Disclaimer: don't own Naruto, but i do own the rights to his new jutsus, suck it Kishimoto!

(alot of people die in this chapter, and there is someone being melted to death, enjoy)

(there may be some grammatical errors, i dont need 10 people telling me this)

"what do you mean he's alive?" asked Ino "you and Kakashi sensei hit him with your strongest jutsu?"

"no, we hit him with my best jutsu" stated Naruto "the thunderstorm dragon isn't meant to kill anyone, it's meant to completely immobilize a large amount of enemy's"

"but that hunter nin killed him, didn't he?" asked Sasuke

"no, the senbon can't kill unless there poisoned or they hit something more vital" stated Kakashi "the area he hit was just a pressure point"

"and hunter nins are suppose to decapitate and dispose of the body on site" said Naruto "he ran away with the body, he's Zabuza's accomplice"

everyone but Kakashi and Naruto say in shock, the ninja after Tazuna was still alive

"so what do we do?" asked Ino "he could be back any minute!"

"No, my jutsu caused to much damage, plus he was put in a near death state, he won't be back for at least a week" stated naruto "but I doubt he will be back alone, there probably sending for reinforcements as we speak"

-unknown hideout-

"Raiga? But you hate him? Why do you want Raiga?" asked a confused Haku

"Because, while I know I can take Kakashi out by myself" stated Zabuza "I'm no match for both Kakashi and that... Whatever he is..."

"so want to bring Raiga here to fight some kid?" demanded Gato "there's no way that one kid is that powerful!"

"believe it or not he is, although I can't put an exact level on him, but I'd say he's at least a high B-rank, maybe even low to mid A-rank" said Zabuza "and the kid uses water moves, Raiga's swords would work out just fine against him"

"But Raiga is... You sure he can handle it? He's not exactly sane" said a worried haku "what if he comes after us?"

-back at Tazuna's house-

"so we have a week to prepare for round 2 with Zabuza, and he will most likely have help" stated Kakashi "we'll start work tomorrow, everyone get a good nights sleep"

"Why do you guys even bother?"

Everyone turned to the source of the new voice to see a depressed looking little kid of about six to eight years of age. He had blue overalls on over a yellow shirt and a fishing hat on his head.

"Oh! Inari! Where were you!" Tazuna asked in greeting, holding out his arms as Inari ran to give him a hug.

"Welcome back grandpa," Inari said, before glaring over at the Konoha ninja.

"Inari, say hello to these people," Tsunami said, placing her hands on her hips. "They're the ninja that protected grandpa."

"But mom, they're just going to die," Everyone looked surprised when Inari said that. Tazuna and Tsunami just sighed. "There's no way they can beat Gato."

"Man this kid's more emo than you used to be Sasuke" Naruto commented, grinning when he received an angry grunt from his Uchiha teammate. "Listen here kid, there is no way some idiotic, rich, midget bastard is going to be killing us! When Gato tries to get your grandpa here, I'm going to beat his ass back to the age of the Rikudou Sennin!"

There Naruto goes again Kakashi sweat dropped at his blond student's shift in attitude. Genius one moment, loudmouth the next. It's almost like he has some kind of two people inhabiting that body or something. oh right there's 4 beings in his body

"Pft," Inari huffed. "You must be some kind of idiot, thinking you can go against Gato." Inari turned around and made his way to the door, "If you don't want to die you should leave."

"Inari, where are you going?" asked Tsunami in a worried voice.

"I'm going to look at the ocean." Inari said before leaving, slamming the door shut on his way out.

"I'm sorry about that," Tazuna said in a depressed voice as he looked over at the Konoha ninja.

"Whatever, what happened to the kid anyway?" Naruto commented. "Seriously, anyone more messed up than Sasuke over here has a serious problem."

"Shut up baka!" Sasuke yelled.

The blonde giggled before turning serious "so what happened?

a year ago, Gato came to the wave to build wealth and power, Inari s father figure, Kaiza, fought against him...and lost said Tazuna

"Gato killed Kaiza didn't he?" Naruto said, causing the others to look over at him in surprise.

"Gato had him killed in front of the village as an example for those who tried to appose him. Inari was there when it happened" Said a sad Tazuna

For a moment the Konoha ninja were silent as they digested what they had heard. It was definitely a sad story, hearing that a child saw his father figure murdered in front of him.

Naruto stood up and began making his way towards the door.

"Where are you going Goldie-kun?" asked Ino

"If you're thinking of training, take the day off" Kakashi said. "I don't want to, but I will send Ino after you"

"Don't worry Senpai, I'm just going to have my Kage Bunshin do some work while I sleep," Naruto reassured his sensei. Kakashi nodded while Ino looked concerned "But I need to get some training in; otherwise I won't be able to prove to Inari that heroes still do exist.

