A.N. All I can say is, please enjoy. ^_^ It's very late, so this wasn't proof-read, please forgive mistakes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fruits Basket

Thank you to all readers and reviewers! Opinions are loved and appreciated!


The quiet turn of a page was the only sound that could be heard throughout the near empty house. Stormy gray eyes darted back and forth across each page, taking in each printed word.

Slender fingers deftly turned each page, subconsciously brining the book closer and closer to his face as he reached the impending climax of the novel. Not a thing distracted him…not a thing…

A resounding cry of the telephone cut through his focus like a knife through butter. Gnashing his teeth together in frustration, he pushed himself from the couch. Whoever was stupid enough to ruin this moment…

"Har-ri!" Sweetly singing the voice into the phone, Ayame sounded far too thrilled for the situation. Crossing his legs in delight when he realized he had gotten an answer, he felt a thrilled grin stretch his face.

A vein popped free from the dragon's forehead, he should have known. He should have known it would be this frustrating idiot. Oh he should have shoved him into traffic when they were children. "What do you want, Ayame?"

Pulling the phone away from his ear, his face formed into a stoic mask as he lifted up the book to continue reading, ignoring every word that poured from the phone.

"Oh Ha-ri! Why do you sound so angry? Did I catch you at a bad time? Oh I did! You naughty naughty boy! Oh don't think I'm judging you, Ha-ri! I realize how frustrated you must be from my lack of attention, you poor dear! No longer shall you have to suffer the injustice of-"

A frustrated sigh broke through his tirade. "Ayame, now is not the time. What do you want?" If worst came to worst, he could always just sew the snake's mouth shut. That might bring him some peace and quiet…

Soft lips poked out in a frustrated pout, "How rude! Don't you know not to interrupt someone when they're talking, Ha-ri? I thought you had more manners! Well fine, if you must know. 'Gure said we should go visit him." Why couldn't he keep the hope out of his voice?

Silence filled the air. Nervously twirling a lock of silver around his finger, Ayame waited as patiently as he could. Pushing Hatori wasn't going to get him the chance to see him.

"I'll be over in 10 minutes." With that, he hung up and a weary sigh blew from his mouth. Of all things, he had to go visiting today. Glancing down ruefully at his book, he tossed it aside, knowing he'd have to finish it later.

"Shigure better have a good reason for this…"


Cloudy gray eyes lifted up when delicate ears picked up on the insistent talking of his friends approaching the house. A small smirk quirked his lips, they were finally here.

Pushing himself from the ground, he greeted his friends with a cheerful façade. "Welcome, my friends! Ah, Ayame, you look as beautiful as ever I see." Suspicion marred his features as he leaned forward and quirked an eyebrow. "You haven't been cheating on me, have you Aya?"

Stifling the urge to groan in irritation, Hatori closed his eyes and proceeded to count to 10…backwards. When were those two ever going to grow up?

Looking truly affronted, Ayame tossed his head back and threw back his arms. "Of course not, 'Gure! I could never! You know I only belong to you! But of course, we should include Ha'ri in this…I'm sure he's quite lonely, I called him at a particularly nasty time…"

"Oh my, were you a little busy, Hatori?" Playfully sending a smile over his shoulder at the dragon, Shigure sunk back down into his previous spot.

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Hatori stepped over to a nearby pillow and planted his butt right on it, crossing his legs in relaxation. "What is it you called us here for, Shigure? It is unusual for you to call meetings at your house." Snapping his eyes over, he sent Shigure a warning look. He was not in the mood to be messed with.

Rocking back, Shigure met his look head on. He had a reason of course, for this meeting. A reason he was not about to admit. Any idiot could spot how close Ayame was sitting to Hatori, and any idiot could spot how he had trained his puppy dog eyes on the dragon, following every word he said.

It was time for them to start noticing each other. It was time to play matchmaker.

"Really now, Hatori. Shouldn't you have a little more faith in me?"

A slender eyebrow raised into black bangs, a simple question deserved a very simple answer. "No."

