Jason landed lightly on the balls of his feet, bending his knees slightly to absorb the impact.

"Say hello to my little friend," he said and casually shot one of the thugs holding Nightwing. The man hissed in pain and grabbed at his shoulder while the other man let go of the vigilante, backpedalling with his hands up in a placating gesture. Dick rolled his eyes underneath the mask and took the opportunity to slam his elbow into the injured man's neck—he crumpled to the ground unconscious—and roll backwards to knock the other guy over before Jason could take him out, too.

The Red Hood was busy taking down the remaining thugs that had deemed him more of a threat than Nightwing. Dick was totally okay with that—it gave him a chance to go after his little brother. He just hoped that Jason kept it clean and didn't kill anyone. Dick had enough headaches to last him a couple weeks.

Damian bobbed his head frantically, trying to catch Dick's attention. He rushed over to the young vigilante and quickly untied the rag from his mouth.

"Don't let them escape," Damian said breathlessly, nodding towards the retreating figure of Two Face and his henchman.

"Hold on, I gotta get you down," Dick said, ignoring the other boy's command.

"Nightwing, go!" Dick grabbed a knife from his boot and sliced through the rope holding Damian up. He caught his brother as his legs buckled with the sudden weight and he fell to the ground with a groan. Dick gently placed his brother on the floor and with one last look, he raced after Two Face, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

The villain was halfway to his waiting car before Nightwing tackled him from behind. They sprawled on the ground, landing in a heap a few feet from the car. Dick flipped Harvey over and began pummeling him. All the anger and stress and grief from the last couple of days spilled out of Dick. He hit the man until his face was a bloody mess. It was a fitting retribution for hurting his Robin. As his arm wound up for another punch, someone grabbed his fist and threw him from the unconscious villain.

Harvey's henchman, the one from the video—now wearing a bandage over his nose—growled at the vigilante and rushed him. Nightwing sprung to his feet and sidestepped the attack. The man turned around and came at Dick again, his fist raised. He dodged the thug again and retaliated with a punch of his own. The man whimpered when Nightwing's fist connected with the tender flesh around his nose. He dropped his guard to clutch at his face and Dick to the opportunity to swing out his leg and catch the man on the side of his head. His eyes rolled up and he crumpled to the ground.

Satisfied, Dick gave Two Face one last kick to his gut and jogged back to the warehouse. Jason was finishing up with one last thug; none appeared to be dead, so that was a good sign. Damian was trying to lift himself onto his knees, only using one hand—the other, cradled against his chest. Dick rushed over to help his little brother up. Ignoring the weak protests, he swung the little Robin up into his arms, bridal style.

"How are you feeling, Dami?"

"Like I got run over by the batmobile," Damian groaned. He hugged his broken hand to his chest. "Why is there blood on your hands?"

"I got even with Two Face," he muttered darkly. He looked back at the young boy and said softly, "I was so worried, Lil' D."

"'Tt' I could've gotten out of that situation myself." Dick shook his head, exasperated, ignoring the comment.

He walked over to Jason, who had just finished with the last of the thugs, bashing him in the head with his gun. "Thanks for the save, Red Hood."

"Don't mention it, Golden Boy. Agent A called me—said you could use a little back up," Jason replied. "How's the kid?"

"I think he's going to be fine. Would you mind calling cops for me while I get Robin home? You're welcome to stop by after. I'm sure Agent A would like to hear from you." Guessing that Jason was about to decline, Dick added, "He'll probablu have a fresh batch of cookies waiting."

"I'm sure I could stop by, but just for a couple minutes."

Dick grinned at his brother and carried Damian to the motorcycle.

"Master Jason, please refrain from placing your muddy boots on the computer console."

"Sorry, Alf," Jason said, putting his feet on the floor and munching on a chocolate chip cookie.

Dick shook his head, smiling, and turned his attention back to Damian. The Boy Wonder was currently sleeping in a hospital bed in the cave. Alfred had managed to clean up his wounds and set his broken hand—that had not been fun to watch. Damian had also lost a lot of blood so he had an IV in his arm, pumping the much needed blood into his body. Dick sat by his side and held the sleeping boy's hand. He figured the lecture could wait until Damian was feeling better.

"Thanks, Jase, for saving my butt," Dick said again. He was convinced that he would have been a goner for sure if Jason had not shown up when he did. He also gave the man kudos for not killing anyone.

"Don't mention it, Dickiebird. It was a favor to Alfred. Where's the big man anyway?"