"I'll keep an eye on him, i could use some training as well" said Sasuke as he got up and followed Naruto out

-6 Hours later, dinner table-

Later that night the Konoha ninja were sitting at the dinner table with Tazuna and his family. Naruto and Sasuke were shoveling food down their throats, apparently spending too much time with Naruto can do that 2 you; Ino was staring in amazement at the mass of food going into her boyfriend and his best friend's mouth. And Kakashi was, much to the displeasure of Tsunami, reading his porn.

"So Sasuke, Naruto, how's training going?" Kakashi asked as he flipped a page of his book. He would have left since he finished eating almost as soon as the food had been set in front of him, having eaten so fast no one could even see him take off his mask, but it would be rude to leave while the others were eating.

"Good, i'm finishing up my new Fire Jutsu that Naruto's been helping my with" Sasuke grunted, somehow still able to make sound despite his mouth being full of food.

"Really?" Kakashi asked turning to look at Naruto who was on his fourth serving of rice. "So how was your training Naruto?"

Naruto stopped shoving food down his gullet and swallowed what he already had in his mouth before answering, "Well I'm making some progress, but it's slow going." Naruto frowned as he thought of his training, "I'm still stuck on the amount a chakra i can use, but i've made the whole thing more effective"

"That's natural," Kakashi said. "After all, elemental manipulation is a Jonin-level training technique." laughed Kakashi

-10 minutes later-

"I'll take watch tonight" stated Naruto as he headed to the door

"all night?" asked an unsure Ino

"i'll make a bunch of clones and have them keep watch while i nap, they'll wake me up if something wrong" stated naruto on the way out.

"just be sure to get some rest, you have watch for Tazuna tomorrow" said Kakashi, not looking up from his book

"Got it" was all Naruto said as he strolled out the door.

-next morning, with Naruto in field-

Naruto awoke in a field in the clearing of the forest and said "must of fallen out of the tree?" when he heard a noise behind him. Quickly reacting he jumped up into the Dragon stance, but relaxed upon seeing what was apparently a teenage girl picking flowers and herbs.

"Hello there, what you you doing out in the woods this early in the morning" Naruto asked.

"Oh hi" the girl said shocked to see one of the ninja who had been with the bridge builder when they attempted to assassinate him"Um my friend is sick so I'm out here picking herbs for a medicine. Tell me, are you a ninja, is that why you are out here" the girl asked.

"Yeah I am we were given a C rank mission to defend this bridge builder. But it turned out this guy named Gato has hired missing ninja to kill the poor man, so our mission turned into an A rank. Well life is funny that way I guess" Naruto paused as if in thought before continuing "But I will train harder to protect Tazuna and help this village and to become strong enough to protect everyone I care about" Naruto finished the statement like it was a declaration.

"That's good, I believe true strength comes from protecting those things that were precious to you it helps you push beyond what your limits to make sure they are safe" the girl said in an approving tone.

"Wow your really smart. My names Naruto Namikaze, whats your name miss?" the blond asked hoping to make a new friend.

"Oh my name is Haku and um I'm a boy" Haku said with a slight blush

"Oh I'm sorry well anyway I better get back to the team I am with, they will probably be wondering where I am, I have been out for awhile. It was nice meeting you Haku I hope we meet again someday" the blond said

"Yes it would be nice to meet again in more peaceful times goodbye Naruto Uzumaki" Haku said as he left the clearing.

'I really hope I don't have to fight him he doesn't deserve to die, why did you have to take this job Zabuza'.

"Oh and by the way, if you're trying to pass yourself off as a boy, you might not want wear perfume, "hunter nin"" said a knowing Naruto before literally disappearing from sight, no after image, no blur, just raw, impossible speed.

-Tazuna s house, kitchen-

"where's baka?" asked Sasuke "if he doesn't show up soon i'll send Ino after him"

"Why do you guys Keep saying that?" asked Inari "i thought the blondes were dating?"

"oh they are" Laughed Kakashi "but last time we couldn't find Naruto, Ino hunted him down and dragged him back by his hair"

"He and Jiraiya-sensei were doing "research" for one of the Books that Kakashi sensei likes to read" said a smirking Ino my boyfriend will NOT be part of that

"I completely understand" said a smiling Tsunami

"I thought that he was the strongest one of you?" asked Tazuna "why would he just allow himself to be dragged by his hair?"

