hey guys this is my first story and the sad thing is it isnt mine ill give you the author at the last or second to last chapter. i really loved this story so i got permmisson to do this. so without futher ao here we go

(fiona POV)

A shadow passed the rooftops of the Kingdom unnoticed by a soul. The streetlamps caught the edge of a cape, but it disappeared without a trace. The footsteps that fell from roof to roof were as soundless as the feathers that scattered in the wind. Speed and grace allowed the figure to move without the smallest trouble.
The hooded figure stayed close to the darkest shadows, the night air too clear for her liking. The moon shone beautifully down, but it was inconvenient for stealth. She pulled the hood and cape around her tighter.
The small swish of her cape couldn't be heard by even a mouse, much less the palace guards. She flew past them on the rooftops, their heads not even turning as her boots hit a cracked shingle.
If that had happened in the night witches kingdom I would be dead by now.
The figure thought silently, cursing herself at her own clumsiness. But because she wasn't in the night witches kingdom, she decided to test the protection of the place.
It had been two years since she had made her last visit, she wasn't sure how much had changed. Then again, when she had returned five years ago nothing had changed. She had come during the day that time, and yet even without the night air to hide her and the curious eyes of many, she had remained completely undetected. No one had known she was there until she wanted them too. It would remain the same.
"Did you hear about the first born? Then say she said her first word."
The words from one guard made the figure freeze. She would normally take advantage of the distraction, but the meaning of the words could be significant to her.
"Well what did she say?" another guard asked. The girl crept to the edge of the building, peering cautiously over as they conversed.
"I think a name. Probably the name of a parent, not sure." The other replied thoughtfully.
She almost laughed at the ignorance of the guards. She could kill them in one motion and they wouldn't even have time to think before it happened. No one would even notice their absence until hours later. But she had no enemies here. She wanted to hear more. She silently prayed the guard would say who the child belonged to, yet she felt like she already knew.
"You mean you don't even know what she said?" The other guard asked, frustrated at his partners lack of knowledge.
"Well you know they usually keep their private lives, well, private." The other said defensively.
"Whatever." The other said in a bored voice, returning some attention to his job. The figure could tell the conversation was over. It was time to keep moving.
She jumped nimbly from roof to roof, occasionally scaling a wall, her cloak flying behind her like the wings of a black bird.
She reached the courtyard. The clock tower was going to chime 2am soon. She wanted to beat it. She hurried past the small stone path, now traveling close to the ground, keeping her head low but eyes scanning. She saw the house.
It was the same as before, cozy looking, and quiet. The lights were all out, as normal. She was of course unexpected. The windows were of a fogged glass, making it almost impossible to decipher who was in the house. She climbed up easily, the house being only one story. Quickly and quietly she brought her slight form down into the chimney, going down without even touching the sides.
She landed, her feet upsetting the soot only slightly. She was perfectly soundless.
Everything was the same. She had only seen the house about five times in her life but she remembered it exactly. The bedroom was just to her right. The door was half shut.
She easily walked through the doorway without making contact with any surface. She could see easily in the dark, her eyes large and attentive. She could see the two forms breathing side by side.
The smaller one was who she wanted to see. The large, long figure the curled around it might notice its absence, but not if she was careful.
And she was always careful.
She approached the sleeping figures, the small ones face dreaming peacefully. The figure raised her hands from her side, ready to be as quick as possibly. No noise, no struggle.
As fast as lightning she grabbed the small body in her arms and covered the mouth expertly. The failed attempts at sound only touching her hand. She carried the figure into the next room, knowing she had to be quick. She couldn't fight this being silently, she would have to make sure things stayed quiet. The being in the figure's hand was expanding, and the girl quickly dropped it before it sunk its teeth into the air where the girl's hands had been. The girl clutched the neck with her fingers in a way that would not hurt the being but at the same time held control over it.
"It's me." The girl whispered softly into the cat's ear. The cat blinked its eyes wide, and the girl released it completely. She knew it was ok now.
"You're…..you came back." The cat whispered, her voice full of shock.
"I always come back." The young woman replied quietly.
"But last time I wasn't sure….you seemed so different." The cat said, gazing up at the girl with awe. The girl looked back down and kneeled, at the Cat's level. She embraced her, feeling the warmth against her body. It had indeed been a long time.
"I missed you so much Fionna." Cake said softly into her long loose hair.
"I missed you too Cake." Fionna whispered back. But she separated herself quickly. She did not have much time.
"Why don't you stay for the night? We can catch up, you can leave in the morning." Cake said, a hint of desperation in her voice.
"I have too much to do, I only came for a short visit. Just to see everyone, check in on things, say hello, the usual." Fionna replied gently.
"But it's been so long, you don't even know-
"That your first born child is a girl who is now one year old, the second born is about three months, and the first born recently said her first word." Fionna replied, cutting off her friend. She smiled at the look of bewilderment in Cake's eyes.
"Well, yes….but you don't know their names, and you don't know what her first word was." Cake said, still surprised by Fionna's insight.
"The second born is Leo, correct?" She said, unable to keep the smug smile off her face when the cat again widened her eyes in surprise.
"So how did you know this time?" Cake asked.
"Guards here are always three things; loud, ignorant and gossipy." Fionna said casually.
"Right, sometimes I forget how good you've gotten." The cat laughed silently. "And the first born was a girl, and we named her Fionna. Her first word was "tail"." Cake said, clearly happy with herself when Fionna's eyes widened.
"You…..named your child after me?" She said in a small voice. She was overwhelmed with emotion for a moment, but composed herself in a flash. She did not stop herself from hugging her close companion though.
"Of course I did Fionna, I love you so much. At first L.M. wanted to name her something ridiculous like 'Fluffy' but he knew I would win and-
The sound of the clock tower chiming 2am cut Cake off. Fionna looked around, making sure they were still alone. She knew they were, but she had to always check.
"I need to go, I still want to see the two others." She said, kissing Cake on the cheek before whirling around and dashing up the chimney. But a long paw clutched her, keeping her from going.
"But you haven't even seen them." The cat said in a hurt voice. Fionna sighed and jumped back down. She put a hand on Cake's shoulder.
"I know. And you know how much I want to, but….I just can't right now." She said sincerely sorry, and turned away. But the paw still held her cloak.
"But when Fionna? Two years is too long." Cake whispered sadly.
"Just a few months this time. I really want to catch up, I swear." Fionna replied, and dashed up the chimney, and jumped off the roof, rolling on the ground and sprinting silently in the direction of the castle.

Inside the small house Cake sighed. She knew Fionna was a lone adventurer now, that she was busy, had obligations, had big things to do and large promises to fill, but she missed her so much. A small tear fell down her face, but she let it go, knowing she would see her again. It was never goodbye with Fionna, it just always seemed like it










