
It is something

You can't touch it

But you can feel it

It has no call

But you can hear it

You can't eat it

But you can taste it

It has no life

But can make you feel as if you are living


Chapter 1

The Awakening

A world of black… that is what I wake up to this morning.


Could it really be morning?

Or is it night?

A tweet from bird nor the chirp of a cricket do I hear.

Not a sound echoes around me.

Wherever I was….

This was odd.

Even at night I hear animals bicker in my room…

My room….


This isn't MY room.

Surely this couldn't be possible,

A Hyuuga could never rest anywhere unless it was a place which they had claimed

but it was obvious.

This was not my room.

There was no Hyuugan scent wavering in this building… so where was I?

My eyes flutter as I try to see within the darkness …


Blood Red

What a color scheme… red tapestries decorated the barren brick walls. Not a flicker of light in sight. I was on something soft…

Soft yet firm?

Oh, now I could see…

I was resting a King-sized bed with a canopy.

Only the color red surrounded me… red and darkness.

No Tengu would nest here… Where was the air? Where was the breeze, the…


A throbbing sensation came from my head, I could feel it… Pain. My back ached … my wings were sore… I could feel massive pressure my chest plate… No wonder it was so hard to move… I was in pain.

Pain doesn't, it shouldn't happen this long... especially as a Hyuuga.


But wait!

I had no wings….

No wonder I was in such pain, I was in human form.

How odd…

"How…" my raspy voice whispered as I gave into my human restrains, continuing to rest on the bed "how did I get into this place"

That's right….

How did I get here, this location unlike any other. A musty damp scent wavered underneath the strong presence of incense. Cold, it was cold. I don't like the cold. Why was I here? Suddenly, like a waterfall, my memories of the night before washed over me….

It had been earlier….

So much earlier

And it had begun with…

My father.

High in the skies of the great mountain Honokoshi, rested the castle of the great Hyuuga clan. Our clan is known and the most powerful Tengu clan in the universe, and my clan truly believed it. We believed that we were the best, that we had been touched by the great creator of all. High above all the other little people my clan chose to nest to show that our connection to the heavens still dwelled in our blood.

The sun was beating down into the main throne room. The shōji walls made of wood and washi did nothing to protect against the solar glare. As the cool breeze entered through the open door I could easily see the cloud tops drift around our walls. But I was too distracted to bask in the glory of the beauty that surrounded me

"You wish for me to Mate with Neji!" I exclaimed pulling away from my father's grasp.

I, one who was usually quiet and docile had finally had my first outburst, to my father's disapproval.

"Neji is a promising candidate Hinata" He stated, the tension obvious in his voice

"But father" I stated, hearing my meek attitude returning "he is my cous-"

"He is a much better Tengu than you are" My father interrupted, his demonic pressure taking hold within the royal court room. "He has power, he has promise like your sister. In fact if she were not so young it would be her mating with him." Father was past frustrated

"B-but" I tried to rebuttal… but to no success.

"I do not want to hear it Hinata. You are a worthless Demon. I cannot believe you were my first born." Father's voice boomed "This is your right, no, your duty to your clan, your people. This is the only way you will ever be worth anything to your people. If you can't handle that you should go and die in a ditch somewhere, and let Hanibi become the new successor. Now go. You have anger me"

Breaking away from the throne room I ran up the stairs to my bedroom… tears falling down my face. It wasn't as if I hated my cousin. No, In fact Neji and I long ago had gotten over the hostility between us… most of it created by my father. It was just, I knew he didn't see me in that light. I was his eternal little sister, there was no way that we were to wed happily within this partnership. A Mating of duty would never be successful

But... there was nothing I could do.

I look out the balcony that resided in my room.

If only…

If only I could fly away from this all

But I couldn't. Father had never let me leave our lands before, our castle, his home. As a future clan head and as a woman I was not allowed to leave the sacred grounds. I was needed not only as a rolemodel but as a symbol for the clan. Besides, demons rested in the hills below. Demonic beings were not nearly as close to the heavens as we were, they were labeled as creatures tainted by the earths touch. My father did not care for earth dwellers, only very few had his respect


He told me if I left I would be attacked and eaten alive. That my intestines would be ripped out of my chest and eaten as I watched, slowly bleeding onto the ground. He told me I could not last five minutes on my own in the lower wilderness.

What if that was my answer?

What if that challenge was all I needed to prove to my father that I could handle myself.

As if that idea…

Was a promise that could save me,

Without thinking

I begin to transform, black wings burst from my back like plants reaching for the sun. Reaching for the sky…

That freedom I always wished for...

I break way from this room…

My father's shackles…

And fly.

I fly…

Just needing refuge…

Needing a break,

I flew… with no idea to where I was going. Letting my dark black hair dance behind me as the breeze lead me. I fly down the mountain, entering territories I had never known. Being trapped like a bird in its cage I had finally been freed. I let my restrictions fall

Dancing in with the breezes that attach themselves to me,

Losing myself within the air I hardly realize the sun setting…

Until it was too late

Darkness consumes me as I begin to fly around fractionally…

There was no Hyuuga scent,

Without realizing this… I had entered another demons territory

A dangerous thing for any demon to do…

Shots rang

Pain hit…

And that's it….

That is all I remember….

But how did I get from outside to… here?

This room was unlike any prison I had ever seen…

It was tidy

It was clean

There were no chains

In fact there was nothing in here except the bed and….


What is that?

Taking better notice of a blurred object in the corner of the room I begin to force my body up. Ignoring the pains, with each step I take I make my way to…


I didn't know what it was.

It looked like a dresser, but there was no sign of drawers. It was long and looked as to be made of wood.

A coffin?

But no scent of death was in the air… I pushed the cover with all the strength I could muster….

But nothing.

There was nothing

"What are you doing" a dark voice stated behind me…

I turn quickly, braced for an attack.

But the voice did nothing.

Then… then I see him

He… he was unlike anything I had ever seen

His pale skin glowed in the darkness…

His dark hair shined in the dim lighting

His onyx eyes looked down at me.

His voice was hynotic

He was beautiful

He was handsome

Only one question entered my head

"Who are you?"

Authors Notes- So this is an inspired series based of sKyLaR KnIgHt's oneshot Breathe You In. I was inspired by it and said it should have been a longterm series so Skylar said... Then go ahead and do it! i hope you all enjoy it. This is just the prologue / Part one