"Cuz if i can help it, i won't hit a girl" stated Naruto as he walked through the open doorway "especially this one" as he appeared behind Ino, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissed her on the cheek, getting a huge blush from the Yamanaka heir

"Aw, Goldie-kun, you're too nice" said the blushing Ino

"anything for you" said Naruto, giving her another peck on the cheek

"not that i care about your relationship" said Tazuna, but it would be nice to get going soon, im already 10 minutes late as it is"

"don't worry old man, I'll get us there in no time" said Naruto as he grabbed his shoulder "brace yourself, it's going to be fast"

and just like that they disappeared in a swirl of hot white that could be felt throughout the whole kitchen

"what was that!" yelled Ino "I've never seen that one before"

"T-That was P-Plasma" said Kakashi "he did it, he created the plasma release!"

"but I thought that he could already do that?" said Sasuke

"No, Naruto could make plasma chakra, but he couldn't use it for any jutsu." stated Kakashi "Sasuke, what did he work on with you?"

"he made 100 clones and had half of them Chanel fire chakra and half channel lightning chakra, then he dispersed them and made 50 more to channel both at the same time. Is that what he was working on?" asked Sasuke

"seems to be, if it's true then Naruto just became the first known user of the plasma release, everything he does from here on out is all on his own" said Kakashi

-at the bridge-

"What the hell was that!" shouted Tazuna "and why did it feel so... Intense?"

"that was my version of a move called "Shunshin", but I use my element for it" explained Naruto "c'mon, let's get to work" as Naruto walked onto the bridge, Tazuna just starred at the blonde as he walk away. About 30 seconds later, Tazuna awoken from his stupor and followed Naruto onto the bridge.

-clearing by Tazuna s house-

"OK, so because Naruto's with Tazuna, we will work on water walking" stated Kakashi, not looking up from his book "channel chakra to your feet and stand on the water, after you get the hang get the hang of that, started to walk around, then run. Master this exercise, you must be able to spar with someone for a full hour, any questions?"

"what will you be doing during this time?" asked Ino

"I will be doing the Might Guy training routine, 1000 push ups, 1000 sit ups, and a ten mile run" stated Kakashi "anyone want to join me?"

"I'm good" they both said at the same time

"I'll see you both back at the house when your done

-unknown hideout-

"Zabuza, we have a problem" said Haku

"Oh, you mean besides the fact in 5 days were going to fight 2 A-ranked opponents and 2 completely unknown ninja?" asked a sarcastic Zabuza

"the blonde boy, it's worse than we thought" stated Haku "his name is Naruto Namikaze"

Zabuza had a confused look on his face, 'what's the big deal? So the kids name is Namik...' his eyes shot open in surprise 'NAMIKAZE? No, there's no way his it That mans son. Right?'

"Haku! Do you think that he...?" Zabuza was cut of by Haku "yes, he has the same eyes and hair as the picture in the bingo book, I believe he's the son of "that" man"

To Zabuza it all made sense now, the kid was to good for it not to be true.

"we may need more than just Raiga" said a concerned Zabuza

-that night, Tazuna s kitchen-

"so how did bridge watch go?" asked Ino

"good, no sign of trouble, and I helped out with the bridge" said Naruto

"that he did" said a happy Tazuna "he did that clone thing of his and looked over the hole bridge, patching holes, painting missed spots, we're a whole day ahead of schedule now"

"that's good to hear, Naruto, you have bridge watch again, Sasuke and Ino are almost done with the training, and I'm still improving for our upcoming fight" said Kakashi

"Sounds good to me, I can still do some training thanks to my shadow clones" stated Naruto "Oh, and I found out about one of our opponents today"

this got everyone's attention "the hunter nin, her name is Haku" stated Naruto "I'd say she's about chunin level, so of it comes down to it, either Sasuke or Ino can hold her off till help arrives"

-4 days later, Tazuna s home-

"it's been long enough that Zabuza most Likely has recovered and can strike as he wants" stated Kakashi "from now on we all go with Tazuna, me and Naruto will leave a clone here to watch over the house"

"Got it" the 3 stated in unison

"good, let's get going" said Kakashi as he and Naruto each made a clone and left "keep your eyes peeled, we can't afford for them to get the drop on us"

-unknown hideout-

"Hellooooo Zabuza! How have you been? I heard you got your ass stopped by Kakashi of the sharingan" said the always flamboyant Raiga

"no Raiga, I didn't get beaten by Kakashi, it was a kid" stated Zabuza "more precisely the kid you're going to fight"

"A kid? You got beat by some fucking kid? We should have your funeral right now! Laughed Raiga, the swordsman never was very mentally stable, and about 6 years ago he had started giving his enemies funerals, mostly while they were still alive.