"He's on a business trip and left me in charge."

"Great job, you did." Dick scowled at his brother. Both of them had taken their masks off when they got to the cave and Dick had changed into a pair of sweats, though Jason kept his Red Hood attire on.

"It wasn't all my fault. Damian should have most of the blame there. I don't know why he didn't listen to me," Dick said quietly. He still felt incredibly guilty for allowing this happen.

"Don't beat yourself up. Baby bird probably did this as an 'eff you' to his dad." Jason shoved another cookie into his mouth and Dick sighed.

"I believe it's time for you call Master Bruce and relay to him the events that have transpired," Alfred said pointedly, looking at Dick.

"Well that's my cue to leave," Jason said, jumping up, grabbing his helmet, and slapping his mask back on his face.

"You can stay and help me explain things," Dick offered weakly.

"No way, you're on your own, Golden Boy; I did my part. Thanks for the cookies, Alfred. It was nice seeing you."

"Come back soon," Alfred replied. Jason saluted the old man, nodded at Dick, and swung one leg over the seat of his motorcycle. He revved the engine and sped into the night. Dick gulped and untangled his hand from Damian's. He trudged to the computer like a man to the gallows.

"Irresponsible in the line of duty. He could have been killed."

Damian drifted out of sleep to the sound of arguing. No, not an argument. More like a scolding. He winced at the pain that flooded back to him, riding on the tide of consciousness. His head was pounding and his hand felt like he had put it through a meat grinder.

"I'm sorry, Bruce. I accept full responsibility for Damian getting hurt. I shouldn't have let it happen."

Damian's head snapped towards the voices. He narrowed his eyes. Grayson was taking the blame for his actions. He struggled with ripping the IV from his arm and held his uninjured hand over entry point, keeping pressure. He carefully slid to his feet and limped over to the computer where Grayson and his father were on a video call.

Grayson looked like a kicked puppy, his head hung and shoulders hunched. This was unacceptable. His father had a dangerous glint in his eyes—he was pissed.

"You are banned access from the cave until I see that you are worthy of—"

"Excuse me, Father, but Grayson is not at fault here," Damian interrupted. Dick looked up and gave Damian a bemused look. Bruce's glare zeroed in on the young boy and Damian did all he could to not flinch. "It was my fault. I snuck out of the Cave after Grayson left because I wanted to show you how I could handle myself."

A flicker of surprise showed itself on his father's face, but it was quickly replaced by anger. "What you did was reckless and stupid, Damian."

"I know, Father, and I'm sorry. I regret my actions and would happily accept any punishment you have for me, if you would not punish Grayson." Bruce considered this for a moment.

"You're not allowed in the Cave for a month. No training, no helping, no Robin. Am I understood?" Damian closed his eyes and let a steady breath out through his nose. His head was pounding.

"Yes, Father," he said. Bruce nodded.

"Dick you're off the hook. We'll talk more when I get back." Grayson looked almost relieved. "And Damian. Rest up, son. I'm glad you're okay." With that, the transmission cut out.

The cave was quiet for a moment before Damian stumbled with a bout of dizziness. Dick squawked like the mother hen he was and swept the boy into his arms. He carried him back to the hospital bed and set him down.

"Are you okay, Dami? Where does it hurt?"

"Stop coddling me," Damian demanded, fending off his brother. Dick sighed and plopped into the chair adjacent to the bed. He looked at the boy for a couple minutes, brow furrowed in thought.

"Why did you stick up for me?" He asked suddenly.

"'Tt.' It would be a blemish on my honor if you accepted my punishment."

"But, why? Having Robin taken away would have sent you into a psychotic rage." Damian sighed.

"You rescued me, I simply returned the favor. Now go away, I want to sleep." Dick smiled at his little brother and ruffled his hair before standing up. He chuckled at the glare Damian sent him and made his way up the stone steps into the Manor.

"I'll see you in the morning, Lil' D," he called over his shoulder. Damian huffed and closed his eyes, but his stomach rumbled, echoing in the quiet cave.

"Pennyworth, I require on of those cookies you made earlier."

"Of course, Master Damian," the butler said with a small smile.

The end.

Whelp, that's the end of this story! I thank all of you who stuck around to read the ending, even when it was questionable if I would ever finish it. A special shout out to 1234 who threatened me and gave me ideas. Check out my other stories if you want to. I hope you enjoyed my fanfic!
