw some dark figures coming towards us. They were yelling something about killing the angel.

''Dont look behind you! Just run!'' yelled the boy infront of me tighting the grip on my hand as he tried to speed up.

After awhile of running we came to a stop at a huge cliff. We turned around to face the attackers still holding hands. The boy next to me was glaring at the attackers but still looked like he was thinking of something. Suddenly he grapped me and pulled me to his chest.

''Dont worry i have a plan'' he said with me in his chest and starting to walk backwards towards the end of the cliff.
For some reason i trusted him with this. As we were walking the last step he tighted his crip around me and we began to fall.

''Dont worry we will meet again in earth like last time and now remeber this Pip...my name is D-''

And that is where the dream ended.

I never understood what that dream meant or who this boy was. He always were in my dreams and nightmares. Always there watching me and staring at me but why?

Soon i was woken from my thoughts as the bus came to a stop infront of me. 'Well atleast now i can get those dreams off my mind' i thought as i was walking in the bus finding a bus beside my twitching friend Tweek saying non-stop about Underpant Gnomes coming after his blood. He really needs to stop drinking coffee that much and just try to sleep.

''Morning Pip!'' Called the cheery boy from the seat infront of me who was Butters.

''Morning Butters'' i yawned him a creeting as i am still tired because of the dreams.

''Aww shucks...have you been awake hole night waiting for those gnomes like Tweek does? Since you dont seem to have slept that much''

''Oh dear no. I just had some bad dreams that's all''

''Oh Okay!'' Butters said cheerfully as he turned back to it normally on his seat.

Now i had time to ask Tweek about the yesterday, since i really was now very curious what it was about. As i turned my head to look at Tweek he had already calmed down as much as he can with his normal twitches but atleast he stopped talking about the gnomes.

''Hey Tweek''

''GAH! uhm y-yeah?''

''Well im just alittle curious about one thing and i-''

''GAAH! ARE YOU T-TRYING RO GET INFROMATION FOR THE GNOMES SO THAT THEY WILL GET ME AND STEAL MY BLOOD!'' He yelled as he was pulling his hair. 'well the non-talking about gnomes didnt last long' i sweat dropped.

''oh no no, Calm down. I'm not working for the gnomes to get your blood. I just want to ask something about the yesterday that's all''

'' O-oh NGH! o-okay''

''Well uhm... i just saw you yesterday looking at that one boy very many times and i just wondered why?''

''NGH! GAH! W-well ngh...i-its kinda long story GAH!'' I swear i saw some slight blush on his face when i asked.

''I have much time '' i smiled. Now i was more curious since he was blushing alot and his eyes looked so sad. But i cant make him tell if he doesnt want to since he did just yesterday only met me.

''W-well ngh! i c-can tell it in l-lunch since GAH! i-i dont want p-people to hear.''

''Oh okay'' i turned back and to look ahead seeing that we are slowing down on the school bus stop.

We all got out from the bus and walked together inside the school to our lockers getting our stuff for our first class. Since Tweek and Butters had chemisrty now, they left already leaving me getting walking the hallways with my english books on my hands. ' I really wonder what's up with Tweek.'

As i was in my thoughts i didnt notice that i bumped into someone, letting me falling on the floor with my books.

''I-I'm terribly sorry!'' i apoligized as i took my books and stood up to see who i bumped into. My eyes widen abit seeing who the person was. 'h-he...
looks like the boy from the dreams.'

There stood a boy who was waearing all black. A black sweather, black baggypants and black sneakers. only thing that was differents colored was the anti-cross necklace and his red eyes.

'Well he looks rather handsome...wait wait wait! no Pip no! you do not think like that of someone you dont even know!' i was mentally cursing me for thinking like that.

''Hey...It's okay i guess..'' the boy said getting me out of my thoughts

''o-oh uhm yeah..''

''You're the new kid right? ''

''um y-yeah i am...my name is Phillip but im called Pip''

''Well Pip...i doubt you really knew where your classroom is when your going to the wrong way. I think i can show it to you since i have the same class''

''O-oh wonderful! Thank you!''

''No prob i guess'' And then we were off walking towards the english class together.

'Well i guess this is a start of a new friendship. Even thou i didnt get his name.'

A/N: GAAAAAAWD took awhile to write this otl.
well in the next chapter i will tell you about the thing of Tweek and Craig C:

Oh and i'm trying to write these atleast once a week on a random day c:

Hope ya like it!

Ama-foxy OUT!