Thanks for continuing to read this story, for all the reviews/follows/faves. For reviewers (w/accounts I could reply to), I hope you received and enjoyed the treat in your inbox as a token of appreciation. If I missed anyone, please let me know.

Sorry to have kept y'all waiting. I didn't expect to take this long to update, but alas, life's twists and turns and interruptions... Anyway, to make it up to y'all, here's the longest chapter yet! (No beta this time. I may have gone cross-eyed from looking this over and over myself, so pardon any goofs.)

A quick recap of prior events:

Rachel and Ivy finally went on their First Date. Ivy white-wined and dined Rachel at a fabulous restaurant and took her for a stroll in the gardens, and sealed the romantic evening with a kiss. They rode roller coasters, made out some more, then went back home and... well, hopefully that jogged your memory. ;)

Pool Table For Two

by Athena, a.k.a. il0vesunfl0wers




The word barely made a sound, but Ivy heard it, for her eyes darkened further, if that was even possible. She caressed my lips with her thumb, her breaths shallow. Her hands were shaking as her fingers caressed my cheeks, my jaw. Her other hand threaded through my hair, clenching and unclenching.

"I want you," Ivy rasped against my lips, then kissed me again with such tender longing that I felt it all the way to my bones. "Want you." Kiss. "I want you."

This was it, the moment of truth.

Part 7

Feeling light headed, I leaned against Ivy's temple and sighed. Three words and I felt lost. Lost in a haze of lust. But I knew that those three words meant more to Ivy than simply to satiate lust. From the very start, she held herself back from satisfying her desires for fear of being spurned. I held myself back because I did not feel deserving of such devotion, and I was afraid that I would not be worth it. She deserved better, deserved so much more than I could give.

And now...

I could not imagine my life without her. Now that I've had a taste of what I had been missing, for the life of me, how could I say no? No, this was not just about lust. I knew now, more than ever, that what she wanted was to know that I wanted her, too. Oh yes, I wanted all of her—mind, body and soul.

I took a couple of deep, calming breaths and closed my eyes. For the first time—the best time—my heart and mind were in sync. Slowly, I nodded once, twice. I couldn't speak, but I had to try. Ivy had waited long enough.

"Yes." It was a sound that barely spilled from my lips, but I knew that she heard it, that one word, just one syllable, for her arms slowly coiled around me, her willing prey. "Touch me," I breathed in her ear. There was no turning back. At long last, I surrendered to my own desire. Let it burn. "Take me, Ivy."

Her hands gripped the flesh of my back as she shuddered against my body. Her head nestled against my shoulder, and after a moment I heard her take a deep breath. Her hands gentled as a long exhalation escaped her lips. I barely heard her whisper, "Thank you."

I sighed, melting into her embrace as she held me for a moment longer. Her cheek brushed mine, nuzzling me like a big cat. A cat oozing with sensuality, tempered by sweet affection. It made me feel all gooey inside. And, um, outside. Down south, in fact. I couldn't believe just how horny I was feeling again for this woman. Good lord...

Ivy rocked into motion. She kissed my cheek, my temple, and planted random, lingering kisses along my face as she led me backwards. I felt like my lips were playing cat and mouse with hers. Dammit, I wanted mouth-to-mouth! We bumped against the couch just as my lips finally claimed hers. Before I could topple backwards, with vamp speed, she reversed our positions, so I ended up straddling her on the couch. I gasped at the sudden impact, mainly because I landed into a whole load of softness. Her boobs were like airbags, sexy and proud, and on my way down my hands had gone straight for them by... accident? Oh, who was I kidding? My face wouldn't have minded plowing into them!

Finally, I managed to tear my eyes away and looked up. I felt my entire face heat up when I saw her smirking. Her eyes drifted to where my hands still were, then back up into my eyes. Her brow raised, eyes glinting with mischief.

"Nice landing there, captain," she quipped, then she hauled me up and our mouths crashed. Glorious breasts momentarily forgotten, my arms wrapped around her neck. Our tongues tangled with mounting urgency. I felt heady, tingling all over, suddenly drunk with power on top of her like this, wanting to touch her everywhere I could reach. Ivy groaned into my mouth. Her hands traveled down my back and over my rear. I moaned as she squeezed me, and I ground myself against her. At this rate, the way we were kissing and pawing at each other, we'd never make it to bed, which I hoped was where we were headed. Like, any minute now. I'd have yelled if I weren't so busy sucking on her tongue. For our first time, I wanted her naked and panting in the comfort of a nice, big bed. I didn't care whose as long as we got to roll around on it. On second thought, her bed is bigger. Size does matter.

As if she heard my libidinous thoughts, Ivy cradled my rear and stood in one fluid motion. My arms and legs wrapped around her in delight. A fabulous multitasker, Ivy thrilled me with every kiss as she padded towards the hallway that led to our bedrooms.

"Umph!" My back collided against a hard surface.

"Sorry," she mumbled against my lips.

I was dazed with want, yet somehow I managed to feel her fumbling till she found the doorjamb and squeezed it open. Then she swept me up in her arms bridal style, just like she had yesterday, and just like then, my heart fluttered. I flashed a lopsided grin at her. "I love it when you do that."

"I noticed."

I clutched her shoulder. The look she gave me sent a rush of heat flooding down my chest. I suddenly wanted to do naughty, kinky, sinful things to little Miss Vampy Spice, like rip her top off, tie her up, nibble on the scars on her neck and clamp my teeth down till her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Oh yes.

It was dark, but I could tell that we were now in her bedroom, thank God. I had left my room in shambles earlier in my attempts to make myself look pretty for her, so her room was obviously the better choice. It even smelled like Ivy, a scent I found more and more arousing.

Ivy set me down smoothly on her bed, which still smelled of ash mixed with redwood from this morning. I latched onto her. I didn't want to be parted from her, not when things were getting hot and heavy. I wanted to meld with her, and then it occurred to me... celebrating our union (finally!) would be best if done in our birthday suits. Duh! With a Cheshire grin, I rolled on top of Miss Tall-Dark-and-Drop-Dead-Gorgeous.

"Like it on top, don't you?" She smiled. So sexy.

"Uh-huh. There's a nice view." I winked at her, then let my eyes roam down her body. "I bet it gets much nicer than this."

"Yeah? Like how?"

"Well, for starters, you can take off your clothes."

"Or I can take yours off first."

"If you insist. Either way works for me."

Chuckling, Ivy pushed up into a sitting position, so I found myself straddling her once more. I guess I really did like being on top. The way she looked at me and growled, I thought she'd be ripping my shirt off at any second. Instead, her hands crawled underneath and squeezed my burning flesh, traveling north like a tourist seeking the best adult entertainment in town. The hem of my shirt bunched and rode up, but her eyes never left mine. I groaned when her hands cupped my bra-clad breasts. My nipples tightened painfully as she gently massaged my breasts, then resumed her mission. I raised my arms eagerly so she could finally remove my damned blouse. Once free, Ivy went completely still as she studied my chest.

"Rachellllll," she purred, deep and throaty.

Oh my. My name had never sounded so racy! I was suddenly grateful to be wearing the frilliest pair of lingerie I owned—cream colored with tiers of ruffles, which I thought added dimension to my rather modestly sized breasts. The strapless bra had padded cups, adding a nice little boost so I could actually have a bit of cleavage. It even had a dainty little red bow at the front clasp. If it could talk, it would scream, "Happy Sexytime! Now open me!"

"Mmm, sassy. Very you." Ivy's throat rumbled in appreciation. She traced the layers and edges with her fingertips, licking her lips, making me throb, and I hissed when her fingertips traced a path up where a strap would have been, where she caressed my collarbone and bare shoulder. I shivered with anticipation at the hunger clearly painted on her face. Still, Ivy just kept staring, even as I silently willed her hands to resume groping me, or start stripping me. Or both. Hey, I'm not picky. Still, nothing. I sighed. It was time to take matters into my own hands. I slipped them under Ivy's top, and just as I was about to scope out her lingerie, Ivy suddenly grabbed my wrists.