Fake tears began to race down his face, clapping a hand over his chest, he tossed his head back to cry his anguish to the heaven's. "Oh how I'm hurt! I've been nothing but a good friend…and I get so little in return…"

"Stop crying." Leaning his back against the wall, Hatori tried not to shift at the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach. He didn't like how Ayame was intently staring at him, something about it was too uncomfortable. And he wasn't caring for the discreet glances he was receiving from Shigure.

What was going on with those two? Refusing to make eye contact with either of them, he kept his gaze towards the ceiling. He hated feeling uncomfortable, and the stirring in his stomach made him even worse.

If they didn't stop, someone was going to get hurt. He knew that much.


Gold kissed eyes kept sending suspicious peeks towards his best friend. What was that look on Shigure's face? An uncomfortable jerk in his stomach made him feel ill.

Was it a look of desire? Of want?

Forcing himself to keep his expression neutrally calm, Ayame forced himself to continue watching Hatori. But a certain part of his mind couldn't let the thought go. Was Shigure really watching Hatori with desire?


Of course Shigure noticed the occasional, nearly suspicious glances he was receiving from Ayame. Who wouldn't? If looks could kill, Shigure knew he'd be dead by now from the frozen expression that masked the snake's face.

Didn't Ayame realize he was trying to help him? Forcing himself to swallow a nearly frustrated sigh, he caught a glimpse of Hatori shifting uncomfortably in his spot.

A small, nearly unnoticeable smile graced his features. Oh this was going to be so much more fun than he had imagined.


When an uncomfortable silence descended upon the boys, Ayame felt himself clear his throat. "Well then, shall I get some tea?" Practically hopping from the ground, silver hair flew in ways behind him as he hurried to the kitchen.

Casting his eyes back over to Shigure, Hatori gave him a level look. "Why did you want us to come here?" Suspicion laced his tone, making Shigure chuckle in amusement.

"That is for a reason only I will know. Really, Hatori, you need to have a little more faith in your friends. Perhaps if you did so, you'd already know why you are here…" A harsh ringing made him drift off and head out of the room to find the telephone.

A pair of gray irises followed his movements, confusion swimming in their depths. What did he mean by that? Letting his eyes travel towards the kitchen door, he felt a strange stirring in his stomach.

Locking his jaw, he shook his body in irritation. "Stupid, you're overthinking it." He mumbled, placing his head against the wall, he let his mind drift to other things.


Moonstruck locks covered his face as he leaned against the kitchen counter, waiting for the water to boil. A sad smile marred his features as he thought about his situation.

It was quite clear Hatori wasn't interested in having a relationship with him. Or with anyone else at the moment. A sense of disappointment flooded his stomach, making his body give a jerk of irritation.

Marigold eyes narrowed in frustration as he began to let his thoughts drift towards another certain someone that seemed to have his eyes locked on Hatori. Thoughts of his best friend having feelings for his own crush brought a nasty hiss from his throat.

Subconsciously, the whining scream of the tea kettle made him move from his place. Shigure knew well that Hatori was his…Hatori was on his own sights. Why was he insisting upon setting his sights on him as well?

Delicate hands shook as they poured a measured amount of water into each cup. He hated feeling this kind of hard feelings towards his friend, but what other option did he have? He couldn't lay back and accept this. He just couldn't.

Hatori was his. Hatori was going to be his, and if he couldn't be, then by god, Shigure wasn't going to have him either. Narrowing his eyes in determination, Ayame felt his mouth set in a hard frown.

Dropping the last teabag into place, a whispered promise filled the air. "This means war, Shigure. And I will win this war."


Dropping the phone back into place, raven dark bangs covered his eyes as a cynical smile touched his features. Of all people to have called him now, it had to be him.

"How are you feeling, Shigure? Anymore nightmares?" The tone was laced with heavy amusement, amusement that nearly made Shigure go crazy with rage.

Forcing himself to calm his emotions, a cruel smile lit up his own features. "Why yes, there are more nightmares. In fact, I'm talking to one right now."

Silence for just a moment, before a breathy chuckle followed by a nearly deadly sounding cough came through the line. "Very nice. I suppose you are with your precious Ayame and Hatori right now? Such a shame, Shigure. Those two are so lovely, and yet you cannot tell them of your attractions…"

Knuckles turned white as they gripped the phone in a near crushing clench. Gritting his teeth to keep silent, he knew he should just hang up. But a part of him didn't want to.