"listen Raiga, if it were any other kid, I would agree to that statement, but this... Kid... Isn't normal, while we were fighting he was able to hold his own against me up close using just his sword and ridiculous strength." stated Zabuza "then when we broke off and fought from afar, he was able to overpower my Great Water Dragon with his own Dragon, he can use one handed seals"

"Who cares? I've fought and killed plenty of people that can do one handed seals?" stated Raiga

"Could they use one handed seals to use 2 different jutsu at the the same time?" asked Zabuza

"Oh course not! No one can do that! The only person that ever could do that was..." he was cut off

"Minato Namikaze" stated Zabuza

"so why do you ask?" questioned Raiga "the only man to be able to do such a feet was the Fourth hokage, are you saying someone else is able to do it as well"

"Yep, that ...kid... Can do it as well, but he took it a step farther, he can use self collaboration Jutsu" stated Zabuza in a wavering voice, just the memory of that jutsu gave him shivers, something not lost to Raiga

"You're lying, the only man to ever combine jutsu by himself was Namikaze!" yelled Raiga

"you're right about only Namikaze being able to combine jutsu, but there's more than one Namikaze" stated Zabuza

"What are you talking about" asked Raiga, as he squinted his eyes

"Haku, what's that young man's name again?" asked Zabuza in a childish tone

"Naruto Namikaze" stated Haku

Raiga s eyes widened, now he knew why Zabuza had lost, if it was true, then he was in deep shit "how good would you say he is?"

"from what I figure, he's high B-rank or Low A" said an all too serious Zabuza

"then I'll have to kill him as soon as I can, I can't have a B rank ninja tie me up for too long, it would be bad for my image said a cocky Raiga, no B-rank ninja could take him, no matter who their father was

"don't get cocky Raiga, you can't afford it with this kid" said a serious Zabuza

"whatever, sense when do i listen to you?" said Raiga as he walked out the door

-nightfall, Tazuna s house-

it was an uneventful day working on the bridge, but both Kakashi and Naruto suspected that it was merely the calm before the storm

"the bridge is almost complete, if they're going to attack its going to be tomorrow" said a concerned Naruto

"i believe so" said Kakashi "which is why we're going to come up with a battle plan, but first let's eat"

"no arguments there" said Ino

"why don't we cover what we know?" asked Sasuke "that way we can plan more effectively"

"Good thought, I'll start" said Kakashi "we have at least 2 opponents, but most likely 3 or 4, me know Zabuza is a little below my level and even more below Naruto, he has "hunter nin" helping him and if they do have reinforcements then there probably just as strong as Zabuza"

"the hunter nin is a girl named Haku" said Naruto "I expect that she is at least a chunin"

"I Can't think of anything to add?" stated Ino

"OK, then for the plan" said Kakashi "Naruto will take the strongest opponent, if it's even he will take the one we know the least about, seeing as naruto can't have an disadvantage in elements of in strength, I will take Zabuza or if Zabuza is strongest I will take the next strongest, sasuke, you will have the hunter nin, you're strong enough to hold her of or even beat her if one of us can't help, and Ino, you will protect Tazuna, he's going to come with us so that if nothing happens they can finish the bridge"

"I can't think of anything to add, it's as good a plan as I can think of" said Naruto

"I have no problems either" said Sasuke

"I'm good with the plan, but what do we do about Tsunami and Inari? What about them?" asked a concerned Ino

"I'll leave a couple clones here to watch over everything" said Naruto

"so everything's covered, let's all get a good nights sleep, we all leave here at the normal time" said Kakashi

-next day, at the bridge-,

The group approaches the bridge only to be greeted by a cover of mist and a smell, the smell of blood. all over the bridge was the bodies of the workers there to complete it. it was a horrific sight, heads, arms and legs everywhere, almost none of them attached to bodies. limbs covered almost half of the entrance to the bridge, the other half was bathed in blood. the few survivors were crawling away with all the power left in their body.

"What happened!" yelled a stunned and sickened Tazuna, he knew every one of his workers well, and to see them like this was enough to run and scream

"there were 2 of them..." one of the surviving workers said "they killed anyone near them"

Tazuna was stunned, who could be this cruel and evil. he had rage burning threw every once of his being.

"Ino, get Tazuna out of here, bring him home and protect them with Naruto's clones, we ll hold them off until we can get you more help" said a completely cold and serious Kakashi

"G-Got it" stuttered Ino as she and Tazuna Shunshin d away

"aww, is our pray leaving? oh well, it's more fun to hunt" said a voice coming from the unnatural mist, a voice completely lacking any anything that could even remotely be considered anything but joyful, a voice that cut Naruto and Sasuke to the very core

"now Raiga, what did I tell you about underestimating them? If you do HE will tear you apart" said a completely serious Zabuza "Haku, you take the black haired kid, I got Kakashi"

"so I get the brat, huh? That won't be any fun" said a still joyous Raiga "he better be as good as you say he is"

as the mist started to surround the men from team seven, they knew they needed to end this as quickly as possible

-Naruto vs Raiga-

as fast as he was capable of, Naruto drew his sword and blocked a chop from above, only to be staved threw the chest with the second of the twin swords, he sat a minute and smiled "boom" in a flash of brilliant white light, "Naruto" exploded throwing Raiga back 25 feet before he made contact with the ground, after only one bounce he righted himself and landed on his feet

'he combined the shadow clone and the exploding clone before I could even stop my attack' thought Raiga "where are you you like shit!"