"I..." Her mouth opened and closed time and again. Her head lowered as body seemed to deflate, and her hands relaxed on my wrists. "It's just..."

I gently tilted her chin up. She resisted at first, but I managed to get her to look at me. Her brows were twitching a bit as if fighting a frown. Darkened eyes welled up, and rings of brown gradually returned to her pupils. Awww, crap.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I..." Ivy drew a deep breath and mumbled, "Are you... this... I..." She swallowed hard. "Do you really want this?"

I sat there, dumbfounded, blinking and staring at her. Hey, my hormones were going 90 miles per hour and suddenly had to screech to a halt, so sue me! "Wha... What?"

She cradled my face in her hands and caressed my cheeks with her thumbs. "I just..." She swallowed, voice trembling. "I need you to be sure. I need to know that this isn't the champagne—"

"Ivy." I leaned towards her. My hands roamed up her torso and gripped her top. "I couldn't be more sure about this." I took her hand and placed it over my heart. "Do you feel that?" I murmured, "That's all because of you."

Her eyelids fluttered closed as she took a shuddering breath. A single tear made its way down her cheek. My heart filled with such tenderness. I cupped her cheek and pressed my lips softly, kissing the tear away.

"Besides..." Looking deeply into her eyes, still clutching her hand, I let it descend till she cupped me between my legs. "That's because of you, too," I whispered. I was drenched, and judging from the groan that followed, I was pretty sure she could feel more than just the heat from the furnace between my thighs. "I want you, Ivy. And not because I'm smashed. I. Want. You," I decreed with lingering kisses. "Naked." Kiss. "Sweaty." Kiss. "Did I say naked?"

Her face brightened, and I couldn't help but mirror her happiness. "You're so beautiful," Ivy whispered fervently. She took another deep breath. "I... want to savor every minute of this. With you."

I felt flushed. Exposed. And she hasn't even taken off all my damned clothes! Who knew that lust could mix with such fondness like this? Why did she have to be such a sweetheart when really she ought to be getting me all nekkid and screwing me like I've never been screwed before? I felt like grabbing her shoulders, shaking her and screaming, Someone needs a fucking crash course in Lesbian Sex 101 right now, hellooo! But then... in the haze, it dawned on me that her hesitation was making me doubt myself. I wondered if she felt even an ounce of the nervousness I was feeling, which had started to creep in the longer I sat and waited.

"You do realize," I said, my mouth slanting into a lopsided smile, "that lack of action means I have more time to think. You know how that goes." Ivy barked a laugh. "And if you don't do something about it real soon, so help me, I'm going stake you. Got that?"

Her eyes smoldered as her pupils expanded. Her irises were now completely black like coals with glowing embers, igniting my skin as they roamed over my body and drank me in. "Don't worry, dear heart. You'll be getting plenty of action, I promise you."

Ohhhh yeahhhh. Vulnerable Ivy went bye bye. Exit stage left. Vampy Spice returned to stay. (Hmm, would I be Witchy Spice or Horny Spice?) Her words and silken voice alone could make what clothes I had left burn up like parchment, but instead of being scorched, my body sizzled.

I stared at luscious lips and willed them to come closer. Woot, it worked! She leaned in and took hold of my hips, while my arms snaked around her neck. Her arms enveloped me, and I moaned when Ivy's lips finally brushed against mine. So soft. Our tongues tangled. My body quivered in her arms. Heat shot straight down to my loins and flared. Hot damn. Let there be more tangling ASAP!

"Ohhh, Rachel," Ivy rasped, pulling back slightly. "You're driving me crazy."

"Me? You're driving me crazy!"

"Good. I'm going to rock your world, trust me."

"You're all talk, Tamwood." My brows raised in challenge. "Prove it."

Her lips latched onto the crook of my neck and I hissed. She lit a trail of fire down the column of my throat, dipped her tongue into the hollow. In the back of my mind, I barely—if at all—detected a blast of pheromones, which tended to flood my senses whenever she would stimulate my scars, but this was all Ivy. Well, and hormones from this witch in heat, duh, now raging more than ever. I had always found her erotic and alluring, and now I couldn't refuse her even if I tried. Why would I when I'd rather succumb to her charms? Carnal. White hot. Fuck yeah, bring it on!

Her hands caressed me from my neck to my bare shoulders, then traveled down to cup my frill-covered breasts, eliciting a whimper as she squeezed them delicately. She rained butterfly kisses on the tops of my breasts and along the edge of my bra as it curved diagonally toward the front clasp. Ivy took her time tracing my skin with her tongue, starting first with one breast. She dipped her tongue down the valley and up the other slope. Then she pulled the edge of one bra cup down with her teeth to reveal an aching nipple, which puckered further as her teeth brushed against it.


She smiled wickedly as she flicked it once, twice, then the flat of her tongue lapped my granite-hard nipple in lazy strokes. "Mmm, tasty."

"Fuuuuuck, that feels good!"

I felt her smile against my breast as she licked her way slowly towards the clasp. Her teeth unclasped my strapless bra, and I arched eagerly as it fell off to free my breasts. Ivy took a moment to survey her prize. "Gorgeous."

I was pretty sure that mine couldn't compare to what was undoubtedly a magnificent pair in front of me, but I lost my train of thought when Ivy's hands touched my naked breasts for the first time. Whimpering, I squeezed her shoulders, desperately wanting her mouth on two particular points of interest. I didn't care where she started the tour as long as she got there.

Ivy kissed a burning path along my flesh. Her tongue darted on my nipple and traced the areola. Bullseye! She wrapped her mouth around it, purring, and I groaned as she nibbled lightly, licking and kissing it to the sound of my mewls.

"Ohhh!" My head fell back. My skin never felt so alive, glorying in the heat of Ivy's lips and tongue. The woman was an artist, the way her tongue flicked and swept in circles like brush strokes, swishing and swirling around my nipples and all over my flesh. Then finally one nipple disappeared entirely into Ivy's hot, wet mouth, molding it even as her tongue flicked from within and suckled. "Ivyyyy... so good!" In fact, she was better than anyone at this. Guys never spent this much time on my girls, as if they were some part of a pre-flight checklist they needed to tweak until all systems were go. Ivy made love to my breasts. She savored, not just sampled them. My back arched to offer more of myself to her, and I wrapped my arms around her neck. "Yesss!"

Ivy took me in deeper, sucking wildly now, her hands molding the flesh of my back to bring me even closer. She released my nipple, but her lips lingered on the tingling, swollen bud. "You taste heavenly." Then she lapped it up and suckled in between words. "I love... doing this to you... I've dreamed... of doing just this..." I think I saw stars. "Of making you writhe... desperate for more."

I groaned, the sound wrenched from my throat. I clutched her head to me, writhing indeed as she nipped and licked and sucked, delirious and hungry for the promise of more.

She pulled on my pebbled flesh and released it with a pop. She glanced up, eyes hooded and smoky, her pupils impossibly dark. With one last lick, she headed for my other breast, taking her time as she blazed a path toward the valley, nuzzled her face against it, ran her tongue thickly across, then commenced kissing and licking the perimeter. "Mmm, this one's more sensitive," Ivy remarked when she found my other nipple, pleased to hear my sharp intake of breath. I could feel her grinning against my flesh. I whimpered when Ivy blew warm breath against it.

"Ohhh, God. Ivyyyy!" I moaned, losing my breath, my mind. She dragged her tongue along, flat and thick, moist and hot, and lavished my nipple with plenty of love. "Ahhh!"

"Delicious!" Ivy suckled. Her purring, slurping sounds shot lightning bolts to my loins. How I ached for her! I felt my juices flow, soaking my panties as I ground against her. Her tongue swirled round and round till it finally closed in again. Dear God, her mouth was like an inferno as it engulfed me. Her tongue flicked my nipple once, twice, laved it up and down, and swirled around the areola with agonizing slowness. I trembled as she suckled again, and I moaned in sync with her.

Total mind destruction in T minus sex seconds, guhhhh!

