Hello Lovelies! Sorry it has taken me this long to update. I really have missed this story and you guys. I don't know when I'll be able to update again. I have this story and I've been working on some other ones. I also have to write an original play for my senior project this year. I will try to keep this story going but it might take me a while.

I own nothing but my OC. Everything else belongs to Steve Franks.

The next day Shawn and Jenna were called to the police station, while Gus was at work, where they met Carlton, Jules and Conrad in the morgue. Jules addressed Shawn, "Your psychic hunch was right, Shawn. This body was found in a wall space at the site of the fire."

"Yes, I could sense that the fires were related, and since the first one was set to cover up murder-"

Conrad interrupted, "There might be a body at the second fire too," she mumbled the rest of her sentence but Shawn caught it.

"I'm sorry? It was either "nice work" or "ice fork" but I couldn't tell which."

Jules continued, "According to the M.E.'s report, there's a unique purple rubber melted in between the victim's toes."

As she was talking both Shawn and Jenna noticed an odd spacing between some of the skull's teeth. They were pulled back to reality when Jules said, "It has real specks of gold in it. They think it came from the victim's sneakers."

Jenna thought that sounded familiar, "Those sounds like-"

Shawn interrupted her, "Purple with gold specks that's jet jaguars. Gus owned them. They're the ugliest and most uncomfortable sneakers known to man."

Carlton spoke up, "I had a pair. They weren't that bad."

"They were proven to cause polio."

Carlton lowered his voice and spoke directly to Shawn, "I have elongated metatarsals and inverted phalanges, Spencer. I have to wear whatever fits."

Shawn stepped further away from Carlton and then continued, "Well, then you know they were only sold in '98 and then discontinued immediately."

Jules spoke up, "The victim was wearing ten-year-old sneakers? Who holds onto tennis shoes for that long? Especially painful purple and gold ones?"

Jenna tried again, "Maybe-"

Shawn interrupted her again, "If this man was wearing them at the time of his death, then he was definitely killed in '98 possibly by the fashion mafia."

Conrad looked at him, "Ten years ago that makes no sense. Why would someone hang onto a body for a decade and then burn it to a crisp?"

Jenna went to talk, "Unless-"

Shawn but a finger to her mouth, "Shush, I got this," he took one of the body's hands and put it to his hand, "Unless, the bodies have been there the whole time."

Carlton grabbed the hand away from him, "Just rotting for ten years? That's your theory?"

Conrad spoke up, "Actually, come to think of it. Both buildings were built in '98. An empty construction site is a good place to kill someone, and it'd be easy to slip a body behind the drywall."

Shawn brought up his fist for a fist-bump, "What?"

Conrad just gave him a look to which he responded, "You're sure you're not a germaphobe?"

Carlton spoke up, "All right, let's just confirm the sneaker thing and if Spencer's right, let's get a list of all buildings that were built ten years ago."

Shawn looked at Jules and Carlton as they left, "What? You can just get a list of that kind of stuff? I'd like a list of all available Zoltar machines for a little 14-year-old friend of mine," Shawn smiled as Juliet gave him a thumbs up, "Thanks, Jules." Shawn then turned to Conrad, "So, Miss Conrad. Anything else I should know about the second fire?"

"Just that the firefighters caught a break because there wasn't sufficient ventilation on the top floor, without the oxygen, the men had no trouble putting out the fire."

"So both fires went out relatively easily."

"I guess, yeah."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I have bet every penny I have that I'm not."

"The arsonist made the fires easy to put out. Have you at all considered that this is an inside job?"

"Well, this building wasn't insured either. The owners don't get anything."

"Inside your department."

"A firefighter?"

Shawn and Jenna were meeting Gus at the fire department a couple hours later. As they were waiting for him Shawn spoke up, "Okay you've been quiet this whole time. What's wrong?"

"I just don't want to get in your way."

Shawn rolled his eyes, "You could never get in my way. Where's this coming from?"

Jenna glared at him, "How about from you always interrupting me back there."

Shawn sighed, "Jenna, I'm the psychic. I'm supposed to come up with the good ideas. That's how it works."

"Shawn I'm just trying to help. Gus gets to help; he does it all the time."