"right behind you" said a calm voice, Raiga spun around, slicing sideways with his twin swords, only for all their momentum to stop dead upon making contact with Naruto's sword

"I have to admit, you got skills brat, but you need more than you got to beat me" said Raiga before he removed his swords and swung again, this time both in a downward arch to the blonde's shoulders.

to Raiga's dismay, his blades were once again stopped in their tracks by the blondes sword, Raiga put all his strength into his arms as he attempted to power through Naruto's guard, his eyes grew wide when, even though he was using all his strength and it the better position, his blades didn't descend, in a split second Raiga was thrown off balance and kicked in the gut, hard, he once again went sailing through the air. He landed and spun out of the way, just in time to avoid a super powered fist that blew a 5 foot diameter hole through the bridge

after regaining the breath he had taken from him by the punishing kick, Raiga yelled out "what are you? Nobody's that strong!" all the confidence leaving his voice

"Me? I'm your death" said an impossibly cold voice behind Raiga

-Kakashi vs Zabuza-

as the mist surrounded him, Kakashi drew his kunai and revealed his Sharingan, no sooner than his hand left his forehead protector that he block a slice from Zabuza's giant sword

"C'mon Kakashi, you brought a knife to a sword fight?" asked Zabuza, his gravely voice dripping with malice

"it's not the size, Zabuza, it's how you use it!" yelled Kakashi as he threw the heavy blade away from himself "sure you're not compensating for "something"?"

Zabuza returned and once again launched a long sweeping slash at Kakashi, only for him to dodge the slash and grab the sword by the hole near the tip of it and yank Zabuza into a hard kick to the sternum.

"the bingo book said nothing about that strength you've managed to muster up" said a calm Zabuza "what else does that books information lack?"

"does it have the fact that I have a huge schlong in it?" asked a calm Kakashi before he lunged forward, Kunai in one hand, and his other hand in a fist

-Sasuke vs Haku-

the mist had already rolled in, Sasuke was in a compete guard, he didn't know anything about whom he was facing. He could hear the sounds of combat around him, he knew that it would come soon. Before he saw them, there was a person I front of him.

"shaking already? I haven't even started yet" said a clearly female voice

"I'm not shaking in fear" said a smirking Sasuke "I'm shaking, with excitement!"

Sasuke took off, Kunai in hand and slashed at the fake hunter nin, the hunter nin dodged and whipped 5 senbon needles from each hands, throwing sasuke of track as he skillfully dodged all ten senbon. As he settled into his stance he saw Haku making a set of hand signs. After she was done, all the water within 5 feet of her rose from the ground and froze into hundreds of ice senbon. She sent wave after wave at Sasuke, only to find him dodging all of them with what seemed to be increasing ease.

"I can't believe I have to do this" said Haku as she flew threw hand signs "Hyoton: Demonic Ice Mirrors"

as she finished her hand signs, 15 huge slabs of ice appeared around the 2 fighters. As the last one formed, the fake hunter nin stepped backwards, literally melting into one of the mirrors after she was full in the mirror, she appeared in all of them, and that's when it started raining senbon

-Naruto vs Raiga-

Naruto had Raiga on the ropes, in fact he had for the whole fight, something that was not lost on, a now very pissed of, Raiga. Raiga had long since activated the lightning now surging through the now glowing swords, but he still couldn't touch Naruto, though he had gotten close on occasion. a little too close for comfort, so Naruto started channeling chakra into his own sword, a chakra that Raiga, nor anyone else, had seen channeled into a blade before

"what kind of sword is that? I've never seen anything like it!" asked a now panicked Raiga even my twin thunder blades just bounce off it!

"its just a plain old, chakra conducting sword" answer Naruto as he deflected another set of blows from the famed swordsman

"impossible!" yelled Raiga "that is no form of chakra I've ever seen, you must have some sort of seal on yours like i have on mine!"

"nope, no seals on this sword, just good not-so-old plasma chakra commented Naruto as he sent a punch with his free hand into Raiga's ribs, sending him for what seemed the hundredth time today through the air

"P-plasma chakra?" stuttered out Raiga "there's no such thing!"