As much as I loved her attentions, I needed to feel her bare skin. Grasping the hem of her blouse, I tried to telegraph my desire, but Ivy wouldn't budge, content in her sweet torment of my person. I struggled to push up her blouse till finally I managed to slip it off her head and arms. I flung it off in triumph, not caring where it landed. I gazed in awe at the sight of her bra-clad breasts, the tops teasing my hungry eyes. I knew it! They looked absolutely divine. My mouth watered as I cupped them gently. Exquisite! Low-cut, satin and lace, utterly sexy, and as much as I loved her bra, it was in my way. Screw breast-envy. I'd rather screw Ivy!

"My, aren't we in a rush?" she chuckled, deep and husky, grasping my wrists that were heading eagerly for the clasp on her back.

"You. Naked. Nowwww!"

"I don't think so." She flashed a toothy smile at me. I felt like I would faint if not for the jolt of lust that had me gasping again as her mouth descended on the breast she'd been tending. "I like this spot just fine. Mmmmm."

"Oh, God."

"Ivy will do, thank you."

I barked a laugh, then whimpered when she licked me again. "You really like my boobs, huh?"

"Mm-hmm. What's not to like?" she mumbled against the bud and swiped her lips across it.

"I'm glad." I shivered. "Since there ain't much."

"I luv'm. R' pfffect."

I snorted. "Flattery will get you nowhere when you haven't even gotten into my pants yet."

Her mouth vibrated as she chuckled against my breast and I moaned as she suckled. "Well, if you insist..."

Jesus H. Christ! This woman...

Her hands crawled in what little space was left between our bodies. So I scooted back eagerly. Expert fingers unbuckled my belt and soon enough, she popped the button free. I sighed, silently thanking every deity in existence, then shrieked as I tumbled backwards on the bed.

She grinned wickedly above me, then kissed me. Hard. But not for long. She kissed my jaw, suckled my earlobe. My eyes rolled back and I bared my neck for her to plunder. She kissed and licked her way down the side without scars, suckled the skin there, and raked her fangs gently along my shoulder.

"Ahh!" My neck and back bowed in pleasure.

She didn't stop, thank the gods, till she arrived once more at two hot buttons I was ever so grateful to have. She suckled my nipples almost savagely this time, and I cried out. Her fangs grazed lightly. I screamed in delight.

Warm air puffed against me. Her eyes twinkled as she glanced at me. "Such a screamer. I love it."

"Ivy, if you don't take off my pa—"

At once the zipper slid down with a harsh sound. "What, this?" I really shouldn't have worried. Ivy tugged my jeans down my thighs and squeezed my ass, raking her nails up to the small of my back. I hissed as my back arched.

"Ohhh, yes!" But then she stopped. My head rose with a mixture of surprise and disappointment. And annoyance. "Hey!"

She bit her lip, fangs and eyes glinting. Evil bitch! Then she kissed the underside of my breasts, roaming down, down. My pants followed suit, so I forgave her. My head collapsed on the pillow with a loud poof. At last the denim was at my ankles, but it was so tight that we ended up doing an uncoordinated wiggle-dance just to get them off.

"Woman, you need stretchy jeans."

I glared at her. "Less talk. More naked."

"So demanding!"

"I'm the dominant, remember? Get used to it."

Ivy's brows shot up, practically touching her hairline. Ah, crap. I shouldn't have said that. Who knew what mischief now lurked behind that dangerous glint in her eyes? Hoping that she wouldn't make me pay for my insolence, I asked, "Well? What are you waiting for?" Fuck, I'd meant to ask enticingly, but I was dying for her and I wanted us to be insta-naked nowwww! Or maybe I just wanted to back up my claim and hoped that she'd actually act submissive, or possibly just piss her off that she'd retaliate by ripping everything else off. Ah hell, I wouldn't know. I said and did things without thinking, remember?

Her eyes narrowed and darted down to my panties. She hooked her thumb on her bra strap, stretching it juuuust a bit. Wench. "You, of course."

"Huh?" Stupendous come back, I know.

"I can't be the only one doing all the work, hmm?"

"All you had to do was ask."

"You. Naked. Nowww," Ivy mocked. She scooted down the edge of the bed and stood, hands on hips.

Laughing, I sat up and crawled towards her, slowing down at the last minute for maximum effect. Eagerly I reached for her belt, unfastened it, then slid it off the belt hoops. She yelped when I cracked it like a whip. Hee. I bit my lip as I eagerly popped the first button on top.

"Jeez, how many of these are there?" I whined.

"Less talk. More naked."

I rolled my eyes at her. Well alright, despite my impatience, buttons were a lot sexier than zippers. "Aha!" Triumphantly, I yanked her jeans down, which went down a lot smoother since (surprise, surprise) it was stretchy. She was the smart one, obviously.

I held my breath as I stared at her. Ivy wore a pair of crimson and black, satin and lace panties, and she wore it oh so well. She could have been wearing a fig leaf for all I cared, but hot damn, the woman had great taste in underwear. It was true, what they said, that a woman's power stemmed from the bra and panties she wore underneath. This woman had a lot of power. Ivy oozed sex appeal, and I had to admit that I'd been dying to find out what she wore underneath this entire time.

I had never seen another woman so intimately like this. Sure, gorgeous, scantily clad eye candies abound on TV, magazines, and billboards, but none of them could possibly compare to this woman. I suddenly wanted to conjure up a runway just so she could model for me, but then that would mean she'd have to walk away. Oh, hellllll no. I needed to touch!

Note to self: Get Ivy to model her lingerie collection for me later. Oh, and learn how to conjure sexy stuff like runways.

I'm the witch-slash-demon, but she had me wrapped under her spell, which was probably tucked away somewhere inside those super sexy panties. But as much as I admired her lingerie, her shapely legs and other God given gifts, I wasn't done with my mission, dammit. So I reached for her bra, but she practically shoved me down on the bed!

"Ah-ah-ah!" Ivy wagged her finger at me. My jaw dropped as she crossed her arms to conceal her boobies, damn her. "No peeking."

"Why not?" I whined.

"We need a little suspense, a little mystery."

"No, we don't." I sat up, er, I tried to, but she pushed me down again, this time not so roughly.

"Yes, we do." She smirked. "I thought you lived for excitement?"

"Welllll... that's true. I want to get on this really awesome ride with you. Like, right now." Ivy laughed. "Hey, this ain't funny. I'm serious." I leaned back on my elbows, my eyes feasting on her body, and believe me, it wasn't merely for the sake of aesthetic appreciation. This woman ain't no statue, but she was certainly a priceless work of art and definitely needed to get naked real soon so I could fully appreciate her, um, aesthetics. Yeah. I stared at her bountiful breasts framed by lace and satin. "You don't like to be strapped. I'm just be trying to be helpful here."

She shook her head, rolling her eyes. "All right, then sit back and relax."

Beaming, I did as told, my hands settling on either side of me, back ramrod straight as I waited for my prize at the edge of the bed. Ivy bent down, spread my legs, and winked at me. Ohhh yeahhh. I do live for excitement. She was right all along. But then she turned around. Gah!

Ivy began to swing her hips to a song that only she could hear. I imagined it was Paula Cole's "Feelin' Love". Very fitting, and I could just hear Paula moaning out, "You make me feeeeel like the Amazon's running between my thiiighs." Exactly. Like a river, or maybe a waterfall, sheesh. Or maybe she was swaying to Madonna's "Justify My Love". As in, Ivy had better justify why the hell it was taking so damn long to get some hot lovin', goddammit.

Although... it looked like Ivy wanted to express her reasons via a strip show... Oh, alrighty then. No arguments here, no sir! The way her hips were swaying, Ivy might as well have been holding a watch dangling from a chain and swinging it like a pendulum. She could make me do any damn thing right now if she told me to, like dance like a chicken or bark like a dog, tail wagging furiously like a bitch in heat.

