Disclaimer: Noblesse isn't mine.

Will you go to the Festival with me? (Part 1)

"M-21, you should come." Takeo nudged him gently with the back of his hand. "It'd mean a lot to the kids."

"Crowds aren't my thing."

"Tsk." A smug grin spread across Regis' face. "Afraid to go just because there's so many people."

"That's nice." M-21 patted his head. "Why don't you go play?"

Regis swatted at his hand, but it was already gone.

"Are you sure?" Takeo ignored the interruption. "We don't do this sort of thing often."

"It's fine."

"Is it really fine?" Regis crossed his arms defiantly and waited for the sharp reply. None came. "Are you ignoring me?"

"Not now, Regis." M-21 smiled as genuinely as he could fake. "The adults are having a grown up conversation."

"You are ignoring me!"

"Of course I'm not ignoring you, Regis, honey. What do you need?"

"I… Stop acting like that!"

"Regis, you're getting upset."

"I am not!"

"Rai! Headmaster!" Shinwoo's voice called through the intercom. "We're here!"

"We're ready for the festival!" Ikhan shoved Shinwoo out of the way.

"Where are Yuna and Suyi?" Tao let them in.

"We're going to meet them there."

"Alright, we're leaving then." Frankenstein herded everyone outside.

Finally by himself, M-21 fell into a chair. This would be a nice, relaxing evening alone. No Regis trying to start a fight. No Frankenstein fretting over his master. No children creating a mess. No Tao throwing plates for him to catch. No Takeo… actually, Takeo never did anything bothersome.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

Her voice sounded breathless even through the intercom. Had she run here? M-21 undid the lock and swung open the door. He pressed his forearm against the door frame above his head with his other hand still holding the doorknob and starred down at her. So much for being alone.

"Ajussi?" Her heart skipped a beat. He never answered the door. Did he have to answer it like that? The backlight illuminated the edge of his frame and cast shafts of light through his hair. He disappeared inside without answering her. Yuna followed him into the living room. "Where is everyone?"

"They already left."

"Oh." Her hand touched her face. Was she blushing? This felt awkward. "I was suppose to meet them at the festival, but Suyi decided not to come since it'd be so crowded. So, I came here instead. I should have called first. I'm sorry to bother you. I should go."

"No, wait." M-21 draped his suit jacket over his arm. "I'll walk you there."

"Oh, no, I couldn't ask you to do that! If you wanted to go, you would have left with everyone else."

It was true. He didn't want to go to the festival. But, Yuna? He couldn't let her go alone. He had already put her into enough danger in the past. He owed it to her. "I'll get in trouble with the boss if I let one of his students walk alone at night. It's not safe. As many times as you've seen Shin Woo fight, you should know that."

"But, Ajussi-"

"And I wouldn't feel right about it either. Let's go."

She followed him without resistance, but she still seemed uneasy. M-21 watched her in silence. Her face looked red, and she refused to meet his eyes. Was he making her uncomfortable? Maybe he should say something. "I've never been to this kind of thing."

"It's fun. I think you'd enjoy it."

"What, um, is there?" The attempt at small talk felt half-hearted. The others usually did most of the talking as he listened. This felt unnatural, and she seemed even more uncomfortable.

"Games, mostly, but there are rides and performances as well." She stopped as the festival came into sight. "You don't have to go any further. I can make it from here."

"It's fine."

"You really don't have to do this."

He shifted his jacket to the other arm. She was still blushing and avoiding his gaze. "If… If you're embarrassed to be seen with me… I understand."

She looked at him with a startled expression.

"It's okay." M-21 reassured her. "I must seem over protective. Of course it'd be embarrassing to you. If you… don't want me to take you… it's okay. I understand."

"I'm not being a burden on you?"

"Of course not."

"Ajussi?" A smile slowly curled across her lips. "Will you please go to the festival with me?"