"Oh but there is, for you see, it is my Kekkei Genkai, it's the combination of Fire and Lightning chakra" said Naruto as he once again blocked an overhead slash from Raiga only for the other sword to be thrust towards him. he sidestepped just in time to only get knicked from the blade, but he had caught Raiga's left wrist in his right hand, and with one chakra aided squeeze, Naruto shattered Raiga's wrist, making him drop his sword. Raiga let out a blood curdling scream as anyone on the bridge could hear the very audible CRACK

-Kakashi vs Zabuza-

"sounds like your partner is doing just about as well as you are?" said a confident Kakashi, he had been dominating most of this fight, and was about to end it. he started one of his favorite set of hand signs "any last words Zabuza? Summoning Jutsu!"

all at once, 6 dogs appeared and bit down hard and Zabuza, one on each leg and 2 on each arm, they had him trapped, Zabuza was completely defenseless Kakashi then went through another set of hand signs, this time for his Lightning Blade

-Sasuke vs Haku-

Sasuke had several senbon stuck all over his body, but he had just won the fight, during his time dodging countless senbon, he had awakened his Sharingan, it wasn't at full form, but it didn't need to be. with his new vision he was able to figure out that Haku was jumping from mirror to mirror. now that he had her pattern, all he needed to do was to take out the mirror she was heading to next. and he had just the jutsu to do it. he traced her movements and began to make hand signs, all the while dodging the fury of needles flying at him. he finished his hand signs and leaped toward the mirror he knew she was going to next, wind back his fist and yelled Fire Style: 100 Dragons Punch as his fist was about to make contact with the slab of ice, it was enveloped by powerful flames and shot out a giant flame made of one hundred small fire dragons. the jutsu melted through the ice and Haku went flying. she bounced on the ground a couple times before coming to a stop. she heard the sound of crackling lightning coming from Zabuza's direction and took off as fast as she had ever run before, too fast for Sasuke to catch

-Naruto vs Raiga-

"It's over Raiga, surrender now and I might even let you live" said Naruto, still holding Raiga by the shattered wrist

"ha, some stupid kid like you could never beat me! I'll have you in a box in the ground in 15 minutes tops" said the somehow still cocky Raiga

"have it your way" said Naruto, holding Raiga in one hand and forming a fury of seals in the other "but I won't be the one it the box! collaboration style: Inferno Blade!" shouted Naruto as he speared hi hand forward, aiming for Raiga's heart

Raiga panicked and tried to break free from the hold, but it was no use, the blonde was to strong. With the only option he had left, Raiga sidestepped and took the flaming white hot blade to the shoulder of his free arm. The wrong choice to make. Naruto's Inferno Blade passed effortlessly through Raiga's shoulder, cutting his arm clean off and melting want was left up to his neck. There was no scream, but the look on Raiga s face was one of unspeakable Pain, a pain so terrible that no man could handle it. Naruto let go of Raiga's remaining arm and watched him die slowly and painfully in front of him. Dead from heart failure, his body had given out.

-Kakashi vs Zabuza-

Kakashi was charging Zabuza, lightning blade in hand. He bought his hand back and thrust forward, he felt the jutsu go through someone, but something was wrong, the body he hit was moving too much, his ninja dogs were holding down Zabuza. He looked at the body he had run through, it was not Zabuza, it was the hunter nin. He looked up from his unintended victim and spied Zabuza, but something was wrong, was he...crying?

"Kakashi, I'm done fighting" said a crying Zabuza "please, at least let me give her a proper burial?"

"if you promise not to attack us, I will grant this last wish" said Kakashi, covering his sharingan

"T-thank you, I know I don't deserve this kindness" said a very lowly swordsman as Kakashi dispelled his dogs. Zabuza fell In a heap, and crawled to his former best friend

"well isn't that touching?" said a new voice, the voice of Gato, who was standing no more that 50 feet away with a whole army of thugs at his back "well now at least I won't to pay her or Raiga" said Gato, pointing at Naruto, holding the head and swords of Raiga

"and sense you failed me, I'm going to kill you to!" said Gato as he signaled his army of at least 200 thugs to move forward

"You know" said naruto, now standing in front of Zabuza "I really hate fat little power hungry fucks like you!"

