This is from the episode haunted. Raven sees flashes of Robin's mind but I think that we need to see what she saw at a slower pace.


Raven entered Robins mind. It was a twisted mess, one of the most complicated minds that she had ever seen.

The first thing Raven saw was everything Robin knew about Slade. There were so many emotions circling his thoughts about this one man.

Confusion and hate were the main emotions.

"We are very alike Robin." Came the horrid voice of Slade somewhere in Robin's mind.

"We are nothing alike!" Came a cried response.

The next thing Raven saw was Robin dressed up as Slade's apprentice. She could see the nanotechnology flowing through her veins on the screen. It made her shiver at the thought.

"Maybe one day you may come to think of me as a father." Slade said as he circled Robin.

Fury radiated of the teenager.

"I already have a father!" Robin responded bitterly. That shocked Raven. She had never known very much about the Boy Wonder let alone his family and connections.

Raven recognised the next image. It was the fight that the team had had against Robin on Wayne Enterprise. There was a flurry of guilt around this scene. At first Raven suspected it was because Robin was attacking his friends and then she heard his thoughts.

"Please forgive me Bruce." Robin thought as he threw Beastboy into the letter A.

Wait! By Bruce did he mean Bruce Wayne? She would just have to find out.

Raven allowed herself to be pulled along by the flow of thoughts as they led her down Robin's history.

Raven blinked and then found herself on a dark and gloomy rooftop.

"No!" came a shout from the dark, "I will no longer be treated as a child."

Robin stormed out of the cover of the shadows.

"I'm not treating you like a child." came a monotone voice in the shadows, "I'm treating you how you should be treated if you make such simple mistakes."

"No you're not!" Robin cried turning around, "I never hear 'well done Robin' or 'good job' or anything when I do things right. I only get criticised when I do even the smallest thing wrong!"

A tall man surrounded by a black cape stepped into the light. Batman.

"The smallest thing could get you killed." Batman said raising his voice.

"What do you care? You're not even family!" Robin screamed and then ran off.

Raven felt a huge pang of guilt as soon as those words came out. The guilt was being emitted from Robin but Raven knew that if she could feel the Dark Knight's emotions it would have been pain and sadness.

Next Raven saw a large school. It was all clean and everything looked new although it was probably just well kept.

A small boy walked into view. It was Robin but he had no mask on or anything. He stopped and waved back to a posh car in front of the school. The window of the passenger seat at the back rolled down and a smiling Bruce Wayne waved back.

Raven put the pieces together. This was a memory from Robin when he was about ten or eleven. He was in the care of Bruce Wayne making him Richard Grayson!

The car drove of and the boy trudged forward. He kept to himself and looked at his shoes. They seemed much more interesting to Richard then the boys that started surrounding him. Richard walked straight into one of them and fell back.

"Look what we've got here boys." the taller boy said.

"Little nerd boy!" cried another.

"Did your daddy have to beg to get you moved up a few years?" a short stubby boy asked with a smirk.

"Of course not!" said another, "he practically owns the school. He just needed to say the word and little Dickie boy got moved up."

"Are you sure I didn't just get moved up because I'm much smarter than you? With your knowledge I'm surprised you haven't moved down." Dick said in response.

The older boys were outraged. The one Dick had bumped into was the leader Raven guessed. He pulled his arm back and swung a punch which Dick dodged. Dick slid under the other boy's arm and ran away from the group.

He started running away from the school, the older boys in close pursuit. Dick ran into an alleyway just to be cornered by the older boys.

"Wrong move Grayson!" the leader shouted. The six boys started advancing on him. One of the bigger boys laid a punch on Dick and then another.

Raven ran up to try and help Dick but her arm just went straight through everyone. Just then there was the screech of a car. Next Bruce Wayne came running down the alleyway shouting at the bullies. The bullies tried to run past Bruce and out of the alleyway but were stopped by an old gentleman who tripped them all up without breaking sweat.

"Dick, are you ok?" Bruce said with great concern.

"I'm fine." the boy mumbled.

"Why didn't you defend yourself?"

"I don't want them to figure out who I am." Dick said. A small tear trickled down his cheek. Raven felt a rush of embarrassment and weakness throughout the scene. It was obvious that Bruce was trying, and failing, to hide a soft smile.

"Come on. Let's go home and Alfred can make you some cookies and hot chocolate." Bruce said standing up and offering a hand to the child. Dick smiled and took the hand.

"What about school?" he asked innocently.

"Don't worry about it." Bruce said with a sly grin.

Together they walked over to the car, both climbed over the unconscious bodies of the bullies and Alfred sat in the car waiting patiently.

"The police have been informed that a group of youths are unconscious outside the alleyway." Alfred said as his wards climbed into the car.

"And what did you tell them was the cause of them being unconscious?" Bruce asked with a cheeky grin.

"Batman." the butler said innocently.

"What happens when the boys say that it was you who did it?" Bruce asked curiously.

"Why sir, how could you believe that an old, weak man such as myself, would be capable of such actions? And to children! How absurd!" Alfred mocked.

As Alfred drove off Dick curled next to Bruce and muttered, "I love you dad" and fell asleep.

The emotion had changed dramatically in that scene.

Raven was suddenly transported into a cave. The bat cave she guessed.

Standing in a candle light was Dick around the age of eight with his hand in the air and opposite him was Bruce in the batsuit with his cowl down. He was holding out a folded Robin costume.

"... and to protect people at all cost." Dick said excitedly as he finished the oath.

"Ok you can now get changed and come out for your first patrol" Bruce said with a grin.

There were cries of joy echoing through the cave as Dick snatched the Robin costume and ran off.

"That boy has too much energy" muttered Bruce when he thought the boy was out of earshot.

Seconds later Raven was blinded by bright lights as she stood in a circus tent. When she looked up she could see a family of three waving at the crowd below. There were loud cheers as everyone clapped to the family. Raven could see little Dick in the middle of his parent. The mood here was vibrant. There was so much excitement and happiness. Raven watched as the man jumped at grabbed onto a poll and swung along. Moments later the man was joined by his wife. They swung about and did amazing tricks, they flipped and twirled. They were practically flying. Dick looked like he was ready to jump when his mother started heading back towards him. There was a loud SNAP and a cry and the couple started falling to the ground.

The scene was silent. The atmosphere changed in a split second to complete and utter horror it made her shiver. Raven looked at the stands around her. She could see the commotion of those around her. She saw people weeping. She saw as the couple hit the ground. The smack on the ground was the only noise to be heard. Then weeping coming from Dick Grayson. Even with all the commotion below there was no other noise.

"Let me see Slade through your eyes" she said to Robin in his mind. Just then Slade came from out of nowhere and hit Robin. The punch hurt but Raven's mind was still filled with the silence and the sob of the circus tent.

She and Robin now had a connection. She knew everything about the boy wonder. She understood him!