A/N: Just giving some thanks to ballistics belle for letting me borrow her idea of adding a quote or a song at the beginning and for being my beta in this chapter. I really hope you guys like this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters of CSI: Miami and no money is being made with this.

Chapter 1: Do it all over again.

Hands over my head thinking 'what else could go wrong? 'Would've stayed in bed, how can a day be so long? Never believed that things happen for a reason. But how this turned out, you moved all my doubts, oh believe That for you I'll do it all over again Do it all over again All I went through, led me to you
So I'd do it all over again For you

-Again, Bruno Mars

Ryan Wolfe hated vacations. Scratch that, Ryan hated this vacation in particular. His parents had had the brilliant idea to make it a road trip instead of doing it the right way and just taking a plane there like normal families. They all knew how bad his father was at reading directions, but they had insisted that the trip would help them to bond as a family.

Ryan let out a sigh as he continued to listen to his parents argue about how to read a map effectively as they were driving aimlessly looking for the right exit to get off on . He turned to look at his little sister who was enthusiastically bopping her head up and down to the music that was blasting through her head phones. She turned to look at her brother and met him with a smirk that he returned in kind. She slowly took off her head phones and leaned in towards him.

"Should we tell them that we missed the exit about an hour ago?" She asked in a mere whisper.

"Nope, I want to see how far we get before they even realize it." He answered back. "With our luck we might end up in Maui." They both giggled as she put her head phones back on and he returned to peering out the window.

He smiled fondly at his quirky family. His folks were the nerdiest parents any sixteen year old could have. Both his parents were college professors at Boston University. His father, Landon, was a chemistry professor and his mother, Samantha, a math professor, -college algebra to be exact. You could say those were his reasons for the love of both subjects. Ryan thought that when he grew up he was going to be a teacher like them but, somewhere along the lines of his life, law enforcement seemed to peek more of his interest.

Ryan never wished to be an only child, but he preferred not to be an only child with a baby brother, not a baby sister. At first when his baby sister, Alice, was born he had loathed the idea. He was sure that she was going to be a pain in his ass and that she would squeal on him whenever he did something that he wasn't supposed to. Only Alice had turned out to be quite the opposite. She was only four years younger than him and she kept every secret he had. She would even occasionally join in on the mischief.

He was pulled out of his musings by the continued argument between his parents. He sorely wished that he was back home in his room reading his favorite book or playing football with his friends. This was going to be the vacation from hell.

As he continued to look out the window and admiring the scenery, a plus to this godforsaken trip, he managed to catch glimpse of the sign indicating that the exit for Miami was coming up in the next few exits. 'This could be interesting,' he thought. Maybe it was time to change locations of their yearly family vacation.

"Dad, take the next exit that's coming up."

"Is that our exit?"

"Yeah, yeah, it sure is."

Ryan was grateful that his father wasn't smart enough to read the signs. He thought they were some kind of omen and preferred to be old fashioned and read a map instead. His father may be smart, but he wasn't bright.

Alice leaned over to catch a glance of the sign that was approaching. When she read the billboard she raised a questioning eyebrow at her brother. He raised a finger to his lips, pleading for her silence. She gave him a mischievous smirk while shaking her head back in forth and returned to her own landscape watching.

Ryan's parents finally got some sense and looked up at the signs as they went off on the exit. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe looked at each other simultaneously.

" Uh, son.." Mr. Wolfe started skeptically.

"Yeah dad?" Ryan answered as innocently as possible.

"This exit is to Miami."

"Yeah, I know. I thought that maybe our vacation could use a change." He stated matter of fact. "Besides, you missed our exit about an hour and a half ago."

"We did?"

"Sure did."

"Why didn't you say anything Ryan?" His mother asked slightly confused.

"Because we go to the same place each year. You guys said it yourselves, this is a trip to help us bond, so what better way to bond then exploring a new city together?"

His parents once more looked at each other. For a few seconds they considered the logic to Ryan's proposal and then came to a conclusion.

"You're right honey." Mrs. Wolfe agreed. "This would be a great opportunity to become closer as a family. Don't you agree, Landon?"

"Of course I do sweetheart. Ryan you had a fantastic idea."

Ryan turned to his sister and she gave him a hi-five. Maybe this vacation wasn't going to be so bad after all. This was just getting better and better. Now they knew where they were going and not driving around without a purpose.

They finally made it into the city and quickly tried to find a hotel. It wasn't easy considering that they didn't have any reservations and they were coming on the busiest time of the season. But they managed to find a decent hotel that was not over priced.

They all got out of the car and walked to the reception desk to get a room. Ryan was standing patiently waiting as his parents booked a room for them. As he was waiting he noticed another family come in. They walked up to the reception desk and started talking with the receptionist. The quirky girl seemed to know the family.

The family seemed to be wealthy and that they were part of a high society. His family had money but they were more of the upper-middle class, nothing like this family.

Something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. More like someone caught his attention. A young girl with long wavy brunette hair walked into the hotel, pulling her suitcase behind her. She had on a sleeveless white dress that ended just past her knees. In Ryan's eyes she looked like an angel fallen from the heavens above.

"You're drooling."

Ryan pulled himself out of his daydream and turned to face his sister who had the biggest smirk anyone had ever seen.

"Shut up!" Ryan hissed back. "I was not drooling. Was I?"

Alice burst into fits of giggles at the hopeless expression on her brother's face. Ryan narrowed his eyes and glared at her before shoving her, causing her to trip over her suitcase.

"Ryan!" His mother scolded.

"I'm sorry Al. Are you alright?" He asked helping her up off the floor. She glared at him for a few seconds before she smiled at him.

"Yeah I'm alright." Alice nudged Ryan with her elbow and jerked her head in the direction of the other family. "Looks like you caught someone's eye."

He reverted his attention back to the other side of the room and saw that the beautiful girl he was drooling over was staring at him with a smile gracing her features. Ryan instantly felt his cheeks heat up. He couldn't help smile back at her. He just hoped that he didn't look like a complete doofus.

"Ryan lets go. The bell boy is waiting for us."

Ryan immediately obeyed and turned to follow his family to the elevator. He turned to look over his shoulder one last time before he entered the elevator and saw that she was still staring at him. He gave her one last smile as he stepped in and the doors closed behind him.

Once inside their room the Wolfe family started unpacking and getting washed up so that they could go to dinner soon. As Ryan was unpacking his book bag he noticed that he was missing one of his books. He quickly remembered that he had left it in the car.

He grabbed his father's keys and swiftly made his way downstairs. He made a beeline to the parking lot, retrieved his book, and returned to the lobby to take the elevator back to his room.

Only low and behold his angel was waiting to get on the elevator also. His heart started drumming in his chest. He was for sure that he was having a heart attack. Taking a deep breath he slowly approached the elevator and stood next to her. She turned to look at him and smiled, which he returned in kind.

"Hi, I'm Ryan."

"Hi, I'm Allison."

The elevator dinged indicating its arrival and the huge metal doors opened allowing them to enter. They both shyly stepped in and waited for the elevator to get them to their floors.

Ryan had the biggest smile on his face. This was going to be the best vacation ever. He was grateful for taking that wrong turn. Everything happens for a reason.