Shawn sat down, "Yeah but he does it in a certain way…I'm sorry. Gus and I have been doing this for a couple years now and we have a certain groove and-"

Jenna sat down next to him, "Shawn, if you're trying to fire me because I'm messing up your groove there is a very important movie that you should watch."

Shawn cracked a smile, "One, I would never do that. Two, we should watch it anyway. Three, I can't fire a partner, I need Gus's permission and even then it's easier to have you killed but we haven't been able to think up a good way yet so that'll take a while ."


"Four, Number three was a complete joke, but half true. The three of us are just have to come up with a new groove. Starting with watching the Emperor's New Groove because we keep referencing it and I have to watch it now."

Jenna laughed, "Okay, we'll watch it after we finish the case."

Shawn agreed and then checked his phone, "Gus is here," he ran over to the fireman's pole, "Firsties!"

They slid down the pole and saw Gus looking at his chest in the mirror. Shawn looked at him weirdly, "What are you doing?"

"Do you see a bruise on my chest from all that CPR?"

"All I see is chocolate with hair on it."

"You know the rules, Shawn. No sliding down the pole while I'm not here."

"But you are here. You're right here."

"You know what I mean, especially when I'm stuck tailing fire Chief Dan all day, and they don't even have a Dalmatian here, Shawn."

"Would you stop with the Dalmatians already? Jenna stopped talking about cute firefighters."

"That's only because Manetti is taking her out to dinner sometime."

Shawn looked at Jenna, "What? Why are you having dinner with the suspects?"

Jenna glared at him, "First of all, it's just Manetti not the entire department. Two, Eric is not a suspect."

"Well, Eric better not have been a firefighter ten years ago or he is going down," Shawn turned to Gus, "Did you find anything out or not?"

"Well, I hid in a corner while he got a picture framed of him, John Denver, and the Muppets."


"Gonzo was the shot, boy. What?"

"Sounds productive."

"Then I just had to stand around while he spent an hour figuring out what type of rototiller to buy."

"Well, it's not an easy decision, Gus. After all, it's harvest season, Pa and Jeb can't work the plough. You know he ain't been right since he come down with the consumption."

"Will you stop, Shawn? It did get interesting. He's our guy, and I know it. He was on his cell phone constantly, and I think I heard him ask about the accelerant. After that, he came rushing back here in a panic."

Just then they heard a door slam. The three of them snuck around the fire truck in order to get a better look at the chief, when Gus accidently hit a wrench. The chief walked around the truck to try and find the origin of the noise, but Shawn and Gus had dragged Jenna with them as they climbed to the top of the truck. The chief went back to what he was doing and Shawn noticed him loosening something on a hose, "Dude, it's sabotage."

Gus chimed in, "He's making it harder for the men to put out the fires. We gotta stop him."

They watched the chief as he grabbed a fire extinguisher and put on a jacket and helmet and then left the room. Gus spoke up again, "He's heading to the all-purpose room."

"There's only one exit to that room. Here's the plan: we corner, we confront. He confesses. We get samosas."


They climbed down from the truck and Gus grabbed an axe. Shawn just looked at him, "Dude, is that really necessary?"

"I don't play with killers, Shawn."

Shawn and Gus went to the all-purpose room. Jenna rolled her eyes at Gus and was going to follow, when someone called her name. She turned to see Eric behind her with a smile.

"Hello, Jenna. What's going on?"

Jenna tried to come up with an excuse, "Hey, I was just going to ask someone where you were. I still have to give you my phone number."

"Cool. I just have to make an appearance at a school's field trip. Want to sit in?"

"A field trip? Is that in the all-purpose room?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

Jenna smiled, "Just a lucky guess. I'd love to sit in if you don't mind."

"Not at all," Eric led Jenna to the all-purpose room where they walked into Shawn and Gus, with his axe, who were standing in front of a group of little kids. Eric spoke up, "What are you two doing?"

Shawn looked at Eric, "We are here to help with the lesson. Clearly. So, uh, kiddies, always remember to put out your cigarettes when you're finished smoking them."

The children's teacher looked at Shawn, "Excuse me?"

"Uh, I mean, don't smoke…uh, in bed. Or in restaurants. Or in…caves?"

Jenna spoke up, "Don't smoke, ever."

