Author's Note: Hello again! BlueberryTeaLove here again! And here I am starting another series..hopefully this won't be too long..I do have other things that I'm still writing..Like how I'm currently in the middle of writing Chapter 6 for the Captain's Jewel. Anyway, this one is a Russia x Reader story based on the song "Check Yes Juliet" by We The Kings. It's my first long Russia x Reader story so I apologize in advance if Russia seems OOC...*sigh* This is also dedicated to a friend of mine who LOVES Russia to bits~ Hehe anyway enjoy guys~

Hetalia by Hidekaz Himaruya

Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings

You by You

Run Sunflower Run!

Check, yes Juliet, are you with me?

Rain is falling down on the sidewalk

I won't go until you come outside

Pitter patter. The sound of the rain lightly tapping onto the window pane is soft as you lay on your bed; headphones on and music blasting in your ears isolating you from the world. You shut your eyelids as the lyrics from the song register into your brain; creating a story as you did so. You continued to lay on your bed in complete isolation, but immediately jumped as your headphones were ripped off your head. An angry voice filled your ears instead of your loud music,
"Aiyah! You're still up here [Name]? I told you to go downstairs and finish your chores and you completely ignore me again aru!" Your step-father; Yao Wang huffed as he took your iPod from your hands and turned it off. He set it onto your night stand before looking into your irritated face before sighing. "I know you don't really like me now [Name], but at least respect what I have to say to you. If it weren't for me you would be in an orphanage."

You pout, it was just like Yao to remind you of the accident that killed your parents years ago, and you were only seven at the time. You were on your way home from school that day when you found your house burning and fire engines surrounding the area. Apparently there was an accident with the stove which set fire to the whole kitchen and soon engulfed the whole of the house. Both of your parents were home at that time and you soon heard from a fire fighter that your parents didn't survive the flames. That was when your uncle Wang Yao took you in as his own daughter, despite already having four kids. You sigh knowing that you were grateful for what he did; you knew that living with Yao and his children was a better option than living in an orphanage.

You smile, getting up from your bed and you made your way downstairs.
"Sorry father," you say, "I'll go do it right away." As you walk you hear Yao sigh. You couldn't help but chuckle.
"Ah, [Name]-chan, there you are. Father was looking for you earlier." You turn around to see your elder step-brother Kiku holding a large manga magazine in his arms.
"I know," you reply; pointing to your room where Yao walked out as if on cue. Yao glanced at you and Kiku before smiling,
"Dinner is at eight. Don't be late aru." He says before proceeding downstairs.

Both you and Kiku nod before the two of you make your own separate ways; you downstairs and Kiku to his room. As you make your way down the stairs you walk past the hallway leading to the front door you notice a figure standing outside on the pathway leading to your front door from the window. The figure stood as if it were a statue without an umbrella, you sigh knowing all to well who the figure is.

Check, yes Juliet, kill the limbo

I'll keep tossing rocks at your window

There's no turning back for us tonight

It was already past midnight and you groan into your pillow. The figure that was standing outside had made their way to the spot under your window and was throwing rocks at the pane. By this time you've noticed that rain had slowly begun to die down, it was still raining but it was not as bad as earlier. You sigh as you continue to listen to the rain and the rocks bouncing off your window pane. It was a mystery to you when you noticed that the rocks never broke the window, nor did it wake anyone else up in your house. You toss and turn but then freeze as you heard the sound of the rocks stop completely. It was silent for a while and you took this silence to your advantage by drifting off to sleep as best as you could.

Buzz buzz, you groan once again as you felt your cell phone vibrate from beside your pillow. You made a mental note to leave your phone off next time you go to bed. You rub your eyes as you sat up and picked up your phone; it was a text message:

'Join me for a night walk da?'

You smiled at the message; it was your boyfriend. The very man that was standing outside of your house at that moment, the very man that you loved to death despite how he would stalk you at random times of the day. You sighed happily as you recognized the lyrics that he had sent you. Immediately you toss back the covers and changed out of your pyjamas. As soon as you were appropriately dressed, you slowly opened the door and snuck out onto the corridor. Checking to make sure everyone was silent and asleep in their rooms; you quietly made your way downstairs with excitement burning in your body. You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle but you immediately slapped a hand over your mouth when you hear footsteps coming from the kitchen.

"[Name] jie jie*? Where are you going?" spoke a soft voice. Despite the darkness you immediately knew who it was; Kaoru, your younger step-brother. You look to the direction to where the voice came from and you sigh,
"I'm just going for a walk Kaoru." You say, luckily you have gone on many night walks before. Kaoru nods and makes his way upstairs to his room.
"Be careful jie jie." He says. As soon as the door to his room closes you let out a deep sigh. For a moment you had thought that you were going to get caught sneaking out by yourself again. Yao had always warned you not to go out late at night so often especially alone, even though you were already old enough to know better so to speak. He would usually advise that you took Kiku with you, which was nice in a way but you felt that you needed time to yourself more often so it was rare for you to ask Kiku to join you.

Lace up your shoes

Here's how we do

You carefully open the front door and closed it quietly; locking it with a key.
"I knew you were going to come out at some point sunflower." Cooed a voice. Sticking the key in your pocket you turned to see your beloved boyfriend Ivan Braginski standing behind you. You almost jump in shock when you realize that he wasn't in front of your door when you opened it earlier. You sighed as you calmed yourself down.
"You can be quite persistent Ivan." You say. Ivan chuckles,
"Only for you sunflower." He says. You smile at the nickname he gave you. You knew Ivan loves Sunflowers and it filled you with absolute joy when he named you after something that he loves, besides Vodka but you felt that 'Vodka' as a nickname seemed highly inappropriate. Ivan gives you a soft smile before taking your hand in his,
"Shall we go then, my lovely [Name]?" he asks. You nod and he gently pulls you away from your house and into the drizzling night.

You hold onto his arm and cuddle up against him in pure bliss,
"Ivan?" you ask. Ivan pulls you closer to him,
"Da?" You giggle at how cute you thought he sounded.
"You love me right?" You already knew your answer, but something inside of you made you ask him.
"Of course I do!" he exclaims happily, giving you a sweet kiss on your forehead. At that moment you knew that you and Ivan were meant to be together. Unfortunately you didn't realize what kinds of obstacles were awaiting you in the future.

Run, baby, run, don't ever look back

They'll tear us apart

If you give them the chance

Don't sell your heart

Don't say we're not meant to be

Run, baby, run, forever we'll be you and me