[look at me spamming stories all over the place. Well, you may have guessed it but this is another OC story. When I come up with an idea, I can't just not write it. Anyway, this one already feels intense to me, so read on and see if you feel the same]

The room hummed with clicks and clanks of machinery and flashed with rotating lights accompanied by beeps an buzzes. The air was filled with a chemical odor that teased the senses of anyone unfamiliar with it. Among the automated noises and the unidentifiable odors worked a grey, crimson striped skunk dressed in a white bandana and headband.

He was not alone in his labor however as nearby sat a green, red spotted squirrel wearing a white lab coat and large mechanized goggles.

"Alright, I'm done with this, what's left?" the Skunk asked.

"Hmm? Oh yes. Well, let's see what you've completed so far" said the squirrel scrolling through a list on his computer screen "ah yes, wonderful, we are nearly finished, what marvelous news. Although… hmm… if I were to incorporate serum V with an appropriate catalyst into the blast points of the rockets, I believe it will form a toxic cloud that will linger in the air for at least a couple hours. Hmm, that could certainly alter possible strategies for some time"

"You sure we need more weapons, we have enough to fight a war here already" said the Skunk.

"Preposterous, I have more pressing concerns to worry about then waging a war…oh, why yes. Well, we certainly have produced quite a bit, but we need more variables, variety is what counts! Quantity is irrelevant" said the squirrel.

"Yea… well, we're really cutting it close here Baldwin. We've been advertising for a year now, if we aren't ready in time the backlash is gonna be huge" the skunk explained.

"Yes, yes it would wouldn't it? Well, I'm certainly more curious as to how everyone will go about this than how they will react otherwise. Yes Reuger, your concerns are quite warranted but you have no need to fear. I only have a few more adjustments to make before next week so we have no need to be concerned. I will be finished at that time" said the Squirrel.

"Well, alright… so about my own car. I've never driven something like this before. Anything else I should know?" the skunk asked.

"Oh my no, it is very simple, although I do not recommend focusing on it too much, you will need to switch as often as necessary" Baldwin explained.

"Okay then… oh yea, forgot to ask, who else is with me for this?" Reuger asked.

"Well, aside from myself I know Sky will be with us… hmm Boom is as well… there are other black knights as well, again, you have no need to worry, you have no need to do this all on your own.

"Sky huh? How'd you get him for this?" Reuger asked.

"Simple, who wouldn't want to be part of this! This event will forever go down in history. If it's sheer scale wasn't enough this event will be broadcast world wide! It is certain to revolutionize the entertainment industry forever! That, combined with the vicious competition inevitably tearing at each other's throats to become legends will make this something not only industry changing, but world changing! We are going to change the world with this Reuger, it couldn't be any more incredible!" said Baldwin breathing heavily afterwards.

Reuger stared silently at him for a moment.

"Well, err… guess I'll get back to work then" said Reuger.

"Yes, wonderful idea, for now, my specimens will need tending, we will want them in pique condition before next week" said Baldwin as he turned to a door with only a series of bloodthirsty roars to distinguish it.

Elsewhere, in the middle of tree town a toxic yellow tiger with burnt orange stripes and dressed in a tattered green vest made his way through the center of the park. I his entourage a purple buck toothed and freckled beaver and a yellow, pink bunny slipper wearing rabbit. The group couldn't help but notice a flyer plastered onto the side of a tree.

"What's this?" the rabbit asked being the first to notice it.

The tiger reached out his hand and peeled the poster off of the tree and read it aloud.

"Professor Baldwin cordially invites you to the first ever Apocalypse Grand Prix, a legendary race that will test the mettle of anyone strong and courageous enough to risk life and limb to become a legend and win a country to lead and control as they see fit. All you need to join is guts and a vehicle. Of course, not just any vehicle will do. What you will need is something capable of not only being able to survive a trip around the planet but survive the hellish rain that will scorch the track.

"So, let me give you the rules. You will be provided with weapons throughout the race alongside whatever weapons you may already have with you. You will receive a constant supply of points throughout the race. These points will be used to purchase weapons and upgrades created by myself to help you last through the race. Each check point will serve as a rest stop for you to eat and sleep as well as re-supply on anything you may need. If you are killed during the race you need not fear, as I will provide you with a mandatory stat box when you sign up. The stat box will keep track of your progress as well as miraculously restore your broken and battered remains at the most recent check point. You will also receive another vehicle just like your original.

"The Apocalypse Grand Prix will take you through every continent and country throughout the world and your prize is a country of your very own that is entirely under your control. So, if you are interested in signing up simply fill out the following information"








Vehicle Name:

Vehicle appearance:

Weapons and Vehicle Weapons:

Bio (not mandatory):

Relationships(friends/enemies (not mandatory)):

Miscellaneous information (whatever extra info you have):

[Well, there you go. Anything you need to fill out is right up there. If you want to join I recommend doing it quick because when the race begins everyone in is in and if they aren't then I won't be able to add them to the race. Hope to see everyone on the race track! Farewell!]