The teacher agreed, "Absolutely no smoking."

Gus piped in, "And don't listen to anyone who says that a pipe is cool, because I'm telling you, it is not."

The fire chief pushed Shawn and Gus out of the room. Jenna turned to Eric, "I'm gonna make sure my brother leaves."

"Good idea."

"I'm really sorry about this."

"It's fine. Why don't you leave your number with the chief?"

Jenna nodded and followed them out. After she convinced the chief to give her number to Eric, she made sure Shawn and Gus didn't get in anymore trouble. Gus spoke up on their way out, "Well, that was a waste of time."

Shawn answered, "Or was it?"

"What is that?"

"I accidentally mixed up fire Chief Dan's phone with mine. They're similar shapes, and my hand was in his jacket pocket."

"You stole his phone?"

"He was throwing us out…Gus I plead the third."

"The third amendment is no soldier can live in your house against your will. You mean the fifth."

"I've heard it both ways."

"What other ways have you heard it?"

"Just look at this. Five calls in a row to hardware stores all over the city."

"Where one might go to buy methylbenzene."

"That's what I'm talking about."

Jenna decided to stay quiet about their ridiculous methods and see how this panned out. Shawn called Conrad and told her to meet them at their office. In about 20 minutes they were all there and Shawn told Conrad his theory. "Fire Chief Dan? Honestly? That's why you brought me down to this death trap?"

Gus spoke up, "Death trap?"

"This office is in violation of almost every fire safety code on the books."

Gus laughed, "Not to contradict, but we are 100% up to code. I don't walk into a building unless it's safe, much less work in one."

"Your smoke detector is a paper bowl with an M&M stuck to it."

"Shawn, where's the Ryerson smoke detector I bought for the office?"

"Oh, that thing? It kept beeping during séance week."

"Where is it now?"

Shawn picked up a candy dish which was the cover of the smoke detector, "Charleston chew?"

Conrad spoke up, "You also have an overloaded socket and a hotplate on the ground."

"I like soup. I won't apologize for that."

"It's next to a stack of old newspapers."

"I also like to read while I eat."

"Can you please just tell me why you think it's Dan?"

"Well, it's not like I stole his cell phone or anything. Cause I mean I don't do that sort of thing. Although I'm sensing someone did; I'll solve that later."

Jenna rolled her eyes, "Anyway…"

Shawn continued, "This, this is just deeply-rooted psychic vibage.

Gus spoke up, "I know it's hard to believe."

Conrad answered, "No, actually it's not. It kinda makes sense. He never thought it was arson, and he hated it when I questioned his men. What did the cops say?"

Shawn answered, "We haven't told them. We thought you'd like to make the bust."

Gus re-entered the conversation, "After all, this is your case."

Conrad looked at the three of them, "Oh…that…I mean, to say that…I mean. That…that you would think of me, that…you would do that."

Shawn smiled, "This seems like a great opportunity for a hug. Come here."

Conrad stopped him, "Eh…"

"No? Ah, rotator cuff."

Gus nodded, "Right."

Conrad checked her phone, "There's been another fire."

Shawn looked at her, "With another body?"

The four of them raced to the crime scene where Carlton and Juliet were already looking at the body. They walked up to them when Juliet was saying something about forensics. Conrad looked at Shawn, "Another body. You were right," she then looked at Carlton and Jules, "As a courtesy, I gonna let you know my office is going to be bringing in Dan Trombly for questioning."

Carlton spoke up, "The fire Chief?"


Jules then spoke up, "That could be a problem."

Gus looked at her, "Why?

"Because…that skeleton wasn't the only body we found," Jules led them over to a covered body, "Lift that, please."

Jenna closed her eyes as the body of fire Chief Dan was revealed. She felt someone put their hand on the small of her back and Carlton whispered in her ear, "You alright?"

"Yeah, I just...he was nice…the short time that I knew him. I can only imagine what the firefighters are feeling. Oh, Eric. Excuse me."

Jenna left the scene to try and find Eric. Carlton looked after her with a questioning gaze before turning to Gus, "Who's Eric?"

Gus just gave him a pat on the back as he followed Shawn out. Shawn caught up with Jenna, "Come on, we have to go to the station. Eric can wait."

