
Dislaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy IX, and guess what? I never will. I don't have the talent... (sniff sniff).

A poem from Zidane's point of view, as he walks through Memoria. I'm told that this is deep, but I see it as being very shallow, but don't take my opinion! Read it yourself! Reviews will be drooled over, as usual. If you want to flame, I don't particularly care, but for this I don't see that there's much to flame for, apart from overall rubbishness (-_-') My poetry may get better, one day, one day.... it's a bit more of a song/poem, though...

Please review!

-Nefthoron 'Ware no baka de!' Black


The white-hearted angel,
And the fiery red demon,
A bright mix of colours,
Each one blended in.

A bright blue light shining,
Reminds me of home,
But until I find it,
I shall be all alone.

The Shakespearean sonnet,
The angel's zephyr,
The breeze through the trees,
And a funeral pyre.

Bright shining coal eyes
A wide-open heart
A caring smile,
Which sets her apart.

Heart swathed in darkness,
Body bathed in light,
Silver hair shining,
Rises to the fight.

An angel's soft singing,
A dreamer's reverie,
Two different worlds;
Linked just by a tree.

An unclear thought,
A feeling of dread,
A heart that is empty,
And an aching head.