Well guys here is my second Naruto story this is a yaoi so haters don't read. I don't own Naruto or any of the characters, but the story is mine so enjoy!

Chapter 1: The Return

About a few years ago, I was in a car accident with my parents and only I survived. My dad's old teacher when he was in college, Jiraiya took me in. He's a bit of a pervert since he writes porno novels, but he's a good guy that my father respected. I had amnesia so most of my childhood at the time was gone, but little by little with the help of Jiraiya and his friend who I call granny Tsunada helped me out by showing me pictures my parents had and told me funny stories of when I was a baby. Most of my memories returned, but sometimes I have a feeling that I forgot something...or someone... It has been 8 years since then and I have finally moved back to Konoha, where I used to live before I went overseas after the accident. I still miss my parents even now, but I know they are watching over me with smiles on their faces seeing how their boy Naruto Uzumaki has grown...


"Hm.." a boy with blonde hair rolled over on his side and hits the alarm and lays back down.


My eyes shoot open as I looked at the clock that said 7:30. "Shit!" I jumped out of bed ripped off my PJs and into my new black school uniform with the jacket open to expose my white button shirt and the collar of the shirt was open a few notches to expose some of my chest since I hate tight clothes. I ran down the stairs almost falling down them to the kitchen table where the perverted novels and my guardian, Jiraya was eating his breakfast and reading the paper.I gobbled down my breakfast and took off to the front door.

"Naruto! Don't forget your lunch" I turned around from trying to put my shoes on and saw Jiraya had my bento in his hand.

"Oh thanks!" I grabbed the bento out of Jiraya's hand. "Thanks! See yea later" I took off out the front door to school. I just barely made it to my classroom in time since I got lost on the way and pretty much skid into the classroom almost stumbling over just as the bell rang. The whole class looked up to stare to stare at me and I couldn't help, but blush in embarrassment. I looked up at the teacher at the podium "U-u-h umm... sorry I'm late sensei!" I bowed at the gray hair man with spiked hair and an eye patch on right eye.

"That is quite alright. It is your first day you must have gotten lost right?"
"Umm yea right..." I scratched the back of my head.

"Well then" he turned his attention to the class. "Everyone this is Naruto Uzumaki he will be joining our class. Try to get along with him he has been leaving over seas for the last couple of years so he might be a little slow with what we are learning so I was hoping someone could help him catch up. Mr. Uchiha since you are the top of the class I will be counting on you to help him."

I looked to see a long hair boy with raven hair looked up at the teacher with dark black eyes. "Fine..."

"Right then Naruto I am Kakashi Hataka you can call me Kakashi-sensei since I don't like formalities. You can take your seat next to Mr. Uchiha at the window."

I nodded and took my seat at the window next to the raven hair boy. "Hi I'm Naruto Uzumaki nice to meet yea Uchiha" I extended my hand to him. I noticed everyone was staring at me and whispering.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha. If you have any questions about school work ask me, but other then that I really don't want to be friends." I dropped my extended hand.

Geez what a jerk. "Alright thanks.."

"Alright class let's begin shall we." The rest of the day sucked everyone just kept staring at me and whispering about my hair and eyes, but most of all my 6 scars on my face three scar marks on each cheek that looked like whiskers. I got these scars from the car accident years ago. I know they are weird, but there's nothing I can do about it...man this day sucks I want it to end.

When lunch time, came a guy with brown hair in a ponytail and another guy with fuzzy looking brown hair and fang looking tooth sticking out came up to me while I was eating.

"Hey new kid name's Kiba, Kiba Inuzuka and this bored looking guy here is Shikamaru Nara. Can we eat with you? he said with a smile on his face.

I can't believe it they actually wanna eat with me. I thought everyone here didn't like me or something. "Yea sure that would be great thanks"

"Sure no problem. It sucks being the new kid" they grabbed their desk and pushed them against mine so we could face each other. "Everyone just stares at you like they are doing right now" he looked back at the class and they all looked away eating and talking among themselves.

"Yea don't mind them Uzumaki they are just nosy is all so troublesome..."

"I can see that, but I kinda understand why. I mean look at me I got blonde spiky hair and blue eyes and these scars on my face..." I couldn't help, but look down depressed.

"Hey man it's cool one of your parents must have been from overseas or something right?"

"Yea my dad was my mother was Japanese"

"Was? As in they..."

"Yea they died in a car accident when I was 7 that's how I got these scars since I was the only one who survived, but that's in the past and things are good. My dad's old teacher from college adopted me he's a bit of a pervert though," I leaned forward and whisper to them, "He writes porno novels he's a famous writer"

"What seriously!"

"Shh.. hehe yea"

"Dude that's awesome you should bring us a copy or something right Shika?"

"Nah I'm good that's good for you for me it's too troublesome"

"Of course as you get to know him Shika always says troublesome it's his favorite line don't mind it though he's a great guy and he's as smart as Uchiha over there."

"You know I'm sitting right here Kiba"

"Hehe I know I was compliment you"

"Uh huh so anyway Uzuma-"

"Naruto...You guys can call me Naruto" I saw both of them smile slightly.

"Then you can call me Shika"

"Yea and you can call me Kiba buddy" he wrapped and arm around my neck I smiled.

Well it looks my school life won't be so bad since now I made two new friends on my first day.

Can't believe he's back I thought I wasn't going to see him again, but why doesn't he recognize me...

Me: Oh yea nice first chapter.

Sasuke: What the hell I only had a few lines

Me: Calm down you will

Naruto: Yea Uchiha so stop complaining.

Sasuke: Hmph Whatever...

Naruto: Ugh why you have to be a jerk!

Me: Alright that's enough on to the next chapter that will be up soon :)