He pulled her towards Gus's car and they followed Carlton and Jules to the police station where they were to wait for the autopsy report. While they waited Shawn wanted to go out and get food for him and Jenna, but before he could they got the reports. Gus was looking at the autopsy report, "It says here that the fire chief died of asphyxiation. Smoke inhalation."

He handed it to Shawn, who noticed something on the picture of the body, "Oh, I'm getting something, there was someone else there. They tried to give him CPR before he died."

"Maybe someone who knew him."

"Of course they knew him. It's like practically kissing him."

Carlton spoke up to get the conversation back on track, "What the hell was the fire chief doing there in the first place? I mean, I don't think he started the fire. He wasn't wearing any protective gear; there weren't any traces of accelerants on him."

Jules walked into the room, "We got a break. The latest skeleton is still too burned to get an I.D., but our killer didn't know that our victim had an ICD in his body."

Shawn looked disgusted, "Ew, they make those for men?"

Gus spoke up, "It's like a pacemaker."

Jules continued, "Tracked the serial number back to central coast components who sold it to Saint Mary's who implanted it into our victim 12 years ago."

Carlton spoke up again, "O'Hara, what do we know about our victim?"

Gus looked at the picture, "Wait, our skeleton was a criminal?"

Jules answered, "That's right. His name is Steven J. Renkel."

Shawn spoke up, "As in the kid from "Family Matters."

Jenna looked at him, "Shawn, not now. Please."

Gus continued, "As in the Renkel fires of '98."

Jules answered, "Yes. Guys, bring it in."

Jenna spoke up, "So the victim is an arsonist himself?"

"Yeah, there were a bunch of vandals who like going around and starting fires," she turned her attention to a board with mug shots all lined up, "These are Renkel's only known accomplices."

Jenna looked at all the mug shots and noticed an odd gap between one of the arsonists'' teeth. A moment later Shawn spoke, "Whoa. Oh, I'm getting something. The second victim is in one of those pictures."

Jules looked at the pictures, "What? How do you now that?"

"He's telling me he was murdered, he's saying it poorly 'cause he speaks with a whisth-le. A whithle, like thith, he thpeakth like thith. Which would be endearing on an eight-year-old, maybe Terry Thomas, or the original supermodel Lauren Hutton, but this, this just screams for adult braces? Any form of simple orthodontia, really. It's not that expensive."

Jules took one of the mug shots off and turned to Shawn, "You're saying it's the guy who has the gap in his teeth?"

"Don't say "gap". He prefers "tooth alley". But yeth, it ith."

Carlton spoke up, "I remember these guys. They all disappeared around the same time. We figured they'd just skipped town."

"That's it! The third victim is up there as well. He's not speaking because he's afraid you'll criticize his appearance, just like you did with tooth gap boy. Look, now you got me doing it."

Jenna smiled at his antics while Carlton thought out loud, "Someone must've hunted them down and killed them ten years ago."

Gus spoke up, "And now they're burning off the evidence."

Jules spoke up, "It's long time to wait to clean up a mess."

Shawn looked at her, "You should see how long it takes Gus to clean his cereal bowl."

Jenna spoke up, "Who would kill off a fellow arsonist?"

Jules looked at her, "I don't know, but only one guy in the crew has been a suspect in other arsons since the Renkel fire and that's Bodie Lambert."

Carlton took the picture, "All right, so why is Bodie the only one we're still hearing from?"

"Jules continued on her train of thought, "Maybe he turned on his partners. Happens all the time."

"This could be our killer."

Shawn spoke up, "Furderer."


"Fire murderer. Furderer."

Jenna shook her head, "I still like arsassin better."

Carlton sighed, "Put a BOLO on him, ASAP."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa…you're gonna issue these guys Bolo ties?

"It stands for "Be on the lookout."

Carlton and Jules left. Shawn looked at Gus and Jenna, "We should go meet up with Conrad at the fire station, look for more clues."

Jenna rolled her eyes, "You just want to see Conrad again."

"Yes, I do. Is that a crime? Are you telling me you don't want to see Eric again? There is something we're missing and I for one want to know what it is."

That is how Jenna found herself in Army's office with Shawn and Conrad who spoke up, "What are you doing? Army will kill you if he sees you messing with this stuff. Now why are we here?"