Her hips undulated in circular motions. Her fingers splayed over her thighs, spreading outward as she dipped to the ground, and then slowly pushed her buns of steel towards me. Oh, my heart… My hand flew to my chest. Oh good. Still beating, whew! When she straightened back up, she swung her body around. Her fingers splayed on her sides and travelled up to her chest, cupping her bra-clad breasts with a saucy wink. She undulated towards me till my face was just inches away from her lovely flesh, and she dipped low enough for my nose to brush against her cleavage. Grinning up at her, I dove in and nuzzled my face against the heavenly softness. So that's what it feels like. No wonder guys loved doing that! Ivy jiggled her boobs, making me laugh even as I pressed my face ever closer. She crawled on top of my thighs and straddled me.

"Ooh, my first lap dance."

Ivy smiled. "First one's free."

"Oh? How much does it usually cost?"

"An arm and a leg," she said as she kissed my nose, and I rolled my eyes at her cheeky grin. "Baby, you wouldn't be able to afford me, but I'm sure we can work out a payment plan."

I shivered as I imagined what would entail this 'payment plan' of hers. I hoped it involved a naked massage or me washing her entire luscious body. A tongue bath may be a little advanced with my lack of girl-on-girl experience, but I'd always been a quick learner, especially with juuuust a bit of hands-on training.

As Ivy's body shimmied against my front, my hands latched onto her back like heat-seeking missiles out to find Weapons of Mind Destruction. Those Tamwood WMD's, I tell ya, they'd mess you up for good if you weren't careful. I massaged and caressed her back, going lower till my hands were filled with her rear. God, they were so tight and round, yet soft and supple, and they clenched when I squeezed them.

She pulled back when I reached for her bra clasp. Damn, I thought she was distracted! I missed my chance again! Sigh. She got up and off the bed, dammit, but at least I got an eyeful of her satin and lace covered booty. My mouth went dry. Yeah, that's what happens when your jaw hangs wide open and you start hyperventilating. She started swaying her hips in circular motions again, slowly spinning till she faced me and then turning back around. I sucked in my breath so hard I could have choked. My fingers gripped the bed till my knuckles were taut. I really loved the way her panties rested on the upper curves of her creamy, pale cheeks. Such a bountiful bootayyy!

"Is it wet in here or is it just me?" I thought deliriously, but then Ivy chuckled, low and lusty. Uh, I must have said that out loud.

"Mmm, I like the sound of that. Why don't we find out together?"

"Ivy... my God, look at you."

"Yesss, look at me. Touch me."

I grabbed her and rubbed my palms against her cheeks, traced the tops of her panties, then along the bottom edges, making her hiss. I caressed the bare flesh with my fingertips and then squeezed.

"Rachellll," Ivy moaned. She started swaying her hips again, and my eyes were glued to her bottom as they shook, jiggled, tensed and relaxed. Then with her legs spread wide, she dipped her body down till she almost touched the ground.

I groaned at the sight. And slapped her ass. Like, baaaam! Ivy moaned. My brows shot up. I grinned smugly. "Liked that, did ya?"

She looked over her shoulder at me and winked. I slapped her other butt cheek. Her face twitched in pleasure as another throaty groan escaped her throat. I filed that away under my new catalogue of Things That Make Ivy Make Ridiculously Sexy Noises. See? I can take detailed notes, too. I couldn't wait to find out what else to add to the list!

"Ivy, these are sooo sexy on you, but they're absolutely unnecessary."

"Oh? Then what do you plan to do about it?"

She only had these two last pieces of flimsy fabric to get rid of, but the minx wasn't making it easy for me to remove them. I could at least try to talk her out of them. "You mean, there's no handy switch that can make these disappear?"

"Well, there is a button, but it's inside."

I laughed as her fingers playfully dipped inside the edge of her panties. "The inventor was either really stupid or a genius. Either way, these are coming off now."

I grasped the elastic band and began to pull her panties down, inch by inch. Wow... her ass looked even better completely naked! I planted a kiss on top of each swell, earning a gasp and a whimper, and resumed peeling off her panties down her legs. Once they reached her knees, they fell to the floor. Ivy stepped out of them carefully. Being a helpful girlfriend and all, I made sure she kept her balance by grabbing her derrière. I ran my hands down the sides of her thighs and up the back to squeeze both cheeks, caressed her skin over her hips, up her sides and down her back, my palms and fingertips glorying in the sensation of silken warmth. Ivy hissed as her muscles twitched and goose bumps formed.

She sat between my legs on the bed. Apparently her lap dance was far from over.

"Where did you learn how to move like that?" I asked huskily and nipped her shoulder. She gasped, and her butt ground against my crotch. With a groan, my hands went everywhere they could reach.

"In stripper school of course."

"Let me guess," I said as I pulled aside her curtain of dark hair, nuzzling and kissing her nape, prompting more hisses and explosive sighs. Ivy molded her body against mine. "You got a Masters from Stripper U?"

"Uh-huh. It came in handy for certain missions."

"Oh, I'll bet." I knew she was joking, yet the thought sent a stab of jealousy through me. When we were I.S. partners, seduction took little effort on her part. They all lusted after her at first sight. She didn't need to release pheromones to wrap anybody around her finger. Setting this aside, I resumed our banter. "So what's your stripper name?"

"Delilah." She turned her head toward me, but before I could kiss her, her mouth simply hovered along my jaw and then nuzzled my ear, blowing a tantalizing stream of hot breath.

"Oh my." I shivered.

She took my hands from her thighs and dragged them over her waist. "Miss Ride Attendant, I'm ready for my safety inspection."

Laughing, my hands roamed eagerly over her sides, her abs, tickled the skin around her bellybutton ring, and (ooh la la!) groped her generous breasts.

"Mmm, Rachel. That feels good."

My mouth watered at the weight of her breasts. They filled my entire hands, wow! I slipped my hands beneath her bra to get a better feel. So soft. Her skin was baby smooth, mmm. Her nipples pebbled, straining against my palms as I cupped them. Ivy whimpered as she watched me rub in circles, and I loved the way the tips grazed the center of my palms.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid we'll need to loosen this up," I said seriously. "It's too tight for you."

My sexy vampire chuckled, deep and low. "You know best, I'm sure. Loosen away."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Like a teenage boy about to get laid for the very first time, my hands eagerly went to her back, about to unhook her bra, but I paused at the last second, afraid to fumble in my haste. I brightened as a sneaky thought entered my mind. My fingers slipped under the straps on her shoulder blades. She hissed as I caressed her skin with the back of my fingers and pulled on the straps, but not too much. I needed skin contact. With the pads of my fingers under the straps, I caressed my way over her shoulders and down her chest. Her breath hitched as I dipped my fingers inside the lacy cups, not quite touching the areolas.

"Yup, too tight," I whispered hotly in her ear. "We need to get these off right away."

Ivy hummed in approval, arching into my hands. I slowly slid my fingers back under the straps, skimming across her back till I reached the clasp. I held my breath as I finally unhooked it. Ivy joined me in exhaling as I parted the bra. I slid the straps slowly down her shoulders, her arms, till they gathered at her elbows. Gulping, I closed my eyes, chest heaving deeply.

"All done," I murmured against her neck, nipping lightly.

Ivy removed her bra the rest of the way. I watched her fling it to the side without a care. I didn't care where it landed, either. Ivy raised her palms, signaling that I should place mine over them, so I did. She pulled me close till my breasts were pressed against her back. We both moaned at the contact. I nearly swooned when she brought my hands flush against her bare breasts. She leaned her back against me as I palmed them and ran my fingers over the tight little buds. I kissed her temple, her jaw, and suckled her earlobe. She moaned out loud. Wanting to hear more of it, my mouth latched onto her neck.

"Ah!" She trembled against my body, and I smiled with pride into her neck, purring as I massaged her breasts.

"You like that?"

"Mmm, yeahhh."