Naruto took off toward the group of thugs, and the result couldn't be defined as anything but a massacre, naruto was absolutely tearing through wave after wave of thugs, using nothing but his bare hands to cause a massive amount of casualties. Left right and center, thugs were literally exploding from the force of the blows naruto was throwing

"W-What is he?" asked Zabuza, completely horrified at the sight he was seeing, not only was one person dismantling an army, but he was only 13, and he was doing it with no weapons, just his bare hands

"the man you are looking at, is our next hokage" said Sasuke, with both admiration and anger in his voice, he wished it was him that had that power

"that's what I believe" stated an awed Kakashi 'he moves like his father, it's almost like watching Minato when he took out Iwa again'

Zabuza was speechless there were only 20 thugs left, and they were all rapidly falling. As Naruto made it to his last thug, he stopped, stared into Gato's eyes and ripped the last thugs head off. Gato got the hint and turned to run away, only to see every villager of the wave, staring him down with various weapons in there hands

"please!" pleaded Gato "I'll give you anything you want!"

"they want their hero back" Gato turned to see a very happy Naruto "and as long as your in this world, that can't happen as long as there's a man like you in this world" the last thing Gato saw was a glowing white fist pierce his chest

the crowd cheered and wept, they were finally free from Gato.

"hey Zabuza, I think I got a deal for you" yelled Naruto

not liking his options, Zabuza asked " what do you want me to do"

"lead these people to Gato's hideout to get their stuff back, if you do that, we won't kill you" stated Naruto, Zabuza knew it wasn't a request, it was a demand "I'd love to, he said, walking off into the woods, Naruto and Kakashi shared a glance and Kakashi followed Zabuza, they were followed by all of the villagers.

"Goldie-kun!" shouted a voice, Ino sprinted toward her teammate and boy friend and jump onto him, knocking him to the ground "are you ok?"

"just fine till you tackled me" said Naruto "but you might want to go help Sasuke, he looks like a porcupine" he laughed

-3 days later, in front of the bridge-

it had been 3 full days of celebrations, everyone had gotten their possessions back and the rest of Gato's wealth was put back into the village or used to pay off debts. After the celebrations, team 7 and there new "friend" was about to head home. But true to Naruto's word, Zabuza was not dead, but he was bound by rope. They were bringing him back to konoha for the hokage to decide what to do with him. He wasn't going to complain, he had just lost the one friend he ever had, the worse that would happen was he would be put to death, the best was he would be imprisoned for the rest of his life. He was fine with both, he no longer wanted to live on the run, so either way he got his wish.

"ok guys, let's head out, we got 3 days to get home, if we leave now we can go at a nice slow pace" said a very relaxed Kakashi

"sounds good, I want to get home as soon as possible, I don't even want to think what's going on at my estate right now" stated Naruto as the group started to cross the bridge

"you worry to much" said Kakashi "with those seals you and Master Jiraiya put everywhere, the worst thing that could happen is there's some dead bodies on your lawn"

Zabuza perked up when heard that legendary name "the Legendary Toad Sage? How do you know him?" asked Zabuza, he had met the man before, they were in the same tavern and hit it off

"um, because he's my grandpa?" answered Naruto, much to Zabuza's excitement, the toad sage had told him if ever stopped running, to come find him, that he would help him where he could. "Why do you ask? Do you know him"

"yea, I met him about 12 years ago in a tavern, he was on his way out to some blonde, who looked like a young Tsunade, house to help her...raise... YOU!" said Zabuza staring at Naruto

"yea that makes sense, granny Tsunade still looks like she's 30" said Naruto offhandedly

Zabuza stopped dead in his tracks and stared at the blonde "what?" asked Naruto "she's uses jutsu to make herself look young because she doesn't like looking old"

"D-Did you just call Tsunade Senju grandma?" asked a stunned Zabuza "you're the son of the Yellow Flash, the grandson of a sannin and you were raised by Tsunade?"

"yea? My mom and dad died the day I was born, so my grandma and grandpa raised me" said a saddened Naruto, sure he could talk to them every night, but that's not the same as growing up with them

"but you just said That you were raised by Tsuna... Your the grandson of Tsunade AND Jiraiya?" stated a stunned Zabuza "and I attacked you! I'm sooo dead!" shouted Zabuza

Naruto and Kakashi busted out laughing, much to the confusion of Ino, Sasuke and especially Zabuza

"we should hurry back to konoha laughed Kakashi

-2 days later, outside Village gates-

please? it will be funny! pleaded Naruto

"OK fine, you can do the prank" said Kakashi in mock anger, everyone in konoha knew that when Naruto and Kakashi got together it was like unleashing a prank demon on the village. all the way from the wave country to Konoha, they were pulling pranks on the other group members, or even Zabuza. Zabuza couldn't understand this, he was their prisoner but they were completely friendly toward him.