Shawn answered, "While the cops are following the bodies, I thought we'd take a different avenue. The buildings. What do we know? They're all commercial and industrial and they were all built in the same year."

"After the Renkel fire.

"Correct. Also, they seem to be abandoned. Yet none of them are for sale. Why would three different owners leave valuable real estate like that sitting around empty?"

Just them Army came into the office, "What can I do for you guys?"

Conrad spoke up, "We need to see your files on the three burned buildings."

"Sure, just fill out requisition form IG88. You can get 'em upstairs."

Jenna saw Shawn roll his eyes and messaged Gus on his phone.

"Army, that will take forever. We really need to s-"

"Paperwork is paperwork. It's the basis for civilization. Just fill out the forms. I'll give you everything you need."

The fire alarm sounded causing everyone to look towards the hallway. Conrad spoke up first, "Fire alarm. We'd better evacuate."

"All right everybody outta here. I gotta go deal with this."

Shawn and Jenna followed them out of the office. They saw Gus walk out of the bathroom down the opposite hallway. Shawn and Jenna walked over to him. Once they saw everyone was out of sight they went back to the office. Gus spoke up as they opened the door, "Good thing we had a plan "B" ready."

Shawn looked at him, "You smell like a peach meadow."

"That's the incense I used to set off the smoke detector."

"You didn't just pull the fire alarm? It's right there on the wall."

Jenna smiled, "Obviously he couldn't have done that. That's against the law."

Gus not noticing her joking attitude nodded, "I remain not culpable. I didn't set off the smoke detector. The smoke did."

Shawn saw the flaw, "Who burned the incense?"

"I plead the fifth."

"Mm-hmm. Element, dimension, Beatle?

You can't plead Billy Preston. All right, what are we doing?"

"Bring up the brunt buildings. Jenna, keep a looking out."

Jenna stayed over by the door as Gus sat down at the computer, "Okay. Here we are. Dude. All these buildings have "SR" next to 'em. That stands for "Seismic Retrofit". It applies to any building built in '98. Looks like all the safety codes were just changed last week."

Shawn spoke up, "Right before the first fire."

"That's why they're all empty. They're no longer considered earthquake safe."

Jenna looked over to them, "What does that mean?"

Shawn answered, "They're gonna open up the walls to bring them up to code. Dude, that's it. That's what started this whole thing. The killer realized that the bodies he stashed in those buildings ten years ago are gonna be discovered, and now he's torching the evidence."

Gus found something else out, "There's like twenty buildings scheduled to be retrofitted. Let me print out the list."

Shawn looked up at the ceiling, "Okay, step it up."

"We still have a few minutes before they let anybody back in the building."

Shawn grabbed Jenna's hand, "Dude, trust me, you wanna hurry."

Shawn and Jenna ran out of the building just in time before the sprinklers went off. Unlike Gus who came out with the list soaking wet. They were walking away with Conrad behind them when Gus started complaining to Shawn, "You could have pulled me out of there."

"Dude, I gave you two full warnings."

"My underwear's soaked."

Shawn smiled, "Just like old times."

"Kiss my-"

Conrad took the list, "Guys."

Shawn continued, "One of those buildings is gonna be targeted next by the arsonist."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm Al B. sure watching Diane Schuur apply sure roll-on while viewing "The Sure Thing."

"That's pretty sure."

"That's all-day sure."

"You are a strange person."

Jenna spoke up, "Yeah, try living with him."

Conrad continued, "But extremely effective."

Shawn smiled, "See? Teamwork isn't the worst thing. Psychically, I could sense that there was information in that office that we needed, so, uh we'll go check with the cops while you scope those out," he then held out his fist and made an explosion noise. Conrad just looked at him and walked away. Shawn pointed after her and said, "Carpel tunnel."

Gus started rubbing his wet shirt own Shawn's and walked away.

"Hey! That's fair. Jenna, you coming?"

"No. Eric has some off time so he's taking me out to lunch."

"Really? This case is just starting to get interesting."

"Just? Shawn it's been interesting for a while."

"Exactly which means you can't leave now."

"Look, Eric isn't sure when he's going to have this much time to himself so he wants to do something now."