I found myself debating which was more fun: her body or roller coasters—a ridiculous question, really, since both provided oodles of fun and excitement. With a silent promise to return to her breasts, I ran my hands along the slopes of her forearms, biceps, triceps and deltoids, rubbing, squeezing, massaging along with oohs and ahhs of wonderment. Her muscles were lean and taut, without an ounce of fat, I was sure, yet still her skin was incredibly silky, supple and warm. It felt so good to rub my breasts against her back just as my hands partied back on her chest. I wanted more. God, I was beyond turned on. I nipped the crook of her neck and nibbled my way to her shoulder, eliciting more gasps and whimpers. She was so responsive to my touch and my kisses, moaning with me, arching and molding her body against me. But it wasn't enough.

"Can I see you now?" I asked breathlessly. "Don't get me wrong. The view from behind is spectacular, but you deserve a full frontal inspection, too, you know."

"Do I, now?"

"Uh-huh. Pretty—" Whoosh! "—please?"

Holy wow! One minute I was nodding my head vigorously and the next minute I had a lapful of naked perfection. Her scrumptious legs settled on either side of my thighs. But before I could get a closer look, Ivy kissed me senseless. I had my eyes closed when she pulled back, and when I opened them my jaw dropped, hell, my tongue felt like it shriveled up, and my eyes practically popped out of their sockets as they darted all over the creamy, perky fullness staring me in the face. Like a woman dying of thirst, I drank in the sight of her. Ivy brushed her long, raven hair over her shoulder, giving me an unobstructed view of the works of art on her chest. Her breasts stood high and proud. I swallowed thickly at the sight of her nipples, sticking out like buttons begging to be pushed. My tongue poked out to moisten my lips, struck by a sudden an urge to swipe at them.

Whoa, how did my hands get there?

Apparently my fingers were operating of their own accord and decided to do the swiping first. Ivy's chest heaved as my pads of my fingers caressed her skin. My god, her flesh was warm and soft and silky and... and... so round and big!

My hands meandered down her sides, her middle piquing my attention next. Her abs boasted of hundreds of daily sit-ups, but were toned just right, without being heavily sculpted. (I had never really been a huge fan of six-pack washboards on a girl, and Ivy's firm tummy represented perfection.) Her belly button ring winked at me, and below that lay a neatly trimmed, designer-shaved patch of jet black hair over her mound. And I was proud to feel moisture glistening down her inner thighs. My gaze swept back up the way they came, only this time I made it up to her face. A look of molten heat greeted me.

"Do you have any idea how hard it's been for me not to ravish you?" Ivy asked, her voice now of a much lower timbre.

I swallowed deeply. I could only shake my head. I was too busy ogling, I might have even drooled. I reached up to wipe my mouth just in case. Just like that, I became Naked Ivy's Number One Fan, not that I wasn't already a fan of Non-Naked Ivy, but Naked Ivy was even better!

Oh my God, I sooo won the girlfriend lottery! Beneath all those curves and all that softness lay such incredible strength and raw power. She had such dainty looking hands and fingers that could clamp down around your neck and crush your windpipe so swiftly, you'd think you only imagined being alive until that last moment before the lights went out permanently. Her mind was as sharp as her fangs, and her body just as deadly.

Eat your heart out and die, Snow White. Ivy is not only the fairest, but the loveliest ass kicking, katana-wielding, smoking-hot badass of them all!

If I wasn't so rooted to the bed, I would have jumped for joy, clapped my hands and squealed, not to mention patted myself profusely on the back for my great fortune as I contemplated my proverbial deflowerment. Sitting here and staring at Ivy made me feel like a maiden on her First Lesbian Voyage, and I couldn't wait!

Ivy's body glistened with a fine sheen of perspiration, her skin unblemished but for a few scars that only served to make her look even more appealing. Superior genetics all around and sculpted to perfection, with all those curves in all the right places. It was so unfair, she was blessed everywhere!

"Am I?" she smiled coquettishly.

Woops, did I say that last thought out loud, too? My train of thought derailed when she gently pushed me down.

"Why don't you lie back and get comfortable, hmm?"

My heart pounded with excitement and anticipation as I scooted back on the bed toward the headboard, and soon the sexiest vampire on earth started crawling on all fours, stalking towards me like a tigress in heat. As she hovered over my body, for a moment, the tigress turned into a kitten.

"I love you so much, Rachel. I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy. Ecstatic, even." She wiggled her eyebrows.

A smile spread across my face. "Yeah, about that… are we ready to pick up where we left off?" I said coyly, "I've still got this little thing on." I grabbed her butt and ground my frill-covered pelvis against hers.

She chuckled. Her smile turned into a leer, but instead of being lecherous it was enticing. Her eyes roamed down my body as she murmured in that low voice that made me shiver, "Good point." Damn, she looked like she wanted to eat me alive. Goody! "But first..." Ivy reached for my charm necklace.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I batted at her hand and covered the necklace. Suddenly I felt completely naked and vulnerable. "What do you think you're doing?"

"You don't need it."

"Yes, I do. My hair, it's—"

"Gorgeous. I love your hair just the way it is without the charm." Her face softened. "Don't you see? You're one extraordinary, magical creature, Rachel Morgan. Don't you know how truly beautiful you are?" She placed her hand on top of mine gently. "Please?"

Grudgingly, I released the charm necklace, which she took off with care. Like a wildly spreading forest fire, my hair reverted to an untamed mess of curls, no doubt turning frizzy in some places. Yet, Ivy simply looked upon them with adoration and amazement. She reached for my charm ring next. "But—"

"I want to see all of you, Rachel, just as you are. Please don't hide your true self from me."

After a few moments, I nodded, sighing. As she slipped the ring off my finger, I looked away in embarrassment, knowing freckles began to dot my face and everywhere else. Again, all I could see in Ivy's face was a deep fondness. A single tear fell down my cheek. She wiped it with her thumb and leaned down to kiss me softly.

"I meant what I said. I love you, Rachel, and I want to love you completely. Just as you are."


At moments like this, I felt blessed to have heightened senses, because everything about Rachel filled me with delight. The way she looked, the way she smelled, the way she laughed, the way her body felt when I simply held her in my arms. Her heat, her skin, silky smooth against my hands. The taste of it upon my lips and tongue, dear God, my mouth couldn't get enough. I'd always wondered what redwood tasted like, since smell and taste were linked. It was... smoky, spicy, which was just as well, because the woman in my arms was sizzling hot, and I couldn't wait to have all of her. I moaned at the thought, which Rachel echoed. Music to my ears, like my favorite piece of jazz.

Years ago, when I got tired of wanting to strangle her back in our I.S. days, I had an epiphany. I came to realize that, in essence, Rachel was like a jazz musician.

Jazz had a little bit of structure around a core melody, then all else was fair game for improvisation, an exploration of music according to one's mood. I lived by rules and structure—things that I valued, but which also left me stifled and caged. Playing jazz made me feel liberated, it allowed me to deviate, to improvise in structured chaos, and I gloried in it.

My witch played everything by ear, so to speak. She knew what the rules were. She just didn't give a damn about them like I did. Instead, she bent the rules and followed her impulses, acted without hesitation, somehow doing what was right even when it all seemed so wrong. As much as her devil-may-care approach exasperated me, I envied her sense of freedom and admired her for getting results. Some days, somehow, things would work out in the end.

Then one day it finally hit me—it was like Rachel was playing jazz. I respected her for it, because it meant she always had a choice, a measure of control, even in the midst of chaos. Her good intentions and keen instinct bagged the baddies, protected the innocent and saved them, even when she received no credit. She followed her heart even when her judgment was suspect, even though her heart might cloud the truth.

Rachel had plenty of heart, bravado, and was one sexy, badass force to be reckoned with. And now, all of her was revealed to me, freckles and all, and she had never looked more beautiful.

And now I shall play with her body like a piano and make her come alive, drive her wild as my hands and lips roam all over. I'll make her sing a melody of moans and sighs, and climb with her to a crescendo so powerful that neither of us would be able to get up from here for a long, long while.

I kissed Rachel deeply, and in that kiss I poured all the love I felt for her, pure and unconditional. I loved her despite her mulishness and all her waffling. I desired her even though she thought of herself as physically inferior. What nonsense.

"Large breasts are overrated," I said, palming the smooth curve that filled my hand.

"Mmm. You're only saying that because you take yours for granted."