"are you sure its ok that i do this? i am a rouge ninja, it could end badly" asked Zabuza

"its a prank, it's suppose to be a little out there" said Sasuke, he had picked up Naruto's pranking habits and was getting to be pretty good himself

"yeah, not like you have anything to lose" said Ino

"ok then, i might as well" said Zabuza

-main gate, Izumo and Kotetsu-

"man, this job sucks, there's never anything to do!" said a bored Kotetsu

"maybe i can help with that" said a deep and gravelly voice that made the 2 shiver with its coldness alone, the eternal gate guards looked up to see a tall, muscular man with bandages on his face and a giant sword on his back

"W-Who are you? and what business do you have in this village?" asked Izumo

"i have one of your teams captured, Kakashi Hatake and some genin, that blonde kid sure was hell to get tied up though, kept breaking the damn ropes, now i'm going to see the hokage" stated a bored sounding Zabuza, something he was slowly picking up from Kakashi. the guards believed him immediately, almost no one knew about Naruto's strength, they were suddenly worried, if this man beat Kakashi and the Namikaze Clan head, then there was no way they could stop him, they did the one thing they could do, signaled for the ANBU. mere seconds later, 5 ANBU agents landed around Zabuza, one Instantly recognized him.

"Zabuza Momochi?" asked a stunned ANBU agent named Tora "What are you doing here?"

"just want to meet the hokage said Zabuza" in a bored tone that reminded them all of their ex-member "dog"

"What business do you have with the Hokage?" asked Boar

"well you see, i have several leaf ninja in my custody, and i would like to see what they were worth" said the still bored sounding Zabuza

"Who?" asked Tora

"Kakashi and his genin team"

Tora was shocked, if this man took down Kakashi and a team of genin, then he could probably take all of them as well "very well, we will assist you there"

-10 minutes later, hokage's office-

Sarutobi was sitting at his desk, staring off into space, he was having another day dream of burning all his paperwork and dancing on the ashes. he was drawn out of his dream when 5 ANBU and a large man with a huge sword on his back entered.

"what do we have here? Zabuza Momochi, what can i do for you?" asked the old Kage

"oh, you know of me?" asked Zabuza, Sarutobi nodded "i have captured 4 of your ninja, i was wondering what i could get for their safe return?"

"dependents, who are the ninja?" asked the old Kage, still in a sweet voice

"Kakashi Hatake and his genin team"

"the old Kage sighed which one put you up 2 it?"

"what?" asked Zabuza

"there isn't a man alive that can take on both of my best ninja and live, so its obvious that if you fought them, you lost. now which one of my prank happy ninja put you up 2 this?" asked Sarutobi with a smirk

"Naruto did" laughed Zabuza "i guess they just wanted me to have a little fun before i die"

"oh? are you ill?" asked the old Kage

"N-No? i thought i was brought back to be killed?" asked Zabuza, that instant, the 5 ANBU busted out laughing and turned back into Team 7 and a man named Yamato.

"you've been set up" laughed the old Kage "you will not be sentenced to death, that i can promise you"

Zabuza was in Shock, he thought his life was over "i m... i'm not going to be killed?"

"that depends' said Sarutobi "what is his sentence, Naruto-kun?"

"he fought us to kill Tazuna said Naruto as Zabuza's heart sank "but after the fight, he helped us finish our mission and aided in the return of stolen goods to their rightful owners" Zabuza picked his head up

"and what is his sentence?" asked Sarutobi

"Should he choose to accept, he will be put on a 6 month probationary period, after which he will be added to the roster of Leaf Shinobi at the level of jonin" stated Naruto, Zabuza was in complete shock 'a chance to start over?'

"and if he doesn't accept?"

"i'll kill him right now" stated a bored Naruto as he turned to Zabuza

"I-I accept...but i have no money... and no place to live" said a still shocked Zabuza

"you can live in my compound, like Kakashi does" stated Naruto

"perfect!' stated Sarutobi "i'll draw up the papers and you can sign them tomorrow"

"I can't thank you enough" said a very happy Zabuza

"yea, yea, lets get going, i want to get home and relax" said a bored Naruto as he walked over to the window 'you're all welcome to join me" as he took off towards the monument, Sasuke and Ino left through the door and motioned Zabuza to follow them. Kakashi stayed behind

"What is it Kakashi?" asked Sarutobi

"i wish to enter my team in the Chunin Exams" stated Kakashi

"i thought you'd never ask" smilled the old Kage


(whew, my longest chapter ever, try not to get use 2 it)

(just warning you now, everything in the Chunin exams that doesn't involve team 7 will be canon, but there will be a few twists)

(Sarutobi let Naruto decide on Zabuza because he is grooming Naruto to be hokage)

(yes, Haku died, deal with it)

(Zabuza will end up being one of your favorite characters)

(Kakashi is going to have some REALLY perverted moments from here on out)

(do i make Zabuza a jonin sensei? i just think it would be hilarious for him to train a group of genin)