"You know why they can't have your attractions? Because you belong to me, and you know it. I should destroy those two for holding your attention. But…letting you suffer is something I am much rather enjoying." Each word was dripped with something more malicious than acid.

"Isn't it bad enough to make me suffer with this?" Each word was weighed with a deep weariness. If he could give anything to be free of this cage…this suffer, this torment. There was no where he could go, that Akito wouldn't find him and track him down.

And he couldn't risk letting Ayame and Hatori get hurt by his decision to run. No. This was his burden to bear. Not theirs.

Sickly chuckles filled the phone, "Of course not." With that, and not another word, he hung up the phone. His games could only play so long, and he was going to make this game stretch as far as possible.

Deep growls shook his chest, for the first time in his life, Shigure felt an anger he had hoped to never feel. An anger that nearly brought him to his knees.

The faces of the two men flashed through his mind, danced like a moving picture. All their little quirks, all their moments together…all the times he had admired them from afar and wished he could tell them the truth…

And yet he couldn't.

Hitting his fist lightly against the wall, he dropped his head down to hang in the air. Thoughts whirled his mind, leaving behind a wreckage. He must bring Hatori and Ayame together, whatever the cost. That way, when this was all over, he knew they wouldn't suffer.

He just knew this wasn't going to be as easy as he thought it to be. A sigh filled the air as he straightened himself up, "I don't have a long time…I must make this work quickly." Shuffling his way back towards them, he realized he may have to give up his friendship with them to bring them closer together…

"Inari, please forgive me…" He whispered, casting his eyes upwards for help before he headed back into the room.


The cups clattered on the tray as it was set into place. Casting a cheery smile at Hatori, Ayame did his best to bring the atmosphere back up to being happy. "Are you having those naughty thoughts again, Ha-ri? I know I'm beautiful, I understand how hard it must be for you to keep me out of your mind!" Tossing his hair back dramatically, he placed the back of his hand against his forehead.

Lifting the tea cup up silently, Hatori took a too calm of sip for the situation at hand. There was no point in replying, it would only fuel the idiot to continue his tirade.

"See? Even right now you can't stop thinking of how my lovely radiance brings an air of joy to this room!" Inhaling, honey eyes popped open, casting a sparkly eyed glance at Hatori. "I bring a breath of fresh air to any room!"

"That's only because you wear perfume, you fool." Lifting an eyebrow in mock indignation, the dragon stretched his legs out in front of him.

Unable to keep his eyes from wandering, Ayame felt himself admiring just how beautiful the other man's form was. Those legs looked so slender and delicate, but he knew underneath those pant legs, he had powerfully toned muscles that held him strong. "What is wrong with a man knowing he should smell good?"

Before he could even get a chance to answer that ridiculous comment, shuffling noises made both glance over as Shigure ducked into the room, a cheerful smile adorning his face.

"Well since we're all here, why don't we all go out for dinner? My treat!" Reaching into his pocket, he curled his fingers around his wallet and glanced between his friends.

Marigold locked with steely gray as they appraised each other. Hatori gave a little nod in confirmation as Ayame nodded as well.

Standing, Hatori couldn't help but let a frown touch his features when he saw the tense form of his two friends. What on earth had gotten into them lately? Why were they acting like a pair of frustrated children?

As they left the house, Ayame practically skipped ahead of the two, his hair bouncing in shimmering waves. "Where will be going, Ha-ri?"

"I don't care. Ask Shigure, he's paying." Slipping his hands in his pockets, Hatori glanced to the side, watching the forest as they headed down the road.

Little chuckles came from his right, an amused smile pulling up Shigure's lips. "Ayame, let us let our love guide us to the finest eating establishment around!" Stepping forward, he offered his arm to his friend, even though he could sense the tension rolling off him in waves.

Forcing a cheerful smile on his face, Ayame slung his arm through Shigure's, "'Gure, our love is sure to guide us to the finest eating establishment in the world!"