"Maybe, but I love yours. You know, they're just window dressing."


"Underneath is the biggest heart. Mine can't even compare." Rachel was about to protest, but I pressed my lips on her breast to get her attention. "This... the way it beats... this tells me so much about you. You wear your emotions in your eyes, on your face, but everything starts here. It tells me things you cannot hide, whether you're truly fine or if you're hurting, if you're worried, anxious, or simply excited." I leaned down and pressed my ear above her chest. "When you're happy, it beats loud and clear, it almost tickles when I hear you giggle because your heart beats so freely. Relaxed. Soothing... This is how I know the real you." I looked up and gazed at her. "And sometimes I... like to think that our hearts resonate. 'Cause I can feel what you feel."

"Oh Ivy." Rachel cupped my face, caressed my cheeks. "I never thought you'd turn out to be such a sweet talker."

"It's simply the truth." I kissed her softly. "You have no idea how truly ravishing you are, especially right now." I leaned down once more. Eyes closed, I rubbed my lips and cheeks against her luscious swells of flesh, loving the way her perspiration commingled with mine. "Your heart's beating wildly. It's mesmerizing." I inhaled deeply. "Intoxicating."

"Oh yeah?" The words came out breathlessly. Her eyes fluttered. "Why is that?"

"Because you're horny," I said matter-of-factly, prompting her to laugh. "Desire never smelled so sweet. I can almost taste it." Rachel whimpered. Her eyelids grew heavier, her eyes smoky, and her breathing grew deeper. It reminded me of what started all this. "So yes, I love your breasts." I gazed at the rock-hard tips, then bent down to show my appreciation. "See, I can hold them... kiss them... lick them... suck them... Mmmm, delicious." She gasped and moaned as I lavished them with affection again and again. "Sensitive." Kiss. "Responsive." Lick. "Perfect."

Groaning, Rachel dragged me up to her and kissed me hard. I settled on top of her body and sank into her softness and heat. Equally ravenous, I purred into her mouth. At last we were skin to skin everywhere. Well, almost. Rachel still had her panties left, and to my supreme satisfaction, they were soaking wet against my fingertips.

"Ivy, please!" she rasped as I stroked her flesh. "Take it off."

With a vigorous nod, I rained hot and wet kisses down her throat, the valley of her breasts, her nipples, the undersides, her abs, her navel. She squirmed and panted beneath me, moaning my name as she squeezed my scalp. One more lick and my hair was jerked backward. I hissed, and then my breath caught at the hunger shimmering in her eyes, a sea of green, or rather, like an evergreen forest in flames, burning with passion for me.

I licked my lips and gazed at her frilly panties, tracing the ruffles with reverence and yearning. At last one of my fantasies will come true.


I pressed my face against the frills, inhaling deeply. "You smell so good, Rachel."


She bucked up into my face as I nudged the material aside with my fingers to reveal the seat of her passion. Her clit throbbed and clenched against my nose as I nuzzled it. Her labia swelled as I kissed it, and a fresh wave of moisture gushed forth. Purring, I nuzzled even closer to get another whiff.

"God dammit, Ivyyyyyy!"

I glanced up and shot her a wicked, toothy grin. I bit down delicately on the elastic band and pulled. "Oh my. You shaved." Rachel flushed to the roots of her scalp. "Why, Miss Morgan, were you expecting some action after our date?"

"I... I... um..." Her face looked like a boiling teakettle about to burst with steam. She swallowed deeply. "Heh, well, I thought I'd take a page from your book for once."

"Oh?" My brow twitched upward, and my mouth quirked as my words from earlier were thrown back at me, so I threw hers right back. "And which page is that?"

"To always come prepared. You know, just in case." Though she blushed, Rachel managed an impish grin. "Besides, I had all this free time earlier and..." She shrugged.

"Come prepared, huh? You certainly deserve a reward for taking initiative." I chuckled, deep and throaty. "Don't worry, you'll be getting plenty of action soon enough." I took my merry time with her panties in my mouth, grinning all the way as I headed south. Her wetness, fragrant and divine, painted a trail as her panties brushed down her thighs. Rachel expelled her breath in one explosive sigh when finally it slid over her toes. I lifted her foot to kiss the arch softly, then caressed her calf with my fingers, peppered butterfly kisses on her ankle... her shin... her knee... and lapped up her essence along her inner thigh. Mmm, yeah. I parted her legs and positioned myself in between for a more thorough inspection, and soon the pads of my fingers hovered above her mons, drawing her full attention there. I ran my forefinger, ghosting over the smooth surface, earning a gasp. "Ohhh, Rachel. We are going to have so much fun together."

Rachel groaned and nodded morosely. "Fuuuck!"

"Exactly." For now, though I chose to refrain from taking her blood, I shall drink from the fount of her femininity. With one more kiss upon her mound, I murmured, "Will you let me taste you, Rachel?"


"Oh God, yes!" I rasped deliriously. Must she ask?

Ivy exhaled slowly. Her warm breath washed over me, sending goose bumps all over. She kissed my folds, soft and light, rubbed her lips across from side to side, and ran her tongue thickly along my slit.

"Ohmygod... Ivyyyy!"

She dipped her tongue lightly and traced my inner sanctum with the tip, and laved from the bottom up to my clit. I hissed sharply when she flicked it.

"Ohhh, yesss!"

Ivy french kissed my pussy. The soft sucking, slurping sounds further inflamed my lust. Quivering, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I sank into the bed, gripping the sheets. Oh God! Ivy raised her head to pin me with such a scorching gaze. She licked her lips slowly. I think I gushed.

"Mmmmm, you taste soooo goood, Rachel." The way she said that was like a long, drawn out moan. "Your fragrance... all around me, gods, it's like the most exotic perfume." She inhaled deeply and bent down to rub her face along moist flesh. "So wet, just for me?" She looked up. Her nose, and chin were glistening with my juices.

Holy fuck, she looked so hot like that. I could only nod.

Her tongue branded me. She licked me so good, my pussy clenched and throbbed. With every flick of her tongue she had me thrashing, moaning and mewling helplessly. I couldn't stand the torture even as I craved for it to never end. More moisture trickled out. Once again she rubbed her nose and cheeks against the wetness, slathering her face with it. I quivered all over, my whimpers rising in pitch, and for a delirious moment I wondered if she'd smeared her first birthday cake all over her face, too. My pelvis bucked up helplessly when she resumed licking, slurping. "Fuuuuck, Ivy!" My sexy vampire grasped my hips... then rolled me over! "Wait, I thought—"

"Not yet, my love. But I will, I promise you," she said as her sweat-slicked breasts glided up my back till she settled on top of me. As she kissed my shoulder, her hands reached under to palm my breasts.

"Ivyyyy." No budge. "God dammit, Ivy!"

"I have waited for this for years. You need to learn a little patience, witch."

"I need you! I need you now. Will you just—ah!"

She pinched my tender nipples, then ran her palms over them. "What, lick you here?" Her tongue slid up my non-scarred neck, making me hiss. "Kiss you here?" She nuzzled my hair aside, kissed and licked my nape, and ground her crotch against my ass. "Or put my mouth here?" She took my earlobe in her mouth and suckled. I groaned, my hands fisting on the sheets till my knuckles went white. "I want to taste all of you."

Memories of earlier flashed through my mind, and I felt as if she'd just licked my slit all over again. Except she wasn't doing that right nowwww. Argh! But the wench's hand found its way between my thighs, and as she licked and nibbled and suckled patches of my skin around my shoulder and neck, her fingers stroked my moist flesh. "Christ! Ivy, you're killing me here."

Trembling, my vampire moaned again as she rubbed her entire body against me while suckling my earlobe once more. Her moisture dribbled down to join my own between my legs. I could hear her taking a deep breath, no doubt basking in the scent of redwood and incense, an especially potent blend for her vampiric senses. With her hands and mouth, Ivy mapped my body, and for a while she seemed content to simply knead and touch me wherever she pleased, purring and sighing, as if committing it to memory. I realized then that even as she teased us both, she was marking me—rather thoroughly, I might add—and I was putty in her hands.