Shawn gave her a look, "It's just that he doesn't really seem-"

Jenna held up her hand, "Shawn. He isn't a suspect and it's just lunch. I'm a big girl I can take care of myself," she walked back towards the station where she was meeting up with Eric. He met her by the door and smiled weakly, "Change of plans. I can't leave the station but I can whip up something if you don't mind sharing it with the rest of the guys."

Jenna smiled, "That's fine. I could even give you a hand."

Eric nodded and led her to the kitchen where they started looking to see what they had. Eric turned to her, "Looks like chicken sandwiches."

"Sounds good to me."

The two of them started working, every once in a while Eric would brush past her as close as he could without making it too obvious. Of course Jenna noticed right away but let him get away with it. Before long everyone at the station was gathered in the dining room eating their lunch. Eric and Jenna were eating at a small table in the kitchen. Their conversation was easy and the silence was never tense or awkward. Once Jenna had salad dressing on the corner of her mouth and Eric had kissed her to lick it off. Once he pulled away Jenna laughed, "You are very quick on the draw."

Eric smiled, "Sorry. I guess I get carried away. I feel like I've known you for a while."

"Say that to all the girls?"

Eric just laughed but then a firefighter walked in, "Manetti, that psychic guy just called, said something about knowing where the next arson is gonna be. He called the cops and they want us to be there just in case."

Eric nodded, "All right, let's suit up and head out."

Jenna stood up and Eric turned to her, "Whoa. You're not going."

"My brother gave you that tip and knowing him he's already there getting into trouble."

"I don't want any more people getting in our way. Stay here."

Eric left and Jenna just scoffed and called her dad to come pick her up. Henry ended up getting there a few minutes after the fire trucks were left. Henry laughed, "So, how was lunch?"

Jenna sighed, "Shawn told you."

"Yep. Looks like it ended well."

"Eric just doesn't want me to get hurt."

"Yeah, I'm sure…I know where Shawn went."

Jenna smiled at him, "Drop me off?"

Henry laughed again and started driving over there. He even took the shortcuts he remembered from being on the job and they ended up getting there just as the police and firefighters did. Jenna kissed his cheek and ran over to Carlton and Jules as they got out of their car. Jules yelled over to Carlton, "This is a mess. Where's Shawn?"

Carlton looked around, "Well, his car's over there."

Just then fire exploded out of the windows and door of the building. Carlton grabbed Jenna around the waist and turned her away from the blast using his body as a shield. They turned toward the building again. Jenna eyes widened, "Shawn."

She tried to run to the building but Carlton held his grip on her, "Spencer, this isn't the time."

"That's my brother!"


Jules shouted, "I can see somebody coming out."

Carlton handed Jenna over to Henry, who had ran over to them, and followed Jules. They watched as Shawn and Gus carried Conrad and Army out of the building. Jenna smiled weakly as she saw Conrad giving Shawn a fist bump. Jenna let go of the breath she was holding and turned to hug Henry. They both gave a shaky laugh as they watched Shawn and Gus be taken care of. Henry went to park the truck closer so he could pick up Shawn and Gus and Jenna saw Eric walking over to her. He had a smile on his face, "I thought I told you to stay at the station?"

Jenna smirked, "Well, I never was one for rules."

"Your brother did good."

Jenna laughed, "You're never gonna tell him that are you?"

"No. No I will not," Eric laughed and then was serious, "I just wanted to tell you that I may be taking over the fire chief."

"Well, that's good news."

Eric nodded, "It also means I won't have a lot of time off for a while. I have to clean up this mess for one thing."

Jenna smiled, "Eric, are you breaking up with me?"

He laughed, "No. It's more of a "I'll call you." I'll keep in touch. Okay?"


Eric smiled and kissed her and then walked back over to the fire truck. Jenna walked over to Henry's truck. Henry looked at her, "Do you think he's gonna call you?"

"No idea, but it won't hurt to keep his number for a while."

Henry shook his head as he started up the truck. Jenna glanced at him, "I thought we were giving Shawn and Gus a lift."

"Ah, the conquering heroes are fine. I want get home before the game starts."

Jenna laughed at waved at a confused Shawn who was standing next to a rather put-out Carlton.