"You're going to make me sick before I even have dinner." Irritated grumbles only spurred them on to continue their antics further. Casting his eyes upwards, Hatori felt himself mumbling, "Kill me now…"


A dark smile twisted his features, making the once smoothly handsome face look near insane. Watching as the little bird balanced on his finger, he tilted his head back and forth, admiring it from all angles.

The delicate splash of the nearby fountain brought a certain level of peace to the room. Tossing his hand into the air, desperately flapping broke the calm as yellow feathers fell to the floor.

Thin fingers ran through a mop of messy, midnight black hair, purple black eyes glittering in something much sicker than just dark humor. Shigure was still his, and would stay that way. He was playing right into his hands.

Pushing himself from the ground, the gray Yukata brushed the ground as he walked towards the door to the main hall. He soon found himself in a room of his favorite enjoyment, a room shrouded in darkness, with no furniture, no windows…no form of escape.

This room was especially his favorite for that reason. The room where no one could escape unless he allowed them. Slender fingers danced over the black door, a twisted grin delighting his features.

"Soon enough Shigure, I shall have you in this room. I will watch as you suffer day by day…suffer alone like I must suffer alone. Someone cursed by the zodiac does not deserve to feel the happiness you have allowed yourself to feel…" Whispered words of anger could only be heard by him.

Sliding the door back into place, he headed outside for the first time in a long time. Casting his eyes in the direction of the houses, he felt immense joy at seeing them so locked up and tight. These people knew better than to be out enjoying themselves.

Why should he have to suffer with the weight of the zodiac curse by himself? Why should people like Shigure get the freedom and happiness he cannot have? While he sits back and suffers day in and day out?

People like that need to be properly punished. Letting his eyes slip shut, he could clearly see the day in his mind when this all began to change…the day he had decided that Shigure needed to suffer for what he had done…


Both males stared each other down, neither showing a hint of fear, and neither giving a single hint of fleeing from the presence of another. The sound of the traditional banquet filled the room nearby, so why weren't they in on the festivities?

"Don't you think it's unfair how I have to suffer with the weight of everything, everyone, and yet you get to run free, live in your own house and enjoy yourself in high school?" Taking slight footsteps forward, he approached the dog, keeping their eyes locked.

Shigure didn't move a single step, but forced himself to stay right where he was. He had not a word to say, so he kept quiet, his body tense. He didn't want to be here…but he had no choice. This was his house-hold elder.

Placing a hand on Shigure's chin, a small frown worked Akito's mouth when he saw the young male shiver from how cold his skin was. "You feel this? I am always ill." Gripping the chin tightly, he ignored the slight hiss of annoyance as he turned Shigure's face both directions.

Struggling to find the words he needed to say, the dog felt himself becoming weaker and weaker in Akito's presence. He knew he should bow and apologize for his behaviors, and perhaps Akito would set his sight on others, but a part of him did not want to give up that easily.

Which would prove to be a foolish mistake.

"I see how you look at that young dragon and snake, those so-called friends of yours. There is something much more there." Leaning down, whispered words kissed Shigure's ears, "I will not let you have that happiness. You of all people do not deserve it. You have watched me suffer, and have done nothing. I will make you suffer."

"What have I done to hurt you?" The words came out in a near growl as he tried to jerk his head free from Akito's grasp. He hated feeling vulnerable like this…

A cold, nearly frozen smirk plastered itself right onto Akito's face, somehow making him looking more beautiful, yet twice as deadly as before. "You have done nothing yourself, you're just my new toy of fascination, Shigure. So beautiful, and I can easily destroy you and your happiness." Dropping his hand, he turned and headed for the door.

Pausing in the door way, he didn't even cast a second glance back as he whispered, "You belong to me Shigure. Remember this."


The thought of the dog brought a stirring sensation in Akito's stomach, making him clench his jaw in frustration. "I will win this, Shigure. I will not let you be happy anymore. If I can't be happy…then neither can you."

The words were lost for others ears as heavy winds began to blow the area. But they were forever stuck in this world, now words that sealed a final promise.

Shigure was going to suffer.


A.N. Wow…that's…really darker than I intended. Like I said, sorry if its got some stuff wrong with it. I'm just really tired and didn't have time to proofread it.