Her name came out in a tremulous warble from my lips, a desperate plea for mercy. How can she be so patient like this? My mind screamed in protest. What happened to all that pent up lust from years of being denied? I was about to voice this out when her next words came.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is for me not to ravish you right now?"

"Yes! No. Maybe..." My brows wrinkled. My brain was shutting down. All my energy was zeroing in on all my erogenous zones. "What?"

Ivy chuckled throatily against my ear. Her voice was impossibly low, sexy as hell and filled with wicked promise. "That's okay. Just feel."

She proceeded to kiss and lick her way down my spine, teeth grazing, teasing, while the tips of her fingers caressed in random patterns down my back, igniting nerve pathways, sending pleasure rippling in waves all over. I mewled and whimpered, squirming and gasping in delight, helpless against the onslaught. I was embarrassingly wet for her, and I ached and throbbed to feel her touch everywhere, inside and out.

Ivy mumbled something against the small of my back. Her lips and fingertips traced the curve of my butt cheeks. "God, I love these. So tight and sexy."

"Oh?" I managed to say. "Is that why you stared at them so much?" I sucked in my breath when I felt her nip me with her teeth. "I thought I had a target on my ass all the time."

"You might as well," she replied throatily. "Mmm, I love everything about you."

She showered kisses all over, nipping and licking till she found a particularly sensitive spot on one cheek. She stayed there for a while, her tongue swirling slowly till I screamed. God, it was so intense! It was a pleasure epicenter I never even knew existed. At last, she parted my legs and blew on my center, at once hot and cold. She laved the sides of my labia, not quite touching them. It was like her tongue was igniting a trail of gunpowder, and the pleasure crackled till I felt like exploding. If she didn't finish me off soon, I just might go off on my own!

She kissed down my legs—Jesus H. Christ!—worshipping them, sometimes tickling me. More nerve endings fired up, and just when I thought I really couldn't take it anymore, she gently rolled me over. I sighed with relief. Finally! But then she only stared intently at my sex. I almost screamed at her to just dive in and have at it already, but then her eyes flicked my way and shot me a look of pure heat.

"Are you ready?"

I nodded vigorously, unable to speak. That earned me yet another sensuous smile. I swallowed thickly.

Ivy ran her finger—a long one, oh yes—down my slit. She lifted her finger, and I could see my juices coating the entire length. She licked my juices from hilt to fingertip. My mouth went dry as I watched her take another dip, then let her finger slowly disappear into her mouth. Her eyes closed in rapture as she slowly sucked her finger.

"Mmmmm," she moaned.

I... sounded yummy, and I was more than happy to let her sample everything she wanted. I couldn't help but whimper each time my lady bits throbbed from the sounds of her enjoyment. "Ivy, please! I can't stand it."

"I love it when you beg. Please what, dear heart?"

"Your tongue." Jesus, why the hell was I making her talk? Listening to her made me want to come so badly, it was killing me. "Please, just lick me!"

And lick me she did. Ivy lavished my pulsating flesh with long, languid strokes, with kisses and nibbles. Her tongue swept up and down my slit... sideways... in circles... taking her time, moaning with me.

"Holy fuuu—" I groaned. "Sweet mother of..." Gasp. "Ivyyyy!"

I'd never had a lover who'd kissed me like this, and I had to admire her restraint. I felt the barely leashed passion in every brush of her lips, every sweep of her tongue. Ivy licked me like I was her favorite lollipop, as if I was the last piece of candy that she would ever taste and she wanted to enjoy every bit. Oh God. I shivered as Ivy's kisses intensified. The woman was an artist, a cunning linguist extraordinaire. Yessss! She suckled and licked me into submission. I arched up into her mouth with abandon and rocked against her face, silently begging for more. I writhed, helpless against the onslaught, wanting release, yet wanting her to go on and on till I completely lost my mind.

"You're sooo good!"

"Mmm." Ivy licked her lips. "You make it easy when you're so delicious." Ivy leaned in once more and claimed my pussy lips. She flicked her oh so talented tongue up my slit, gliding, sliding, and finally probing inside.


Sweet heaven, I could die happy right now! I grasped her head and gripped her hair, molding her face to me. "There... Oh God, yes! Like that."

Her finger moved to caress my perineum, that smooth little patch of flesh at the base of my slit, and for a brief moment I tensed, not knowing where she was going with that. Her fingertip trailed upward and teased my inner lips as she licked her way up to my clit and sucked. I hissed, groaned. Finally her fingertip delved deeper past the opening, slowly moving in an inch, then withdrawing just as slowly. She licked my flesh as she repeated the motion, and as her tongue increased pressure, her finger burrowed in just a bit more, till finally it settled in deep inside of me. I moaned breathlessly as she pressed her finger down.


She withdrew it once more, only to have a second finger join the trek back in. In and out she caressed me, sometimes pressing down. I felt full, as if I was taking in much more than just two slender fingers. Ohhh, it felt so good, the way she filled me. No one had ever touched me inside so intimately. It never felt this good when I touched myself. There were times when I wondered what it would be like to be filled and eaten out at the same time. Now I knew, and God, was it fucking fantastic!

Ivy continued to lick and probe. Then her mouth closed in on my clit once more, and as she started to suck, her fingers smoothly rolled up, the pads caressing spongy flesh, teasing and beckoning for me to come. I wanted it, too. I wanted to come for her. I could feel it building. My legs spread wider, my hips shot up, my neck and back arched. My moans reverberated across the walls.


She kept on rubbing. And sucking. The suction intensified. Suddenly a great wave of heat shot up my body to my chest, to my face. I screamed. I felt like my entire body was going to burst. Filled to the brim with pleasure, my core erupted. The dam broke, as if a tsunami thundered past, shattering walls and along with it, my sanity. I screamed her name over and over as the tides of pleasure crested and crashed. My fluids gushed as I rode the waves of ecstasy. I squeezed my eyes shut as my body quaked in violent spasms till I was finally spent. I sank on the bed in bliss.

"Oh my God," I said between pants. "Ivy...? Holy... wowww."

The vampire in question lifted her head and smiled at me, a look of supreme satisfaction painted on her face, along with a healthy dose of smugness. Yup, the vampire sure was proud of her handiwork. And licky-sucky work, hehe. I didn't mind her gloating. She earned it!

"Not bad, huh?"

I was too weak to do anything more than grin stupidly. Then I realized belatedly that her fingers were still buried inside me. Just when I thought she would remove them, she plowed back in. I gasped in surprise and pleasure. Then she bent down and licked my juices. To say that it was bountiful would be an understatement, which meant that she spent a long moment at her task, stoking the embers. I was still reeling from all that pleasure, so it didn't take much for me to have another mind-blowing orgasm. Then another. O... M... Geeee! I fell back exhausted, I almost felt almost comatose.

Ivy mumbled something.

"What?" I asked weakly, twitching. In a good way. Like, really good. Super duper, slap-me-silly good.

"I said," she replied in between licks, "I don't know which... I enjoy more... Your blood... or this."

Seemingly finished, she began to withdraw her fingers. My breath hitched as my walls gripped them. My pussy had a mind of its own, I swear! And apparently it didn't want them to go.

Ivy grinned from ear to ear. She left her fingers in and kissed the tops and the inside of thighs, made her way up to my navel, the undersides of my breasts, my nipples, my collarbone, till at last she claimed my mouth. I groaned as I tasted myself on her tongue. She settled atop my body, and I moaned anew at the feel of her all around me.

"Mmmmm," her throat rumbled against my neck.

"You can say that again."

She kissed my cheek then gazed at me, radiating such joy. I'll bet I looked the same. In fact, my cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so much. "I loved eating your pussy, Rachel."

"Lucky me. You tiger you. Rowrrr!" I giggled, smitten and giddy in her arms. I kissed her tenderly. "Thank you."

"Mmmmm, that was just the opening ceremony."


"Uh huh." Her brows wiggled, as did the fingers still inside me, and I gasped. "I love making you come."

"Dear me." My nose wrinkled, tickled at her playfulness. "Whatever will I do?"

I caressed her cheek, simply enjoying the moment, reveling in the silence that followed. Alas, I could only stay quiet for so long. "You're so beautiful."

"You're beautiful." I shouldn't have been surprised that she heard me whisper. She smiled at me with such fondness.

I leaned forward and pressed my lips upon hers, hungry for more of her. Caressing her sides, my tongue delved into her mouth. I tasted more of myself, reminding me of the passion we just shared.


"I want to..." My forehead creased as I paused to think, which was hard because I still felt rather stupefied by euphoria. I didn't know what I wanted exactly. I wanted her to make to make me come. I wanted to make her come, but I didn't know where to start. Jeez, I'm such a noob. And so gay for her. Suddenly I wanted to return the favor, but whatever it was that I wanted lay forgotten when Ivy's mouth traveled down my throat, licked the hollow, and found the skin above my hidden scars.

"Ah!" I hissed and arched into her.

She squeezed my mons in reflex. Her palm grazed my still tingling clit, and her fingers buried deeper inside. We both moaned. She growled against my ear, pulling at the lobe with her teeth. "I just had you and now I want you again."

Suddenly Ivy leaned back and began to remove her hand from inside of me. Her fingers slid out and I groaned at the loss. She sat on her haunches and proceeded to lick and suckle her fingers thoroughly. Oh God.

"I can't get enough of you," she said, licking her lips.

Hot damn. Well, I couldn't get enough of her. And her oh so talented mouth. Mm-hmm! "Well then, by all means," I purred, spreading my legs wider, somehow re-energized. I planted my feet on the bed and lifted my pelvis slowly. Her eyes followed the swaying motion. "The buffet is still open for business."

"I see." Her lips curled into a sexy grin. "You naughty girl."

My brows wiggled. "Just stating the obvious."


Little did my scrumptious little temptress know that I desperately needed to get some control back. It was a mistake to kiss her neck and tease the scars like that. Her blood had been pumping so much, and each time she climaxed, her blood sang to me like a mythical siren. It was more than I could bear. I knew that her blood, saturated with endorphins, would be at its sweetest now.

For years Rachel had put me to the test. Recently I thought I had reached a new level of self-control. I had finally learned to separate blood from sex. I was finally able to enjoy either one without desperately needing the other, and I had never been so proud of myself. With Rachel, I had always wanted both. I couldn't allow myself to relapse like some crack junkie. I had worked too hard to get this far.

As she lay there, I was so deeply touched by her complete trust. And so afraid. Everything I'd ever wanted, everything I'd ever dreamed of with this woman was right here, right now, and I could finally taste it. I just had to be patient and not take it all at once.

My lust warred with whatever romantic fantasies I held about taking her gently. God, how I wanted to ravish her, devour her, possess her completely. I wanted to bite her, to feel once more what she called the merging of our auras. Had she felt anything like I had felt then? Serenity. Completeness. That last time, her trust and utter surrender overwhelmed me, and with her acceptance I felt such a profound feeling of warmth envelop my entire being. Oh, how I still craved it after all this time.

Oh Rachel. My dearest love, the keeper of my heart, the guardian of my soul.


The beast inside wanted to dominate and claim the witch completely, wanted her to crave me, to beg me to touch her, taste her, bite her. I wanted it all, as I always have and probably always will. And as I watched her eyes glaze with desire, I started to lose myself in them, remembering every keening yet commanding sound from her lips, every clutch of her hands, arms and legs, every grope, every squeeze. God help me...

Still, I wanted to prove to her—and to myself—that I was fully capable of making love without sharing blood. One day, perhaps we could finally share both, but I knew that I had to take it slow. That she was letting me make love to her now was a huge victory in and of itself, and I wasn't about to jeopardize my chances by losing control. Rachel deserved the best loving I could give, so I would try my damnedest to rein in the beast.

I would do anything for her. I would do anything to make her want me with blinding fervor, and I would draw it out of her. This is my vow.

Armed with renewed determination, I set forth with my plan. I closed my eyes and took several, deep, calming breaths to slow my heartbeat, and willed my libido into stillness even as our mingled scents flowed through me.

Focus, Ivy. We've made love for loving's sake. We can do it again. I can do this!

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her. Her brows rose, probably in surprise and maybe a little confusion. I'd practiced in front of a mirror numerous times, so I knew and felt that my pupils were far less dilated, though not completely back to their natural state.

"Ivy? Is everything alright?

"Yeah. I was just thinking."


"How I've wanted you for so long. I finally get to touch you like this... to hear you..."

"I never knew I could want you this badly." Rachel sat up and took my face in her hands. "You're an amazing lover, you know that? I think I'm addicted."

I smiled as I welcomed her embrace, her seeking mouth, her heat, elated that she wanted more. As we kissed, I made sure not to tempt fate by getting close to her throat, so I took a different route. I gently pushed her back down on the bed, and with one last kiss I sat back up and straddled her leg. I palmed her thigh to reassure her.

"Don't worry, we're not close to being done." I lifted her other leg and began to plant lingering kisses along the arch of her foot, her ankle, shin, and the side of her calf, drawing hisses and goose bumps. I placed her ankle over my shoulder and caressed her entire leg.

"Mmm, that feels good."

Rachel's hips rose in reflex. So I scooted forward and pressed my clit against hers.

"Whoa!" Rachel gasped. "Wow, that's..."

Whatever else she had to say was forgotten as she closed her eyes and moaned out loud. Her neck and back arching as I slowly undulated and brushed her clit with mine, the wet, squelching sounds inflaming me.

"Tell me how you feel," I said, voice raspy.

"Amazing! I... unh... it's like... we're French kissing. Ohhh." Her eyes were glazed with pleasure, green pools darker and richer than I had ever seen. So sexy.

I bit my lip and keened. It was so intense. "I've wanted to kiss... this most intimate part of you... with the most intimate part of me."

"Ivyyyy." A guttural moan escaped her throat.

"No one will ever kiss you like this."


"No one will ever love you like I do, Rachel," I growled, glorying in the way Rachel arched and grinded herself against me. "No one. Only me."


Sensation overload. "Yessss, come for me Rachel. Let me see you break."

Desire, love, gratitude, relief, elation, exaltation. I almost felt unglued as all these erupted and rained down like rockets, sparking an exquisite fire that set me ablaze me from inside and out. Spontaneous combustion. My witch on a pyre, I thought deliriously, as ecstasy engulfed us both.

"Ivy. Ivy!"

My heart soared as her body gripped me. I felt so close to her that tears streaked down my cheek. Such sweet bliss, unlike any other. Only one thing could make this moment more perfect, could make me feel more whole, but I was willing to wait.

Next thing I knew, I was sprawled atop Rachel's body, her arms and legs wrapped around me. Both of us were gasping for breath. I kissed her cheek and sighed, hugging her tightly as I rolled onto my back, taking her with me, finally spent. We lay like this for a while, enjoying the afterglow.

"Oh my God. Ivy... That was intense... Incredible. Just... wow."

"Agreed." I smiled against her temple. "Rest up, darling. I'm not done with you yet."


Ta dah! I hope you enjoyed Chapter Sexin, er, Seven! :D

This chapter was a challenging exercise in granularity, as in level of steamy details. I debated quite a bit on whether to go with "less is more", a more subtle and poetic approach. But then, the more vocal ones of you demand all the juicy details anyway and I can't help but oblige because, let's face it, I love to indulge in all that sexy goodness! Which of course caused extra delay because each time I, um, fleshed out steamy scenes, my brain often refused to cooperate. What can I say, imagining these two can cause utter befuddlement. It took so many tries to find coherence! XD Anyway, I'm hoping that I succeeded in delivering, er, some sort of poetic raciness, LOL. :P You be the judge, eh?

I'm hoping to conclude this story "soon". Could be 1-2 more chapters, but I can't say for certain because my stories have a habit of taking a life of their own. (I thought this was just going to be 5 chappies!) Till next time...